
BRIGHT - Ichinen Nikagetsu Hatsuka [Osu|Taiko]

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mod4mod da queue da azu-nyan14


  1. bom, eu gosto/uso bastante simetria e gostei das que voce fez e tudo mais, mas tenho que dizer que voce nao esta usando corretamente, isso pra maioria do beatmap.
    ano passado eu tive um problema parecido com esse na minha guest diff/collab. eu basicamente tentei manter simetria o maximo possivel e ate ignorei a musica em si pra manter isso em alguns casos. no fim, a simetria acabou limitando o ritmo da minha diff e tambem me forçou a usar mais simetria. no fim eu nao tive outra saida tive q consertar e mudar oq eu nao queria, meu trabalho perdeu a qualidade...

    de volta a seu map... sugiro q vc remapeie ele : (
    tem varios problemas de estetica, ritmo etc.

    nao cometa o mesmo erro q eu, forçar simetria vai ter um retorno ruim.
  2. retire sword art online da source. ela pertence as tags porque a musica em si nao é ost desse anime, sendo apenas um amv. as verçoes ranked dessa musica nao estao usando na source tambem
  3. use as tags "1 year 2 months 20 days" e retire "1year2months20days" de la. tags sao feitas para serem encontradas, duvido q alguem vai pesquisar por essas palavras juntas
  4. por que esta usando 4 bg's ?

00:14:729 - imo esse tick é importante
00:21:788 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - otimo trabalho aki. forma e ritmo muito bem expressas
00:46:493 (3) - esse slider tem um final nao tao bom pra o ritmo anterior, e começa o novo ritmo incorretamente tambem. o melhor é fazer o slider durar metade do tempo imo


00:52:796 (2,3,4) - esse tipo de overlap é bem feio, eu acho que nao combina com a diff em geral
02:08:426 (5) - new combo seria aki e nao na proxima nota. essa mudança arruinaria a simetria aki. mas esse é um dos casos q falei la em cima no geral.
02:46:998 (4) - 3 repeats nao faz sentido aki


o ritmo aki ta meio simples em algumas partes, é importante escolher os ritmos mais adequados para as dificuldades e manter a dificuldade em geral balanceada e combinando com a intensidade ritmica durante a musica.

00:15:233 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - nao faz sentido se focar em apenas 3 pontos assim
00:17:250 (5,6,1) - esse ritmo artificial em 5 e 1 nao me soa bem, e tb nao acho que essa ponte entre o ritmo anterior e o novo nao "pedem" pra ser simetricos
00:52:544 (3,4,5) - o mesmo que falei de overlap na diff anterior
02:41:704 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - legal :)

deep love

00:06:662 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - definitivamente nao é insane
00:12:712 (5,6,7,1,2,3,4) - ja que voce seguiu o piano em 5 6 7 voce deveria seguir ate o final
00:17:628 (6,7,8) - um pouco estranho as notas coladinhas assim
00:30:611 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - forma irregular, e o flow em si nao é o mais adequado pra musica imo
01:42:460 (5) - duas repeats nao funcionam aki
01:43:468 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - slider shape meio incomum, usando tantas vezes assim me chamou a atençao.. sei la
02:03:510 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - meio complexo de mais pra essa diff imo
ta começando a parecer overmapeado desde esse ponto
02:37:922 (3,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - mesmo que precise de uns ajustes, fez bom uso de simetria aki

mod superficial ja que eu prefiro q vc remapeie, espero q tenha sido util. boa sorte
Topic Starter

jonathanlfj wrote:

Yes that is what i plan to do, but i dunno if it will actually happen or not xD
Feel free to call me anytime C:

jonathanlfj wrote:


jonathanlfj wrote:

02:03:510 (1) - deja vu Basara streams
that was just my comment on the stream reminding me of streams in, just ignore that xD
All righe (: that's nice ^^

These streams... they feels mighty challenging 'lewa/Cookiezi/fabriciorby by themselves (although I feel they didn't played the Basara mapset)

jonathanlfj wrote:

Good luck~
Thanks ^^
Topic Starter
Azul - comentários.

pimpG wrote:

mod4mod da queue da azu-nyan14


  1. bom, eu gosto/uso bastante simetria e gostei das que voce fez e tudo mais, mas tenho que dizer que voce nao esta usando corretamente, isso pra maioria do beatmap.
    ano passado eu tive um problema parecido com esse na minha guest diff/collab. eu basicamente tentei manter simetria o maximo possivel e ate ignorei a musica em si pra manter isso em alguns casos. no fim, a simetria acabou limitando o ritmo da minha diff e tambem me forçou a usar mais simetria. no fim eu nao tive outra saida tive q consertar e mudar oq eu nao queria, meu trabalho perdeu a qualidade...

    (Hm... é por isso que muitos preferim deixar a simetria de lado... como grumd (Goreshit - o'er the flood)...
    e simetria (ainda mais a "totalista" como tentei aqui) também provoca muito jump, deixa o mapa mais difícil, mesmo em HT (ex.: Capital Inicial - Natasha)

    de volta a seu map... sugiro q vc remapeie ele : (
    tem varios problemas de estetica, ritmo etc.

    nao cometa o mesmo erro q eu, forçar simetria vai ter um retorno ruim.
  2. retire sword art online da source. ela pertence as tags porque a musica em si nao é ost desse anime, sendo apenas um amv. as verçoes ranked dessa musica nao estao usando na source tambem → Feito.
  3. use as tags "1 year 2 months 20 days" e retire "1year2months20days" de la. tags sao feitas para serem encontradas, duvido q alguem vai pesquisar por essas palavras juntas → Feito.
  4. por que esta usando 4 bg's ? → Uma para cada diff -- outros mapset da mesma música mantêm a mesma em todos. Contudo, talvez eu mude isso enquanto remapeio, etc.

00:14:729 - imo esse tick é importante
00:21:788 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - otimo trabalho aki. forma e ritmo muito bem expressas
00:46:493 (3) - esse slider tem um final nao tao bom pra o ritmo anterior, e começa o novo ritmo incorretamente tambem. o melhor é fazer o slider durar metade do tempo imo


00:52:796 (2,3,4) - esse tipo de overlap é bem feio, eu acho que nao combina com a diff em geral
02:08:426 (5) - new combo seria aki e nao na proxima nota. essa mudança arruinaria a simetria aki. mas esse é um dos casos q falei la em cima no geral.
02:46:998 (4) - 3 repeats nao faz sentido aki


o ritmo aki ta meio simples em algumas partes, é importante escolher os ritmos mais adequados para as dificuldades e manter a dificuldade em geral balanceada e combinando com a intensidade ritmica durante a musica.

