
League of Legends

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Oh god, I cried today..
So the enemy team left Kassadin open (7th time this season for me, lol) and I picked it.. and got stomped by a Karma in lane. Like, really hard.
I sucked so freaking hard, thank god my team carried me and we eventually won.. but damn.. I suck.

BrokenArrow wrote:

Oh god, I cried today..
So the enemy team left Kassadin open (7th time this season for me, lol) and I picked it.. and got stomped by a Karma in lane. Like, really hard.
I sucked so freaking hard, thank god my team carried me and we eventually won.. but damn.. I suck.
Karma mid is terribly strong
Witch Mercy

BrokenArrow wrote:

Oh god, I cried today..
So the enemy team left Kassadin open (7th time this season for me, lol) and I picked it.. and got stomped by a Karma in lane. Like, really hard.
I sucked so freaking hard, thank god my team carried me and we eventually won.. but damn.. I suck.
I'm currently 3/0 with Kass in ranked, the snowball is 2 stronk =w=
But yeah, a good karma is pretty annoying to deal with.
Her poke is simply amazing, and if she lands a w (while trying to set up her jungler or whoever for a gank), you're probably pretty much dead.
The thing is plenty of times Karma does nothing other than performs greatly in lane.

Like Renekton.

TKiller wrote:

The thing is plenty of times Karma does nothing other than performs greatly in lane.

Like Renekton.

i don't agree with you she can give a decent shield + movement speed great poke she fits good in sieging comps
Witch Mercy

TKiller wrote:

The thing is plenty of times Karma does nothing other than performs greatly in lane.

Like Renekton.
I suppose Karma is sorta like Nidalee in team fights.
Her job is to poke the enemy team down and hopefully her team has the ability to clean them up.
Nidalee can clean in here cougar form , karma can't clean up but she has a shield and movementspeed buff instead

SoG Tava wrote:

i don't agree with you she can give a decent shield + movement speed great poke she fits good in sieging comps
Not a lot of team comps can benefit from empowered shield.

Using empowered shield means you're gonna have even less burst for a while.

Not using empowered shield means you have to be either that much ahead or in/against a right team comp to be able to go back and forth into fairly close range utilizing your poke, missing hp regen and snare.

Even though Karma's kit changed a lot after rework, in general she still is a team reliant lane bully.

TKiller wrote:

SoG Tava wrote:

i don't agree with you she can give a decent shield + movement speed great poke she fits good in sieging comps
Not a lot of team comps can benefit from empowered shield.

Using empowered shield means you're gonna have even less burst for a while.

Not using empowered shield means you have to be either that much ahead or in/against a right team comp to be able to go back and forth into fairly close range utilizing your poke, missing hp regen and snare.

Even though Karma's kit changed a lot after rework, in general she still is a team reliant lane bully.
you've got a point
Kanye West
There's really no reason to pick Karma in this meta. Her poke is mediocre, play Nidalee or Gragas for poke. Her burst is awful and she has subpar mobility so she isn't an assassin. Her utility is subpar too, play Orianna for utility instead. And there are many matchups that can go even or win vs Karma so she's not even the best lane bully. Imo until the meta shifts to supportive midlaners, the only way she would be viable is if she was reworked to support.
4.3 patch notes are out. Yay for Gragas, Kha and shroom nerfs \:D/
Kassadin will still be permabanned.
P r o m i s e s

BrokenArrow wrote:

4.3 patch notes are out. Yay for Gragas, Kha and shroom nerfs \:D/
Kassadin will still be permabanned.
Kha'Zix is getting a nerf? Wow, about time. Same goes for Kassadin, but I rarely played against him anyway since he's always banned.
Gragas, Kha'Zix and Kass nerfs FUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRK
aaaaaaaaaanddd another Kass nerf.

BrokenArrow wrote:

4.3 patch notes are out. Yay for Gragas, Kha and shroom nerfs \:D/
Kassadin will still be permabanned.
The problem is, that Gragas will still be viable...this nerf isn't a real nerf, and that's kinda wondering me...
Same for Kassa, he still has his sick AP ratios. :p
And Kha..idk, ppl will still play him too...
Gragas nerf won't do much. Riot is nerfing him the wrong way (no surprise).
He needs to lose most if not all the random tank stats from both his passive and W before nerfs start to hurt him. Can even buff him to compensate for losing tankyness.

Kassadin needs to be remade. Stupid kit that will either be brokenly overpowered or straight up useless.

