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Kyonko Hizara
I got the Lil' Red skin for Scylla so I got a free odyssey chest. Surprisingly, it spit out something I wanted. It gave me the voice pack for Kuku.
- L A U R A -
So many people are scared of playing ranked because they could get stomped (especially 1v1). There are 2 kinds of 1v1 players, the ones that play for fun, the others (just look at Mexxtex) that try to win no matter what (Backdoor, Cheese, literally spamming games). Since the new queue system I started playing on my other level 30 acc Redàlice to get shorter queues and easy matches. And against conq ranked, I by myself get bored at picking/banning.

I own everything in the game except recolors. Some exceptions are Golden/Diamond He Bo, Diamond Merc. I rarely buy Gold skins, more likely I'll buy a Legendary or Diamond skin. It's really easy to get gems with tournaments/free gem days/giveaways on twitch. My friend in Smite gave me 8000 gems on my birthday so I just bought most of the skins in chests with them.

Someone promoting osu! while servers went potato ;)

I'm not a big fan of ranked because it is a stressful environment and people get extremely upset over the tiniest minuscule mistake.

I didn't go into ranked on LoL until 3 years after I hit level 30 in that game.
Someone posted this on the smite forums a couple days ago. Pretty cool signiture creator.

Only shows conquest for now though. :(
- L A U R A -
My stats overall are really bad. When I see stats pages that combine all modes I cringe since Joust 1v1 destroys everything. Recently saw a lot more hackers in Smite. Wezired/Symzer got banned (thanks god, his autoaim was a pain to go against, so were his wallhacks...).
Speed hacking is back too I think.
I remember when this was a problem last time and it was really annoying.

Hopefully a lot more bans will be issued out this time.

Also 2 free Fenrir skins for overwolf right now? Too bad I own them already! LOL
Kyonko Hizara
Rollin in the Christmas Nu Wa skin :U

I bought 3 of the Christmas chests and was hoping for the Hel skin, Nu Wa skin, and the loading boarder. I got all 3 and I'm so happy I didn't get a skin I'd never use.
I was going to buy the Hel skin until I realized it was 500 gems... why?

It was 5500 favor back in closed beta and I REALLY regret not buying it back then.
- L A U R A -
I think the Hel skin should be cheaper since it's quite lackluster compared to the other current Christmas skins. Not that it is bad, just compare it to the Nu Wa or Sylvanus skin.

Ao Kuang got nerfed already, I didn't see a problem with him. He had 1 way to deal damage that was easily countered (his 2) and his execute is quite weak (you can beads, aegis etc.). His Attack Progression was quite sick (kinda like Kali) maybe they could have changed that.

Atleast Vamana got the nerf he deserved (at his ulti, instead of 140 free physical power 100), he just encouraged stacking defense and then getting 1 crit item.
Kyonko Hizara
Everyone was complaining how if you aren't watching yourself, then Ao could use activate his 2 and completely take them down. It's not really the matter that he himself was strong, it's that people are pissy that he was super strong if you build him right.
Beads and Aegis literally counters every god in the game. That's how broken those actives are.
Every "how to counter X god?" thread I see on the smite forums has "buy beads, aegis, magi's and GG" reply in it.

Problem is you can not nerf those actives in any significant way without tipping the table and making some gods ridiculously broken. About 10-12 gods would have to be nerfed before you can get to addressing those actives.
Kyonko Hizara
With all these free gems again I keep going up against really good ranked players in Arena and I can't win anything ;_;

At least Awilix is fun.

Maybe if I had people to play with I'd play more. The clan I was in barely plays anymore.
I'm mostly burned out on Moba's after playing dota, LoL, Dota 2 and Smite for about 7 combined years now.
I've always played Smite rather casually. Closed beta player that isn't even level 30.

