
enameruP - SilentNight

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on dimanche 15 décembre 2013 at 16:53:54

Artist: enameruP
Title: SilentNight
Tags: Hatsune Miku enamerup Vocaloid Christmas Holy Silent Night 初音ミク enameru-P
BPM: 100
Filesize: 2831kb
Play Time: 01:31
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4,31 stars, 127 notes)
  2. Normal (1,91 stars, 76 notes)
Download: enameruP - SilentNight
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Merry Christmas everyone!
numba 2



00:26:598 (3) - Make this curvy, rather than linearl. Will look better.
00:34:398 (2) - uhhhhhh just make a wave... ;3
01:24:798 (2,1) - This can blanket better, move (1) up a bit.

Really nice. :3


00:28:398 (5) - Move the position of this note so that it blankets better.
01:28:398 (4) - IT'S NOT SYMMETRICAL MY OCD ;_;
01:30:198 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - As you maintained a consistant DS throughout the map the jumps mid-pattern might be just a touch unreadable... I'd recommend increasing the spacing between (1), (2), and (3).


Really good map <3
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Thank you SMIC♥
I applied everything except three things, that's mostly personal taste :3
Testplayed Normal and hard (: I found no issues. Maybe need some avanced checking, maybe need stars from other people. Surely will get ranked this month c:

STAR for Perfection


EDIT: For all modders: if you found nothing to be fixed, star this map ^^

If you found something to fix, give star too (:
After crying for a whole minute because this mod was not sent for some apparent reason, I decided to re-do the mod.


00:39:798 (1,2,3) - I love this heart~

00:43:398 (1) - This could be a curve

01:13:998 (2,3,1) - Something like this maybe?


00:13:998 (6) - Blanket better?

00:22:998 (2) - Same with this, it doesn't look right.

01:12:798 (2) - Maybe make the shape a little bit better?

01:30:198 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Maybe add some whistles to a few of these. Besides last note.

I love the map, and the song~

I'm a terrible modder ;c;
Hi Gabe ~
Random mod here since i want to mod christmas song :3

Bolded red = unrankable
Red = need to fix
Blue = comment
Question mark used as my suggestion

  • General
    Seems fine

  • Normal
    00:10:698 (3) - sound in here not really loud as other, how about reduce the volume with use drum?
    00:18:198 (1) - maybe just personal taste, i prefer to make blanket with move the tail to 88,40
    00:21:198 (5) - i think this slider too curve, 2nd node 1 grid down? i guess like
    00:27:198 (4) - just nazi here, 1 grid right to make more neat? too close with the previous imo
    00:37:398 (2) - i know it will break your consistency but imo, vocal is increase here and need whistle to emphasize the increase of the vocal ><
    00:43:398 (1) - kinda nazi, i feel 336,84 better for natural flow. the previous one is too high imo and break the flow (if you agree with this, fix the spacing after this slider)
    01:00:798 (5) - try to rotate 12 degree and put at 284,32? better flow imo
    01:03:198 (3) - vocal,music increasing here (ofc louder than 01:01:398 - ), well you use a simple hitsound here maybe i can just suggestion sampleset drum (to emphasize the music) and additions Normal (to keep consistency with other) ><
    01:11:598 (3) - i guess there is an inconsistency here (1,04x)
    01:22:998 (1) - remove whistle body here? to keep consistency with 00:39:798 (1) - imo
    01:31:998 (3) - finish in here is really loud, try to lower the volume 10%?

  • Hard
    00:08:598 (2) - personal taste again, move to 8,288 for better blanket (in my eyes)? or change it but i'm sure it can be a better blanket here ><
    00:12:198 (3) - i prefer to ctrl+G to make jump before stanza to emphasize the vocal too
    00:19:998 (3) - maybe 2nd node 248,160 for better blanket?
    01:02:598 (3) - on repeat, same as Normal 01:03:198 -
    01:13:998 (4) - 2nd node 233,137 for better shape :P *runs
    01:31:998 (7) - same as Normal

Nice map and relax song <3
it will become nice if have a little SB, maybe lyrics and snow effect when kiai fountain (kiai time i guess xP) ><

Good Luck Gabe :3
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omg pro xinely, your mod was helpful.

I followed almost all of your suggestions, thank you! :3
What do you mean with not accepting guest diffs?

