
[Rule] Maps must be of an agreeable level of quality

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Wishy wrote:

From what I've been told there are like 3 gimmick maps in the whole game, so I guess you are talking about maps that are not just a straight 1/2 line.
I would never advocate mapping in a boring, "intuitive" way like that and I would never map like that myself. When I talk about things being "sloppy," I mean that it could clearly be improved--if eight BATs think that, then it's probably a fair indicator that the map could be improved before being ranked. Not everything is destined to be ranked.

When I talk about something being "unfair," I mean that the arrangement of objects either bears little relevance to the music, or tells me little to nothing about what the map's supposed to follow. That is subjective in itself, but again, if eight BATs think that, then it's probably a fair indicator that the map could be improved before being ranked. In most of the "challenging" maps that I've seen, I've always got the impression that they were made like that for the sake of it, or that their challenging parts were stupidly overdone/unnecessary/could have been developed more gradually. If I was good enough to play them, then I'd find them heinously boring, so my ability is not a factor in this.

With that in mind, if eight bats think that, then _________. Fill in the blank!

What I find particularly frustrating is that the proponents of these kinds of silly maps like to rag on structure maps, just because they "don't flow well" or are "unintuitive," even though they tend to have much more relevance to the music and are usually much better at conveying the different rhythms in a song. This is part of why I get so vehement about this sort of thing--if people are going to complain about one style, then why shouldn't another style be held up to the same kind of scrutiny?

Outside of stylistic differences, others and I are vocal about this sort of thing because we care about the game. We want there to be a bar, and after almost six years, it should be reasonable to suggest that the bar should be high. It takes a lot of effort to get attention, so if there is clearly room for improvement that would bring a map up to par with others of its style, then why not have it improved? The only excuse is laziness.

DEEDIT: Besides, if you're talking about BATs' preferences being a part of a stripped-down ranking process, then this thread is entirely relevant and there's no room to complain about this. How about, "If you can't make a polished map, then get better and stop crying?" The community's came far enough that we should be able to push maps to be as good as possible. Of course, I also realise that it's important to prevent a map from becoming boring, but from what I've seen, people only use "interesting" gimmicks because they lack creativity. There are loads of ways to make things interesting, or at least consistent with plenty of variance, while still using jumps and the like sparingly.
Topic Starter
Noting that this provision has already been used (albeit incorrectly) in unranking a map due to partially subjective-based quality concerns. Considering stripping this amendment down to simply stating that a group of 8 BAT may unrank a map over a subjective issue that they all agree on, provided that they all actively work towards restoring the map to a rankable state as soon as possible.
If you want to add it, bubble it, give it a few days and then heart it, Eph.
Let me rightout start with bubbling this to show that time is running out to discuss this
I'm not really agree with the bubble of this rule atm since

a) the discussion didn't bring some relly positve opinions about this rule
b) how should it really work now?, we will need 8 BAT to bubble/rank/approve a map? If it's so this will mean that new mappers will have no chance to become a map ranked,atm we don't have so many BATs to give they more ''work'' as they already have.

Lally wrote:

b) how should it really work now?, we will need 8 BAT to bubble/rank/approve a map? If it's so this will mean that new mappers will have no chance to become a map ranked,atm we don't have so many BATs to give they more ''work'' as they already have.
No, ranking will remain as is, but if a substantial group of BATs disagree with the map for subjective reasons (quality) it can be unranked.
my missunderstood then
the rule must explain it better because how it's wroten atm many people can missunderstood how i already did
The first portion of the rule is just a reminder about map quality before ranking, the 2nd part is the one that states that when a substantial ammount of BATs deem it a map may be unranked, it is written fine tho i can see why you would be confused.
I like the unrank if bad system more than the long ranking process. Bad ranked maps will shine through as players complain about it, and BATs will unrank them if the complaints have merit.

Ephemeral wrote:

Let's open a can of worms.

Beatmaps must be assessed by the presiding BAT and community modders as being of sufficient quality at a general level before they can be considered ready for ranking. This means that maps which are technically rankable under the criteria but are widely considered (8 or more members of the BAT over any opposing consensus) by the staff to be unrefined or in considerable need of improvement may be unranked or rendered unrankable if no suggested changes are made in an appropriate timeframe.
Some changes to this format.

Beatmaps must be assessed by the presiding BAT and community modders as being of sufficient quality at a general level before they can be considered ready for ranking.

Is community modder the new official term for modders with authority under the new modding system? I think this needs to be more specific, because we got a minimum star priority requirement before a song can be ranked. This needs to be taken into account either directly referring to star rating or requiring a minimum number of modders to be considered rankable. I'm going to say this number is 5.

Beatmaps must be assessed by at least 2 BATs as being of sufficient quality at a general level and have received a minimum of 5 mods from different people to be considered ready for ranking.

I'm having a difficult time translating the last part into a workable rule. The second statement doesn't describe what the first statement actually means. The problem here is that you're saying that any map must meet a general consensus of 8 BATs that it meets a general level of quality, when in reality we can't expect that to be the case for every map and including such phrasing will cause confusion. I don't think we should be confusing the actual ranking process and the terms that BATs reserve to stop maps from being ranked. You can exclude the part that says the second statement explains the first one, which is false.

Altogether we have:

Beatmaps must be assessed by at least 2 BATs as being of sufficient quality at a general level and have received a minimum of 5 distinct mods per map to be considered ready for ranking. Gamemode specific maps must receive at least 3 distinct mods; at least one of which must be from someone experienced in that specific gamemode. Maps which are technically rankable under the criteria but are widely considered (8 or more members of the BAT over any opposing consensus) by the staff to be unrefined or in considerable need of improvement may be unranked or rendered unrankable if no suggested changes are made in an appropriate timeframe.

