
The Genie Game

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granted, but there is no floor anymore

i wish i wasnt so tired
Granted. But you're still tired :/ just.. less.. ._.

I wish tonight will last forever <3
Granted. The night will never fade, But now you are stuck, forced to wonder around a frozen world forever with no way out.... sounds like a blast ^_^

I wish I had incredibly fast hands.
Granted. They're so fast now that the inertia from moving them will shatter the bones within them.

I wish I could consistently get a spot in the cubbies in this silly library every day.
Granted but the cubbies are so small you can't even read in them.

I wish this wish wouldn't be granted!
Um, alright, granted. I'll go with granted.
There, that was easy.
(also, I'm in one of the cubbies in the library atm lol)

I wish the internet in this silly library didn't suck so much.

EDIT: wtf my bbcode isn't working hurrr
EDIT2: oh wow hurrr url doesn't work with multiline now derp
Granted but you can't use them

I wish for a really awesome looking sports car
Granted, but

I wish you the best of luck ^^
Granted. But for every lucky thing that happens to me, misfortune will fall on you.

I wish for a new, hi-tech phone.
granted, but it's so high-tech you can't even turn it on

I wish exams will end sooner
Granted, all of your exams will now be back to back with 5 minutes in between each one on one day.

I wish for newspaper.
Granted but as soon as you grab it, it'll combust.

I wish I wasn't sleepy right now.
Granted. you shall never again sleep..... ever.

I wish something exciting would happening today.
Granted. It'll happen but you'll be left out of it.

I wish I can go paintballing right now .w.
Granted but you somehow manage to get shot in one of your eyes.

I wish I didn't have so much body hair.
Restless Spirit
Granted, but the effect is caused by cancer.

I wish I could fluently speak all languages currently spoken on this world.
granted, but the you cut your tongue.

i wish i could read people's mind.
Granted but there isn't an off switch for it, which means you'll be hearing voices in your head 24/7 ^^

I wish the new year comes sooner
Granted but you'll miss Christmas and all the other things that will happen before New year.

I wish I weren't so forgetful
granted but you will forget to goto the toilet

i wish i have a comb
Granted but it's a 2-metre wide novelty comb.

I wish it snows where I live
granted but needles will grow on the roofs at night

i wish i have an aspirin
Granted, but now you're hooked on them.

I wish I had a good wish
Granted but the side effect of that wish will be much worse than a regular wish.

I wish I could perform two tasks simultaneously (such as swimming and dancing) but being unable to perform them separately (not being able to swim OR dance).
Granted but now you won't be able to do anything specific.

I wish for some motivation to study.
Granted but the motivation is too strong that You can't stop studying

I wish I can fly.
Granted, only for 30 seconds.

I wish the construction work next block would be done tomorrow
Granted but they start construction right next to your house the next day.

Man, frankly, I wish construction in Canada wouldn't take 10 years to do.
Granted in now takes 20 yrs to finish.

I wish my dog would stop licking my foot whenever I play my guitar. It's getting annoying.
Granted, now your dog will climb on you and lick your neck.

I wish I could stop biting my finger nails.
Granted but now they bite you

I wish i was a godess
Granted but now you have to clean all the poop in the world since you are the Goddess of feces.

I wish I could teleport anywhere I want.
Granted but You will receive extreme pain when teleporting

I wish I can do Psychokinesis
Granted but your physical abilities are severely weakened. Don't even have the strength to open your eyes among other things.

I wish I had a really awesome electric guitar.
Granted but it electrocutes you when you hit the wrong cord.

I wish i didnt have insomnia *Sob*
Granted... but You'll sleep in days time too

I wish I had money
Granted. But that money was stolen from a bank.

I wish I had a PS4.
Granted but whenever you try to turn it on, you'll miss the power button by 1mm.

I wish I did something productive today.
granted but after 3 works, it's only 50% productive

i wish i have Speedball
granted but its too fast

I wish i was actually good at osu, pft
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