
Super Smash Bros. 4

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Super Armor is a state in which your character can't flinch/get sent flying from any attack (Giga Bowser and Mega Lucario are perfect examples of this). The fact that Warlock Punch (Ganondorf's default Neutral B) is already so powerful is just... yeah...

The reason why I say partly is because that attack can still be interrupted.

EDIT: Interview with the announcer (LOUD INTRO WARNING!):


Blazevoir wrote:


Super Armor is a state in which your character can't flinch/get sent flying from any attack (Giga Bowser and Mega Lucario are perfect examples of this). The fact that Warlock Punch (Ganondorf's default Neutral B) is already so powerful is just... yeah...

The reason why I say partly is because that attack can still be interrupted.
Oh. Neat! I like! xD
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"Collected every type of custom outfit! Your body is ready!"

I'm dying.
I saw that in a Nintendo Life article. Too bad those are just as annoying to get (if not, worse) than the custom specials >_>
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Having played Online for the first time now, I need to say that I'm really sad about Online being absolutely broken. I wish it worked.

Static Noise Bird wrote:

Having played Online for the first time now, I need to say that I'm really sad about Online being absolutely broken. I wish it worked.
It works, it just depends on the players' internet connections.

EDIT: Something that happened yesterday with one of my friends:

Click here if you don't get what's going on
Apparently if Wario uses his default Down Special (probably might work with the customs as well) AFTER being attacked/tossed, the game counts it as being launched by another player.

My friend and I literally laughed our sides off after this happened XD
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I somehow got a score of 176k in Smash Run (with Rosalina, btw).


Also, has anyone finished Classic with Difficulty 9? Also what in the world does "Clear Classic with difficulty 9.0 or higher" mean?
Smash Bros 4 DLC is coming out increasing the Risk meter to 12.

(Not really, I'm sure we would all die.)
I managed to beat it at 9.0 with Lucario after fighting at the lower Intensities and all phases of Master Core so much. Honestly, most--if not, a majority--of the attack patterns are predictable once you've seen them all.

EDIT: SSB 3DS Themes (Japan-only at the moment):

I actually like the 4th one's appearance, but the music and SFX for it ruin it for me :/ I'll probably get the 1st (if/when these come out overseas), though.

Justykanna wrote:

Finally got around to playing for a bit today. Really enjoying the game - after getting used to the controls.
Don't have everyone unlocked yet, but my favourites are probably:
-Toon Link: Feels the same as before for the most part. Seems to recover from his throw a little quicker.
-Falco: His front-B and B feels like it goes a shorter distance, which annoys me a little.
-Kirby: Love him. Still not a fan of his front-B but that just means one less move to use.

Still haven't unlocked Ganandorf so I haven't been able to try him... looking forward to him and Lucina.
Played a lot in the past week.
-Falco: I feel like his smash is really sluggish... When I see an opportunity for a kill, it's just too slow to act.
-Lucina: Probably my favourite since I unlocked her. I don't like that her aerial attacks (aside her down-A) have close to no punch to them though.
-Ness: I actually like how he plays now. All three of his smash attacks have more kick to them for sure (though his front-A has a short reach). Just have to get used to the fact that his PK Thunder doesn't turn the same way as Lucas' did from Brawl... because that's what I'm used to!
-Charizard: Am I the only one who keeps using his Front-B when I want his Down-B? I've flown right off the edge more than once using it when I wanted Down-B. >_>
Topic Starter
Just a quick, uninteresting thing here, don't mind me.

Took me exactly 180 final battles to "fight in every type of Smash Run final battle". Didn't know that was considered a milestone before receiving it, but damn.

Did You Know?: That's 15 hours of Smash Run, not counting the final battles which most of the time last exactly a minute. Which would be around 3 hours more.

Lovely. Incredible. Ridiculous. The More You Know.

I should move to Classic and Stadium modes.
I'm really annoyed there isn't an option to pick which type of final battle you want similar to one of the hidden options in Kirby Air Ride's City Trial ._.

