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if you want free elo right now, go play ryze top

thank me later
Yep ranged top (Ryze, Kennen, and Jayce) are coming back thanks to nerfs to items. Time to quit top lane again because that shit is frustrating.
How about Zed? Is he strong in the current meta?

sades wrote:

How about Zed? Is he strong in the current meta?
I don't think he was as good as he was in the past.

This is one of the best games I had in a while. I love how Renekton is still worth something even if he doesn't win lane.
The only reason we lost is because our ashe got disconnected from the game however she still had a connection to the internet. I guess I could say riot pls but we did get caught fighting baron once and got aced allowing them to take two inhibitors.

It wasn't that bad I guess.

TKiller wrote:

Justykanna wrote:

Can anyone offer some tips to a Gangplank user?
Love the champion but things have just not gone well for me this season. =(
He's at his best when enemy team is low on jump skills. Level one is still very deceptive and most players still can get baited by red pot. If you're planning a level one kill top lane, try to kill 1-2 minions of the enemy wave and not lose any of yours for the best results. His E is a massive buff for teams that need movement and autoattacking. Don't get baited by Q bonus gold, don't freeze the lane when you can roam and do something with your team or harass an opponent who's low on hp regen/lifesteal. His most efficient builds in my opnion are full damage (Shiv is one the best items for GP damage builds I highly recommend it) and high armor tank disruptor. Therefore I wouldn't recommend him against teams heavy on magic burst.

Soloq support GP is quite okay when you got a pick that can utilise your E buff well. If you're winning your lane and your adc is an okay guy, you can go for double Shiv rush.

That's all I can think of from the get-go.
I've actually noticed a lot of champions I see top lane have a jump of some form. Kha'Zix, Wukong, Renekton, Pantheon.
Yeah, I know to make sure to pop the E in teamfights and try to make sure the ADs are in range.
I only use Q for a minion kill when I can't get it with an auto attack otherwise.
Do you go for Shiv first? I usually go for Infinity Edge first because it has AD on it and Stattikk Shiv does not (though I always get it second).

Vulf wrote:

I don't want to start the whole "X needs a rework because of Y reasons" discussion again, but his rework has been confirmed by Riot GMang.
Source: ... 0#45650180

It's in the same boat as the Warwick rework. "It's done when it's ready". So it can be next month or next year before it's finished.
Yeah, a friend of mine sent me a different link saying he was in progress but essentially told me the same as you did - it's done when it's done.

AnegoHC wrote:

Dont harass with your q until you have your shiv just focus on DAT extra gold.
I use it to harass if I'm not having great difficulty farming with my auto attack - which doesn't happen terribly often. I watch my mana regardless.

AnegoHC wrote:

Well to be honest -I- think its match up depending
If you play against someone who can sustain like hell (Aatrox for example) your q wont do much early
If you play against someone who cant sustain (Darius for example) you can try to safe harass them
If you play against someone who can block or absorb your q (Malph/Shen/Panth) Its just nonsense using your q
I don't bother using it to poke against people with high sustian, yeah. Pantheon's obviously my greatest frustration.

Zeraph wrote:

top is all about lane matchup but gangplank is just horrible in the current meta. just farm up until you can buy a tiamat and just farm all day getting bonus q gold on tiamat splash is amazing.

there's a really good reason you don't see him played ever and only see like 3-5 champs up at top nowadays :>
I know he's horrible in the meta, which is why I'm asking about some tips for him, here.
I know Tiamat's not bad but... first build?
I see more than five champions top these days (don't forget my rank is reasonably low at Silver) but just because champions are 'in' the meta, it doesn't mean I like them. I wanna play the champions I like, not necessarily the ones that are loved within the meta. Gangplank's my favourite and there's a reason I'm asking people for help - as I said before.

Glass wrote:

if you want free elo right now, go play ryze top

thank me later
Eh, not a fan of mages in general - much less top.

Vulf wrote:

Yep ranged top (Ryze, Kennen, and Jayce) are coming back thanks to nerfs to items. Time to quit top lane again because that shit is frustrating.
I really hope not. Jayce and Kennen was a pain to deal with last season. I like melee - hence why I like top. Soooooooooo that's gonna blow.

Thanks for the help everyone, I appreciate it.
P r o m i s e s
DDoS attack again?


