
VV Zsofi - Ragogumi

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2014. november 19. at 23:54:15

Artist: VV Zsofi
Title: Ragogumi
Tags: hungarian magyar
BPM: 130
Filesize: 20261kb
Play Time: 02:59
Difficulties Available:
  1. Average (1,66 stars, 217 notes)
  2. Blondie (3,56 stars, 481 notes)
  3. Difficult (2,46 stars, 383 notes)
Download: VV Zsofi - Ragogumi
Download: VV Zsofi - Ragogumi (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

4. Awkward Horrible Crap

Mert magyarország megérdemli! Ez lett a legelső rangsorolt magyar nyelvű térkép. Élvezd!
  1. 02:55:719 - Kiai time should end here.
  1. It is a Normal diff, but AR 5 is too high, because it's the easiest diff. Drop it by 1-2, please. Also consider dropping OD too if you accept this.
  2. I recommend to map this moment like this. If you don't want to accept the rhythm changes, unstack these objects, at least. I suggest not to use stacked objects in the easiest diffs.
  3. 00:12:334 (4,5,1) - Make a perfect triangle?
  4. 00:14:642 (3,4) - , 00:18:334 (2,3) - As above.
  1. 00:58:027 (2,3,4) - Make a perfect triangle.
  2. 01:01:719 (2,3,4) - ^
  3. 01:03:104 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  4. 01:13:027 (6,7,8) - ^
  5. 01:40:488 (2,3,4) - ^
This song is so weird (Pe Cimpoi was more weird, tho), but it's a good map, have nothing much to say! Good luck~
Topic Starter
Hey \o

Kiai fixed


I recommend to map this moment like this. If you don't want to accept the rhythm changes, unstack these objects, at least. I suggest not to use stacked objects in the easiest diffs. ~~ I think there is no problem with this. don't change.

Changed OD to 3. AR is good.

Okey ~ :
00:12:334 (4,5,1) - Make a perfect triangle?
00:14:642 (3,4) - , 00:18:334 (2,3) - As above.



00:58:027 (2,3,4) - Make a perfect triangle.
01:01:719 (2,3,4) - ^
01:03:104 (1,2,3,4) - ^
01:13:027 (6,7,8) - ^
01:40:488 (2,3,4) - ^

This song is so weird (Pe Cimpoi was more weird, tho), but it's a good map, have nothing much to say! Good luck~
if you knew the lyrics... :O x'DDD

Thanks. :3

btw use this wallpaper:
Topic Starter
Good! <3 Replaced/updated. Thanks. ^^


Ez a szép map ^^ Szeretem őt ~ [Blonde] diff is very challenging :3

Let's go forth

Hitsounding seems well made, with a set of well-chosen samples :3
Kiai times were placed exactly where needed, fitting very well with the song (: Nagyon jó ^^

Some BAT/QAT may complain about the video 8-)

The diff is splendid, i.e., nagyon szép :3 Én szeretet ^^ Nincs reklamáció rólam, i.e., there are no complaints from me

The speed (and spacing) changes here feels very perfectly placed ♥

My only suggest would be at 00:12:334 (4,6) - there is a nice alternative flow by making a Ctrl-G here. (it's up to you to use it or not, both are OK for me)

(Note: the word reklamáció looks very alike with Portuguese "reclamação" / Spanish "reclamación")

Alike [Blonde], it feels very good too :3

Alike the other diffs, feels very good too :3 with a well-done and very intuitive spacing.

Well, very well mapped song :3

Let's rank this, BATs!
And, once ranked, please don't bother with this, QATs!!!

Topic Starter

Some BAT/QAT may complain about the video
This video is "very cute". : ( x'D

(Note: the word reklamáció looks very alike with Portuguese "reclamação" / Spanish "reclamación")
Yes. I know. : D

My only suggest would be at 00:12:334 (4,6) - there is a nice alternative flow by making a Ctrl-G here. (it's up to you to use it or not, both are OK for me)
Good idea! Fixed. owo

Let's rank this, BATs!
And, once ranked, please don't bother with this, QATs!!!

Very few the mod. : (

Thank you. :3
J.Lo Kazuya! Mod as requested! :3 Sorry 4 being late but I was experiencing some PC issues and I was trying to get a BAT to my own mapset recently, you know. ;_;