EDIT: Well... I know which track I'm picking for FD from now on (aside from Brawl's original FD):

EDIT 2: To anyone planning to download SSB Wii U, please read this.
Trash Boat
17 GB what the...?
Don't forget that SSBB went way over the limit to the point where they had to use a dual-layered disc. Also, considering the amount of content over all the past games and even the 3DS version PLUS the fact that it'll be all in HD, I'm not surprised about the size.
AWWW YEAH NOW I GOT THE NEW SMAAAASHHHHHHHHHH ONE OF THE LAST 2 COPIES AT TARGET WHEEEEESNAAAWWW. I got it a while ago.... ahhahah Anyone wanna play sometime? I might have slow internet or something..... ahahha :lol:
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I do have a horrible internet connection, so probably not. Though spectating works just fine.
Spectating only uses sever replay data, not live play.
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Lol what wow.

That would explain it perfectly.
Trash Boat

Blazevoir wrote:

Don't forget that SSBB went way over the limit to the point where they had to use a dual-layered disc. Also, considering the amount of content over all the past games and even the 3DS version PLUS the fact that it'll be all in HD, I'm not surprised about the size.
oh yeah, now they are using Blurays :P

Blazevoir wrote:
I like how your main role as Little Mac is edgeguarding with your aerials and side b-ing is your best initiation tool.


The sad part is that amongst those that suicide themselves on For Glory and tilting the chart down; are also pretty good ones that play him like an actual boxer, staying inside the ring and have patience.

I'm glad that Sakurai might consider nerfing his punches down since he's a tad too powerful on the ground and beyond helpless in the air.
While this is the way to play him and the thing that actually defines LM it's too unbalanced for the part that casuals want to try out LM aswell and pretty much get lured/baited out off the stage from his initial sweetspot (which is the center of omega stages)

At least the stages do not have a Battleflied version since that would pretty much makes it one of the worst stages for LM to be on.

Good representation of where LM is useful:
My brother uses Little Mac and I can't beat him at all... >_> So annoying.
My characters are too slow! D=
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That's probably why I've started using Zero Suit Samus a lot lately.

Rosalina is still #1 bae though, and Kirby is easily the best in Smash Run. Down B spam for the victory.

Static Noise Bird wrote:

That's probably why I've started using Zero Suit Samus a lot lately.
That's another character I don't like fighting. Paralyze forever... -_- Though he doesn't actually use her B all that much.
Welp... time to find 7 friends:

EDIT: The 1.04 patched has been released for SSB 3DS. PLEASE remember that:

- You won't be able to connect with those that have 1.03 and older.
- ALL replay data you saved prior to this patch will be completely useless due to character balancing (so naturally, the game can't replicate the old stuff with the new data).

EDIT 2: Some links of interest:

I mainly use The Villager but I am better at Ness for the Wii version.... ahahha :lol:

Gee, thanks Nintendo. Too bad the "nearest" one from where I live is like 1 1/2 hours away, and I can't even order online ._.

Blazevoir wrote:
Yeah, there's been reports of Amiibos being exclusive to retailers, it's almost not even funny when you live on the edge of society and the next city is a few miles away.

I mean i understand that Nintendo want to make things more exciting to achieve but figures like Lucario and Shulk's gonna be difficult for people to obtain who doesn't have either Toys'R'Us or Gamestop available nearby.
Those -retailer exclusives- probably are going sell pretty pricey on Ebay/Amazon later since Nintendo said they wanted to run Amiibos on a limited stock as of for now.
Topic Starter
We don't even have anything called Best Buy here.

The only Toys R Us is pretty close to where I live, but if you live on the other side of the city, good luck. I don't know how many of those other cities have, though.

Blazevoir wrote:

Gee, thanks Nintendo. Too bad the "nearest" one from where I live is like 1 1/2 hours away, and I can't even order online ._.
i want the lucario one too :<

this "exclusive" thing is pretty annoying because i never go to toys r us...

