11 dage
hvis du ikke vinder kører jeg dig over med din families high-tech traktorGupply wrote:
11 dage
Trauder* + jeg har ikke enFehat-kun wrote:
hvis du ikke vinder kører jeg dig over med din families high-tech traktorGupply wrote:
11 dage
Alrighto :3 Tror jeg har en sub alleredewinthermens wrote:
Sorry guys, det er lidt sent, men jeg bliver nødt til at melde mig ud. Best of luck to the rest of you!
Jeg må være helt ærlig. Jeg ved virkelig ikke hvornår jeg skal placere det og om det kommer til at strække sig til søndag eller Lørdag. Jeg ville helst søndag da jeg ikke har mulighed for at være der Lørdag.PlasticSmoothie wrote:
Hvornår bliver tiderne for matches offentliggjort?
Okay! Tusind tak smoothie!PlasticSmoothie wrote:
Okay =)
Jeg har personligt kun undervisning fra tirsdag til torsdag, så jeg kan sættes til at spille så tidligt som det nu engang passer schedule/powerupgm
Omkring opmøde etc. er det jo surt hvis folk ikke møder op, men kan man ikke sige at hvis man ikke er dukket op til sit spil før 15min over tid, så vinder hvem man nu end spiller imod? Det er jo desværre på ingen måde lige så stort som OWC, så et par no-shows sker sikkert ligemeget hvad når vi har 32 mennesker.
Lyder som om du får rigtig travlt med map pools - jeg hjælper gerne i tilfælde af, at jeg ryger ud tidligt. Har sikret mig, at hele weekenden er fri så du skriver bare hvis det bliver hektisk.
What if I told you that we actually have a free spot?TraxieChan wrote:
I have to check the forums out abit more, i totally missed out on this ;w;
As things are now, I'll only be streaming my own matches and inbetween practice.Kazutakee wrote:
Is the stream for watching the whole tournament or just watching you when you play?
That's not needed, but thanks anywaynitram166 wrote:
As things are now, I'll only be streaming my own matches and inbetween practice.Kazutakee wrote:
Is the stream for watching the whole tournament or just watching you when you play?
But like PlasticSmoothie, I'll be able to stream your matches too if you ask me
You are the reason that the danish people suffer on sunday. :3Kotayo wrote:
Mayoi Hachikuji wrote:
BTW. i owe Kotayo my life for his help. He will be referee for Saturday too.
Lets all give Kotayo our monies for helping out! <3 kotayo<3
i'm good on monies actually....i'll be happy if no one dies *evil snicker*
i can live with thatMayoi Hachikuji wrote:
You are the reason that the danish people suffer on sunday. :3
I just gave you love.. And now you're gonna let me suffer??? T_TKotayo wrote:
i can live with thatMayoi Hachikuji wrote:
You are the reason that the danish people suffer on sunday. :3
Losers rounds 7. Round 4 + first semi will be player. tooKazutakee wrote:
Where do we end in the brackets tomorrow? (If some of us get to that point ._.)
Selvom jeg fik tæsk, så var det også en god kamp for mig^^PlasticSmoothie wrote:
Mayoi Hachikuji wrote:
Congratulations To TimG.
TimG is now the first Danish champion and therefore also the first to hold the title as the "Best player in Denmark"!
That tiebreaker was crazy intense, really great match ^^Kotayo wrote:
close tiebreaker though ^^
i'll get you next time!
because you suck at lifePlasticSmoothie wrote:
(I don't know why the youtube stuff isn't working, here's the video link)