  1. TBH I have a feeling the offset is a bit too early. 2203 or something similar should work better.
  2. TBH I don't really think that dark red colo(u)r is really matching the background and a skin. IMO a bit lighter one would work better (not totally bright, just a little bit!). Also I must confess I am not keen on the green colo(u)r in your combo set. I know it's included probably because of the mint costume, but I can't find it really nice with the ribbon on the circle. Personally I advice to use some kind of violet instead of this one. My shitty example: *CLICK*
  3. Remember to use 'SliderBorder' in your combo set because I can remember 'We Can Do It' got unranked just because of that (which personally made me quite sad).
  1. Very own opinion, but consider using HP8 to make it a bit harder to stay alive if someone makes a mistake. I don't like high OD, but if someone makes mistake then it should be very noticeable at Insane diff.
  2. 01:01:741 (2,3,4,5) - To be honest I think something like *that* would work better than now.
  3. 01:40:972 (3) - Maybe CTRL + G? I don't know why, I just have a feeling that tricky thing would be funny and it'd be more consistent if we look at 01:29:895 (4,5,1) and/or 01:45:587 (1,2) and another/previous examples. More intuitive IMO.
  4. 01:57:126 (2) - The same thing as above.
  5. 02:40:049 (4,5) - Because of the silent moment I offer something like *that*. I think it would follow the rhythm in a bit better way.
  1. 01:01:027 (1) - This slider is not symmetrical. Try to improve it a bit. If you want, you can use my version of this slider whose points are written below
    1. 1st point (X=324 | Y=310)
    2. 2nd point (X=296 | Y=316)
    3. 3rd point (X=256 | Y=219)
    4. 4th point (X=216 | Y=316)
    5. 5th point (X=188 | Y=310)
  2. 01:04:719 (1) - This slider is almost symmetrical too, but not exactly. Maybe move the 1st point to (X=320 | Y=292), the 2nd point to (X=256 | Y=263) and the 3rd point to (X=192 | Y=292)? It's my example for this slider. If you want you can use it.
  3. 01:11:642 (4) - I just don't like the slider is that straight. Probably it's because of my 'almost'-symmetry love (which makes me lost pretty frequently). Maybe consider making this slider curved a bit like *that* or in a different direction because I think it would make a better flow.
  4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but did you want to make something similar to *that*? If no, ignore me. If yes, there's a code below.
    Code Below
  5. 02:05:873 (6,1,2) - Nazi suggestion - Maybe try to use polygon creator to make this triangle look more professional, so it's more regular.
  6. 02:43:719 (4) - That slider has a bit different end position than the first point. Improve it so it's more symmetrical.
  7. 02:43:719 (4) - The spinner has no finish and whistle hitsound when it's included in Blonde and Basic diffs, so probably you'd want to add those two.

  1. 00:02:181 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - In my opinion that use of normal additions is generally OK, but I don't really think it's necessary tu use this kind of sound for every 1/1. Maybe try to use it as every second 1/1 (I mean - 2/1)?
  2. 00:49:950 (4,6) - Maybe move the (6) note to (X=178 | Y=117) to save the symmetry thing, because now the notes are not symmetrical.
  3. 01:56:642 (1) - I guess you forgot to put a clap at the very end of the slider. The same thing here 02:00:796 (2)
  4. 02:09:104 (2) - Because there's a double snare sound (you know, the percussion) maybe consider adding a clap at the first reverse of the slider.
  5. 02:27:796 (3) - The slider is not symmetrical, so maybe consider making it totally symmetrical since I know it's your point of your mapping style. If you want you can use my positions for the slider's points
    1. 2nd point (X=284 | Y=232)
    2. 3rd point (X=256 | Y=208)
    3. 4th point (X=228 | Y=232)
    4. 5th point (X=186 | Y=228)
  6. 02:40:488 (5) - Just my opinion, but for me there are many straight sliders, so maybe that little slider could be a bit curved? Just a little bit. *Shitty example*
Good luck Kazuya The Master! >:3
Topic Starter
J.Lo Kazuya! Mod as requested! :3 Sorry 4 being late but I was experiencing some PC issues and I was trying to get a BAT to my own mapset recently, you know. ;_;
No Problem. : )

Okay, New combo colours (pink/purple), and added slider border.

Not fixed:

OD: It's not hard map. :/
01:01:741 (2,3,4,5) - To be honest I think something like *that* would work better than now. | A-A Listen to the "vocal(?) x'D".


00:02:181 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - In my opinion that use of normal additions is generally OK, but I don't really think it's necessary tu use this kind of sound for every 1/1. Maybe try to use it as every second 1/1 (I mean - 2/1)? Only the first slider is changed, and added circle here: 00:03:104 (2) - ,1/2 slider here: 00:03:565 (3) -

Thanks master. C:
Yo, as requested.

  1. First of all, I strongly recommend you to change names of the diffs. I'd rather go with Average/Difficult/Blondie or something like that.
    Note: the main reason for the change of the name is because [Basic] feels more like a Normal and should be named properly.
  2. I highly recommend you to look for a better version of the BG or ask someone skilled for some assistace.
  3. Please, note, that you do NOT need the widescreen support. Disable it in ALL diffs.
  4. 00:32:664 - use 5% volume section to silence the end of the spinner. It seems weird to have a whistle hitsound when there is nothing in the music. Same applies to 01:24:472 (1) -
  1. Drop AR at least by 1. THis diff is the easiest and making it more playable for beginners is important.
  2. 00:27:126 (4,5) - do not use 3/4 gaps like this one in the easiest diff. Such patterns might be okay for a Normal diff, but not for the easiest diff of the mapset. Use 3/4 sliders with repeats, instead. Example
    Note: same applies for all 3/4 patterns in the diff like 00:28:972 (2,3) - and so on.
  3. 00:30:933 (1) - please, begin the spinner at 00:31:049 - as it will match better with the music and give a little time for players to recover. Same applies to 01:24:472 (1) -
    Note: it may seem unimportant for standard, but it is really important for special modes.