00:15:233 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - nao faz sentido se focar em apenas 3 pontos assim
00:17:250 (5,6,1) - esse ritmo artificial em 5 e 1 nao me soa bem, e tb nao acho que essa ponte entre o ritmo anterior e o novo nao "pedem" pra ser simetricos
00:52:544 (3,4,5) - o mesmo que falei de overlap na diff anterior
02:41:704 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - legal :)

deep love

00:06:662 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - definitivamente nao é insane
00:12:712 (5,6,7,1,2,3,4) - ja que voce seguiu o piano em 5 6 7 voce deveria seguir ate o final
00:17:628 (6,7,8) - um pouco estranho as notas coladinhas assim
00:30:611 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - forma irregular, e o flow em si nao é o mais adequado pra musica imo
01:42:460 (5) - duas repeats nao funcionam aki
01:43:468 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - slider shape meio incomum, usando tantas vezes assim me chamou a atençao.. sei la
02:03:510 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - meio complexo de mais pra essa diff imo
ta começando a parecer overmapeado desde esse ponto
02:37:922 (3,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - mesmo que precise de uns ajustes, fez bom uso de simetria aki

mod superficial ja que eu prefiro q vc remapeie, espero q tenha sido util. boa sorte

Pois é pimp... especialmente Kissin' e Deep Love estão 'precisados' de uma repaginada total... Claro, reaproveitando o que é bom, descartando o que está ruim...
A princípio, irei trabalhar no Deep Love (essa diff foi a primeira a surgir, quando outro mapset (o da Sekai-nyan) ainda estava no pending). Kissin' virá em seguida.
Muito obrigado ^^ pimp

Corrigindo as tags e o source, irei botar o mapset para WIP de novo :(
Quanto aos outros mods, considerarei todas elas enquanto remapeio.

E lá vou eu... reescutar a song, remapear...



Mapset is currently WIP, diffs being remapped, please don't mod.

daki um mez eu faço uma recheck :)

ah e sobre os 4 bg's, é opcional. vc pode manter se quiser, qualquer coisa isso é facil e rapido de trocar.
Random modding~~


00:23:552 (5) - NC
00:26:704 (2) - place it between 00:26:577 (1) and 00:26:830 (3) -
00:35:653 (5) - NC
00:36:662 (5) - reverse i and start slider 1/4beat later
00:43:972 (3,4) - make it like this ->
00:44:981 (6) - NC
00:55:821 (1,2,3) - remove it and make slider like ->
01:09:183 (3) - NC
01:13:216 (8) - NC

go go~
Topic Starter
Deep Blue - Changed as you said
Sky Blue - Changed, but in another way (your mod still helpful by pointed the problem)
Pink - Not changed
Pale Rose - Reason why I didn't changed something

[ Sana ] wrote:

Random modding~~


00:23:552 (5) - NC → Done.
00:26:704 (2) - place it between 00:26:577 (1) and 00:26:830 (3) - → Done.
00:35:653 (5) - NC → Done.
00:36:662 (5) - reverse i and start slider 1/4beat later → No change here because I'm following the voice here.
00:43:972 (3,4) - make it like this -> → Done.
00:44:981 (6) - NC → Done.
00:55:821 (1,2,3) - remove it and make slider like -> → Done.
01:09:183 (3) - NC → Done.
01:13:216 (8) - NC → Done.

go go~

Thank yooooooooooou Very Much ^w^

And let's go forth !
(Mappin' the Rhythm
Incarnatin' it in the map!)

Alarido wrote:

Mapset is currently WIP, diffs being remapped, please don't mod.

Topic Starter

pimpG wrote:

Alarido wrote:

Mapset is currently WIP, diffs being remapped, please don't mod.

Acho que ele (o [ Sana ]) está ávido por moddar :roll: (Se depender só dessa vontade, ele vira BAT antes do Pereira006 ~.~ )

Acho que estou para terminar o [Deep Love] (Faltam apenas os hitsounds, é claro). Não ficou bom ainda (pelo menos como eu gostaria; achei-o um tanto 'repetitivo' em algumas partes, mas espero ter seguido melhor o ritmo dessa vez). Indo agora começar o remap do [Kissin'] ...

Aproveitei quase todos os mods dele, e teve uma parte (por volta do 00:55:065 ~ 00:57:082 ) que ficou melhor do que eu tinha feito :o (e eu tinha feito uma stream um tanto longa... buft!)
Topic Starter
↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Please see the post below ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
Topic Starter

* [Kissin'] is now Ready \:D/ Collab with jonathanlfj and me *

Well, by now Ready for Mods!!! and for pimpG recheck

And still waiting for DakeDekaane's Taiko diffs

Hi~ from your modding queue
00:17:502 (8,9) - In blue line? I feel very strange (remove) 00:17:502 - add slider end in 00:17:754
Rhythm Change
00:25:569 - I feel so strange
Do you like this?
Rhythm Change
00:20:779 -
Rhythm Change
00:30:863 - strange iom (when I play in here)
try to 00:30:863 - add slider end in 00:31:115
00:43:720 (1,2,3) - DC?
Rhythm Change
00:47:754 -
01:09:687 - about the flow I think there is good
01:33:888 (6,7) - 7 blanket 6 don't forget 8 blanket 7

00:11:956 (3,4) - 3 blanket 4

00:19:267 (2,3) - It have a little overlapping
00:28:846 (5) - x192 y152
00:48:510 (2,3) - 3 blanket 2
00:49:519 (3,4) - 4 blanket 3
00:49:519 (3,1) - overlap
00:52:544 (2,3) - 3 blanket 2
02:36:409 (2,3,4) - remove finish it no strong voice in here
02:39:939 (1) - x188 y204

00:06:662 (1) - x436 y220
00:08:175 (2) - x352 y236
00:08:679 (3) - x360 y152
00:55:569 (2,3,4) - remove finish
Good luck
Topic Starter
Deep Blue - Changed as you said
Sky Blue - Changed, but in another way (your mod still helpful by pointed the problem)
Pink - Not changed
Pale Rose - Reason why I didn't changed something

bokito wrote:

Hi~ from your modding queue
00:17:502 (8,9) - In blue line? I feel very strange (remove) 00:17:502 - add slider end in 00:17:754 ► Done.
Rhythm Change
00:25:569 - I feel so strange
Do you like this? ► Done.
► Done.
Rhythm Change
00:20:779 - ► Done.
► Done.
Rhythm Change
00:30:863 - strange iom (when I play in here)
try to 00:30:863 - add slider end in 00:31:115 ► Changed too.
00:43:720 (1,2,3) - DC? ► Changed.
Rhythm Change
00:47:754 - ► Changed.. ► Done.
01:09:687 - about the flow I think there is good ► Done.
01:33:888 (6,7) - 7 blanket 6 don't forget 8 blanket 7 ► Done.

