
The Genie Game

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Granted, but only on fridays and saturdays

I wish for a cool game
Your wish is granted, but the cool game gets hotter later, burning down whatever game system you're playing on.

I wish to be a good singer
Granted, but you will have bad breath forever.

I wish I will not grow old.
granted but you still age physically

i wish noire and plutia were real and mine
yeah but they hate you :>

i wish that i could hold a bari sax without it choking me
Granted, but it sounds awful when you play it
btw i also play the sax :3

I wish i could rank my pending maps more quickly so ppl can enjoy them :3
granted, but people end up NOT enjoying them and mapping them was a waste of time >.<

i wish my eyes weren't so dry today
Granted, but now you can't stop crying.

I wish for a kind trainer to take care of me :3
Granted, but you have to sleep with him every night.

I wish I had some chocolate right now
Granted, But you have High Blood Pressure
I wish for more wishes
Granted, but they won't make big effect

I wish for 10 Gbits of internet
Granted, but now internet is fulfilled with shit, and it's new name is internerd

EDIT: fff i almost forgot
I wish for delicious chocolate :3
Granted, but it's dirty.

I wish for sanity
Granted, but you will be surrounded by insane people.

I wish I have a normal life. Please.
Jing Yuan
Granted, but it's so boring.

I wish for a really good hamburger.
Granted, but now you're getting fat. Better start exercising~

I wish to be kawaii
Granted, but you are no longer pika

I wish for better skills in taiko without any downgrade at other gamemodes
Grandes, but your handebol will hurt like hell.

I wish for epic sax solo guy.
Restless Spirit
Wish granted. But sadly, this is everything you will hear forever. If someone speaks, you'll only hear the saxophone. If you listen to any music, you'll the saxophone. Even if you shit, you'll only hear the saxophone. Every sound, every noise in your world will be replaced by the epic sax guy, driving you insane slowly, but surely.

I wish for a big underground place I can call my own, where I have the opportunity to feed myself to never starve nor thirst, and where I can live a solitary existence, away from all the goods and evils of the world.
Wish Granted but you will be locked inside that underground palace. Yo uwill never be able to come out anymore again and you will never be able to have someone to please your life with nice *Icough cough* stuff.

I wish Toho girls were real, but not cosplay shits
Restless Spirit

Winek wrote:

Wish Granted but you will be locked inside that underground palace. Yo uwill never be able to come out anymore again and you will never be able to have someone to please your life with nice *Icough cough* stuff.

I wish Toho girls were real, but not cosplay shits
You know what? I am TOTALLY fine with that. This is exactly what I wished for. You have to try harder if you want to give me some sort of disadvantage, which should be the point of your reply. And yes, I am mocking you right now. Hehe. :P

Powersocke wrote:

Winek wrote:

Wish Granted but you will be locked inside that underground palace. Yo uwill never be able to come out anymore again and you will never be able to have someone to please your life with nice *Icough cough* stuff.

I wish Toho girls were real, but not cosplay shits
You know what? I am TOTALLY fine with that. This is exactly what I wished for. You have to try harder if you want to give me some sort of disadvantage, which should be the point of your reply. And yes, I am mocking you right now. Hehe. :P
then your house will be full of lava

Winek wrote:

I wish Toho girls were real, but not cosplay shits
Granted, they are TOHO girls, not touhou heehee

EDIT: fff again i forgot my wishhh
E... tto.. I wish for pendrive full of super fabulous non-boring videogames
Granted, but you won't be able to save your progress on them

I wish for a talking bonsai
Granted, but that bonsai will yell at 4:30 each morning to wake you up.

edit: ff forgot my wish.

I want to fall in an infinite water slide while relaxing.
Granted, but you won't be able to leave it, FOREVER!

I wish for JavaScript skills!
granted but you end up living lonely

i wish for more nike elite socks
Granted but you will have to use them as gloves

I wish for a large bar of chocolate
granted but your teeth will rot and fall off

i wish for b1rdie >~<
then you have me :3

I wish for Shellyghost to come back
did someone delete their post or what..?

okay granted but he wont stop following you >.<

i wish for love
Granted, but no one loves you back.

I wish for hell
granted, but this hell is... hell?
dammit imaginarywriter >~< ( i need a nickname for you...)

i wish i had a nickname for imaginarywriter
You receive Matty.

That's my official nickname.

I wish for a nickname for kynolenkun
you receive kyno

use it well

i wish that i can make the name matty cooler
granted, the word becomes so uncomprehensibly awesome that people cease functioning and just lying on the floor in euphoria repeating 'Matty.. Matty..', and everyone in the world dies of starvation.

I wish for sushi
granted but a japanese will kill you afterwhat

I wish for In real life My little pony.
Granted, but you will have to feed it with five donuts per day.

I wish to have more than one wish only.
granted, but you will forever be lonely and that other wish will be used against you.

i wish my computer was fixed so i can stop using this slow one >.<
grated but the spare part got rent for 7 days and should return it

I wish fictional character could love me back
granted but now she is overly attached girlfriend / boyfriend

i wish for sushi
granted but u got a blowfish sushi... prepare to chance to die

he is ! not she is ! @.@

i wish i could have perfect body with muscles thingty @.@
Trash Boat
granted, but a mosquito lies in your face and you can't reach it

i wish for big money
granted, but it is litterally BIG money

i wish for rice
granted, but parisites are living within it

I wish to have cookiezi skills in osu ~
Granted, but you can't play beatmaps

I wish I have a touchscreen pc
granted but the actual touchscreen does not work

i wish for tablet that is WORKING
Granted, but the tablet came with no pen

I humbly wish for a cake.
bug sniper
Granted. However, I regret to inform you but your cake is nothing more than a fallacy produced to widen the audience of the Portal series.

I wish Cookiezi would return.
Granted. However, he can't even full combo beatmaps beyond 2 stars difficulty.

I wish I had a mouse that perfectly fits in my hand
Granted. However, our store is out of stock. We will restock mices after February.

I Wish dual xenon PC with dual Titans and 64gb ram
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