Justykanna wrote:

Zeraph wrote:

top is all about lane matchup but gangplank is just horrible in the current meta. just farm up until you can buy a tiamat and just farm all day getting bonus q gold on tiamat splash is amazing.

there's a really good reason you don't see him played ever and only see like 3-5 champs up at top nowadays :>
I know he's horrible in the meta, which is why I'm asking about some tips for him, here.
I know Tiamat's not bad but... first build?
I see more than five champions top these days (don't forget my rank is reasonably low at Silver) but just because champions are 'in' the meta, it doesn't mean I like them. I wanna play the champions I like, not necessarily the ones that are loved within the meta. Gangplank's my favourite and there's a reason I'm asking people for help - as I said before.
it's hard to give general advice on how to play a champion for top especially as it's one of the most volatile lanes that can be changed completely based just off what champion matchup you have or if your jungler/their jungler is competent. you can tell people how to play a champion (give advice) generally on how to play the champion but if you get a weird matchup then the way you have to play it is completely changed.

i guess fundamentals would just be maxing either q or e depending on how the lane matchup is(if youre losing/winning, vs a ranged champ who harasses too much) keep your mana up around like 75%~ so that you can have a lot of mana for more q usage in more elongated skirmishes. try only to use your q to last hit minions that are too risky to try to take when it's too risky.(you're somewhat low hp, they can kill you in a rotation+ignite) generally just play it safe, gangplank scales well into the midgame and drops down in the late game but makes up for it somewhat with utility coming from a massive aoe slow, single target slows with passive+q, and a team buff with W. when you're going into teamfights try to use the ulti a little further away from the team to block off exit paths rather than directly on top of them as you do lose damage potential by placing it right on top of them as a few of them will be able to run out easily because they won't have to walk into it and rather will be out on the edges of it. try not to use your e immediately as you get hit by your first cc but a little bit later so you can maybe avoid that one crucial cc to getting a kill or assisting towards getting a kill. since gp has no hard cc or massive damage you're also probably better off just trying to peel for your carries if they get dove on or if their enemy has a lot of dive potential. (renekton, or kha'zix whose fucking broken atm.) gl 8-)

Justykanna wrote:

I really hope not. Jayce and Kennen was a pain to deal with last season. I like melee - hence why I like top. Soooooooooo that's gonna blow.
well it is happening, my last 5 games as top lane (in high platinum):

Renekton vs Kennen
Singed vs Gragas
Singed vs Akali
Renekton vs Kennen
Singed vs Ryze (one of the most retarded matchup possible, if you thought Singed vs Teemo is bad wait until you try this one)

I'd rather lane against unkillable tanks all day than lane against AP tops

Zeraph wrote:

it's hard to give general advice on how to play a champion for top especially as it's one of the most volatile lanes that can be changed completely based just off what champion matchup
Agreed. I've been completely leaving Gangplank out of action until I could get some advice on him.
Up until now, I've been using Garen (who I've generally been doing well in lane, but less than ideal late game), Wukong (I used him BEFORE people started banning and using him left and right) and Malphite (whose still boring to play for me), depending who I'm laning against.

Zeraph wrote:

try only to use your q to last hit minions that are too risky to try to take when it's too risky.(you're somewhat low hp, they can kill you in a rotation+ignite) generally just play it safe, gangplank scales well into the midgame and drops down in the late game but makes up for it somewhat with utility coming from a massive aoe slow, single target slows with passive+q, and a team buff with W. when you're going into teamfights try to use the ulti a little further away from the team to block off exit paths rather than directly on top of them as you do lose damage potential by placing it right on top of them as a few of them will be able to run out easily because they won't have to walk into it and rather will be out on the edges of it.
Yup, I've been good at the above points for the most part. I'm a passive player by nature, so playing it safe comes easy to me. Only problem is I use Gangplank as a damage dealer, not really a tank, so sometimes I should probably be more aggressive than I am.

Zeraph wrote:

try not to use your e immediately as you get hit by your first cc but a little bit later so you can maybe avoid that one crucial cc to getting a kill or assisting towards getting a kill.
I never actually thought of that. I'll keep that in mind.

Much thanks for your help, Zeraph! =)

Glass wrote:

well it is happening, my last 5 games as top lane (in high platinum):

Renekton vs Kennen
Singed vs Gragas
Singed vs Akali
Renekton vs Kennen
Singed vs Ryze (one of the most retarded matchup possible, if you thought Singed vs Teemo is bad wait until you try this one)

I'd rather lane against unkillable tanks all day than lane against AP tops
I actually haven't laned against any of those four except for one Gragas all season (though, Gragas and Akali are melee).
I don't have an issue with them being AP, but more to the fact that they're ranged. I don't want top turning into a ranged-lane because there's enough lanes for ranged already as it is...
Kanye West

Vulf wrote:

Yep ranged top (Ryze, Kennen, and Jayce) are coming back thanks to nerfs to items. Time to quit top lane again because that shit is frustrating.
lol it's better than shyvana mundo renekton every time

Kanye West wrote:

lol it's better than shyvana mundo renekton every time
No it's not.

