
League of Legends

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Kanye West
Oh. Yeah true. people think that building four dorans on Rengar makes him auto OP but in reality it's just because Ryan Choi is really good at the champion lol
Eren Yaeger
I'm still trying to figure out why he builds so many, if he's building it for the HP getting a vamp specter would be so much better and for the attack damage just a long sword gives more and can build into a vamp spect, I love playing rango he's so much fun, would be a shame if he was nerfed :(
He will get nerfed there is no maybe about it. He is up there with Shaco and stun from stealth Eve when it comes to an anti fun factor.
Also 4 dorans blade Rengar has been a thing since very early season 3.

His rework only solved ONE problem and that was his insane split pushing. Everything else was slightly nerfed or made even better since he is tankier and can get out after he deletes someone easier since he retains MS after stealth. He is still doing exactly what Riot doesn't want him to do hence why I said rework v3.

BrokenArrow wrote:

Rengar is sooooooooooooo fun to play dude, it was even funnier pre rework but I'm fine with his current state

Remember: If you dislike League because you hate playing against certain champion - play those champions yourself and make the others
feel your pain.

I would rather have pre-rework Rengar back than this one.

I don't need to. Warwick is an ultimate counter to Rengar so I can make the Rengar players life miserable. Still doesn't mean I don't hate that champion. He is badly designed and should have never existed to begin with. Just looking at his kit alone makes me (game designer) cringe.
Yeah, his rework cracked me up back then. "We don't like Rengar deleting carries but we don't know what to do with him so let's make him delete those even more reliably." Moving the snowball parts to permanent teamfight participation stacks is cat on head silly as well.

Although meanwhile I am still happy that soloq didn't remember Veigar yet and hopefully won't ever.

TKiller wrote:

Yeah, his rework cracked me up back then. "We don't like Rengar deleting carries but we don't know what to do with him so let's make him delete those even more reliably." Moving the snowball parts to permanent teamfight participation stacks is cat on head silly as well.

Although meanwhile I am still happy that soloq didn't remember Veigar yet and hopefully won't ever.
I just don't get how someone like Scruffy is even a game designer at Riot, though I love the new Skarner despite how much hate people give him for that. The Olaf and Rengar reworks have been a complete mess from day one. He also doesn't take feedback very well either which is very bad for any rework.

Rengars ulti initially was going to grant a much larger warning indication when it was discussed in a thread Scruffy made pre-rework, but it was massively whined about by a majority of the people posting there (God forbid something like that has counterplay LOL) and Scruffy caved. The only real argument was that it made it a worse version of Warwick's E which was quite hilarious to read. The circle jerk in that thread was real.

Veigar is pretty much a better version of Syndra.

With that aside I don't want Veigar to ever be considered good because I like that champion and when stuff becomes popular it gets nerfed. Stuff like Brand and Veigar are what burst mages are supposed to be.
Kanye West

TKiller wrote:

Moving the snowball parts to permanent teamfight participation stacks is cat on head silly as well.
I see what you did there. Wp.

La Volpe

Navizel wrote:

Holy shit that's pretty good.
[- Alex -]

La Volpe wrote:

Navizel wrote:

Holy shit that's pretty good.
The Kharthus voice tho. If you know what i say :p
I still hate Riven top lane. Not saying she is OP or anything, but I really do have this deep passionate hate for champs that can just spam their abilities in lane while I have to actually manage my mana or I lose.

Probably would have lost this if their Riven left top lane instead of just split pushed for 25 minutes. May work in her Silver games, but that shit doesn't work against diamond players. LOL

Also I really love playing with good Draven players. So funny to see stuff like Riven die horribly to him in 1v1's.
Our Rammus's build was beautiful. xD
Haven't played Warwick for such a long time now that I think of it. Maybe it's time to surprise soloq a bit.

Only played 2 games of him on the FF patch and those were with a good duo partner so those don't really count.
La Volpe
That Rammus build 10/10 lol.

Vulf wrote:

"dat matchmaking"
It's a normal game.
So I logged to my old NA account.

You just look at this beauty.

La Volpe
I got a penta on this game.
I played Rengar in a normal to just play him, and thought I'd feed to no end. I went against a riven, and literally it went like this: I get 5 ferocity, wait till I can get to her, Q twice, that's a kill.

Skip 4 dorans, straight to tiamat, kill jungler, kill riven more, kill mid, feed mid game, assassinate ADC then leave, almost throw, then win. Easy.

