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11 dage

Gupply wrote:

11 dage
hvis du ikke vinder kører jeg dig over med din families high-tech traktor

Fehat-kun wrote:

Gupply wrote:

11 dage
hvis du ikke vinder kører jeg dig over med din families high-tech traktor
Trauder* + jeg har ikke en
Topic Starter
Mayoi Hachikuji
Less than a week to go. I will be checking up on players through the week to make sure that everyone who have signed up knows. :)
Sorry guys, det er lidt sent, men jeg bliver nødt til at melde mig ud. Best of luck to the rest of you!
Topic Starter
Mayoi Hachikuji

winthermens wrote:

Sorry guys, det er lidt sent, men jeg bliver nødt til at melde mig ud. Best of luck to the rest of you!
Alrighto :3 Tror jeg har en sub allerede :P
Hvornår bliver tiderne for matches offentliggjort?
Topic Starter
Mayoi Hachikuji

PlasticSmoothie wrote:

Hvornår bliver tiderne for matches offentliggjort?
Jeg må være helt ærlig. Jeg ved virkelig ikke hvornår jeg skal placere det og om det kommer til at strække sig til søndag eller Lørdag. Jeg ville helst søndag da jeg ikke har mulighed for at være der Lørdag.

Jeg går ud fra at folk har skole osv. om fredagen. Jeg havde derfor tænkt at vi kunne starte omkring 16 - 17. Lørdag har jeg ikke lagt nogen planer og søndag ville det nok bare være eftermiddag.

Tænkte at vi om fredagen når til Ro12. Lige efter det hopper jeg straks i map pool mode.

Og så i Ro4 må vi lave endnu en mappool.

Jeg kan ikke rigtigt beslutte mig omkring schedule. Desuden er jeg mere bange for at største delen af alle tilmeldte faktisk slet ikke tjekker forums osv. og derfor faktisk slet ikke husker at de er med. Alt jeg kan gøre er at krydse fingre for at størstedelen møder op. Jeg vil ændrer på brackets osv. så alt står som det skal i morgen tidlig. Efter det er alt jeg kan gøre at håbe. Sorry ting kommer så sent. Havde ikke selv indset hvor lidt tid jeg har haft på det seneste.

Jeg snakker med alle jeg kan om det.. Der er schedule før kl. 12 i morgen!
Okay =)
Jeg har personligt kun undervisning fra tirsdag til torsdag, så jeg kan sættes til at spille så tidligt som det nu engang passer schedule/powerupgm
Omkring opmøde etc. er det jo surt hvis folk ikke møder op, men kan man ikke sige at hvis man ikke er dukket op til sit spil før 15min over tid, så vinder hvem man nu end spiller imod? Det er jo desværre på ingen måde lige så stort som OWC, så et par no-shows sker sikkert ligemeget hvad når vi har 32 mennesker.

Lyder som om du får rigtig travlt med map pools - jeg hjælper gerne i tilfælde af, at jeg ryger ud tidligt. Har sikret mig, at hele weekenden er fri så du skriver bare hvis det bliver hektisk.
Topic Starter
Mayoi Hachikuji

PlasticSmoothie wrote:

Okay =)
Jeg har personligt kun undervisning fra tirsdag til torsdag, så jeg kan sættes til at spille så tidligt som det nu engang passer schedule/powerupgm
Omkring opmøde etc. er det jo surt hvis folk ikke møder op, men kan man ikke sige at hvis man ikke er dukket op til sit spil før 15min over tid, så vinder hvem man nu end spiller imod? Det er jo desværre på ingen måde lige så stort som OWC, så et par no-shows sker sikkert ligemeget hvad når vi har 32 mennesker.

Lyder som om du får rigtig travlt med map pools - jeg hjælper gerne i tilfælde af, at jeg ryger ud tidligt. Har sikret mig, at hele weekenden er fri så du skriver bare hvis det bliver hektisk.
Okay! Tusind tak smoothie! :) Jeg ændrer brackets og slår en tid op inden for den næste time :3
Topic Starter
Mayoi Hachikuji
Brackets have been updated: (We are currently 31 players).

Times have been updated too.
We begin on Friday at 16:00 clock and then we keep on going till around 21.
There will be a break between 18 - 19.
In the break time, people are still allowed to continue in case they want to. If their opponent wants a break, they will have to respect it though.
Topic Starter
Mayoi Hachikuji

TraxieChan wrote:

I have to check the forums out abit more, i totally missed out on this ;w;
What if I told you that we actually have a free spot? :)
Hello everyone!

I will be streaming my preparations and matches for the tournament on Twitch.
So feel free to stop by! I'm known for being quite talkative. :)

* Setting up stream atm. I suspect I'll start streaming around 1.00 pm (GMT +01.00) *
Is the stream for watching the whole tournament or just watching you when you play?
Suppose I'll post my stream in here too?
I'll be starting quite a lot later (In an hour or so). I'll stream my own preparation, my own matches, and IF YOU ASK ME TO, I'll spec you and stream your view in yours.