IMO- "by the staff" sounds redundant. You could probably remove it from the rule.

In this version there is a distinction between how a map is ranked and the process on how unrankable criteria is discussed. There should be no confusion about whether it takes 2 or 8 BAT to rank a map using the phrasing I have made. The limits placed upon modding can be changed as you see fit. Under the new system, there must be at least 3 mods that exclude mods by BATs. I think requiring at least 3-5 mods per map in a mapset is reasonable to expect from any ranked map. I am highly skeptical that a mapper can perfect a mapset in under 3 mods. It can be discussed whether BAT mods count towards the requirement.
Shohei Ohtani
If this rule gets added, can there also be a rule for people to stop dicking around in said beatmap's thread (Possibly locking it or whatever idunno)

Like rather than having 5 pages of rage really doesn't help the map get ranked at all nor is anybody going to be like "Oh yeah whoops sorry there here's your map back!"

Mostly because people don't unrank over bad blankets or missing claps or anything, and like, most of it has already been discussed in #lounge, so it's kind of redundant to open it up to the general public when it's already been discussed by staff.
finding two BATs is already hard...
Well this would bring more quality to maps but would kill mappers' motivation on getting stuff ranked.
(Although this might be something positive at some point, iykwim.)
I think "8 or more members of the BAT" should be "8 or more members of the BAT, at least 2 for every region". This makes sure that the decision is based on the whole team.

popner wrote:

I think "8 or more members of the BAT" should be "8 or more members of the BAT, at least 2 for every region". This makes sure that the decision is based on the whole team.
What? That makes no sense at all. Does this mean we have to labeled on our knowledge of mapping/modding by what FLAG WE HAVE?
This is nonsense. We do not base quality by region. There tends to be some bias in certain regions about other regions.
We will never apply regional differences within the staff, because this is discrimination and racism.

Discard that. I will disallow this approach as long as I exist in the staff.
Quality by region is rather racist the way it sounds. I do agree with making the ranking requirements a bit more strict but the motivation will get down.

I agree with what Loctav wrote:

never apply regional differences within the staff, because this is discrimination and racism.
The region means time region, or time zone. Either this, or a 24h discussion. We treat each subjective unrank case by case. Subjective unrank should not be a simple decision that can be made quickly.
The time region is meaningless. Like stated in the rule, if 8 BATs agree, it can be unranked. This shouldn't be truly not rushed. That's why we have internal regulations that try to involve all time zones (I don't want to get detailed in this thread)

In conclusion: if you are afraid that your asian time zone is afraid of maps being unranked because western time zone BATs will group up, you will have enough time to gather contradicting opinions.

Also I heavily dislike this group thinking.
Topic Starter
Rule will be finalized within 3 days as:

Members of the Beatmap Appreciation Team may unrank a beatmap on "subjective" quality grounds so long as they gather the consensus of 7 other members of the team, for a total of 8 BAT supporting the unrank. This unrank must be supported by well-thought and clear instructions on how to resolve the issues mentioned.
Well phrased. I guess maybe there should be a statute of limitations to add to this rule. It doesn't need to be included in the finalized version immediately, but we should decide around a time where a beatmap is considered too old to derank. I really like how you rephrased it though. It's much clearer about how it is to be handled.

I have some questions. Will gamemode specific maps still require the same amount of people to agree? Do we even have 8 BATs who know enough about CTB or mania to unrank a map? How long do you estimate the whole process to take? I think it might cause some frustration if a map is ranked for a week and then the BATs finally conclude it should be deranked. It might take a few days just for someone to realize there are issues in a map and any discussion would just add onto that time. Players tend to expect that a map with no unrankable issues will stay ranked. It would be particularly upsetting if problems with one map causes a derank and score wipe of the entire mapset. What about the possibility of partial score wiping? I think that would be incredibly helpful under the new system when it comes into effect. I have an even better idea. What if you could temporarily suspend score submission of maps (not the entire mapset) that are in debate and allow changes to only those maps. If the proper changes aren't made within a set time limit, consider whether the rest of the mapset is rankable without that difficulty and proceed accordingly.

Once discussions have begun, the mapper should be aware of what the problems are and I think it would be nice to include a notification message that indicates whether a map is under review. One way of implementing this would be to edit the beatmap's information page. This will not be very effective, because people who download through osu!direct, and who have already downloaded the map will likely not see the message and still assume that the map will forever be ranked. Sometime in the near future it would be nice to see the ingame notification system be used for situations such as this.

I highly recommend that the process of unranking maps be refined before the new ranking system gets implemented. Rules such as this that require several days to come to a decision and need to be carried out while causing as little grief as possible. It isn't the beatmapper's fault if we rank a map that is below acceptable standards. We should at least make an effort to minimize damage.

I would make a feature request for this, but it is one of those things that shouldn't need to be discussed endlessly. I think these things need to be possible at some point. It will be bad for osu's image if they aren't implemented.
Did this rule will affect maps what was ranked 1 week ago and older? If not, it should be mentiored in rule's text imo.

Ephemeral wrote:

Rule will be finalized within 3 days as:

Members of the Beatmap Appreciation Team may unrank a beatmap on "subjective" quality grounds so long as they gather the consensus of 7 other members of the team, for a total of 8 BAT supporting the unrank. This unrank must be supported by well-thought and clear instructions on how to resolve the issues mentioned.
Finalizing this.
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