00:11:956 (3,4) - 3 blanket 4 ► Sorry, no change here due to whole pattern around.

00:19:267 (2,3) - It have a little overlapping ► Done by Blanketing.
00:28:846 (5) - x192 y152 ► Done.
00:48:510 (2,3) - 3 blanket 2 ► Done.
00:49:519 (3,4) - 4 blanket 3 ► Done.
00:49:519 (3,1) - overlap ► Done.
00:52:544 (2,3) - 3 blanket 2 ► Done. Additionaly, I did Ctrl+G here to eliminate a 1.6x jump
02:36:409 (2,3,4) - remove finish it no strong voice in here ► Done. and by hitsound consistency, I removed finished from (2,3,4) in all patterns like this one.
02:39:939 (1) - x188 y204 ► Done.

00:06:662 (1) - x436 y220 ► Done.
00:08:175 (2) - x352 y236 ► Done.
00:08:679 (3) - x360 y152 ► Done.
00:55:569 (2,3,4) - remove finish ► Done. and I did the same like explained at [Tou] ^^
Good luck
Thanks in advance \:D/

And I'll mod your map soon (:

Topic Starter
Added Dekaane's Muzukashi (: Thanks DakeDekaane ^^


  1. combo colour 8 are too bright for me,try to use colour like (220,220,220)?
  1. i think the hitclap in prelude are a little noisy,try to reduce the volume?
  2. 00:04:645(1)finish?
  3. 01:11:704(1)spin may start at 01:11:451
  4. 01:29:855(2)finish,and reduce the volume of note 1
  5. 02:04:140(2)^
  1. 00:34:393(1)not perfect stack
  2. 00:36:914(1)spin move to 00:37:040 and add a circle here
  3. 01:07:670(1,2)just a suggestion
  4. 01:39:435(1)x:331 y:98
  5. 02:52:292(1)try this rhythm?
  1. 00:18:006(6)add a circle here?
  2. 00:56:830(5)stack under the 00:56:073(3)'s tail
  3. 01:09:183(1,3,5)i think put them in same place will be better to play
  4. 02:17:754(1,3,5)^
  5. 01:29:351(1,4)finish
  6. 02:52:544(2)nazi o.o
[Deep Love]
  1. 00:26:577(1,2,3)a suggestion here
  2. 00:34:140(9)why 0.4ds ;w;
  3. 00:49:267(1)move to x:284 y:128 to stack under 00:48:006(2)? dont forget to fix the distance of follow notes
  4. 01:05:149(6)x:328 y:290
  5. 02:22:166(2,3)wrong distance?
nice song,star~
good luck :3
Topic Starter
Deep Blue - Mod Applied as Stated
Pale Blue - Mod Applied on my own way
Pale Rose - Reason for no change on that point
Green - Just comments
Bold Purple is an advice about collab parts - just wait for their owners

Melt wrote:


  1. combo colour 8 are too bright for me,try to use colour like (220,220,220)? ► Ok.

  1. i think the hitclap in prelude are a little noisy,try to reduce the volume? ► Ok. Lowered the prelude notes to 30% - it may change depending on further modding.
  2. 00:04:645(1)finish? ► Ok.
  3. 01:11:704(1)spin may start at 01:11:451 ► Ok.
  4. 01:29:855(2)finish,and reduce the volume of note 1 ► Ok.
  5. 02:04:140(2)^ ► Ok.

  1. 00:34:393(1)not perfect stack ► Ok.
  2. 00:36:914(1)spin move to 00:37:040 and add a circle here ► No change here, because of not enough space between the proposed note and the spinner begin, which sounds me kinda hard to a kinda normal diff. Sorry... Remember it can be changed on later mods if pointed by others.
  3. 01:07:670(1,2)just a suggestion
    ► Ok.
    ► Ok.
  4. 01:39:435(1)x:331 y:98
    ► Ok.
    ► Ok.
  5. 02:52:292(1)try this rhythm? ► Ok.
  1. 00:18:006(6)add a circle here? ► Ok.
  2. 00:56:830(5)stack under the 00:56:073(3)'s tail ► Done.
  3. 01:09:183(1,3,5)i think put them in same place will be better to play these notes belong to jonathanlfj part
  4. 02:17:754(1,3,5)^ these notes belong to jonathanlfj part
  5. 01:29:351(1,4)finish ► Done.
  6. 02:52:544(2)nazi o.o this slider belongs to jonathanlfj part
[Deep Love]
  1. 00:26:577(1,2,3)a suggestion here
    ► Done.
    ► Done.
  2. 00:34:140(9)why 0.4ds ;w; ► Done by pattern rearrangement.
  3. 00:49:267(1)move to x:284 y:128 to stack under 00:48:006(2)? dont forget to fix the distance of follow notes ► Done.
  4. 01:05:149(6)x:328 y:290 ► Sticked the note to x:328 y:288 due to grid snapping.
  5. 02:22:166(2,3)wrong distance? ► Fixed.
nice song,star~
good luck :3

Thank you very much for helpful mod :D
I'll mod your map soon as possible ^^

@jonathanlfj feel free to apply mods on your collab parts (:

Hi random mod :)

Hitsound kinda inconsistent in some diff imo

02:42:964 (2) - ctrl+h? and move to x:456 y:116

02:53:552 Add a circle? I think you missed one here

02:29:351 (9) - Reduce 1 repeat, you put too many

[Deep Love]
02:50:023 (1,2,3,1) - This overlap, maybe you can fix it?

Overall It's a good map
That's all, sorry for poor mod :)
I like this song, go for ranked XD
done everything on my part~ Thanks alot
Topic Starter

Mod Applier 1.0 wrote:

Deep Blue - Mod Applied as Stated
Pale Blue - Mod Applied on my own way
Pale Rose - Reason for no change on that point
Green - Just comments

Mako Sakata wrote:

Hi random mod :)

Hitsound kinda inconsistent in some diff imo ► Well, it'll being fixed through next days... it'll take some time from me. I'm likely doing this at next Saturday.