I really cannot understand that pls explain
dw, i don't like the song anyway

star <3
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inb4 you love it but you don't want to admit it ♥
This map is already so perfect so I'm gonna be a bit nazi, if you don't mind it \o/
Instead of modding hitsounds I hitsounded it again from scratch (because I think yours are almost inaudible ;_;)
Use if you want

00:08:598 (2) - Disable grid snap to make a perfect blanket if that even matters for you
00:12:798 (4,5,6) - This could be more polished:
01:15:798 (1) - I think this is off the playfield o_O
00:36:198 (1) - extremely nazi but not perfect
01:03:798 - I don't understand why lowering the volume hwew o.O the song sounds the same to me
01:22:398 (4) - Try it less cruved
01:27:198 (2) - :c
01:30:198 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I love this combo

If you liked the hitsounds just copy them to this diff with grumd's tool (or don't)
00:19:998 (3,4,5) - Make a triangle? You'll have to adjust spacing a bit
00:34:398 (3) - LOL
00:39:798 (1,2,3) - <3
01:06:798 (4) - Curve the straight part a bit? Looks weird this way imo

Good luck c: sorry for being nazi but there's nothing to mod
ily gabe lets get this map ranked

[* General]
Such a nice, slow map. I like it!

[* Mod]
  1. 00:10:698 (3,1) - Maybe something like this:
    so that it blankets better
  2. 00:17:298 (4) - Middle slider point to 151:109 just so that it keeps two grids between 00:17:298 (4,1)
  3. 00:27:198 (4) - Slider end point to 305:282 (This is a really small change in location, but again it is to keep the grids in between the two sliders relatively even).
Again fantastic normal, fits very perfectly :D
[* General]
Ahhh this is so nice to look at and play!

[* Mod]
  1. 01:22:398 (4) - Curve this a little more, slider midpoint to 256: 248
  2. 01:27:198 (2,3,4) - Blanket is only slightly off. Slider midpoint to: 288:275 and the end point to 309:316. It'll look better if you do so~
  3. 01:30:198 (1,2,3) - I suggest increase the spacing a bit since the following are quite larger jumps in comparison to the rest of the song.
Nice song, only thing I'm a bit unsure about is the kiai flashes only periodically, maybe they can show up a bit more in the mapset.

This is mapped so nicely, its perfect! Take my star goob, i loob u
Good luck!

Did I mention this map is perfect
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^Fixed everything :3

ty Lust♥
Yes, my dinner lasts some days.

Mostly aesthetical suggestions (and mostly nazi), rhythm and flow are pretty nice~

00:50:598 - Add kiai fountain pls.
Consider adding 初音ミク (Hatsune Miku) in tags.
:!: EDIT: Change Combo Color 1 (Combo2 in .osu), it blends considerably with the BG ( ), I suggest to use a clearer one ( )
Combo2 : 0,224,224

00:36:198 (1) - Remove the whistle from the sliderbody? Sounds very unfitting ;~;
00:39:798 (1,2,3) - Maybe close a bit this heart? Wide open looks a bit weird for me.
01:19:398 (1) - Remove the whistle from the body ;~;

00:28:398 (5) - Move to x:164 y:276 so the blanket looks better and not a derpy one.
00:30:198 (2) - Move it slightly above to improve blanket here.
01:01:398 (1,2,3) - Blankets pls.
01:12:798 (2,3,4) - Maybe keep spacing consistent so this looks neater?
01:18:798 (1) - This felt a bit weird, how about putting a circle here and beginning the slider in the downbeat? So the player hits along with the strong vocals there and matching with the kiai fountain.

That'd be all here, good luck Gabe :3
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Everything done! ♥
Thanks c:
I can't ignore a Silent Night map, especially since I mapped this song before

Why is Silent Night 1 word? The only source I can find linked to enameru-P is which spells it as "Silent Night"
Remove countdown, it doesn't fit with the song imo

00:45:198 (2,3) - imperfect blanket, pls fix
00:55:998 (2,4) - maybe it is just me, but I think a longer straight section looks better
01:15:798 (1) - move a bit downward to follow 3's curve better
01:21:198 (2,3,4) - imperfect blanket + stacking causes an overlap between 2 and 3. I highly advise you change this pattern to avoid stacking issues
I have a feeling that I could have been more nazi, but whatever, moving on xD

00:27:198 (4) - If 4 can blanket 3's end and 5 a it better, that would be nice (I know how hard it is, so no worries if you don't change it)
00:54:198 (1) - make 1's curve a bit sharper to point directly at 2
01:12:798 (2,4) - have 4 blanket 2 better
01:24:798 (4) - find a way to bring this down a bit. It is overlapping the hp bar, which looks terrible
01:28:398 (4) - I was pretty impressed that you made this slider. It takes a lot of points to pull off.