I actually think Kha'Zix was in a good place. Q nerf is fine, but the .6 ratio from his E will hurt him some. 2 second stealth ulti is interesting though.
The buff on Face of the Mountain is just amazing. I love it.
Players can now be invited to and accept game invitations while already in a lobby

Thank God finally <3
omg master yi in hexakill

all skill
I'd like the see the new Kayle icons! =O
Also liking the change to boots of mobility, sightstone and ruby sightstone.
Vulf ... 8783727617

I want to play the new Warwick so badly. :(
Kit seems very close to a PBE launch, but I know they want to launch it with a VU so who knows how far along that is. =\

Riot wrote:

Lifetime RP Rewards
DontHassleDaHoff, a CRM Manager, replied to
"Krusher - you haven't missed it yet and it hasn't been cancelled. We've been going through iterations of it to make sure its awesome. Once it's ready, we'll make sure you're aware of it. Thanks again for checking in!"
He continued:
"We're still working out all the details, but I do know it will count any purchase you made, regardless of the Season. As for the amount to qualify, we're looking the set the initial threshold really low, but again we're working out all the details - so just keep an eye out for this in the future."
When asked about how awesome it will be, he commented:
"On a scale of awesomeness I would say it's up there with an 11 Yordle scout squad given too much caffeine and free time. It's going to be awesome (at least we're trying to make it that way).
But on a serious note, I don't want to spoil too much. As Moons posted back on page two, we have some ideas around this and we're currently getting feedback from some of our players.
There are a lot of variables in play here, and if you look through the threads, they echo some of our concerns:
- don't alienate the players between those that have spent a lot vs. not a lot
- account for those of you that have spent "abnormal amounts" (quoting Kay911kay) vs. those that have spent less.
- most importantly don't suck
Our initial thought on this back on 2012, was to give our fans different Summoner icons, but that was at a time when icons weren't readily available and as Lavasioth pointed out - icons won't do.

Other details around tiers, rewards, and timing, are still under review."

Mhh i am curious what the rewards will be i have spend alot of money on this game :s
So, how is Kha Zix now? I can still play him right?

Blaziken wrote:

So, how is Kha Zix now? I can still play him right?
Yeah of course
Witch Mercy
Can't wait to go home and play Vel'Koz >w<
Pew pew LASERS~
-throws $ at comp screen, rito plz-

Red is such a pretty color
Just like the blood that's flowing out of my veins
Witch Mercy
I hate how my win rate is stuck at 50%.
It's always win one, then lose one.

I just HAD to go buy Lee Sin.

Vulf wrote:

Gragas nerf won't do much. Riot is nerfing him the wrong way (no surprise).
Yeah, lowering the ratio is the worst way to address his ult. The problem is not in the damage, the problem that it's high damage, instant and dirupting at the same time.

Even something as simple as making it like 0.66 ap +0.7 current base instant and 0.33+0.3 current base dps over 3 seconds would make it a lot more counterplayable while still powerful. Obviously just giving this as an example.

Gragas' whole kit is close to be balanced. Even the 15% reduction is not that much overpowered, it's the fact that the kit doesn't require you to put yourself in danger to do your big damage unless you're cleaning up.

I believe that his kit can be balanced through numbers, just not damage numbers alone.
High damage, High mobility, Medium-high utility, and very disruptive all while being played similar to an assassin. Low risk very high reward.
If they are going to nerf Ahri for this then there is no excuse for Gragas to stay how he is.

He has way too much going on for him. Just saying his damage isn't the problem. It's the random tankyness (from his passive and W) combo'd with a movement displacement and an attack speed slow. 1 of the 3 needs to be toned down a lot.
Witch Mercy

Blaziken wrote:

I just HAD to go buy Lee Sin.
The ree singah is op doe.
Def. one of my fav junglers =w=
The Darien disrespect. Manamune on Aatrox lmao.
Darien is such a pro xP

Navizel wrote:

The Darien disrespect. Manamune on Aatrox lmao.
Darien is the defenition of swag #420 blaze it
P r o m i s e s
Oh god. The Doran's Shield nerf will make me have a much harder time in my lane against match ups like Renekton (Riven main). Also saw somewhere the Boots of Lucidity is also getting a nerf to it's CDR, making it another nerf to her :/.
By the way, wasn't Draven getting a nerf on his passive? They've done nothing about that yet. If the dude stacks his Q fast and get's an early kill he's untouchable for the rest of the laning phase
after the darien posts i read your opening line as "darien's shield" and i was like hang on what

tyrael6192 wrote:

after the darien posts i read your opening line as "darien's shield" and i was like hang on what

i can't wait for this doran's shield nerf, doran shield thresh rekt my support in lane and i almost cried

Hika wrote:

i can't wait for this doran's shield nerf
Yeah dorans shield Needs a nerf

I suddenly remembered that Irelia exists.
Mamoru Senpai

Lower Diamond in a nutshell.
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