_sparky_ wrote:

this "exclusive" thing is pretty annoying because i never go to toys r us...
Or Best Buy (and Target, for that matter)... *sigh*
Trash Boat
accord to the website, the Wii U version should be available... (watches clock) right now.
Was facing my brother with Lucario vs Fox the other day... am I the only one who finds it stupid that his (Lucario's) front-B is reflectable? -_-
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For everyone who has SM4SH WiiU now and consider collecting as many Amiibos as you can:
Lootcrate partners up with Nintendo (or rather the other way around) and created an Amiibo Loot Crate that sends 10 pre-selected figures to all subscirbers.

To quote: wrote:

By signing up for an “amiibo Subscription Service,” subscribers will receive 10 pre-selected amiibo (including Mario, Pikachu, Donkey Kong, Fox and Yoshi) separated into three special Loot Crate shipments throughout the holiday season without ever having to leave their homes.
<source> <official lootcrate page>

Note that you'll pay a monthly subscription of 30$ per month and they plan on putting around 3 amiibos per crate they send off.
This is already a huge steal for your buck as amiibos run on a limited stock as i earlier mentioned so if the demand is great (which i highly presume given how many peple it targets; collectors, smash-fans and casuals alike) and your luck is high (if you're given one of the limited amiibos) you can save a lot of money while also receiving some other goodies along your amiibos.

With this said; i highly recommend anyone to buy figurines they think will run on a limited production as those will be pretty much rare to obtain later in less than a year from now on

If you're a collector of things it's highly advised to have a look out for amiibos such as Marth, WFT and Villager as those 3 will run on a limited stock.

Nintendo also launched an official amiibo website

Also, is this just an mistake or why is Marth's amiibo page say it's also compatible with Hyrule Warriors?
Edit: Nevermind the page is still pretty early on it's launch so the staff didn't had time to put all the characters in their amiibo specific games, hence all amiibos as of right now are listed compatible for Hyrule Warriors.
^ Saw that weeks ago. Not interested in having so many of them I won't really use @ Loot Crate part .
My post was aimed towards everyone here and i know the article/lootcrate thing dates back a few weeks ago and i've seen it on multiple smash-related-boards since aswell.

But i thought the post was highly relevant since SM4SH Wii U just launched for NA officialy and since the majority of the lootcrate subscriptions come from the US it would be a golden opportunity to get the deal going before the rest of the world gets their hands on the game.

Also to 50% relevant; but New Zealand and Australia finally have the benifit of getting their hands on the New Nintendo 3DS (XL) before the rest of the world as it got released today, except Japan who got theirs a month earlier.
Still TBA for NA and EU.
Posted that already in the 3DS thread months ago.

Anyway, back to the amiibo: you'd think 3DS support would come out either before or around the same time as the Wii U side. I mean... we had SSB 3DS for how long already yet we're just now getting amiibo, and... yeah... There'd better be some benefit bringing stuff from the Wii U version to the 3DS version.

EDIT: SSB 3DS' current Conquest (dunno about Wii U's side) is Team Omega Ruby (Charizard & Pikachu) vs. Team Alpha Sapphire (Lucario & Greninja) and will only last for four days.

Blazevoir wrote:

you'd think 3DS support would come out either before or around the same time as the Wii U side. I mean... we had SSB 3DS for how long already yet we're just now getting amiibo, and... yeah... There'd better be some benefit bringing stuff from the Wii U version to the 3DS version.
I highly doubt Nintendo can change something significant on the 3DS side by using your Wii U in any way.
Mainly because of the hardware limitations and partially because the Wii U is their current gen console runner up and they want to give it more attention to the public as opposed to the 3DS that already sold 45 million units compared to the approximataly 7~ million Wii U's.
They do however, try to merge 3DS sales with the Wii U sales with their attempt of making your 3DS work as a controller on the SM4SH Wii U and have Mewtwo as an promotional DLC if you get both copies of SM4SH.

Releasing Amiibos just support this statement as they focus on trying to make the Wii U sell better than the first few years it initially released.

However, there's still chances that amiibos made for different games might come in handy for the future of SM4SH.
My thoughts here would be an Wolf amiibo that's coming alongside with Starfox Wii U and that you unlock Wolf with in SM4SH Wii U, that you could transfer it to your SM4SH 3DS.
Or a Roy amiibo for Fire Emblem x Shin Megami Tensei that unlocks Roy with the same principle (unlocks Roy for SM4SH Wii U and then can be ported to the 3DS version).
I mean it's technically not DLC, if they come with the games you buy.