HP-1 ► Done.
AR+1 ► Done.
OD+1 ► Done.
02:42:964 (2) - ctrl+h? and move to x:456 y:116 ► Done.

HP-2 ► Done.
AR+1 ► Done.
02:53:552 Add a circle? I think you missed one here ► Added.

HP-2 ► Done.
AR+1 ► Done.
02:29:351 (9) - Reduce 1 repeat, you put too many ► Done.

[Deep Love]
HP-1 ► Done. (I got surprised how it reduced the maximum score :o it was 10.6M, now it's 8M)
02:50:023 (1,2,3,1) - This overlap, maybe you can fix it? ► Fixed in part: This is an Insane diff, and I feel these notes flew well... I hope they flow better now than before.

Overall It's a good map ♥ Thanks ^^
That's all, sorry for poor mod :)

I like this song, go for ranked XD
Thank you Very much for the mod, my dear ;)

And don't worry nor regret about poor modding (: it's fine from beginners and your free will is very appreciated ♥ And I'm a beginner modder too (: Just we need improve our skills a bit more each time. Playing and mapping are good ways to do. We could also look at maps we love and see their threads. Ranked maps were once on Pending and received various mods.
I recommend reading this topic about flow. Very interesting and kinda opening my eyes and changing my modding concepts ;)

And that's it. LET'S RANK IT, People :D

jonathanlfj wrote:

done everything on my part~ Thanks alot
Updated !

00:40:947 - Not going to start with a finish?
00:57:082 - ^
02:05:653 - You started this kiai with hitsounds. Why did you start adding hitsounds on every beat for the end part of the song?
02:37:922 - Finish?
02:39:939 (1,1) - This blanket is closer than the other blankets.


00:40:947 - Missing a hitsound like Starin'
00:57:082 - ^?
01:00:107 (1) - Kind of wish this was a tad lower to complement the triple, but this is probably inconsistent with your other blankets.
02:05:653 - Finish? Also this doesn't have the same hitsound spam as Starin'. Perhaps the spam was a mistake in starin' or why do you have differing hitsound approaches?
02:37:922 - Finish?


00:04:645 - Not going to hitsound the intro? There are parts that could be accented with a clap here and there. Your parts are missing hitsounds in general. How have people not noticed this?
00:20:779 (1,3) - Whistle or some other hitsound? The beat should be more accented here.
00:26:830 (1,2,3,4) - The gaps between each slider are at different lengths. The gap between 3,4 is especially short. <Would not have noticed this the other night x.x
00:40:947 - My finish suggestions will apply to this difficulty as well.
00:53:300 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Fun pattern.
01:00:359 (8) - Looks and plays better blanketed around 7.
02:06:157 (2,3,4) - Such an imperfect transition. I don't know how to fix it though. >.<
02:21:283 (5,1) - Seems to play best as a single slider. It would mess with your next pattern though. Well not necessarily actually. It depends on how you map it.
02:29:351 (9,1) - A bit too close don't you think?
02:31:619 (2,3,4) - Misleading disguising 1/2th notes in a 1/4th note pattern.
02:35:653 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Add curves to the sliders? The stream might be able to be touched up, but not entirely sure. Curving the sliders to complement the stream might be enough.
02:45:989 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Good flow here.
02:53:300 (3) - The volume of the ends of this are a tad high for the beat. At least lower the end, because it ends on a blue tick.

Deep Love
Intro lacks hitsounds.

00:06:662 - I just realized that a finish could work here. Add it to the other difficulties as well if you agree.
00:09:435 (6,7,8) - Good pattern choice.
00:13:468 (7,8,9,10,11) - ^
00:14:729 (1,2,3,4) - Unusual but works.
00:17:502 (8,1) - These sliders aren't the same shape. I think a symmetry pattern here would work better.
00:19:771 (7,8) - Is this overlap really necessary?
00:21:788 (1) - Start with clap.
00:30:611 (1,2,3) - Not the best transition. It is satisfactory for lining up the next part though. Not sure if it should be changed.
00:34:140 (9) - End with clap.
00:40:947 - Finishes in the same spots as was suggested in the other difficulties.
00:40:947 (1,2) - Blanket looks imperfect to me. The spacing shows 0.98.
01:13:216 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Increase spacing to 0.9? I don't like the angle of 3.
01:29:351 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - Inconsistent spacing.
01:33:132 (4,5) - Not the best angle IMO. But my mood to determine for sure whether it should be changed has faded.
02:12:460 (10) - New combo.
02:13:972 (16,17,18) - Inconsistent shape compared to the other triples.
02:24:561 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - >.< I prefer consistent spacing. It's distracting to me, but it may be fine.

I can't mod the last part. I can't concentrate anymore. Good luck.

Modding here because you requested it :3

In some diffs you use a whitish color or a light gray one, in kiai time those colors get even more brighter, and may hurt some people's eyes.

Increase AR to 3, AR2 seems slow for me, having a slow AR may cause beginners hit before time.
02:05:653 - 02:17:754 - Your hitsounding is a bit inconsistent in comparison with the other parts, keep using the claps only in 2nd and 4th beat.
02:37:922 (1,1,1,1) - I don't think this NC spam is good, all these four are would fit in one single combo.
02:45:989 (1,1,1,1) - ^Same here.

01:49:519 - Drag the break here, as in Starin'
02:37:922 (1,1,1,1) - Same as Starin'

I think AR7 would fit better here, the streams will be a bit easier to read in my opinion, but if you do, increase the AR in Touchin' to 5, for a nice spread.
01:49:519 - Drag the break here.