    You really should work on the 3/4s and fix the spinners. Otherwise, the diff is okay, although it might use a bit more work on its appearance.
  1. To make a bettr balanced spread, I suggest you to drop both OD and HP by 0,5. It will ot affect the gameplay too much but will slightly improve the balance.
  2. 01:12:356 (5) - haven't you missed a new combo here? It'd represent music well and fit with the combo-pattern you have.
    Note: 01:23:433 (6) - same, I suppose.
  3. 02:25:279 (4,5) - minor - the second slider looks shorter, which gives me an uncomfortable feeling while playing. Personally, I'd be happier with two straight sliders.
    Note: alternatively, you can curve them both. Example // Example 2

    Looks cool. I expected some jumps, but it looks cool even without them. Good job! :)
  1. Try AR 8,5, the kiai seems to be too slow with AR 8.
  2. 00:02:203 (1,1) - as tails of suc sliders hit nothing in the music, please, make sure to reduce the volume of the tails. I'd say that a Soft section with 5% volume on the tail of each slider like this would solve the problem.
  3. 01:31:279 (2,3) - try to Ctrl+G this patter, the part feels dynamic and using more jumps would represent the tempo of the music nicely.
  4. 02:20:433 (5,6) - and yet, another Ctrl+G suggestion. This time, you could stress the kick sound with a jump and sligthly improve the flow.
  5. 02:59:203 (1) - this is a trap and it will bug players a lot. Are you sure you want it to be here? I'd rather replace it with a spinner.

    Seems cool.
I like the mapse in general, but I also feel like it might use a bit more work. Anyway, that is a nice one!


Best of luck!
Topic Starter
Hello. Fixed "all" mod suggestion.

AR5 normal is good, not too hard.

Background: Replaced. Just good? :d

My mod from your M4M modding queue

Pls delete the "shit" of the tags
You use a skin in the folder, I am not sure but I think there is a setting to use it

00:03:587 (3) - Would make the sliders bow into the other direction for better flow
00:12:356 (4,5,1) - maybe a triangle looks better
00:11:203 (3,1) - better blanket, if you overlap them it's not perfect - try to use exactly the same ° for both
00:18:587 (3,1) - would blank them
00:21:587 (2,3) - same
00:23:433 (4) - copy-paste rotate 180° and use as the second slider (5) for perfect shape (or ctrl+h+j+g)
00:40:972 (1,3,4) - if you want place them near to each other for triangle with (2)
00:43:741 (5,1) - copy-paste ctrl+j = seconds slider
00:56:664 (2,4) - better blanket
01:10:510 (1,2) - blanket
01:21:587 (1,2) - drag the end of the second slider alittle bit to the bottom to avoid overlap
01:44:664 (4) - ctrl+j = second slider
01:50:895 (5,1) - same as above
01:53:895 (2,4) - nearly - but not exactly

I love the rhythm, nice work!

00:14:895 (1,2) - same °
00:22:510 (1) - ctrl+j = second slider
00:37:741 (2,4) - no blanket? I see you blank (2) and (3) why not blank all?^^ 00:37:741 (2,3,4) -
00:40:972 (1,2) - same °
00:55:741 (1) - ctrl+h = second slider
00:59:433 (1,3) - nice! Like that :3

22. Oct '14
01:05:433 (2,3,4) - did you use always the same ° of rotation?
Maybe I keep it now in general, everything you do try to do it exactly by using strg+g+h+j or rotate things
00:25:510 (3,4) - You used that several times, this is just a mention of mine: This is a sound I call it wobble-sound, the same sound like in dubstep music, slider like this (made by Irreversible) will underline this sort of sounds. Maybe take a look at the wobble-slider here t/208596

Especially in this diff with the AR I really got problems to read this cause of the colours and the background-picture
00:02:203 (1) -even if the BAT said it, It's not feeling good when playing it with the volume but that's my opinion^^
00:41:895 (5,6,7) - same here playing this feels weird I would delete 00:41:895 (5) - and let the slider start there instead. Same count for the other ones

I will mod the rest tomorrow (3AM here now), sry your rhythm and the pbjects are all fitting and I am terrible bad in hitsounding so all I can do is a little fine-tuning >.<

Now it's finished

GL, I think this will be ranked soon =)
Hello there, this is a M4M from your queue.