Kazutakee wrote:

Is the stream for watching the whole tournament or just watching you when you play?
As things are now, I'll only be streaming my own matches and inbetween practice.
But like PlasticSmoothie, I'll be able to stream your matches too if you ask me

nitram166 wrote:

Kazutakee wrote:

Is the stream for watching the whole tournament or just watching you when you play?
As things are now, I'll only be streaming my own matches and inbetween practice.
But like PlasticSmoothie, I'll be able to stream your matches too if you ask me
That's not needed, but thanks anyway ;)
I'm not sure how we'll find out matches. Do we just pm our opponent or do we wait for a multi invite from Mayoi/Heibel?
Thanks for today. It was an honor to play with everyone.
Thank you Nitram166, Tropians and Amou Kanade for today. It was fun ;)
Topic Starter
Mayoi Hachikuji
Where is the new maps O_O!
Sry I found them
I love these map pools, great job on these Mayo and Kotaya :D
Topic Starter
Mayoi Hachikuji

BTW. i owe Kotayo my life for his help. He will be referee for Saturday too. :)

Lets all give Kotayo our monies for helping out! <3 kotayo<3

Mayoi Hachikuji wrote:


BTW. i owe Kotayo my life for his help. He will be referee for Saturday too. :)

Lets all give Kotayo our monies for helping out! <3 kotayo<3

i'm good on monies actually....i'll be happy if no one dies *evil snicker*
Topic Starter
Mayoi Hachikuji

Kotayo wrote:

Mayoi Hachikuji wrote:


BTW. i owe Kotayo my life for his help. He will be referee for Saturday too. :)

Lets all give Kotayo our monies for helping out! <3 kotayo<3

i'm good on monies actually....i'll be happy if no one dies *evil snicker*
You are the reason that the danish people suffer on sunday. :3

Mayoi Hachikuji wrote:

You are the reason that the danish people suffer on sunday. :3
i can live with that
Topic Starter
Mayoi Hachikuji

Kotayo wrote:

Mayoi Hachikuji wrote:

You are the reason that the danish people suffer on sunday. :3
i can live with that
I just gave you love.. And now you're gonna let me suffer??? T_T
I even touched you with my Oppai. :(
Thanks Kotayo <3
Loving these mappools.
Where do we end in the brackets tomorrow? (If some of us get to that point ._.)
Topic Starter
Mayoi Hachikuji

Kazutakee wrote:

Where do we end in the brackets tomorrow? (If some of us get to that point ._.)
Losers rounds 7. Round 4 + first semi will be player. too :)
Kotayo is god
congrats to all 4 players who are still alive after today

tournament will resume tomorrow at 16:00 with TimG vs PlasticSmoothie in losers round 7
Holy shit, jeg ryster også stadig efter min match med Tona, hold kæft det var tæt.
Tak for en super kamp! :D

PlasticSmoothie wrote:

Selvom jeg fik tæsk, så var det også en god kamp for mig^^
GG WP Gupply! ✌
My journeys has come to an end. Good luck to the rest!! ^^ ;)
Topic Starter
Mayoi Hachikuji
Finals incoming between Tropians and TimG. I will stream it at:

Will put it up on youtube later. If only we had a proper client for streaming multiple players. :s
Topic Starter
Mayoi Hachikuji
Congratulations To TimG.

TimG is now the first Danish champion and therefore also the first to hold the title as the "Best player in Denmark"!

I will be doing a write up for funz! Stay tuned <3

TimG receives 8 months of supporter.
Tropians receives 6 months of supporter.
Broniel receives 4 months of supporter.
Plasticsmoothie receives 2 months of supporter.
A shared 5/6 place between Tonaronerenrosenro and Gupply means they both get 1 month of supporter!

Congratulations to everyone!

Mayoi Hachikuji wrote:

Congratulations To TimG.

TimG is now the first Danish champion and therefore also the first to hold the title as the "Best player in Denmark"!

he even beat the swedish invader with 5-4

close tiebreaker though ^^
i'll get you next time!
Thanks for a great tournament guys!
I really enjoyed every match i played with you guys, thanks for making this tournament awesome.
I'm really looking foward to next time :D

Kotayo wrote:

close tiebreaker though ^^
i'll get you next time!
That tiebreaker was crazy intense, really great match ^^
TimG Best danish osu prayer Desuuu
Denmark so pro, finishing the tournament in a single week!
Hey guys, I uploaded the finals to YouTube for you to watch in case you missed it!
I'm so so so sorry about the off audio levels at the beginning as well as the stream layout just being the one I use for my solo streams. Commentating it was a decision made on impulse which is also why Mayo isn't there for the first map.
(I don't know why the youtube stuff isn't working, here's the video link)


PlasticSmoothie wrote:

(I don't know why the youtube stuff isn't working, here's the video link)
because you suck at life
v- your code

v- my code (works)

Topic Starter
Mayoi Hachikuji
Hey there skandinavian Osu! forum thingy!

I wanted to make a write up to sum up the tournaments greats and not so greats so here it is!!
We will be going through our champions road to victory and other players who shocked the scene.
I have also been checking the different players and decided to give some awards(w/o rewards) to players deserving it.