I had a couple of friends that I played this game with earlier this year but they quit for WoW's new expansion (I'm guilty of this too).
Honestly I would be down for a couple of arena games a night if I had people to play with. Problem is I never idle smite so I would need to add people on a messenger program like skype so they can bug me to play. LOL
- L A U R A -
Smite is the game I mainly play lately, next to some Civ5, Touhou and maybe osu if my connection has problems. The main Problem right now is MM is in a "test" phase. It keeps me and a lot of other friends from queueing if you aren't in a premade. Just as example:

Stone of gaia on a god with selfheal in Siege is bad. Well, not the worst thing ever I guess...

The Kulkulkan just went full lemon. These 2 players have less games together then half of my wins. And this isn't rare... if they wouldn't feed their brains out I don't care about what they build. I went 14/5 while my friend went 13/4 and we both had more then double their damage.
The issue I have with smite right now is mostly not having anyone to play it with.

I also hate the super burst CC chain meta right now. Can they just remove Serqet from the game already? I've already accepted that the MM in this game will probably always be bad so that isn't really an issue with me anymore.

Also no lifeing WoW WoD right now isn't helping me get motivated to play again either. LOL
Kyonko Hizara
I bought $24.99 worth of gems and even after the payment was complete I had to contact support so maybe they'll give me my gems.

It's a digital shouldn't be that hard to complete it.
What method did you use to buy gems?

Even with my debit/credit card it sometimes takes about an hour or 2 to process.
- L A U R A -
Hmm they sometimes take long. I have to wait like 3-4 days after a tourney until HiRez pays the gems. Normally transactions with Paypal and Paysafe were quite fast.
From my experience with tournies on other games it has always taken forever to get the rewards. Took blizzard a couple of weeks to give me my reward for some random SC tourny a few years back. Took Riot 4 months to finally give me my Triumphant Ryze skin.
Kyonko Hizara

Vulf wrote:

What method did you use to buy gems?

Even with my debit/credit card it sometimes takes about an hour or 2 to process.
I did Paypal. Because of the rush to buy gems to get the free ones I had to contact the payment site for them to put through my order.
The new map looks pretty cool.

- L A U R A -
Maybe I'll play more Conquest more. It looks better, I hope the meta will switch. It just got boring for me, Siege is cool though.

I hope they don't implement the new buff leech functions into Joust. It's one of the changes I don't like.
Leech? You mean the health no longer resetting when the AI attack tether range is broken?

Yeah I really dislike that change because it's going to make leashing in conquest 100% mandatory or you will fall behind the other jungler. This mechanic is a straight rip from how the leashing is done in LoL. I really like how leashing is not mandatory in Smite or it's a team commitment to kill the furies or the level 1 buff at the start. Now you are going to start seeing mids auto once and walk away and get free exp with no effort.

Dumb change. Inb4 the blue buff is moved directly next to the mid lane so mages start taking that at level 1. If this game becomes LoL v2 I will definitely be quitting and not looking back because seriously fuck LoL and it's stupid mechanics and lazy ass devs.
- L A U R A -
Yep thats what I was meaning lol. Honestly I don't think it will be the worst change ever, just easy to invade which lets me want this change less in joust since it's so invade and contest heavy. people already split exp as much as possible. That is what makes me dislike items like Watchers Gift and Bumbas. They encourage to just afk farm, sit next to stuff and get free exp.

What bothers me is the mass of CC in this game and how most of them just get countered by beads. I'd really like more skills that get countered in different ways and require reaction similar to how Stop Time works (slow followed by stun if the slow hits; means you can sprint if you are fast enough).

People think way too high of Ao Kuang since the swc and most of them feed their brains out. Same with Osiris and Scylla.
Beads and even magi's has needed an extremely severe nerf for a very long time now. Those items are so broken that newer stuff (even older gods) is pretty much balanced around the fact those items exist in the game so you can't just nerf them without adjusting about a dozen other Gods. It's one of those things that is "oh it will be fine since we have beads to deal with it" kind of problem.

Also as I mentioned previously and still is a recurring problem is beads should not in any circumstance render any God 100% useless or nullify a significant portion of their kit.. This doesn't apply to many gods but it's still there.