Great map overall. I feel at times that you are using too many wave sliders, but no big deal. I would be happy to consider this for a bubble, so feel free to call me back for a remod
Voilà le M4M ^^

  1. 00:10:698 (3) - Enleve la note? Pour les Normal mieux vaut garder un rythme simple. Ici tu suis principalement la voix (ce n'est qu'a partir de 00:17:298 (4) ou tu commences vraiment a suivre autre chose que la voix) et cette note ne correspond a rien de la voix. Et même si tu voulais suivre les instrument aussi tu devrais mettre une note a 00:08:898 aussi (entre autres) pour être consistant.
  2. 00:39:798 (1,2) - Le rythme qui convient le mieux ici pour moi c'est surtout ça:

    Ça suit les voix et est plus naturel imo que celui que tu as utilisé surtout que la note 2 au milieu n'a pas l'air vraiment de correspondre a quoi que ce soit.
    En bonus ça te permet de faire un cœur plus gros <3
    (fait un peu à l'arrache je l'avoue mais je sais que tu peux en faire un meilleur)
  1. 00:34:398 (3) - La forme de ce slider est vraiment bizarre. C'est ce que tu t'attends a trouver dans du dubstep ou du 0108 mais pas dans du silent night XD Je te conseille une forme plus simple et harmonieuse comme des vagues régulières par exemple:
    Ce n'est qu'un exemple. Tu peux faire plein d'autres trucs cool et harmonieux aussi ^^
    Voila le code si ça t’intéresse quand même:
  2. 00:55:998 (2) - C'est peut-être plus ma vision qu'autre chose mais je trouve que le slider est plus joli lorsqu'il est plus bombé. Comme ça:
  3. 01:00:498 (4) - Je sais que ca modifiera un peu le pattern mais je pense que l'overlap avec la barre de HP (et les scores) est évitable.
  4. 01:21:198 (2) - (nazi) 2nd slider point a bouger d'un cran sur la gauche pour une meilleure blanket.
  1. 01:30:198 (1,2,3) - Un peu trop de whistle ici. Je dirais que le whistle à 01:30:498 est de trop. Je suppose que tu as voulu mettre un whistle tout les white ticks.
  1. 01:24:798 (4) - Encore un overlap de la barre d'HP. Par contre lui va peut-être être plus difficile à corriger.
  2. 01:26:598 (1) - (nazi) Bouge le dernier slider point du slider un cran vers le haut puis un cran vers la droite.
  3. 00:17:298 (4,5,6,1) - 5 et 6 sont symétrique mais pas 4 et 1.
  4. 00:45:198 (4,5,6) - Un peu violent ce jump. Comparé aux autres jumps de la map qui sont de slider à slider ici c'est un jump de note a slider ce qui est beaucoup plus difficile. Ajouté à cela le fait que c'est un jump x2 alors qu'il n'y a aucun autre jump de ce genre précédemment dans la map ce qui surprend pas mal. D'autant plus que rien dans la musique ne justifie un jump aussi gros.
  5. 01:04:098 (4,5,6) - Un peu random ce changement de spacing. C'est le seul endroit de la map ou tu as ce changement-là et ca fait un peu bizarre. Ce serait pour faire un pattern à la limite mais là même pas en fait. Je pense que tu peux utiliser ton spacing usuel ici.
  1. 01:30:198 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Même chose que pour la normal.
Voilà. Bon, comme tu es sur le point de te faire bubbled ca sert a rien que je te file une star mais dis-toi que l'intention y es :D
INB4 your mod is shit rezoons!
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Thanks guys! Almost everything has been changed :3
Good luck Gabe~
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ty >//<
For some reason, itunes list the song as SilentNight (one word), so since Gabe wanted to be consistent with that, the song title was kept that way. However, we did drop the hyphen from the artist.
Besides that, a few other sliders were changed, and the bg was changed to be 16:9

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Thank you!! ♥
  1. Disable the Letterbox During Breaks in both difficulties since you're not really using it.
  1. Reduce HP Drain by 1 tick, it feels too high for the easiest difficulty of the mapset.
  1. Reduce HP Drain by 1 tick to balance with the difficulty settings.
  1. 01:30:198 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I know you wanted to make the end more intense with this jumps but it doesn't fit at all imo, you should space them normally like the rest of the difficulty, it would be much better.
Let me know o3o
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I like the star the way it is right now. Previously, it was used to wrap Miku's head, but since I changed the resolution, it's kinda fucked up. Still, I like how it is and I want to keep it.
The other things are fixed, though!

Thanks Andrea :3
Okay then, Merry Christmas Gabe! <3

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Thank you Andrea! >////<♥
Congratulations Gabe!
Congratz Gabe.
Gratz Gabe owo
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Thank you guys >//<
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