  1. I'm pretty sure the video is disallowed. It includes suggestive material. You'd be better off including it as a separate download link.
  2. Remove any unnecessary tags, like 'shit'.
  3. The skin is quite nice! Did you create it or compile it? If it's the latter, you should think about including a section in the description for the rightful creators. Their work went into making this cohesive skin!
  4. The sliderball seems quite unfitting. Maybe find a pink/purple alternative? I know you have a few yellow components, but the sliderball shows up far too much for it to be subtle.
  5. 00:33:587 (1) - It feels like the kiai should start here. Isn't this the start of the chorus? This goes for 01:27:126 (1) - and 02:26:203 (1) - as well. Despite this, all kiai sections end appropriately.
  6. 00:33:587 (1) - I'd also suggest this as the preview point. Sounds like this is the intended crowd pleasing 'catchy' part.
  7. For the first three measures (and later in the song), I'm almost certain there's a better hitsound for the protruding drum noises. Here's what I found: hitsound 1; lower and hitsound 2; higher.
  1. Not sure how ranked names go anymore but shouldn't this be labelled Insane or something of the likes?
  2. 00:02:203 (1,2) - The use of extended sliders here is not validated in the music. This applies to 00:04:049 (1,2) - and 00:05:895 (1,2) - as well.
  3. 00:07:741 (1,2,3) - The spacing here looks kind of ugly. Try using the 1.2x spacing you were using in the previous segments.
  4. 00:45:472 - It sounds like there's a vocal sound here you could map in if you choose.
  5. 00:53:664 (1,2,3,4) - If you fix the first curve on (1,4), these sliders would look more clean.
  6. 00:59:433 (1,2) - Reverse these for better flow. (flip this selection horizontally)
  7. 01:15:356 (4) - Turn the reverse more left, it flows much better.
  8. 01:19:741 (1,2) - I would overlap (1) more with (2) or not at all. It's only slightly touching so it looks unintentional.
  9. 01:31:972 (5,6,7) - Fix the curve on this triple so it flows into the next bar smoothly, like this. I also fixed the following (1,2) so it fits your spacing.
  10. 01:41:433 (4,5,1) - Hmm...the transition on both ends of (5) make this feel awkward. I would try something like this. All I did here was change the positions of (4,5).
  11. 01:46:510 (3) - Stack on the next measure's (4).
  12. 01:50:895 (1) - This would play nicely if you flipped the selection (ctrl + G).
  13. 01:57:933 - Maybe add a note here? If you do, as you know, fix spacing.
  14. 02:01:279 (3,4,5) - This especially sounds very odd. It doesn't help that the vocals in this song are not often on the ticks to begin with. Extending (3) to a 1/2 actually follows the beat better than the short 1/4 slider, and I would also opt to make (5) a 1/2 slider as well.
  15. 02:20:203 (4) - I know this is nitpicking but stack under the previous slider.
  16. 02:53:664 (1,2,3,4) - (1) and (4) are not very pretty. Try making a different slider.
  17. 02:55:741 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - I would try to lighten up on the hitsounds here, specifically because the song is not heavy like the rest of the song and calls for lighter sounds and volume too. This applies to all diffs.
  1. lol? This is pretty much untouchable. Nice work here, it's extremely clean and plays very well.
  1. 00:07:741 (4,5) - This kind of timing is very difficult to play in easier difficulties. If you're going to use a 3/4 slider, you need to make it a repeat slider. Just remove (5) and extend to there, fixing spacing into the next pattern. You might need to fix the following pattern to to accommodate this.
  2. 00:21:587 (2) - This could be exchanged for a 1/1 slider or 2 notes in 1/1. This repeat is kind of fast for the easiest difficulty.
  3. 01:11:433 (2) - ^
  4. 01:12:818 (4) - This could just be a note in 1/1. Save the 1/2 sliders for parts that are intentionally supposed to be more difficult.
  5. 01:58:510 (3,4) - This would sound soooo much better and play a hell of a lot better simplified as a 1/1 repeat slider on the red ticks, like this. I highly recommend this as well for the following sections.
  6. 02:01:279 (3,4) - You'll need to remove (4) and the repeat on (3) to add the 1/1 repeat slider on the red tick here at 02:01:972.
  7. 02:05:895 (3,4) - ^
  8. 02:09:126 (2,3) - ^ (2) Should be replaced with a note followed by the 1/1 repeat slider. This and the three suggestions above will need spacing fixes if applied but they should be done and it will make this diff a lot better in terms of both representing the music and simplifying beats.
  9. 02:56:664 (2,3) - It would be better for an easy/normal diff if the (2) were a 1/1 slider and the last beat were a note, like this.
Topic Starter
Heyho \o


Only fixed:


- no blanket? I see you blank (2) and (3) why not blank all?^^ 00:37:741 (2,3,4) -

00:12:356 (4,5,1) - maybe a triangle looks better
00:21:587 (2,3) - same
00:23:433 (4) - copy-paste rotate 180° and use as the second slider (5) for perfect shape (or ctrl+h+j+g)
00:21:587 (2,3) - same
00:40:972 (1,3,4) - if you want place them near to each other for triangle with (2)
00:43:741 (5,1) - copy-paste ctrl+j = seconds slider
00:56:664 (2,4) - better blanket
01:10:510 (1,2) - blanket
01:21:587 (1,2) - drag the end of the second slider alittle bit to the bottom to avoid overlap
01:53:895 (2,4) - nearly - but not exactly ----- if blanket.