[Deep Love]
Looks fine, but I have some small complains here, maybe it's just a personal distaste though
00:35:149 (2,3,4) - This and all similar patterns are hard to read and play as they're clustered and somehows break the flow of the map.
00:53:300 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I'd unstack the circles from the end of the sliders, I felt them a bit unconfortable while playing
01:49:519 - Drag the break here.
I had some troubles with some streams involving sliders, but I won't say anything there as it may be my lack of skill.
I have to say that I loved the heart stream :3

Edit: Could you fix the tags in my diffs? My name is missing in them >-<

I was a bit short, but this indeed is a good mapset, it's what I could call a "tasty mapset", good job in all diffs, very fun and nice patterns
Just let's wait and gather some mods for my diffs >-<
Good luck o/
hey Alarido :) here the mods that you requested to me~
okay, here the mods XD

  1. 00:26:073 (59) - d, for the lower vocal sound than (58) and (60). if you use k too there, the sound will be flat.
  2. 00:39:183 (3) - change to be d
  3. 01:34:645 (45) - d, for the lower vocal sound there. (44) and (46) already use k, if you use k in (45) the sound will be flat. same like 00:26:073 (59) -
    :idea: let's make a good pattern here~
    00:26:073 (59) - move to 01:52:040 (7) - and change k if you want.
    01:53:552 (11) - d
    01:53:804 (12) - move to 01:54:056 (12) - and then change to be k
    01:54:309 (13) - change to be d
    01:57:082 (21) - k, to follow the vocal sound

    :idea: let's make a good pattern again here~ using
    01:58:090 (24) - k
    01:58:846 (26,27) - d k
    01:59:603 (28) - d
    01:59:855 (29) - move to 02:00:107 (29) -
    02:00:863 (31,32) - d k
    02:01:872 (34) - move to 02:02:124 (34) -
    02:02:880 (36,37) - d k
  1. 01:16:493 (184) - still low vocal sound there, how about d? d is better than k
  2. 02:37:670 (7,8) - how about k D or d D?
hope this map will be ranked soon!!! i will wait >,<
Topic Starter

Alarido wrote:

Mod Applier 1.0 wrote:
Deep Blue - Mod Applied as Stated
Pale Blue - Mod Applied on my own way
Pale Rose - Reason for no change on that point
Green - Just comments

TheVileOne wrote:


00:40:947 - Not going to start with a finish? ► Added finish, fits well.
00:57:082 - ^ ► ^.
02:05:653 - You started this kiai with hitsounds. Why did you start adding hitsounds on every beat for the end part of the song? ► As a result of remapping, some hitsounds got crucnhed, messy and awkward, so I fixed them, making consistent (e.g., finish as you pointed and claps on the 2nd and 4th white ticks as jonathanlfj suggested before -- with an exception at the prelude, where I made hitsounds more quiet to fit that song part.).
02:37:922 - Finish? ► Added, fits well and consistent with other parts.
02:39:939 (1,1) - This blanket is closer than the other blankets. ► Fixed (:


00:40:947 - Missing a hitsound like Starin' ► Added.
00:57:082 - ^? ► ^ .
01:00:107 (1) - Kind of wish this was a tad lower to complement the triple, but this is probably inconsistent with your other blankets. ► So I checked the rhythm and seems fiting well. On note positioning I'll think about tomorrow (and maybe change later), I need find a way to do it without mess with further patterns.
02:05:653 - Finish? Also this doesn't have the same hitsound spam as Starin'. Perhaps the spam was a mistake in starin' or why do you have differing hitsound approaches? ► You're right. Feel the same explanation on [Starin'] applies here too, so I fixed them.
02:37:922 - Finish? ► Added, fits well and feels consistent.


I'm going to mod the rest tomorrow. I will not be able to give the harder difficulties a proper mod right now.
Thanks for this part, I'll be waiting your remaining mod (and I'll kd when you finish the mod).

Topic Starter

Alarido wrote:

Mod Applier 1.0 wrote:
Deep Blue - Mod Applied as Stated
Pale Blue - Mod Applied on my own way
Pale Rose - Reason for no change on that point
Green - Just comments

DakeDekaane wrote:


Modding here because you requested it :3

In some diffs you use a whitish color or a light gray one, in kiai time those colors get even more brighter, and may hurt some people's eyes. ► Done. Deleted the white one (it was Combo Color 8) and darkened a bit the gray (Combo Color 7).

Increase AR to 3, AR2 seems slow for me, having a slow AR may cause beginners hit before time. ► Done.
02:05:653 - 02:17:754 - Your hitsounding is a bit inconsistent in comparison with the other parts, keep using the claps only in 2nd and 4th beat. ► Done. I'll follow this clap pattern at all std diffs (jonathanlfj-- my collab partner at [Kissin'] -- gave the same idea in this map and also on Sade - Smooth Operator).
02:37:922 (1,1,1,1) - I don't think this NC spam is good, all these four are would fit in one single combo. ► Done.
02:45:989 (1,1,1,1) - ^Same here. ► Done.

01:49:519 - Drag the break here, as in Starin' ► Done.
02:37:922 (1,1,1,1) - Same as Starin' ► Done.

I think AR7 would fit better here, the streams will be a bit easier to read in my opinion, but if you do, increase the AR in Touchin' to 5, for a nice spread. ► Done, changed here and there as you said.
01:49:519 - Drag the break here. ► Done.

[Deep Love]
Looks fine, but I have some small complains here, maybe it's just a personal distaste though
00:35:149 (2,3,4) - This and all similar patterns are hard to read and play as they're clustered and somehows break the flow of the map. ► Changed to well playable forms.
00:53:300 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I'd unstack the circles from the end of the sliders, I felt them a bit unconfortable while playing ► Done. Really, I don't like them too.
01:49:519 - Drag the break here. ► Done.
I had some troubles with some streams involving sliders, but I won't say anything there as it may be my lack of skill.
I have to say that I loved the heart stream :3 ► Thanks ♥.

Edit: Could you fix the tags in my diffs? My name is missing in them >-< ► Fixed.

I was a bit short, but this indeed is a good mapset, it's what I could call a "tasty mapset", good job in all diffs, very fun and nice patterns
Just let's wait and gather some mods for my diffs >-<
Good luck o/
Thank you very much, DakeDekaane
For the mod and your diffs ♥


mingmichael wrote:

hey Alarido :) here the mods that you requested to me~
okay, here the mods XD

  1. 00:26:073 (59) - d, for the lower vocal sound than (58) and (60). if you use k too there, the sound will be flat. /*I'm following the percusions in this part, you can notice the intensity justifies a kat there :3
  2. 00:39:183 (3) - change to be d /*Ok
  3. 01:34:645 (45) - d, for the lower vocal sound there. (44) and (46) already use k, if you use k in (45) the sound will be flat. same like 00:26:073 (59) - /*The same :3
    :idea: let's make a good pattern here~ /*Ok, all done here :3
    00:26:073 (59) - move to 01:52:040 (7) - and change k if you want.
    01:53:552 (11) - d
    01:53:804 (12) - move to 01:54:056 (12) - and then change to be k
    01:54:309 (13) - change to be d
    01:57:082 (21) - k, to follow the vocal sound

