
League of Legends

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La Volpe wrote:

Played a ranked game with only 4 people on our team and 2 on the other team. o_o
fix EUW please
La Volpe

Slith wrote:

La Volpe wrote:

Played a ranked game with only 4 people on our team and 2 on the other team. o_o
fix EUW please
Well Canada isnt in EU but you know everyone have their problems. :p
Fucking RNG

I'll never get to play my Lee Sin :(
Team Builder Queu - Captains Looking For - Assassin Mid
Wait time, short.

I just wanna play yoloqueu talon. QQ
[- Alex -]
This song rolf

I swear every time I try to do something nice in this game it back fires on me. Let this Nidalee take top so I went support and the next thing I know she is 2/12 in lane and started talking a bunch of shit to the team. Never ever again no matter how nicely they ask. lol
[- Alex -]

Vulf wrote:

I swear every time I try to do something nice in this game it back fires on me. Let this Nidalee take top so I went support and the next thing I know she is 2/12 in lane and started talking a bunch of shit to the team. Never ever again no matter how nicely they ask. lol
Is lol wtf. If you are nice , is sure a lose . Pick order > Call order .
It was a normal draft so I was fine with someone getting to play what they wanted because I'm a nice guy. The feeding wouldn't have bother me as much but the trash talking when they were pretty much the reason we were losing was a bit hilarious.

So yeah being nice gets you no where in this game.
So i'm decaying today, if I don't play that is. I forgot the blitz locked and I locked support like the idiot I am so I just dodged.

Now i'm sitting on -3LP


If I win will I get demoted?
Play a game? A dodge doesn't count as a game played.

If you are recently promoted to that tier there is a couple of games grace period if not you will probably get demoted if you lose. If you decay you get demoted if you are currently 0 points. If you win you will not get demoted.

Have fun with ladder anxiety lol

Didn't get demoted, I get to not be silver 5 for another month.

I'm gonna go practice in normal. My miss fortune used to go in ;_;
Dont worry Litchmore you can be on -3lp lose a game and not get demoted. Im on a 7 lose streak in ranked and im on 0lp and i ain't demoted its fine
umm i'm new with LoL can you tell me the heros for beginner ? i usually play Carry (hitter) , Tanker , Pusher (i dunno maybe there's no pusher in lol) , a little stunner / disabler / nuker
those word are from dota 2 i dunno the meaning in LoL xD
[- Alex -]

orpahnsparents wrote:

Dont worry Litchmore you can be on -3lp lose a game and not get demoted. Im on a 7 lose streak in ranked and im on 0lp and i ain't demoted its fine

ADC : Ashe , Ezreal and Caitlyn . Ashe is a bit hard. Ezreal is good to learn skill shots . and is a easy adc.
Jungler : Kha Zix (easy jungler rly , and not so hard to play) . Lee Sin (Not so hard , you just need like 10 games with him. Is very complex tho , can help you be better in like any champ)
Supp : Leona (for me personal is the most easy supp. Tank , and hard CC. Just need to practice the E , R and maybe full combo)
Karma and Alistar . Easy to play . And Karma have some skills shot so you can practice them more.
MID : I don't rly know what to say ....
TOP : Renekton , Darius , WuKong , Nasus , Garen and maybe Jax.

But the most have champ are like : Ashe , Sivir (adc) 400 ip . Annie (mid/supp) Ryze (Top/Mid) , Amumu , Warwich (jungler) , Soraka , Sona , Alistar , Morgana (support) , Renekton , Garen , Nasus (top)

Low ip cost champ . And they are very good in this game ftm.

Tip : Like Riot on facebook to get free Tristana champ and a skin (adc) , Fallow Riot games on youtube for Alistar and a nice skin (supp) and Fallow Riot on Twitter for free Garen (top)

Free Tristana : ... ?t=3066825
Free Alistar : ... ?t=2283670
Free Garen : ... p=15167835

More tips :

Gl with the game and enjoy it.

gretay wrote:

umm i'm new with LoL can you tell me the heros for beginner ? i usually play Carry (hitter) , Tanker , Pusher (i dunno maybe there's no pusher in lol) , a little stunner / disabler / nuker
those word are from dota 2 i dunno the meaning in LoL xD
for adcs you can basically play anything, but sivir and caitlyn are probably easiest to do decent with.
support I recommend playing sona and soraka, while sona can be pretty complicated to play optimally she is fairly easy, nunu and taric are pretty easy too but they're not considered too good.
jungle basically warwick and fiddle is easiest and best if you want to jungle at low levels, but they're not really considered the best junglers.
mid you can play ryze I guess, he is more complicated than he looks and feels but is really easy for newbies, annie is super easy, talon, morgana, lissandra and ahri aren't too hard either.
top you've got a lot of champions, but jax, nunu (not so good though), nasus, garen (who is considered a trollpick in ranked) are fairly easy and cheap for example.