It leaves a lot of options open for the future of both consoles and it's games (namely SM4SH), as Nintendo is trying to slowly make their consoles/hardware respond to eachother more and more, especially since the New 3DS might come in handy in this act.
I've learned that doing the following when you're playing alone can raise your amiibo to Level 50:

- Playing 8-Player Smash for 2-2 1/2 hours (do Time or even Coin matches to accurately measure this; as the max limit setting aside from infinite is 99 minutes, you're gonna have to do more than one match)
- Items can be on or off
- You fight on a team with your amiibo
- All (the remaining six slots being) COMs are on Level 9
- Preferred (but not necessarily recommended) team format is 4 vs. 4
- Any stage EXCEPT Palutena's Temple as it's WAY too huge to even try to score KO's quickly (unless you set the Damage Ratio to 2.0 or something)

Of course, you could always do the normal 4-Player Smash, but you'll probably have to play longer. Again, this is assuming you're playing alone.

EDIT: So... this is just plain-out crazy:

EDIT 2: This is a serious issue. Please look: ... u-systems/
Trash Boat

Blazevoir wrote:

EDIT 2: This is a serious issue. Please look: ... u-systems/

Blazevoir wrote:

Adding on to the error:

EDIT: More defective amiibo!
Oh wow... how does anyone forget legs? it would of been funny if it was like no hair or something
Biri Biri

Justykanna wrote:

Was facing my brother with Lucario vs Fox the other day... am I the only one who finds it stupid that his (Lucario's) front-B is reflectable? -_-

Static Noise Bird wrote:

I dunno man; seeing as how it's essentially a grab that whiffs outside of it's grabbox range.

Blazevoir wrote:

Jeez... makes me wonder what's going on:

...Villager Marth. Lol. Not even if I saw it at Nintendo Direct live.

Kamidachi wrote:

Justykanna wrote:

Was facing my brother with Lucario vs Fox the other day... am I the only one who finds it stupid that his (Lucario's) front-B is reflectable? -_-

Static Noise Bird wrote:

I dunno man; seeing as how it's essentially a grab that whiffs outside of it's grabbox range.
I actually use it as my grab on Lucario since I really can't get the hang of grabbing in the game (I normally hold my N3DS without my left finger on the L button), lol.
Topic Starter
To me it's still more like a projectile than grab. But what do I know, I never use Lucario.
Force Palm (at least the default; no clue about the other two alternates since I don't like them) in these games is both a grab and a projectile (I main Lucario, btw).

Blazevoir wrote:

Force Palm (at least the default; no clue about the other two alternates since I don't like them) in these games is both a grab and a projectile (I main Lucario, btw).
Totally don't remember it being reflectable in Brawl. >_>
That's my bad I guess but that doesn't make it any less dumb, lol.
If it wasn't in Brawl, then it was probably because the extended range and power it gets when Lucario gets high damage needed to be nerfed somehow.

EDIT: Well... I'm officially annoyed... They're back in stock for preordering... for now.

EDIT 2: Interesting articles:
Topic Starter

Here's an absolutely serious tutorial for Home-Run Contest.

Ministry of Silly Techniques™

Blazevoir wrote:

So it seems like there's more hidden files:
I actually saw a video on this yesterday...
Trash Boat
Checked the Wii U's Conquest and this week it's a "Holiday Hattack!" It;s Team Red Hat (Mario, Ness & Diddy Kong) against Team Green Hat (Link, Toon Link & Luigi)

Also if you want to add friends to the Wii U version, you have to add them from the Wii U menu I think, you have to check out the last few players you encountered in the game you last played, I got at least ONE friend >.> but if you want a battle, my Nintendo Network ID is: SoyokazeTsuki

Blazevoir wrote:

This is only a joke, but lol:
10/10 would buy :^)
Topic Starter
Only thing surprising is the lack of Fox. hahagetit

Rosalina is my main, btw.
Rofl, I got it.

