
Live collaborative mapping.

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +2,530
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MillhioreF wrote:

From the OP of the collab mapping thread:

cheesiest wrote:

There'd be a supervisor(the map creator), and the others in the room. The supervisor can give permissions to people in that room to either start placing objects and inherited sections, add hitsounds, and any other thing that would fit.
The supervisor could deny any kind of editing privileges to the others in the room, essentially only letting them spectate.
Great point!
This is the best feature request in the world and you should all pile all your stars onto it.
Topic Starter

Kitsunemimi wrote:

This is the best feature request in the world and you should all pile all your stars onto it.
I concur with this statement.
i love that idea, support~ This idea should really get more attention

MillhioreF wrote:

"LBP" is LittleBigPlanet, where you can invite friends to join edit mode with you and let them modify things along with you. It's pretty much the ideal for multiplayer editing.
My gawd I love that game......

Anyways, maybe it could be like a multiplayer lobby sort of thing, where players will join a room, let the host choose the song, and have everyone ready up to start the live editing. I'm not sure how to keep out strangers other than making this room private by default and making invite only, but I'm just throwing out ideas :P
Is it really possible ?
I support without star for the moment, it seems to me too difficult.
if I had votes I would shoot them all at this request. This feature will be really awesome and helpful.


i wanna collab moar and this would make my life easier

love the idea
This would be quite useful if people wanted to teach others how to map ; ___ ;
Tutorials have not done me any good :L
- Marco -
Support. 0 stars >:(
Great feature suggestion. Need more videos. :3
Topic Starter
can i bumP? idk
Love the idea, would need a lot of support though, that's a huge update, a whole new feature.. worth it imo.
this is fucking genius omg
Definitely supporting. This needs to happen. Collabs can be painfully slow, especially when taking into account timezone differences.
kind of like a google doc?

i'd really like this
s u p p o r t

Raose wrote:

s u p p o r t
I've had plans for video mapping tutorials for awhile but my mic broke. I could setup my phone mic again, but will probably wait until I get a new mic.

also it would be nice to be able to see the a coloured circled where your partners cursor is and it has there name in a box next to the cursor so when collabing with multiple people you can see who is placing what. Also a non f8 chatbox in the corner with appearing actions, such as "mapper1 just rotated on 'time'." "mapper2 just removed a slider on 'time'." Also, it'd be nice to assign actual roles such as storyboarder where the storyboarder is creating themselves, and to prevent any lag problems has a button when they want to send the files of the sb to all the other people and the room, and once clicking the button each player in the room can click yes or no if they want the file at the moment depending on what they are doing and their net.

Also, this would mean implementing multiple creators into the metadata, so on the menu maybe a button next to the song on the seleet screen that shows all the creators and the main creator in the normal spot as it is right now. Also, this goes to the whole bookmark suggestion I made in #modhelp but never had a chance to request, bookmarks not only let you jump to places quickly, but you can place notes on the bookmarks. So when on a bookmark there is a button where all the other bookmark tools and once clicked, you can enter in a note and save, that note will be able to read by all members and you and can only be deleted by the creator.
yes please
i'd support this to. well i did :D
Wow that's a very genius idea :D
This is an interesting idea. +2
osu!drive much
Not sure if I would ever use this, (since I'm terrible at mapping) but it seems like a really cool idea and I would love to see it implemented.

+26 ;)

Kardet wrote:

Not sure if I would ever use this, (since I'm terrible at mapping) but it seems like a really cool idea and I would love to see it implemented.

+26 ;)
Same here.

have my little stars (ж>▽<)y ☆
+6 for LiinzeR ltd
welp seeing as im in the process of ordering a mic once it gets here ill be making tutorials daily each being short to about 5 - 10 minutes except for the longer ones being the introduction and explanations on how to use them together. I;m looking for a good creative commons song i can use for the tutorials
Topic Starter
Thanks so much you guys for your support! (-:
gogo mapping spectation o3o
oh hey stars
why isn't this a thing yet?

[Luanny] wrote:

why isn't this a thing yet?
I think peppy said why somewhere in this thread. :P

EDIT: Found It!

peppy wrote:

I'll make a deal: If someone creates a series of video tutorials on mapping in osu! – something I've hoped would have been done by now without even having to ask – I will put everything to one side and make something like this happen. This is not a new idea, and it is something I have been keen to implement, but there is a lot involved in making it work correctly.

Hell, I might even settle for new video tutorials on installing and loading new maps into osu! or anything really. I's so sad to see so few quality tutorial videos :(.
ztrot is hard at work to convince peppy into making this happen. Everyone randomly PM him with appreciation.

@ztrot trollface
Natteke desu

Raose wrote:

s u p p o r t
Take my star !
I was told to show support for this idea. Ok cheesiest.

I support this idea.

Edit: No star ;_; maybe i will come back later with one
I gave a couple stars :3
+1 for a great idea :D
tutorials coming soon seeing as my mic arrives tomorrow but firat need my tongue and gums to heal because of bullshit
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