An update.
Touhou 0.4
-Updated version from 0.3 to 0.4. This is important!
-Slightly reduced image size of combobursts. Only slightly though, as I do not want to make them midgets.
-Reduced image size of scorebar-colour.png and scorebar-bg.png.
-Alternate scorebar-colour.png (scorebar-colour-ALTERNATE).png included for those who do not like how I make the scorebar. Rename to use.(I make it so that if does not appear to be draining until you've lost a bit of life.)
-Added a missing pixel to star.png. That was annoying to look at!
-Lowered all menu sounds by 1.5 dB. I hope that will cover all the complaint I've had about those.
-Thanks to Sanae: ranking-back, ranking-replay, ranking-retry, pause-back, pause-continue, pause-retry. All should have correct Japanese now.
-Removed GAME OVER. It was a bit much.'m still really bad at remembering to package the FOLDER and not everything single file. Extract to a folder.