Btw, people are saying Diddy Kong's OP and that he needs a nerf:
That's just a public list, essentially a popularity contest; note that Mario is ranked #11 while Dr. Mario is #39. It will still take some time before accurate commentary can be given to tournament viability, especially when you consider things like custom moves and banned stages.

Incidentally, I have virtually no idea how to fight Sonic. I only see him online on occasion and his playstyle is so wildly different that I just wing it. Still not as bad as fighting good Lucarios and Little Macs.
Lol I've never been a fan of these tier lists. Way too many factors too consider (and someone I know thinks I'm crazy for thinking so). I tend to have a lot of favourites that are no where near the top such as Ganondorf (who is my second or third favourite).
Even if he gets a nerf, players would then probably just find another character to rant on.

the fun thing is, Fox dominates Melee scene and everyone's somehow fine with that lol
because it's Fox
People rant on a ton of things all the time, it's just how humans are. Imo tier lists are just another thing that people rant about because "omg this dude's broken so i bet i can become uber pro by maining him wwww" is something that probably runs through some people's minds after seeing said tier lists...

What they fail to realise is the specifics of said character. It's like comparing it to other video games where you need mastery of x amount of characters, and even if character y is broken, if you're bad at it then you're still bad at it no matter how broken it may become.
So one of my friends showed me this... (I obviously don't recommend doing this, but it's still kinda interesting to watch.)

Mario forever <3
Following up on the previous video:

Gamebreaking at its finest. Even if there are ways to counter this, it needs to be fixed IMO.
Trash Boat
1 of 2 things: 1-They nerf its UP B Special, 2-They input a new rule that penalizes any attempt of stalling the game, like Instant K.O. or something
Figured I'd bump this thread back from the dead for mewtwo upcoming hype !! who's getting him and who isn't?
Anyone who registered both games will be getting it (doesn't have a gender), though I'm assuming codes won't be sent out till either next month or May.
Asada Shino
Now we wait for Mew2King to pick him up and be the god of sm4sh
Place your bets now. What do you think will be its Final Smash:
  1. Mega Mewtwo X
  2. Mega Mewtwo Y
  3. Something completely unexpected

Blazevoir wrote:

Place your bets now. What do you think will be its Final Smash:
  1. Mega Mewtwo X
  2. Mega Mewtwo Y
  3. Something completely unexpected
I'm more hoping, than better on, for something unexpected. Really don't like the transformation thing. =/
The results are in: Mega Mewtwo Y is its Final Smash. Anyway, the Mewtwo DLC codes will be sent out on April 15, but for everyone else, you can purchase it on April 28 for $4.99/€4.99/500¥ for both games, or less for just one.

Lucas is also confirmed to be DLC.
wow Mega Mewywo Y I want to see ^_^
Just when I thought I couldn't get more hyped.

My body is ready, my wallet is not.
Trash Boat

Azure_Kite wrote:

So, uhhh.
OMG, yeah. Definitely I know who I'm voting for this
It's a shame Sakurai's probably laughing at a majority of the choices. Still, you never know. /voted
La Volpe
I can't be the only one who voted for Marina from Mischief Makers, can I?

I mean, think about it. You grapple an enemy fighter, and she would enact her pummel move with SHAKE SHAKE.
Topic Starter
I'm going to vote for Ridley :^)
Blue Stig

Whip would be seriously OP.
We already have a stage 2 Water and a Stage 2 Fire starter, but no grass one
need Wolf tbh
Not to shock anyone, but...
Seeing as they're all systems I don't have, neither.

31Gabe wrote:

Not to shock anyone, but...
I am thoroughly shocked. To imagine that other platforms would get a copy of the game, much less that their flagship characters aren't on the art. It boggles my mind </s>
A fun little video:

Meanwhile, did anyone notice this before?
Trash Boat

31Gabe wrote:

Not to shock anyone, but...
They forgot Steam
To those who registered both games, check your email now for the Mewtwo DLC codes. They WILL expire, so use them ASAP!

EDIT: What fans found out about the recent update.
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