That is like taking a shortcut into a realm you don't belong to. If you keep taking shortcuts, you will possibly cut off your ability to do streams the proper way and you could end up stuck at 200 bpm+higurush wrote:
Okay then. Let's imagine a song which is very fast, have nice spacing and timing with perfect jumps, but the beatmap comes to a streampart that you can't do normally. You find yourself troubled, annoyed, you are in great anger that you can't stream faster to not to miss that streampart. If you do one of the techniques this vid shows you, that fits to that beatmap's part you could pass that stream. After all, passing is better than missing right? Your accuracy at the end will still be around 95-98% and the FCing is not a problem within.
Yeah ok if that's all there is to it from your part, then be my guest. I know people who regard this game for nothing more than a game to increase reflexes and don't give a single thought towards accuracy even despite the fact that this is a rythm gamehigurush wrote:
On the other hand, you could gain this advantage in 1 day. It's faster than practicing a whole month to get you fingers faster. Most of the players are playing this game as a hobby. They just want to have some fun, but there are parts in beatmaps that could ruin their fun. They don't have time to practice day by day. They need something like a miracle that helps them instantly.
That is what this video about.

Compared to those, you're not even close to as bad since you're just trying to get better.
Anyways. Good luck with that and it's nice that you want to share your discovery with others, but really, no thanks.