
What anime you refuse to watch?

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Seikunai wrote:

One Piece.

Cause I will never catch up.
700 episodes is way too long for me haha
One Piece, Naruto, Bleach and Hunter x Hunter

same here, too many episodes

and 1 different kind of anime: Lucky Star (too many bad comments?)
Too much anime in one series (except detective conan, even though I don't catch the episodes up :x)

Anime which the song in osu! background I don't like, I won't watch.
I wonder why .___.

Nearly most of non-slice of life anime, except if the background picture on osu! song I like, I will watch.

Is it too complicated? :p
For me It is all animes that have a lot of episodes.

Too lazy to catch up.
Clanned because I don't want to cry :')
Aku no Hana and Detective Conan
Evangelion. idk why
Naruto: I tried watching, but I stopped. So many episodes and it was kind of boring

Clannad: I tried watching it but I didn't come back. I want anime that engages me in the story

Most action anime like Dragonball or Yu-gi-oh! or Mecha anime I'm not really interested in those kind.

And animes that nearly have the same plot or characters. (ex. shy and kawaii girls, girls who always argue and assume they're 'perverts', etc.
Date a Live,High School dxd, and Clannad :)
Clannad idk why i think its just kinda borring :/
School Days
Aku no Hana
Detective Conan
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
Tamako Market
Hidamari Sketch

I dropped both, because they were way too dull.
One Piece, I just don't like it at all.

Can't do it man. I can't
Mamoru Senpai
Watched the first 6 episodes of Little Buster! and I can't get myself to keep watching it. I don't really know why. Probably more-overkill or overdrama, idk.
- Drag -
I can't bring myself to watch K-Project, (finish) Air, or Kuroko no Bauske.

Mostly due to the masses of yaoi I've seen based on K and KnB from their respective fandoms.
Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan

It's so weird o.O
Death Note. It looks really awesome, but since all my friends kept talking about it and spoiled literally everything about it, I don't want to watch it anymore, the magic has been broke.
Mamoru Senpai

Rumby wrote:

Death Note. It looks really awesome, but since all my friends kept talking about it and spoiled literally everything about it, I don't want to watch it anymore, the magic has been broke.
Argh, I'm always getting mad about spoilers. My mate didn't watch anime and I talked with someone on Teamspeak about Clannad. 3 months later he started Clannad and remembered what we were talking about. I probably feel worse than him. :(
[ Dalliance ]
Probably Naruto. I just don't like the fanbase.
- Sanya -
Bleach , and BL Related Shows, Since I Cant Bring Myself To Watch It (I'm A Boy) ~_~ No Offense To Their Fans
Wont watch Naruto. NEVAH!
2nd half of SAO
Black Butler II, HunterXHunter, and Naruto
:P just cuz
Any 100+ episode anime (excessive filler bullshit warranted by massive fanbase/budget), Legend of Galactic Heroes (BEST strategic ever wow!!!), nearly all sports anime (initially interesting, inevitably repetitive), and any VRMMORPG anime for blatant reasons.
Critical Dude
Elfen Lied... I read the first manga chapter then I read the wiki and it put me off, I wouldn't consider it as horror, I would consider it as "borderline" sick. And not the 'sick' as in cool but the 'sick' as in very disturbing. ._.
School Days, Naruto, One Piece.
Mofu kun
Basically any anime with more than 100 episodes. So stuff like bleach and naruto. They are way too long to watch all the way through.
infinite stratos
Anime with more 12 episodes exept Mirai Nikki. .-.

NekuroChan wrote:

Anime with more 12 episodes exept Mirai Nikki. .-.
You'd be surprised what precious gems you can miss with such a narrow tolerance. My rule of thumb is always to watch at least the entire first episode with reasonable optimism and then decide from there. By this point not much of the plot or characterization will be exposed, so usually it's the art style and overall visualization that make or break for me.
Basically any anime a hundred episodes & above.
They're all too long for me to watch anyway.
I used to never want to watch Naruto but recently I've picked it up and i'm just skipping the fillers..
But for years I've never wanted to watch it and now i've almost completed it ;D
I also refuse to watch sports anime in general (Free!- Iwatobi Swim Club is an exception) ._.
I also refuse any BL anime
Serial Experiments Lame
No reason other than spite.

nyrox wrote:

Serial Experiments Lame
No reason other than spite.
Naruto. Never watched a single episode, mainly because it would take too long to catch up, but i have disliked what clips i have been shown.
-Sport Anime
-Lesbian/gay Anime
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