
LM.C. - 88 (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on venerdì 23 aprile 2010 at 19:36:30

Artist: LM.C.
Title: 88 (TV Size)
Source: Katekyo Hitman REBORN!
Tags: Akira Amano lepidopodus Kuroneko-sHerald
BPM: 175
Filesize: 13122kb
Play Time: 01:22
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4,43 stars, 173 notes)
  2. Insane (4,95 stars, 281 notes)
  3. Kuro Easy (0,86 stars, 46 notes)
  4. Normal (3,56 stars, 128 notes)
  5. Taiko Oni LEPIDON! (5 stars, 462 notes)
Download: LM.C. - 88 (TV Size)
Download: LM.C. - 88 (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
4? Opening from Katekyo Hitman REBORN!
[Kuro Easy] (Guest's Easy) by Kuroneko-sHerald.
[Normal], [Hard], [Insane] by me, tmokb93.
[Taiko Oni LEPIDON!] (Guest's Taiko Hard) by lepidopodus.

Thanks to Garven for the hitsounds. ;)
There are Taiko no Tatsujin authentic map exist for this song, and TV size is just same as Taiko cut so it can be full-authentic. I can make quite fast because I already mapped before though unsubmitted. Are you interested?
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Okay :3
Well, I used my own offset for this, but when you set right offset, change it please.
(and taiko map starts about one beat faster than easy, so please consider it when you set offset.)

Oni is hard for begginers and this is ★X8 so not easy. If you want easier diff, inform me. I have also have authentic Muzukashii(hard).

Oh, and you can change the name of the diff anyway you want.

Download: LM.C. - 88 (TV Size) (tmokb93) [lepidon! - Taiko Oni].osu
IRC mod :O
Doing hit sounds again, though not feeling it as well this time around. Here's a peek to see if you like where it's going or not.

Okay, done. Re-download the other two, as I made a couple changes. As usual, feel free to change them up to however you see fit.

Download: LM.C. - 88 (TV Size) (tmokb93) [Normal].osu

Download: LM.C. - 88 (TV Size) (tmokb93) [Hard].osu

Download: LM.C. - 88 (TV Size) (tmokb93) [Insane].osu
Another Katekyo Hitman REBORN! But it is better then Funny Sunny Day :P Starred

mks wrote:

Another Katekyo Hitman REBORN! But it is better then Funny Sunny Day :P Starred
Nothing more. :D
bar-dividing lines(or measure dividing lines) in taiko map misplaced orz
so I set uninheritted timing section at 2,070
it's just exactly 3 beat later than 1,042, so it doesn't affect to actual timing.
If you change offset or BPM or having trouble with this, please call me.

Download: LM.C. - 88 (TV Size) (tmokb93) [Taiko Oni LEPIDON!].osu
The spacing between combos is very inconsistent. I know you meant to make it look like that, but still.
00:59:670 (3,4,5) - tbh this kind of spacing is generally looked as wrong, instead of intuitive.

Awesome map, compared to you-know-what. P:
hope this will be ranked soon :D
[Mod Infos]

Azure: Suggestions.
Blue: You should fix this.



  • • Offset 1050 (resnap all notes)
    • Elimina l'osb
    • Ci sono troppi comboburst, eliminane qualcuno (lasciane solo 4)
    • Aggiungi un preview point in tutte le diff


  • • 01:07:564 (4,5) - Spacing


  • • Non mi piace per niente lo spacing: ci sono troppi cambiamenti di spacing improvvisi (e nosense imo).
    - 00:02:413 (5,6)
    - 00:05:155 (5,6)
    - 00:13:384 (1,2,3,4)
    - 00:16:984 (4,5)
    - 00:27:613 (2,3) [avvicinali un pochino]
    - 00:39:099 (1,2)
    - 00:39:613 (1,2)
    - 00:50:756 (3,4)
    - 00:58:127 (11,12)
    - 01:04:984 (3,4)
    - 01:06:184 (8,1,2)
    - 01:09:099 (3,4,5,6)
    - 01:13:556 (6,1)
    - 01:21:956 (1,2)

    • 00:20:584 (5) - New combo
    • 00:35:327 (8) - ^
Star + diff (se non la aggiungi non fa niente XD)

Download: LM.C. - 88 (TV Size) (tmokb93) [Kuro Easy].osu
Topic Starter

Kuroneko-sHerald wrote:

Star + diff (se non la aggiungi non fa niente XD)

[attachment=0:e8ba5]LM.C. - 88 (TV Size) (tmokb93) [Kuro Easy].osu[/attachment:e8ba5]
aggiunta! ma ricorda di mettere gli hitsounds :P
Ops :oops: Completemente dimenticati.

Ecco la versione fixata :D

Download: LM.C. - 88 (TV Size) (tmokb93) [Kuro Easy].osu
As offset changes, second uninheritted section (which is for bar-dividing lines) should be change, so fixed.

Download: LM.C. - 88 (TV Size) (tmokb93) [Taiko Oni LEPIDON!].osu

  • • Aggiungi Kuroneko-sHerald nelle tags di tutte le diff
[Kuro Easy] (dovresti chiamare la diff Kuro's Easy)

  • • 00:55:907 (1) - Fai finire questo spinner qui 00:58:307
    • 01:07:221 (3) - New combo
    • 01:14:078 (1,1) - Non mi piacciono questi due spinner consecutivi, eliminali e crea qualcos'altro
    • 01:22:992 (1) - Fai finire lo spinner qua 01:25:907 (come nelle altre diff)

xxheroxx wrote:

[Kuro Easy] (dovresti chiamare la diff Kuro's Easy) C'è un motivo per il nome.

  • • 00:55:907 (1) - Fai finire questo spinner qui 00:58:307 Fatto.
    • 01:07:221 (3) - New combo Fatto.
    • 01:14:078 (1,1) - Non mi piacciono questi due spinner consecutivi, eliminali e crea qualcos'altro Fatto.
    • 01:22:992 (1) - Fai finire lo spinner qua 01:25:907 (come nelle altre diff) Perché? A me piace così D: Semmai lo modificherà tmokb93
Download: LM.C. - 88 (TV Size) (tmokb93) [Kuro Easy].osu
set a preview point in this diff.

00:57:449 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - this spacing is unintuitive.
01:08:764 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - bad spacing especially the 4-5 jump and 5-6.
I find this small spacing for 1/2 beats to be very unintuitive when playing. I recommend making the entire spacing slightly bigger (except for the current jumps). I fought it was fine on my first playthrough but the more I play it the weirder I find it to play... Maybe it's just me XD

00:33:278 (1,2,3,4,5) - I expected this to be 1/2 beats so i recommend either stacking them or changing the entire spacing of the map as stated above.
00:35:335 (1,2,3,4,5) - unintuitive spacing
00:38:764 (1,1,2,1,2) - ^
00:42:364 (1,1,2) - ^
00:55:221 (2,3) - ^

sorry I didn't catch this the first time
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mrtn wrote:

00:38:764 (1,1,2,1,2) - ^
I think this is almost intuible is a zig-zag D:
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Had to pop due to an oversight.
Bub repair.
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