    :idea: let's make a good pattern again here~ using /*Ok, I liked, done.
    01:58:090 (24) - k
    01:58:846 (26,27) - d k
    01:59:603 (28) - d
    01:59:855 (29) - move to 02:00:107 (29) -
    02:00:863 (31,32) - d k
    02:01:872 (34) - move to 02:02:124 (34) -
    02:02:880 (36,37) - d k
  1. 01:16:493 (184) - still low vocal sound there, how about d? d is better than k /*Ok
  2. 02:37:670 (7,8) - how about k D or d D? /*Used d D
hope this map will be ranked soon!!! i will wait >,<
Thanks for modding :3
Topic Starter
Taiko diffs updated
Standard mods applied
Finished mod.
Topic Starter

Mod Applier1.0 wrote:

Deep Blue - Mod Applied as Stated
Pale Blue - Mod Applied on my own way
Pale Rose - Reason for no change on that point
Green - Just comments

TheVileOne wrote:



00:04:645 - Not going to hitsound the intro? There are parts that could be accented with a clap here and there. Your parts are missing hitsounds in general. How have people not noticed this? ► Fixed hitsounding at all.
00:20:779 (1,3) - Whistle or some other hitsound? The beat should be more accented here. ► Added soft whistles
00:26:830 (1,2,3,4) - The gaps between each slider are at different lengths. The gap between 3,4 is especially short. <Would not have noticed this the other night x.x ► belongs to jonathanlfj part
00:40:947 - My finish suggestions will apply to this difficulty as well. ► Added finish.
00:53:300 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Fun pattern. ♥ Thanks ^^
01:00:359 (8) - Looks and plays better blanketed around 7. ► belongs to jonathanlfj part
02:06:157 (2,3,4) - Such an imperfect transition. I don't know how to fix it though. >.< ► belongs to jonathanlfj part
02:21:283 (5,1) - Seems to play best as a single slider. It would mess with your next pattern though. Well not necessarily actually. It depends on how you map it. ► belongs to jonathanlfj part
02:29:351 (9,1) - A bit too close don't you think? ► Yes, since a repeat was removed from (9) and I don't how fix. The extra repeat does not feels good here. And three hitcircles should a bit more spaced if were placed here due to "tum-tum-tum" strong drums. Thence I'll wait for further suggestions about this.
02:31:619 (2,3,4) - Misleading disguising 1/2th notes in a 1/4th note pattern. ► Changed into a repeating 1/2 repeating slider.
02:35:653 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Add curves to the sliders? The stream might be able to be touched up, but not entirely sure. Curving the sliders to complement the stream might be enough. ► Changed.
02:45:989 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Good flow here. ♥ Thanks to jonathanlfj ^.^
02:53:300 (3) - The volume of the ends of this are a tad high for the beat. At least lower the end, because it ends on a blue tick. ► belongs to jonathanlfj part

Deep Love
Intro lacks hitsounds. ► Fixed as well.

00:06:662 - I just realized that a finish could work here. Add it to the other difficulties as well if you agree. ► Added.
00:09:435 (6,7,8) - Good pattern choice. ♥ Thanks
00:13:468 (7,8,9,10,11) - ^ ♥ ^
00:14:729 (1,2,3,4) - Unusual but works.
00:17:502 (8,1) - These sliders aren't the same shape. I think a symmetry pattern here would work better. ► Well, I spare symmetry since the remap -- old version was fully symmetrical, but flow was horrible. I'll change under further suggestions if next modders point it and show how to do.
00:19:771 (7,8) - Is this overlap really necessary? ► Fixed, unoverlapped.
00:21:788 (1) - Start with clap. ► Added.
00:30:611 (1,2,3) - Not the best transition. It is satisfactory for lining up the next part though. Not sure if it should be changed. ► Me too... let's wait for more suggestions. In truth, I tried something like a folded 1/1 slider, but flow felt a bit abrupt too.
00:34:140 (9) - End with clap. ► Added.
00:40:947 - Finishes in the same spots as was suggested in the other difficulties. ► Added.
00:40:947 (1,2) - Blanket looks imperfect to me. The spacing shows 0.98. ► Fixed.
01:13:216 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Increase spacing to 0.9? I don't like the angle of 3. ► Fixed.
01:29:351 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - Inconsistent spacing. ► Fixed.
01:33:132 (4,5) - Not the best angle IMO. But my mood to determine for sure whether it should be changed has faded. ► Fixed a bit by touching only (4), making it land on (5)'s head.
02:12:460 (10) - New combo. ► Added.
02:13:972 (16,17,18) - Inconsistent shape compared to the other triples. ► Fixed.
02:24:561 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - >.< I prefer consistent spacing. It's distracting to me, but it may be fine. ► Fixed the spacing inside the stream.

I can't mod the last part. I can't concentrate anymore. Good luck.
♥ Thank you very much, TheVilleOne !
Fixed and updated my parts.

jonathanlfj, feel free to apply mods on your parts too (:

Alarido wrote:

00:26:830 (1,2,3,4) - The gaps between each slider are at different lengths. The gap between 3,4 is especially short. <Would not have noticed this the other night x.x fixed
01:00:359 (8) - Looks and plays better blanketed around 7. true
02:06:157 (2,3,4) - Such an imperfect transition. I don't know how to fix it though. >.< managed to make it look more pleasing
02:21:283 (5,1) - Seems to play best as a single slider. It would mess with your next pattern though. Well not necessarily actually. It depends on how you map it. i needed a note at 02:21:788 to stress the heavy down beat in the music instead of a slider end
02:45:989 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Good flow here. Thanks :D
02:53:300 (3) - The volume of the ends of this are a tad high for the beat. At least lower the end, because it ends on a blue tick. lowered to 30%
Very helpful mod thanks!
and Alarido nice sb u got there just noticed it xD
Topic Starter

jonathanlfj wrote:

and Alarido nice sb u got there just noticed it xD
Thanks, dear <3
SB coded by hand


► [Kissin'] updated.
► Fixed a little note placement at [Touchin']

C'mom, modders!
Hallo, sorry for dealy ;_;

clear :3

no point to keep HP on 2, +1
BG quality is horrible :\
00:58:090 (2) - for better flow you can make something like

oh... that "beating" in sb is so annoying, consider to remove this
00:20:905 (2,3) - with slider this will play definitely better especially this is hard diff

Deep Love:
00:27:208 (2,4,6,8,10) - just my note that such start on blue is hated by majority of players, moreover this is considered as jump here but blue don't have any heavy noticed sound
01:13:972 (4,5,6,7) - this rhythm seems little random
02:20:023 (1,2) - this stack seems unnecessary and random after 02:17:502 (7,2,4,6), music wise stack 02:19:771 (6,1) would be better
everything else seems fine :)

Good Luck!
Topic Starter

Mod Applier 1.0 wrote:

Deep Blue ► Fixed as stated.
Green ► My comments.