Super fun deleting people though. Armor pen is fun.
Me and my friends tried sustain lane (WW,Nunu,SIon) but then nunu and sion dc'ed so became a 3v5 battle. totally recked the enemy until the reconed around 15 mins.

missing chromosomes detected
i laned with riven at top lane. bullied her that within 2 minutes i got 2 kills which made noc camp top and leb freely kill mid and bot until nunu and sion reconnected
[- Alex -]


tyrael6192 wrote:

missing chromosomes detected
more like extra
Kanye West
Haha I love watching Rivens lose. Also nidalees.
please, that riven was just an AA and Q to me early game
La Volpe
Played a ranked game with only 4 people on our team and 2 on the other team. o_o

La Volpe wrote:

Played a ranked game with only 4 people on our team and 2 on the other team. o_o
fix EUW please
La Volpe

Slith wrote:

La Volpe wrote:

Played a ranked game with only 4 people on our team and 2 on the other team. o_o
fix EUW please
Well Canada isnt in EU but you know everyone have their problems. :p
Fucking RNG

I'll never get to play my Lee Sin :(
Team Builder Queu - Captains Looking For - Assassin Mid
Wait time, short.

I just wanna play yoloqueu talon. QQ
[- Alex -]
This song rolf

I swear every time I try to do something nice in this game it back fires on me. Let this Nidalee take top so I went support and the next thing I know she is 2/12 in lane and started talking a bunch of shit to the team. Never ever again no matter how nicely they ask. lol
[- Alex -]

Vulf wrote:

I swear every time I try to do something nice in this game it back fires on me. Let this Nidalee take top so I went support and the next thing I know she is 2/12 in lane and started talking a bunch of shit to the team. Never ever again no matter how nicely they ask. lol
Is lol wtf. If you are nice , is sure a lose . Pick order > Call order .
It was a normal draft so I was fine with someone getting to play what they wanted because I'm a nice guy. The feeding wouldn't have bother me as much but the trash talking when they were pretty much the reason we were losing was a bit hilarious.

So yeah being nice gets you no where in this game.
So i'm decaying today, if I don't play that is. I forgot the blitz locked and I locked support like the idiot I am so I just dodged.

Now i'm sitting on -3LP


If I win will I get demoted?
Play a game? A dodge doesn't count as a game played.

If you are recently promoted to that tier there is a couple of games grace period if not you will probably get demoted if you lose. If you decay you get demoted if you are currently 0 points. If you win you will not get demoted.

Have fun with ladder anxiety lol

Didn't get demoted, I get to not be silver 5 for another month.

I'm gonna go practice in normal. My miss fortune used to go in ;_;
Dont worry Litchmore you can be on -3lp lose a game and not get demoted. Im on a 7 lose streak in ranked and im on 0lp and i ain't demoted its fine
umm i'm new with LoL can you tell me the heros for beginner ? i usually play Carry (hitter) , Tanker , Pusher (i dunno maybe there's no pusher in lol) , a little stunner / disabler / nuker
those word are from dota 2 i dunno the meaning in LoL xD
[- Alex -]

orpahnsparents wrote:

Dont worry Litchmore you can be on -3lp lose a game and not get demoted. Im on a 7 lose streak in ranked and im on 0lp and i ain't demoted its fine

ADC : Ashe , Ezreal and Caitlyn . Ashe is a bit hard. Ezreal is good to learn skill shots . and is a easy adc.
Jungler : Kha Zix (easy jungler rly , and not so hard to play) . Lee Sin (Not so hard , you just need like 10 games with him. Is very complex tho , can help you be better in like any champ)
Supp : Leona (for me personal is the most easy supp. Tank , and hard CC. Just need to practice the E , R and maybe full combo)
Karma and Alistar . Easy to play . And Karma have some skills shot so you can practice them more.
MID : I don't rly know what to say ....
TOP : Renekton , Darius , WuKong , Nasus , Garen and maybe Jax.

But the most have champ are like : Ashe , Sivir (adc) 400 ip . Annie (mid/supp) Ryze (Top/Mid) , Amumu , Warwich (jungler) , Soraka , Sona , Alistar , Morgana (support) , Renekton , Garen , Nasus (top)

Low ip cost champ . And they are very good in this game ftm.

Tip : Like Riot on facebook to get free Tristana champ and a skin (adc) , Fallow Riot games on youtube for Alistar and a nice skin (supp) and Fallow Riot on Twitter for free Garen (top)

Free Tristana : ... ?t=3066825
Free Alistar : ... ?t=2283670
Free Garen : ... p=15167835

More tips :

Gl with the game and enjoy it.
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