Response tomorrow, or tonight. Currently i'm busy. >_<

Thank you. : )
Topic Starter

I'm pretty sure the video is disallowed. It includes suggestive material. You'd be better off including it as a separate download link.
Why? There is nothing rude in it.

Remove any unnecessary tags, like 'shit'.

The skin is quite nice! Did you create it or compile it? If it's the latter, you should think about including a section in the description for the rightful creators. Their work went into making this cohesive skin!
I have edited.

The sliderball seems quite unfitting. Maybe find a pink/purple alternative? I know you have a few yellow components, but the sliderball shows up far too much for it to be subtle.
Okay, coming.

00:33:587 (1) - It feels like the kiai should start here. Isn't this the start of the chorus? This goes for 01:27:126 (1) - and 02:26:203 (1) - as well. Despite this, all kiai sections end appropriately.
00:33:587 (1) - I'd also suggest this as the preview point. Sounds like this is the intended crowd pleasing 'catchy' part.
I prefer the current one.

For the first three measures (and later in the song), I'm almost certain there's a better hitsound for the protruding drum noises. Here's what I found: hitsound 1; lower and hitsound 2; higher.
I prefer the current one.

Fixed sugestions:


00:07:741 (1,2,3) - The spacing here looks kind of ugly. Try using the 1.2x spacing you were using in the previous segments.
00:53:664 (1,2,3,4) - If you fix the first curve on (1,4), these sliders would look more clean.
00:59:433 (1,2) - Reverse these for better flow. (flip this selection horizontally)
01:15:356 (4) - Turn the reverse more left, it flows much better.
01:19:741 (1,2) - I would overlap (1) more with (2) or not at all. It's only slightly touching so it looks unintentional.
01:31:972 (5,6,7) - Fix the curve on this triple so it flows into the next bar smoothly, like this. I also fixed the following (1,2) so it fits your spacing.
01:41:433 (4,5,1) - Hmm...the transition on both ends of (5) make this feel awkward. I would try something like this. All I did here was change the positions of (4,5). Fixed, just differently.
01:57:933 - Maybe add a note here? If you do, as you know, fix spacing. Fixed, just differently.


3/4 parts: fixed if other mentions.

Thanks. (Sorry, my english is bad n_n)

Kazuya wrote:


I'm pretty sure the video is disallowed. It includes suggestive material. You'd be better off including it as a separate download link.
Why? There is nothing rude in it.

The skin is quite nice! Did you create it or compile it? If it's the latter, you should think about including a section in the description for the rightful creators. Their work went into making this cohesive skin!
I have edited.

Rules wrote:

There must not be any obscene imagery in the background/storyboard/video content. This includes nudity, near-nudity, sexual references, violence, drug abuse, etc. Keep things PG, suitable for ages 12+.
It's not that the video is 'rude'. Do I really need to describe why? There's more than one instance in the video where it breaks this rule.

Rules wrote:

If you are using any elements created by another community member, ask permission beforehand. Respecting the work of others is paramount and most people will be delighted to have their work featured in your projects!
I hope I'm understanding you correctly.
Hello Kazuya... sorry for late... my life is crazy now @_@

  • 00:02:549 - Dake hate this xD
  1. 00:30:356 (2) - this look wrong, try do symetric
  2. 00:33:587 (1) - well... 00:02:203 (1) - flow to right also, so... i think 00:33:587 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - Ctrl+H, and reallocate 00:37:279 (1,2) - will works.
  3. 01:04:741 (1,2,3) - hhmm... i think rotating -10 degrees, have better flow.
  4. 01:08:664 (1,2,3) - following the voice (good), but 01:10:049 (4) - not (wrong), may be like:
  5. 01:17:895 (1) - a jump here will feel good.
  6. 02:05:433 (5,6) - Jump here is fine, but spacing in 02:05:895 (1,2,3) - feels wrong. pls, spacing to 1.2x this combo.
  7. 02:41:895 (3) - Ctr+G flowing better, imo.
  8. 02:55:741 (1,2,3,4,5) - hehe, i think Ctrl+H will be better.
nazi stuffs
00:49:972 (1,3) - improve stack
00:52:049 (1,3) - ^
00:58:510 (4) - blanket with 00:57:356 (1) - ???
01:03:126 (1,3) - stack
01:45:587 (1) - ^
02:04:510 (2) - ^
02:20:203 (4) - ^
02:23:895 (4) - ^
02:27:126 (3) - ^