but I recommend trying about every champion when they are free, those are just examples of who you can buy to learn the basics of the game
Kanye West
Imo Blitz is the easiest support. Sona is squishy so you need good positioning or you're dead. Bad Sona player = free kills, bad blitz player = huehue pop w and run away. Leona is pretty easy and tbh even Thresh is easy

gretay wrote:

umm i'm new with LoL can you tell me the heros for beginner ? i usually play Carry (hitter) , Tanker , Pusher (i dunno maybe there's no pusher in lol) , a little stunner / disabler / nuker
those word are from dota 2 i dunno the meaning in LoL xD
For attack damage carry (ADC), try playing Sivir and Caitlyn. Imo, they are the easiest adc.
For midlaners (mage/assassins), Morgana, Lux, Akali, and Talon I guess.
Nukers in league are usually the assassins like Rengar and Talon.
Pushers are usually the adc (or that's just me because I like splitting) or champs that build attack speed like Tryndamere, Nasus, Trundle etc.
Tanks - Shen, Leona, Mundo, Shyvana, Renekton

Since you're new to League, you might want to know as well the difference between Dota and LoL like buying items, spells etc.
La Volpe
I stole Baron with Sivir's Q. lol

La Volpe wrote:

I stole Baron with Sivir's Q. lol
Impressive, lol.

Learning Jayce is fun... =)

gretay wrote:

umm i'm new with LoL can you tell me the heros for beginner ? i usually play Carry (hitter) , Tanker , Pusher (i dunno maybe there's no pusher in lol) , a little stunner / disabler / nuker
those word are from dota 2 i dunno the meaning in LoL xD
You're looking for Master Yi, Tryndamere and Jax. Don't listen to anyone else.

Get accustomed to League while playing those.

is this what people call heaven

edit: ok why does my picture not load
i think heaven is when 2-3 people are fighting for support role 8)
[- Alex -]

Hika wrote:

i think heaven is when 2-3 people are fighting for support role 8)

4 ppl main supp same team. The dream is real. #Believe.
yup they i really confused when i'm buying item so i search for a guide , and i see no portal scroll in LoL so i need to walk to laning again

gretay wrote:

yup they i really confused when i'm buying item so i search for a guide , and i see no portal scroll in LoL so i need to walk to laning again
Press B

They're gonna have a lot of fun in bed

gretay wrote:

yup they i really confused when i'm buying item so i search for a guide , and i see no portal scroll in LoL so i need to walk to laning again
there's no secret shop in lol btw

Hika wrote:

[- Alex -]
Ap Ashe best Ashe.

I lose in the All for One mod but was very , very , VERY funy

Frostei wrote:

gretay wrote:

yup they i really confused when i'm buying item so i search for a guide , and i see no portal scroll in LoL so i need to walk to laning again
Press B
read his sentence again

@gretay there is a summoner spell called teleport which works in a similar way

BrokenArrow wrote:

read his sentence again

@gretay there is a summoner spell called teleport which works in a similar way
Misread it, sorry. Thought he ment as in going back to base
Eren Yaeger
These LCS games though :>
is it me or lately the community is just getting even way worst then before?
i lost 6 games in a row dual to the matchmaking system the last one was the more tedious 2 went guys afk
because reasons yi mid and twitch top and we just lost..ii made it out 3/2/7 lols..i don't even
Witch Mercy

Miyu wrote:

is it me or lately the community is just getting even way worst then before?
i lost 6 games in a row dual to the matchmaking system the last one was the more tedious 2 went guys afk
because reasons yi mid and twitch top and we just lost..ii made it out 3/2/7 lols..i don't even
Pretty much.
I think the community got better on my end, people are hella cooperative so idk about you guys
as long as you just be vocal shit shouldn't happen
It's pretty much how it has always been for me at least. Few people have started abusing the fact that Tribunal has not worked for the longest time but that's just small minority.
Eren Yaeger

tossu wrote:

It's pretty much how it has always been for me at least. Few people have started abusing the fact that Tribunal has not worked for the longest time but that's just small minority.
Implying it's ever worked
Wasn't there a massive chat restriction wave like a week ago? One of my smurfs got a 5 game one.
Probably a reason why there is less raging going on. At least in my games.

Vulf wrote:

Wasn't there a massive chat restriction wave like a week ago? One of my smurfs got a 5 game one.
Probably a reason why there is less raging going on. At least in my games.
I find there's very little rage in my games too actually. Maybe the community's getting better? *gasp*
Well... chat wise. lol.
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