Honestly the CD could probably go up a bit until Hi-Rez deals with the other issues that item has caused. It should not have the same CD as most ults do in this game. It should be something you pick up because you are having issues with being focused or targeted with CC's often not something that basically trumps every other active in the game aside from aegis which has it's own set up problems. In other words it's pretty much a safe pick up on every god in every match in virtually every situation.

Anyways I tried to play some games on Smite today but it kept kicking me out of the god select screen which resulted in my goodwill going to zero for the first time in over a year :(. After that happened about 3 times I gave up and ran dungeons on WoW. lol
I've been trying to play this game these past days.
But sadly the closest server near my country is in Australia. Meaning my Ping is kinda wonky.

This is pretty annoying since I really love the game.
especially reading about the lore.
Yeah ping in this game is very important since pretty much everything is a skill shot.
US server is on the east coast somewhere so it's going to be brutal for Asians and Australians.

My primary duo queue buddy is from Singapore and his average ping was around 280+ which made the game incredibly frustrating for him after awhile until he quit.
- L A U R A -
Well lately, since I'm not at home rip ping aswell :/ I accidently queued Australia once and played a Conquest match at 600 ping, was a lot of fun.
Most people I know just play easy gods when they have high ping (Bastet, Nu Wa, He Bo, Kulkulkan, Mages in general) instead Hunters, Chronos etc.


- L A U R A - wrote:

I get games like that all the time and I feel really bad afterwards too. I really do not like stomping inexperienced players. :(

Im always looking for more people to play Smite with. Ad me ign-SpartanxGunnerx :)
I'll add you when the servers come online or when I get around to getting online. I actually don't play often but enough i guess.

Anyways season 2 hype!

Sirus wrote:

Im always looking for more people to play Smite with. Ad me ign-SpartanxGunnerx :)
i just started playing so i need meta help. ill add you if you can helps teh nub like me ;P

Tasteyy wrote:

i just started playing so i need meta help. ill add you if you can helps teh nub like me ;P
You can ask anything here. I've been playing since closed beta and I am pretty sure Laura (liimo) has gone pro at this point.

My ign is Vulf. Same as the one I use on osu
I'm gold 5 so I can help a bit
I didn't see it in the patch notes but did they change base movespeed on some gods? Fenrir feels extremely slow and sluggish for me now.

Vulf wrote:

I didn't see it in the patch notes but did they change base movespeed on some gods? Fenrir feels extremely slow and sluggish for me now.
Yeah I switched around a lot of the gods I play, I dropped Vulcan and Apollo and picked up Osiris and anhur
I just checked for Fenrir. 370 base post and pre patch.

It felt really slow in one game because this Thor was able to easily out run me even when I used sprint. We had the same movespeed as well.

Vulf wrote:

I just checked for Fenrir. 370 base post and pre patch.

It felt really slow in one game because this Thor was able to easily out run me even when I used sprint. We had the same movespeed as well.
Weird, did he use the curse active?
You were in the game with me. lol ... =134420726

I wish replays were available for every game so I can just watch it and see what happened.

Anyways I am really not liking the removal of the physical CDR boots. Was a core item in my tank Fenrir build. Having 40% CDR with just boots and Jotuns was really freakin good on him. Now I have to get a stacked ancile which is really not very optimal for support. =\
- L A U R A -
They removed movement speed from Witchblade :/ So sad...

And started to try out ranked because duo queue - first two games were alright, then suddenly 2 afks on my team. We were winning, but those 2 were just feeding and were like NOPE IMA QUIT.
Or they are like "Nooo I'll mid because I'm silver 3 conquest league and you are qualifying". - When I have 4 times their games and belong to the top 200 joust players worldwide elowise... I guess you are right with your silver 3 rights and not even half of my joust elo q.q

I really hate if you have teams that never push towers. People that have 0 structure damage (unless a guardian support, but even then ._.)

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