  1. 01:09:818 (4) - looks a bit ugly, improve pls
  2. 01:07:510 (3) - for me, this diff have many "spam", so... a repeated slider in 01:07:510 (3) - (deleting 01:08:203 (4,5) - ), will work fine, imo.
  3. 02:18:818 (1) - (nazi) this is no purfect in symmetry xD (see with Ctrl+H :P )
  4. 02:22:510 (1) - ^
  5. 02:47:433 (3) - ^
  6. 02:40:049 (4,5) - mm... this will increase the kiai:
  1. 00:08:433 (5) - ugg... for the most easily diff of your mapset... this will be hard!, pls, try Ctrl+G, and repeat slider (delete 00:08:433 (5) - )
  2. 00:46:279 (4) - (nazi) improve blanket
  3. 01:08:664 (4) - bc (3)... may be?
  4. 01:45:587 (1) - move a bit to right
  5. 02:43:741 (5) - blanket?

Good luck :)
Topic Starter

Skin: I made the skin.

Video: I think there is nothing obscene in it. There is no nudity no drugs...etc. Why is a man's upperbody such a bad thing?

Erunamo Jazz:



00:30:356 (2) - this look wrong, try do symetric
01:04:741 (1,2,3) - hhmm... i think rotating -10 degrees, have better flow.
01:08:664 (1,2,3) - following the voice (good), but 01:10:049 (4) - not (wrong), may be like:
01:17:895 (1) - a jump here will feel good.
02:41:895 (3) - Ctr+G flowing better, imo. I used anything else... : )
02:55:741 (1,2,3,4,5) - hehe, i think Ctrl+H will be better.


00:49:972 (1,3) - improve stack lol. 1px. Okay. Fixed. x'D
00:52:049 (1,3) - ^
00:58:510 (4) - blanket with 00:57:356 (1) - ???
01:03:126 (1,3) - stack
01:03:126 (1,3) - stack
01:45:587 (1) - ^
02:04:510 (2) - ^
02:20:203 (4) - ^
02:23:895 (4) - ^
02:27:126 (3) - ^



01:09:818 (4) - looks a bit ugly, improve pls
02:18:818 (1) - (nazi) this is no purfect in symmetry xD (see with Ctrl+H :P ) Fixed(?) x'D I hope are good.
02:22:510 (1) - ^
02:47:433 (3) - ^



ugg... for the most easily diff of your mapset... this will be hard!, pls, try Ctrl+G, and repeat slider (delete 00:08:433 (5) - )
00:46:279 (4) - (nazi) improve blanket
01:08:664 (4) - bc (3)... may be? oks x'D
01:45:587 (1) - move a bit to right
02:43:741 (5) - blanket?

Thank you. :3
Hii, promised mod


00:20:664 (1) - rotate by -18° (selection centre) to provide a slightly better flow?
00:28:972 (1) - remove NC?
00:37:279 (1) - I think having a straight slider here would give some nice variation?
00:40:049 (4) - DS error.. I hope you can fix that somehow :P
00:47:433 (5) - I think these special hitsounds justify a NC.
01:19:741 (3,4,5,1) - NC is messed up again? Please check it again for consistency.
01:40:972 (5) - NC

Really nice diff, not much to say except the NCing.


00:47:433 (4) - NC
01:20:895 (3,4) - I think you could improve the flow here. Maybe like that?
01:47:203 (1) - What about a wavy slider instead? It has no overlap, and fits the weird voice in the background.
01:48:818 (5,6,1) - intended spacing change? If not, please fix.
02:21:933 (6) - hm.. not sure about this - maybe it's frustrating if you get a 100 here because you can't really guess the rhythm. Might be a bit weird, but how about ?
02:32:664 (4) - blanket
02:40:049 (4,5) - chinese hitsound missing?

Not much to say, again! I like how clean it is - sometimes you could use a bit better slider shapes tho (for example, sometimes 2 curves which go the same direction don't look so good - try to replace the second one with a straight one)


00:08:895 (4,5,6) - I think an antijump would work better here? Because the song seems like that to me. Also; NC to 4
00:16:856 - I don't think this triplet is that fitting. It might support the rhythm, but it's not the song. Better remove it. Goes for all triplets like that btw
00:34:510 (3,4,5) - Move this a bit further away? Like that you can keep the distance better and additionally, you can improve the flow to the next objec.ts
01:00:356 (3,4) - I somehow feel like CTRL + G (for the rhythm) is a better choice to follow the beat.
00:51:587 (5) - increase the spacing, it feels more intuitive that way. (move more to the right)
01:27:126 (1) - I think adding a hitsound here would emphasise the start of this phrase.
01:34:049 (5) - ctrl + G? it's a bit boring how you currently have it imo
01:38:203 (1) - Increase the spacing again, to make it more intuitive ; moving it to the top will solve it.
02:02:203 (1,2,3,4,5) - how about a better pentagon pattern?
02:05:433 (5,6,1,2) - Just my personal opinion how you could emphasise this part better, and also make it more flowing. You currently go in a big circle, and this is quite tiring to play if you ask me. Try this:
02:40:049 (4,5) - chinese hitsounds missing?
02:43:741 (4,5) - CTRL + G will improve the rhythm for sure.
02:56:664 (3) - ctrl + g will improve the flow.

