Welcome to my guide on how to stream fast and how to get better stamina. This WILL also take time so please don't give up, osu! needs better streamers! And in the words of Cookiezi, you improve the most by playing things that you can barely pass. I am always online to help people through in-game PM, although, if you don't get a response, just send a forum PM, since I will probably be asleep.
The maps in this guide also become gradually harder, and harder. In the end of it you will be playing some of the hardest maps I know of.
Depending on how good you are at the game, take some time and check your stream speed and then go down to the step where you are in order to see where you should start in this guide! If you can't stream good without music you could try turning on some music and doing it. If that doesn't work either you can just take the bpm from the hardest stream map you can do.
If you find that some maps aren't working, please do tell, and I could help you out a bit. Although most maps can be found on bloodcat or related services.
Suggestions are open and I don't mind criticism, this is a new guide, it's definitely not perfect in any matter, and theres new maps coming out at all times, so its a constantly expanding project.
To do: More maps
Outside resources
Korilak has done a very good write up on improving stream speed, here.
Supposedly this assists with your streaming through actual hand exercises.
This links to the collection of Dr. Levi videos used to prevent RSI, I wish these were out when I started doing this, so I'm putting it here.
This albeit meme video makes a few good starting points on when you're first learning how to stream.
160-179 Here's where the biggest roadblock is for most people.
160 to 179 bpm is considered the biggest roadblock just because the bpm in the maps are in the boundry of being "too slow" and "too fast" for most.
You have a couple map options here, also here's where you start grinding the DeathStream Compilation. If youre getting stuck on the deathstream compilation there is a song list with downloads on the Songs beatmap page link). I usually say play DeathStream Compilation (from now on DSC) twice a day, when you start your osu! session and when you end it (as a sort of warmup and after-training stretching session).
Start doing DeathStream Comp regularly in order to test yourself everyday and get some stamina training as well. Read above. Warning: Do NOT use No Fail using nofail at this point is more than useless, as you will only get to the point to where you are, and then you'll just stop playing. So remember, no No Fail. Also if you pass, that's something, woop.
220-239 Congratulations, you made it this far. Here's where HELL begins.
220-239 is an extremely hard step to go through, it will take weeks, months for some but with enough practice and devotion you can get to this speed "easily". It wont be easy, but I hope you have the courage to go through this.
If it's getting too hard on your aim, go practice aim and come back, you won't have a need for the rest of the maps if you don't.
XII recently put out a collection of many maps between 275-285 (Instructions to install is in the tweet below). Currently, this is practically borderline for whatever anyone is going to need anytime soon. Have fun with them, DT/HDDT specific mods on these maps are very cool to see and to challenge.
Stream Aim Uh, ok, I know how to stream high bpm relatively well now. My aim is absolute trash, what do. Long answer; who knows man. Short answer; play HR stream maps. Basicly, any map that will force you to think about where to place your cursor and how to place it is a good enough map for you to practice on.
And that ends my guide. I hope you learned at least something from this. As I mentioned I'm open to any sort of suggestions/changes to this list. Feel free to pm me in-game if you want to. Thanks for reading~ //Nyari