Lets talk about our champion:

TimG's road to glory:

TimG vs Kylling: (3 - 0)
TimG vs Jobbe: (3 - 2)
TimG vs Maltahl: (3 - 0)
TimG vs Broniel: (1 - 4)
TimG vs tontronololtoadhoro: (4 - 3)
TimG vs Plasticsmoothie: (5 - 2)
TimG vs Broniel: (5 - 1)
TimG vs Tropians: (6 - 1)

With a champion crowned in TimG, Denmark has finally found its champion. It was a hard road for our champion as he was actually knocked down into the losers bracket in the 4th round. This probably came as a surprise to many as TimG was probably one of the favourites to just sweep the tournament and grab the gold which he himself had sponsored a big part of himself. Tim showed through the tournament that his HR is simply superior compared to the rest of Denmark as he really weren't afraid to pick HR when playing Freemod and also choosing HR maps when he could. TimG was just the better player and the obvious champion without a doubt. ALL HAIL TIMG!

The runner up: Tropians!

I don't think anyone expected this guy to go anywhere. I don't think anyone had seen him as a favourite, nor did I really know him myself.
Tropians has probably made a stronger run than he expected himself. Tropians went all the way through the winners bracket while only dropping 1 match to broniel before losing the finals to Tim. The strong run itself shows that Tropians has quite a lot of potential and sooner or later we might see him top a tournament. (Of course there will be more :P)

We saw many upsets on the way through the tournament. Favourites like Tonalonatolarto and gupply faced early elimination from the winners bracket while players like Tropians, Broniel and plasticsmoothie really flexed their muscles and showed strong play. This leads us to some fun awards!

Mayonasu awards

Rewards for you

Biggest upset


Close but no cigar: Kozhler, Tropians, plasticsmoothie.

Broniel managed to knock out tonaronmaster2007 (3 - 0) and TimG (4 - 1) from the winners bracket and both of these guys were probably favoured to take the tournament. Broniel is a Rank 10k player which makes me believe this is more than just an amazing feat. Broniel should be proud, I most certainly am.

Best match of the tournament

Gupply + Plasticsmoothie!

They grew wings but couldn't fly: Toastmasterlonatorototo + TimG

Both these matches were really insane. Tolotofu and TimG had close matches all the way but Plasticsmoothie and Gupply had such a hard match, that they decided to express their emotions on the forums. The match started with a 3 - 0 lead for smoothie which was then returned by a 3 - 0 from gupply which made the made 3 - 3. The tiebreaker decided that the match would go in Plasticsmoothies favour ultimately knocking out Gupply from the tournament.

Hope you like sharing :)

Biggest noob

Everyone who decided not to show up!

I am not going to mention any names. But 12 players didn't show up when the tournament began which lead to a lot of W.O.
This created a lot of problems for me as I had to give players who didn't even show up freewins until everyone was out.
I really hope that more players read the forums the next time they decide to sign up for something as important as this.
You guys can have a trophy too tho.

Most surprising player


Broniel got the smaller piece of the liquorice stick.

Tropians was pretty much unknown before this tournament. Being around rank 8k throughout the tournament, Tropians beat players on a higher level rank-wise which is pretty "Sugoi" Tropians made a name for himself and he most certainly deserves this.

Most appreciated person


Kotayo has been an absolute bawz throughout the tournament. He was admin on Saturday even thought his precious time could've been spend on sleeping instead. He also helped out with the mappools for both saturday and sunday when he didn't even have to! Without him, the tournament wouldn't have been the same. Thank you kotayo! You deserve all the love in this trophy.

Deal with him

Most consistant


Tropians had only lost 1 match before the finals this also resulted in him having less matches but it just goes to show that he was the most consistant player winning the winners bracket. (Finals doesn't count).

Two awards for trope. Feelin comfy? :3

The person who held on for the longest


TimG went through 8 matches to grab his championship. Hadn't he dropped to the losers bracket, someone else could've held this title. Tim grabs a Mayunasu. He deserves another one for his tournament win soooo...

Funny thing is his name isn't even tim

Mayonasus favorite award


Throughout Friday and on the morning of sunday I really thought to myself that Plasticsmoothie would make it far and maybe even win it all. The reason behind this is that Plasticsmoothie has been around for longer than most and therefore I expected her to be very consistent. She was that and she made it far ending her tournament on a 4th place. Very well done! GZ on the mayonaise.

Enjoy a big bucket of mayonasu!

The tournament itself was a blast and the champion is crowned. TimG will be defending his championship title this summer.
Maybe someone will bring bigger guns next time. For now, let TimG shower in his pride and his big amount of eSport money.

To all everyone else! Thank you for participating and thank you for a wonderful tournament. Next time I might make it and if I do, I will make sure to do it a lot better than this!

- Mayoi Hachikuji

P.S I do not take responsibility for any grammar/spelling mistakes. :3
Thank you Mayoi for the great tournament. Lets have fun again.
Be sure to make another tournament. It was really fun. I also met nice people :)
i'll gladly help again if i have the time ^^
Im super sad that i didn't make it in time. :o
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