It's a nice diff, but still has some flaws which you can easily get rid off; just go over your map again, and check the spacing. It's overall fine, but sometimes I think you could put the jumps a bit more reasonable and consistent!

If you need help, ask me. I guess after you've looked through your diffs and got 2 - 3 more mods, you can call me back.
Topic Starter
Hi. \o

Normal: Fixed all.



01:20:895 (3,4) - I think you could improve the flow here. Maybe like that? I don't like it. :/
02:21:933 (6) - hm.. not sure about this - maybe it's frustrating if you get a 100 here because you can't really guess the rhythm. Might be a bit weird, but how about ? Currently is good. D:


00:08:895 (4,5,6) - I think an antijump would work better here? Because the song seems like that to me. Also; NC to 4 Jumps removed.
00:16:856 - I don't think this triplet is that fitting. It might support the rhythm, but it's not the song. Better remove it. Goes for all triplets like that btw. No. ;w;
01:00:356 (3,4) - I somehow feel like CTRL + G (for the rhythm) is a better choice to follow the beat. I used anything else.
02:43:741 (4,5) - CTRL + G will improve the rhythm for sure. I used anything else.

Thaaaanks Kiddo. :3
Ciyus Miapah
Hi there

  • Blondie
    00:20:664 (1) - i think better use 1/2 slider
    01:22:741 (5,6,7) - x159 y310
    01:48:356 (4) - stack it better
    02:01:279 (3,4,5) - why change pattern like this?
    02:04:972 (3,4) - not stacking this notes better i think
    almost cant find anything wrong
  • Difficult
    00:14:203 (3) - use this pattern
    01:08:664 (1,2) - just curve this slider
    01:29:895 (1) - idk why you NC this
    01:40:972 (4) - NC this (same like 00:47:433 (1,2,3) - )
    00:48:356 (1,2) - just curve this slider
    i think this map has good enough to get ranked
  • Average
    ..... sorry but i cant find anything wrong.
(my perception) = (your perception)

im just Requesting M4M, i post link in your Mod Q
Hihi :D
Please ignore my English and below are mostly suggestions so you can simply ignore them if you want
And I am sorry if I am rude in my mod

00:03:587 (3) - Erm... I think making it straight is better it’s up to you idk lol
00:09:587 (1) - Move point x:172 y:128 to x:184 y:140
01:22:510 - Suggest something like this

00:05:895 (4) - NC
00:12:587 (4) - Move to x:28 y:232?
00:29:895 (6) - NC
01:15:356 (4) - Don’t make it curve
01:29:895 (1) - No NC
01:30:818 (3) - NC
02:20:664 (4) - NC
02:38:203 (3) - Suggest making it this straight but not curve

I found no problem for the Blondie diff so that’s all of my mod
Okay I am really helpless for this mapset because it is too good
Anyway GL :D
Topic Starter

Fixed some suggestions:


00:20:664 (1) - i think better use 1/2 slider
01:22:741 (5,6,7) - x159 y310
01:48:356 (4) - stack it better (and changed slider shape)


01:08:664 (1,2) - just curve this slider
01:29:895 (1) - idk why you NC this
01:40:972 (4) - NC this (same like 00:47:433 (1,2,3) - )
00:48:356 (1,2) - just curve this slider




00:03:587 (3) - Erm... I think making it straight is better it’s up to you idk lol Hmm, okey
00:09:587 (1) - Move point x:172 y:128 to x:184 y:140 Ugly. : (


Ok, all fixed.

Topic Starter
Update: Please Redownlaod:

- Fixed hitsound delays.
- The images are compressed.
- Some pattern, slider shape, and rhythm fixed (Hard, Insane).
Zhu Yuan
From pm request~

Well, you requested a mod but couldn't find so much here, so, I guess I will do a little check. Maybe mentionting some nazi stuff, etc.