Sieg wrote:

Hallo, sorry for dealy ;_;

clear :3 ♥ Thanks !

no point to keep HP on 2, +1 ► Done.
BG quality is horrible :\ ► Changed.
00:58:090 (2) - for better flow you can make something like ► Good idea :idea: Done.

oh... that "beating" in sb is so annoying, consider to remove this ► Really. Removed that pulsing effect.
00:20:905 (2,3) - with slider this will play definitely better especially this is hard diff :idea: too! Done!

Deep Love:
00:27:208 (2,4,6,8,10) - just my note that such start on blue is hated by majority of players, moreover this is considered as jump here but blue don't have any heavy noticed sound ► Removed the notes.
01:13:972 (4,5,6,7) - this rhythm seems little random ► Changed into a better fitting one
02:20:023 (1,2) - this stack seems unnecessary and random after 02:17:502 (7,2,4,6), music wise stack 02:19:771 (6,1) would be better ► Hum, right! Changed too.
everything else seems fine :)

Good Luck!
And Good Luck for your maps too, Sieg!
Very helpful mod, full quality ♥
Thank you very much ^^

ja faz um mês que passei por aki...
vo fazer a recheck em breve
nao vi o map re-feito ainda mas tenho boas expectativas :)
Hey there Alarido! Free mod from me because i love you~ ;)
Can't help really much here i think, coz I've mod this map before orz
Anyway, hope this mod helps you :D

  • Starin'
  1. 00:18:258 (4) - NC for different beat on song
  2. 00:36:914 (1) - End the spinner here? The background music is all faded out at this point
  3. 02:49:014 (4) - Make this into a slider that extend to 02:49:519, fit to the song and plays better in my opinion orz
  • Touchin'
  1. 00:30:359 (1) - If you're following the vocal here, I suggest you to change these two into a note instead. Because the vocal started at 00:30:611 -, and if you're using slider at 00:30:359 -, it doesn't sound really fit actually. Anyway, it's only my opinion orz
  • Kissin'
  1. For the name SB, you may want to move Jonathanlfj's name image more to the left a bit. The current one is a bit too on the edge and I almost can't recognize the j orz
  2. 00:50:275 (7) - Change this into a short triplet stream? just like the one in 00:47:250 (3,4,5) -. Plays better and make it harder, the repeat is kinda too easy for hard imo
  3. 00:59:855 (7) - NC here for different beat of song and then remove the NC here 01:01:115 (1) -. The current combo division at this part isn't really fit with the song
  4. 01:04:645 (1,2) - Why NC? doesn't really necessary :v
  5. 01:27:334 (1) - Make it like this? the addition of notes(please don't mind the placement lol), I think the current one is too easy to play on Hard orz
  6. 02:16:493 (7) - NC? different beat
  7. 02:51:535 (4) - ctrl + G? This slider is really fit for a jump (especially because of finish hitsound :D )
  • Deep Love
  1. 00:17:880 - Add note here? fit for the current song. make it like this for better play
  2. 00:21:788 (1) - Why don't stack with the (8) slider at 216/256?
  3. 01:30:359 (7) - NC here to avoid too long combos (15 isn't short lol)
I guess that's all, sorry for the short mod really :o
Nice map already and Good Luck! :)
Topic Starter

Mod Applier 1.0 wrote:

Deep Blue ► Changed as told.
Pale Blue ► Changed on my own.
Rose ► No change (and why)
Green ► Comments From The Friends
Bold Purple is jonathanlfj collab part (for [Kissin'] diff only)
Let's go!

AnreFM wrote:

Hey there Alarido! Free mod from me because i love you~ ;)
Can't help really much here i think, coz I've mod this map before orz
Anyway, hope this mod helps you :D

  • Starin'
  1. 00:18:258 (4) - NC for different beat on song ► Done.
  2. 00:36:914 (1) - End the spinner here? The background music is all faded out at this point ► Made the spinner ends a bit earlier by 1/2 .
  3. 02:49:014 (4) - Make this into a slider that extend to 02:49:519, fit to the song and plays better in my opinion orz ► Done.
  • Touchin'
  1. 00:30:359 (1) - If you're following the vocal here, I suggest you to change these two into a note instead. Because the vocal started at 00:30:611 -, and if you're using slider at 00:30:359 -, it doesn't sound really fit actually. Anyway, it's only my opinion orz ► No changes because I'm following drums here.
  • Kissin'
  1. For the name SB, you may want to move Jonathanlfj's name image more to the left a bit. The current one is a bit too on the edge and I almost can't recognize the j orz ► Done.
  2. 00:50:275 (7) - Change this into a short triplet stream? just like the one in 00:47:250 (3,4,5) -. Plays better and make it harder, the repeat is kinda too easy for hard imo ► Kept the repeating slider for consistence with 00:49:267 (5). But changed the patterns a bit here.
  3. 00:59:855 (7) - NC here for different beat of song and then remove the NC here 01:01:115 (1) -. The current combo division at this part isn't really fit with the song @ jonathanlfj collab part
  4. 01:04:645 (1,2) - Why NC? doesn't really necessary :v @ jonathanlfj collab part
  5. 01:27:334 (1) - Make it like this? the addition of notes(please don't mind the placement lol), I think the current one is too easy to play on Hard orz ► Added the notes, but made them a star (feels better and harder too)
  6. 02:16:493 (7) - NC? different beat @ jonathanlfj collab part
  7. 02:51:535 (4) - ctrl + G? This slider is really fit for a jump (especially because of finish hitsound :D ) @ jonathanlfj collab part
  • Deep Love
  1. 00:17:880 - Add note here? fit for the current song. make it like this for better play ► I added a note, but changed the pattern in order to avoid Highlander-like jumps that song clearly don't suggest.
  2. 00:21:788 (1) - Why don't stack with the (8) slider at 216/256? ► Done.
  3. 01:30:359 (7) - NC here to avoid too long combos (15 isn't short lol) ► Done.
I guess that's all, sorry for the short mod really :o
Nice map already and Good Luck! :)
Ah... your mod is very helpful, buddy :)

Thanks in advance!

pimpG wrote:

ja faz um mês que passei por aki...
vo fazer a recheck em breve
nao vi o map re-feito ainda mas tenho boas expectativas :)
Espero não decepcionar dessa vez, pimp .