If you are playing ranged against them then maybe. Playing a melee champion against any of those 3 is one of the most frustrating lanes because you get harassed to shit for the first 10 minutes of the game. The difference between Shyvana, Mundo, and Renekton (to an extent) is that they are boring to play against so there is a pretty significant difference there. I'd take boring over frustrating any day of the week.

The only good thing that will come out of Ryze, Jayce and Kennen being played top every game is that they will get nerfed again which I have no problem with at all.
Oh, so now you actually have to think about successful trading and being more reliant on jungler ganks and stuff like that, it's almost like you have to use your brain in top lane for once
That is, if you have a way to successfully trade. If all you're forced to do is sit under tower and pray someone ganks a Jayce who's in your face without a ward, that's not very fun.

BrokenArrow wrote:

Oh, so now you actually have to think about successful trading and being more reliant on jungler ganks and stuff like that, it's almost like you have to use your brain in top lane for once

You do realize that ranged can do all of that with even less thought while being even more safe from melee and jungle ganks. Ryze is kind of the only exception here, but he builds tanky to make up for it.

Fact of the matter it's not fun to play against.
Kanye West
Then pick ranged against ranged? I don't see a problem here
3 champions aren't supposed to hard counter a whole role of 10+ champions because they simply have the range on them (this is mostly an over exaggeration at this point). That is a problem and one of the reasons why those 3 champions got nerfed in the first place. Simply saying pick ranged against it is only a bandaid fix to the actual problem.

Honestly I'm not really worried about Jayce and Kennen too much since dorans shield is still very good against them in the early laning phase. It's mostly Ryze that will be a problem.
What if I told you that ranged champions always had a poke advantage over melee champs? That has always been the case and is not a problem, you simply can't always win lane. I'm honestly just happy to see some new old champions back in the top lane again.

I agree on Ryze being a bit too strong right now tho.
Gragas vs Orianna Have a nice day (?)

Ranged does not always have an advantage over melee.

those wrote:

Ranged does not always have an advantage over melee.
I love hearing all the people that think they do have the advantage being ranged vs a melee.

BrokenArrow wrote:

What if I told you that ranged champions always had a poke advantage over melee champs? That has always been the case and is not a problem, you simply can't always win lane. I'm honestly just happy to see some new old champions back in the top lane again.

I agree on Ryze being a bit too strong right now tho.
That's not the problem because if it was then why ever play a melee champion? The problem is there isn't really a trade off for those champions being ranged when you compare them to other ranged stuff like Sivir for example. If stuff like Ryze, Jayce, and Kennen become the go top laners again it will make that role even more stale when it comes to champion variety. At least the tanks had niche counters.

This is all early speculation. Kennen and Jayce have to break through Dorans shield to stick, but that isn't the case with Ryze.

those wrote:

Gragas vs Orianna Have a nice day (?)

Ranged does not always have an advantage over melee.
You can't really compare Gragas to the standard melee when his lowest ranged ability is 600 while being relatively tanky and safe in lane. If I could clear minion waves with Warwick and Trundle with 950 range this wouldn't be an issue. Gragas is a pretty severe issue right now and that's why he is getting reworked.

I never siad they didn't but the lack of tradeoffs for being ranged (on certain champions) is the issue here. This is NOT a ranged is better than melee discussion since what I'm talking about only applies to maybe 3-5 champions in the game.

With that aside I don't understand why gragas isn't played top more. It's just as crazy as Ryze if not worse.

those wrote:

Gragas vs Orianna Have a nice day (?)

Ranged does not always have an advantage over melee.
Gragas has free sustain whenever he casts a spell AND he takes less damage when his W is active, other melees don't have that. Also he can easily farm waves with his barrels, obviously he doesn't have trouble laning against ranged champions...

Justykanna wrote:

I love hearing all the people that think they do have the advantage being ranged vs a melee.
being ranged/having ranged wave-clear against melee champs is not an advantage?