  1. 00:29:895 (3,1) - If you remove repeat and make spinner beginning at 00:30:818 - would fit better.
  2. 00:47:433 (1,2) - Well, if you add NC each two stanzas, this NC is completely unnecessary imo. Basically for consistency.
  3. 01:23:433 (3,1) - Same as 00:29:895 (3, 1) ~
  4. 01:40:972 (1,2) - Same about NC, I'd remove it because I feel it unnecessary for the same reason. Maybe you added it because it's kiai's start but music doesn't change so much, that's why.
  5. 02:11:433 (5) - NC.
  6. 02:40:049 (4,5) - You see? You didn't add NC here, so would be nice if you remove the other ones :P


  1. 00:17:664 (3) - What about moving this to x:132 y:304? This will improve a bit the flow imo and it won't be too near of 00:16:510 (5) - o3o
  2. 00:30:818 (3) - Same about the spinner, consider applying this in all cases and all diffs.
  3. 00:47:433 (1) - Same about NC, consider applying this in all cases and all diffs.
  4. 00:48:356 (1) - I'd prefer something like this. Fix distance if it's necessary.
  5. 01:12:356 (1) - You have some sliders like this which are not really symmetrical, I suggest you to check this stuff.
  6. 01:47:203 (1) - Ctrl+J and move it to same place, this will make a better flow with 01:47:895 (2) - like you did here 01:52:049 (4,5) - owo
  7. 01:58:510 (5,1) - Well, maybe NC should be on stanza. In all cases like this one.


  1. 00:08:895 (1,2,3) - You know, I'd remove that NC. If you accept my suggestion remember to do it in all cases.
  2. 00:59:433 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - So nice <3
  3. 01:11:664 (4,6) - Move (4) to x:452 y:220 and (6) to x:348 y:324. Well, more or less, I'm trying to say that you could improve the star pattern moving those notes.
  4. 01:48:126 (3,1) - Stack please.

Cool mapset, there's no much to improve as you can see.

Call me back~ Oh wait that's not my work ;_;
Topic Starter
Thank you. :3 All suggestion fixed. :3
Hi, M4M

Hard to find anything thats wrong with this mapset, really

  1. 01:07:259 (2,3) - Move this up and stack on the tail of 01:04:721 (1) - to finish the diamond?
  2. 01:08:644 (4,5) - If you took above suggestion, this is how I moved the note after it:
  3. 01:30:798 (1) - The sliders around this one is curved, so this straight slider feels out of place. Maybe curve it?
  4. 02:31:490 (5) - Instead of this slider, maybe copy the one you used at 02:27:798 (3) - and flip it 90 degrees?
  5. 02:54:798 (5,1) - Maybe consider a blanket here?

  1. 00:55:721 (1,2) - Parallel these sliders?
  2. 01:13:029 (2,1) - Fix stack here

  1. 00:10:490 (4,5) - I think it would be better if you swapped these around
  2. 01:04:721 (1,2,3) - These sliders look way too close to each other. Spread them out a little.
  3. 02:56:183 (2,4) - Fix blanket
  4. 02:56:644 (3,5) - Fix blanket
You should probably find a BAT soon, lol. Good luck!
Topic Starter

Hard to find anything thats wrong with this mapset, really Thankie. : )


01:07:259 (2,3) - Move this up and stack on the tail of 01:04:721 (1) - to finish the diamond? Okey, but little differently.

01:08:644 (4,5) - If you took above suggestion, this is how I moved the note after it:ok

01:30:798 (1) - The sliders around this one is curved, so this straight slider feels out of place. Maybe curve it? okaay
02:31:490 (5) - Instead of this slider, maybe copy the one you used at 02:27:798 (3) - and flip it 90 degrees? Umm. No. :/
02:54:798 (5,1) - Maybe consider a blanket here? Nein :P


00:55:721 (1,2) - Parallel these sliders?Not fixed. I like current one.
01:13:029 (2,1) - Fix stack here ok


00:10:490 (4,5) - I think it would be better if you swapped these around Nope. This 1/2 slider is fit. 00:10:721 (5) - There is strong, long sound.
01:04:721 (1,2,3) - These sliders look way too close to each other. Spread them out a little.okay
02:56:183 (2,4) - Fix blanket ok
02:56:644 (3,5) - Fix blanket ok

Thanks. : )
After another IRC, this is good to go! :)

Nice map.


Topic Starter
Thankie Irre.

Picture: And it's true. XD
Zhu Yuan
QATs can bubble? o.o
Topic Starter
They know everything. :O
QATs can rank as well but they usually avoid doing it. Its not their job anymore.
Oh You didn't need my mod. Go go!
Fixed a missing clap in Blondie and made the spinner length consistent in the Difficult difficulty, it's good to go now!

Topic Starter
Thank you. \o/
Welcome De-rank. o/

/me runs

Anyway, gratz~
Topic Starter
Thanks. : ) xd
Kazuya saves this game with awesome beatmaps o3o

Cowgratulations for this cute and Irreversible irreplaceable song! >83
Topic Starter
Thanks. x'D

There will be even more idiot song. ;3
Congraaatz!!! \(^ ◆ ^)/

Köszi ^.^
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