E também tenho que procurar mais mods pra Taiko.

Topic Starter
Bem, pimp.... Ainda falta a parte de jonathanlfj dos mods de AnreFM (se ele vai decidir alterar ou não). Talvez não seja necessário alterar nada nas partes d'ele.

Fiz M4M para HelloSCV e ainda nem sinal d'ele.

Sem falar das diffs Taiko. Mandei um mp para [Luanny], se ela souber Taiko...

Pelo menos o Tiger fez um testplay do Oni e disse que ainda precisa de ajustes. Talvez ele venha moddar as diffs.

Bem... Hoje é quinta. Seria bom se eles viessem antes do sábado... Eu queria esse mapa ranked antes de agosto desse ano ._.
srry for the delay
basically did everything, here is the update:
Topic Starter

C'mon, Modders! (especially Taiko, Dekaane's diffs needs Taiko mod!)

E pimp, todas as diffs atualizadas. Fique à vontade para fazer o recheck e... espero não decepcioná-lo.

Dois longos meses...
Hi, m4m. I'll try to give you as much valuable advice and don't kill your style :D

all fine, but IMO will be better if you start mapping from 00:04:645

[Deep Love]
00:06:409 (1) - here it would be much better if there had two notes instead of a slider. and NC on 00:06:662 rather than 00:06:409. I do focus on it, because you haven't correct sequence of new combo.
00:12:712 (6) - NC
00:14:729 (1) - nice slider, but IMO clear simple slider better :p
00:17:502 (8) - remove second slider point and make a simple slider.
00:21:535 (3) - move on one grid left, for symmetry between patterns
00:30:863 (2) - move on one grid right
00:31:367 (3) - ^ on one grid up
00:36:157 (2) - move on xy 44|200 IMO looks better
01:09:687 - add note, sounds is really good.
01:10:443 - ^
01:11:199 - ^
01:14:729 (6) - 1/2 slider looks much better; reduce slider to 01:14:981 and add one repeat aaand add finish on tail~ sounds is really good
02:26:073 (1) - move NC on previous pattern
02:35:653 - missed note

00:26:830 (1,2,3,4) - this shape looks much better -
01:38:678 (1,2,3) - regular spacing looks much better
01:40:695 (5,6,7) - ^
01:42:712 (1,2,3) - ^

All diffs of have to start and end the same way.
00:19:267 (2,3) - spacing error
02:50:779 (2,3) - ^
01:09:183 (1,2) - change on slider pls, your variant too hard for normal diff
01:09:939 (3,4) - ^
01:10:695 (5,6) - ^

00:40:947 (1,2) - spacing error
00:42:460 (2,3) - ^
00:42:964 (3,4) - ^
00:50:023 (2,3) - ^
02:06:662 (2,3) - ^

That's all, I hope this can help you.
as m4m


  1. Taiko BG is unrankable please delete that


00:23:804 (3) - delete clap on start


  1. i recommend you to re-arrange NCs, add them every second long white tick, i mean like this

00:56:577 (4) - clap?
01:11:704 (1) - move this spinner 01:11:451 - by here
02:37:418 (4) - clap
02:37:922 (1) - change NC color plz


01:04:645 (4) - how about NC?
01:44:981 (6) - maybe a note with clap here? feels much better
02:31:619 - why are you using 0.9x SV? just curious
02:37:418 (9) - clap

Deep Love

00:17:502 (8,9,1) - this pattern can cause confusing for players like 1/4 beat so how about changing DS?
01:34:897 (8) - missed clap on start
02:05:653 (1) - why don't you add finish here?

Good luk~
Topic Starter

Verlaren wrote:

Hi, m4m. I'll try to give you as much valuable advice and don't kill your style :D

all fine, but IMO will be better if you start mapping from 00:04:645 ► Fixed on Deep Love, looks fine at others.

[Deep Love]
00:06:409 (1) - here it would be much better if there had two notes instead of a slider. and NC on 00:06:662 rather than 00:06:409. I do focus on it, because you haven't correct sequence of new combo. ► Done by pattern rearranging on timeline and some on screen too.
00:12:712 (6) - NC ► Added.
00:14:729 (1) - nice slider, but IMO clear simple slider better :p ► Deleted unnecessary dots from all these 4 sliders. I'll keep them as is, waiting for further mods to decide on it.
00:17:502 (8) - remove second slider point and make a simple slider. ► Done.
00:21:535 (3) - move on one grid left, for symmetry between patterns ► Done. ► Done.
00:30:863 (2) - move on one grid right ► Done.
00:31:367 (3) - ^ on one grid up ► Done.
00:36:157 (2) - move on xy 44|200 IMO looks better ► Done.
01:09:687 - add note, sounds is really good. ► Done.
01:10:443 - ^ ► Done.
01:11:199 - ^ ► Done.
01:14:729 (6) - 1/2 slider looks much better; reduce slider to 01:14:981 and add one repeat aaand add finish on tail~ sounds is really good ► True
02:26:073 (1) - move NC on previous pattern ► I couldn't understand :(
02:35:653 - missed note ► and pattern correctness to :oops: Thanks for pointing it ^^ pattern rearranged into a better look too (:

00:26:830 (1,2,3,4) - this shape looks much better - please wait for jonathanlfj response
01:38:678 (1,2,3) - regular spacing looks much better ► but I did't want destroy the patterns. I've tried you said here, but I regretted, so I kept it, sorry. ► Buuuuut.... The spacing inside the "aparent triplets" was increased a bit.
01:40:695 (5,6,7) - ^ ► ^ ► ^
01:42:712 (1,2,3) - ^ ► ^ ► ^

All diffs of have to start and end the same way.
00:19:267 (2,3) - spacing error ► spacing with previous note was not fixed because the current blanket looks better here, and it'll not so difficult for beginners imo ► but spacing with next was fixed by changing further patterns.
02:50:779 (2,3) - ^ ► I made Ctrl+G on (2) here.
01:09:183 (1,2) - change on slider pls, your variant too hard for normal diff ► changed.
01:09:939 (3,4) - ^ ► changed.
01:10:695 (5,6) - ^ ► changed.

00:40:947 (1,2) - spacing error ► fixed, even though is minimal
00:42:460 (2,3) - ^ ► ^
00:42:964 (3,4) - ^ ► ^
00:50:023 (2,3) - ^ ► ^
02:06:662 (2,3) - ^ ► ^

That's all, I hope this can help you.
Thank you Verlaren! Good luck for your maps too :)
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