>Play melee against Ryze top
Try to last hit? Nope, get combo'd.
Try to hard engage? Nope, get rooted.
Call for jungler help? Yeah good luck with that in your average solo-queue game.
Just leech exp? LOOOOOL have fun being useless while Ryze free-farms to critical mass and rapes your entire team.

Ryze top can fuck off
Division jump OP :/

on my way to plaaaaaaaaaaaaaat


Glass wrote:

being ranged/having ranged wave-clear against melee champs is not an advantage?


>Play melee against Ryze top
Try to last hit? Nope, get combo'd.
Try to hard engage? Nope, get rooted.
Call for jungler help? Yeah good luck with that in your average solo-queue game.
Just leech exp? LOOOOOL have fun being useless while Ryze free-farms to critical mass and rapes your entire team.

Ryze top can fuck off
I meant people think ranged is 'always' better than melee.
Wasn't really looking at specifics like that. -_-

Justykanna wrote:

I meant people think ranged is 'always' better than melee.
Wasn't really looking at specifics like that. -_-
It's literally like 4 champions that we are talking about. Ryze being the biggest offender out of them all.
No one is complaining that all ranged > melee. If it came off that way I'm sorry.
Kanye West
meh ryze still has plenty of bad matchups

nidalee, orianna, lulu, vlad and mordekaiser all shit on ryze
Depending on the matchup, but normally ranged do have advantage over melee, if you don't know how to make the best out of that advantage it's another thing
itt: people bitch about ryze even though professional players play melee champions against him all the time.
inb4 more solo q whining
No one said the lane was unwinnable as melee either.

Zeraph wrote:

itt: people bitch about ryze even though professional players play melee champions against him all the time.
inb4 more solo q whining
Professional players play melee against him all the time? he literally hasn't been played at all until the last week of LCS, and when he was finally played he shat all over strong tops like Renekton and Mundo. The ONE team that played Ryze top in LCS so far was CLG, and what happens after they pick him; teams that play against CLG started banning Ryze every game. Yeah pro players sure play melee against him all the time

Kanye West
he was played in OGN a few times and maybe masters too and teams never had a problem with it.
Ryze would've been played a lot more but he is permanently banned against Flame and Shy.
Witch Mercy

those wrote:

Gragas vs Orianna Have a nice day (?)

Ranged does not always have an advantage over melee.
Going against a Gragas as an Ori is definitely my worst nightmare. :/

Kanye West wrote:

he was played in OGN a few times and maybe masters too
No? He was picked ONCE in OGN since his buffs by Jin Air Green Wings (literally 0-4 team). The patch hit recently but I guarantee he'll be pick/ban for a lot of teams soon once they get more practiced with him.

Kanye West wrote:

and teams never had a problem with it.
Obviously they didn't have problems with it considering the only time he's been picked is by the last place team. That would be equivalent of saying Elise isn't retarded strong because XDG loses with her. Ryze has been banned every single game against Blaze and Frost.
wow!! i love freelo! ryze top main now!!

Graciee wrote:

those wrote:

Gragas vs Orianna Have a nice day (?)

Ranged does not always have an advantage over melee.
Going against a Gragas as an Ori is definitely my worst nightmare. :/
I approve, he is a life bag with nuking abilities
I realised that all my favourite top lane picks are unreliable/nerfed into oblivion, so I went back to my roots.

I'm done tilting I guess.

TKiller wrote:

I realised that all my favourite top lane picks are unreliable/nerfed into oblivion, so I went back to my roots.

I'm done tilting I guess.
Basically the opposite of me.. I've lost like 16 out of my last 20 rankeds and dropped almost 2 divisions in the last week. Funny thing is how I won my lane pretty much every single fucking time, roamed and tried to get other lanes ahead but every time lategame someone decides to be a horrible retarded fucker and throws the game.

..and then I discovered Ziggs. Damn, Ziggs feels good.
just found out that scripting is a thing

shit like automatic perfect cs, automatic skillshot prediction, automatic orb-walking, script that dodges skillshots, spacebar to execute combo

went to the script site forum and saw people being proud of reaching high plat/diamond with scripts


tyrael6192 wrote:

just found out that scripting is a thing

shit like automatic perfect cs, automatic skillshot prediction, automatic orb-walking, script that dodges skillshots, spacebar to execute combo

went to the script site forum and saw people being proud of reaching high plat/diamond with scripts

I've seen sivirs spellshield EVERY SINGLE thresh hook / blitz grab I've landed. Might be this? oO
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