I can confirm scaling litterally breaks sliders. It will leave the head of the slider in the same location but will move the body. If you move the broken slider the separated head will readjust and move with the rest of the slider. No control points will move. But if you undo such an action the game will add such a control point in an attempt to fix the slider and strange slider configurations can result.
Rotating a slider after it's been broken creates some weird results too
Okay found another issue. Adding an extra point to a slider and then deleting that point makes sliders that escape the screen.
Replication steps
1. Make any two pointed slider
2. Adding a point in between the two points will instantly create a randomly bending slider with four points for whatever reason.
3. Removing one of those points will create a three point slider that escapes the screen.
Added a point in between the sliders. It instantly made this.
I deleted a point
Other attempts.
If I add a fourth point anywhere within this slider, the end will go off the screen. In general adding more points will more than likely give you a shape you didn't want and its hard to predict what shape you are going to get. I would say mapping is probably horrible right now, because the sliders are create shapes just by making additional changes. It would be too much to ask force someone to make the slider with the correct number of points or they must start over.
Example of inconsistency. If a player places a point in a slider, and then removes it, one would assume that the slider would return to its original shape. This is definitely not so.
Added a third point
Deleted that third point
I do not think players will like deleting unecessary points.