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higurush wrote:

Okay then. Let's imagine a song which is very fast, have nice spacing and timing with perfect jumps, but the beatmap comes to a streampart that you can't do normally. You find yourself troubled, annoyed, you are in great anger that you can't stream faster to not to miss that streampart. If you do one of the techniques this vid shows you, that fits to that beatmap's part you could pass that stream. After all, passing is better than missing right? Your accuracy at the end will still be around 95-98% and the FCing is not a problem within.
That is like taking a shortcut into a realm you don't belong to. If you keep taking shortcuts, you will possibly cut off your ability to do streams the proper way and you could end up stuck at 200 bpm+

higurush wrote:

On the other hand, you could gain this advantage in 1 day. It's faster than practicing a whole month to get you fingers faster. Most of the players are playing this game as a hobby. They just want to have some fun, but there are parts in beatmaps that could ruin their fun. They don't have time to practice day by day. They need something like a miracle that helps them instantly.

That is what this video about.
Yeah ok if that's all there is to it from your part, then be my guest. I know people who regard this game for nothing more than a game to increase reflexes and don't give a single thought towards accuracy even despite the fact that this is a rythm game :(
Compared to those, you're not even close to as bad since you're just trying to get better.

Anyways. Good luck with that and it's nice that you want to share your discovery with others, but really, no thanks.
Topic Starter

kriers wrote:

That is like taking a shortcut into a realm you don't belong to. If you keep taking shortcuts, you will possibly cut off your ability to do streams the proper way and you could end up stuck at 200 bpm+
Taking shotcuts always make disadvantages for you. But well, I can do 230 bpm streams. Developing time was around 2 weeks, but it can be learned in 1 day. Insant boost up in 2 weeks. That's what I need. Before I developed this thing I could barely do 150 bpm longstreams. Now its up to my mood how much bpm I want to do : )
Isn't this fine for a hobbyst? I just want to enjoy the song, this freaking good game. Isn't all the rythm games about? :d

kriers wrote:

Yeah ok if that's all there is to it from your part, then be my guest. I know people who regard this game for nothing more than a game to increase reflexes and don't give a single thought towards accuracy even despite the fact that this is a rythm game :(
Yeah, accuracy matters for a rythm game too, but not everyone could SS every map. I mean its enough to get 95-98% acc on a map.

higurush wrote:

kriers wrote:

That is like taking a shortcut into a realm you don't belong to. If you keep taking shortcuts, you will possibly cut off your ability to do streams the proper way and you could end up stuck at 200 bpm+
Taking shotcuts always make disadvantages for you. But well, I can do 230 bpm streams. Developing time was around 2 weeks, but it can be learned in 1 day. Insant boost up in 2 weeks. That's what I need. Before I developed this thing I could barely do 150 bpm longstreams. Now its up to my mood how much bpm I want to do : )
Isn't this fine for a hobbyst? I just want to enjoy the song, this freaking good game. Isn't all the rythm games about? :d
how can you know it only takes 2 weeks? save 1 day!?
Say if I find some new technique to work at and share it with my friends, I always end up with the most benefits in the shortest amount of time, simply because I'm a better player >_>
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kriers wrote:

how can you know it only takes 2 weeks? save 1 day!?
I mean I developed the technique in 2 weeks, but most of the people could learn this in 1 day. Say what, I save time for them, while I am making sweat for it. And just share this for free.

What do I get for it?
  1. 10% Thank You
  2. 30% General stuff
  3. 60% Flame, bullying, etc.
Does it worth the time?
  1. As a player? - Yes
  2. As a person? - No

higurush wrote:

What do I get for it?
  1. 10% Thank You
  2. 30% General stuff
  3. 60% Flame, bullying, etc.
but I did discoveries like these too. You know what I did? I kept my mouth shut, because I knew things like these would happen :>
Topic Starter

kriers wrote:

but I did discoveries like these too. You know what I did? I kept my mouth shut, because I knew things like these would happen :>
Don't be a zombie. Don't be just one of the people. Be yourself. Don't be scared of flaming. Let your thoughts out. It's natural that some people won't agree with you. But you could help others. Isn't that a precious feeling you would treasure? Just be proud of yourself that you are not "one of those".

If everybody would shut their mouth, then where would the world lead to?
lol, ill try these techinuqes, even though my mouse cant aim for shit \:D/
Kanye West

Lolicore Flandre wrote:

lol, ill try these techinuqes, even though my mouse cant aim for shit \:D/
Blame the player, not the equipment xD
Topic Starter

Lolicore Flandre wrote:

lol, ill try these techinuqes, even though my mouse cant aim for shit \:D/
The aimgod may guide you on your shoulders! :D

higurush wrote:

kriers wrote:

but I did discoveries like these too. You know what I did? I kept my mouth shut, because I knew things like these would happen :>
Don't be a zombie. Don't be just one of the people. Be yourself. Don't be scared of flaming. Let your thoughts out. It's natural that some people won't agree with you. But you could help others. Isn't that a precious feeling you would treasure? Just be proud of yourself that you are not "one of those".

If everybody would shut their mouth, then where would the world lead to?
what. Yeah, but I still made sure I had something useful to say first \:D/
Topic Starter

kriers wrote:

what. Yeah, but I still made sure I had something useful to say first \:D/
How mysterious you are 8D :D
Yo the true technique is to play dt on high bpm songs who have lots of single tap and only a few 260+bpm streams, smash both fingers same time for those, here free top10 for a dt than only a few players can do and accuracy dont matter cause its only like 20 notes out of 800 sometimes!!!


kanye west wrote:

Lolicore Flandre wrote:

lol, ill try these techinuqes, even though my mouse cant aim for shit \:D/
Blame the player, not the equipment xD
Try my broken optical mouse, then talk.actually I dont want anyone to touch it,its hell

Over 6 months ago I was reaching my skill peak with an accuracy of 99.18, then this mouse screwed up and i struggled until now im at 98.89

need a tablet I dont trust mice anymore orz

higurush wrote:

kriers wrote:

what. Yeah, but I still made sure I had something useful to say first \:D/
How mysterious you are 8D :D
Really? I'm just saying that I waited a long time before I started visiting the forums. I never open up topics in forums, though, mostly because I keep my ideas to myself and friends and also because it's enough to add a little wisdom here and there without making a whole thread about a single idea.
Topic Starter

kriers wrote:

Really? I'm just saying that I waited a long time before I started visiting the forums. I never open up topics in forums, though, mostly because I keep my ideas to myself and friends and also because it's enough to add a little wisdom here and there without making a whole thread about a single idea.

Have you read this part of the main post?
  1. higurush wrote:

    :!: Please do not flame here. Some people would treasure this video. :!:
Your comments started to become a bit offensive, rather than ideas with wisdom. It is far more than "I disagree, I know something better" part.
Please stop being an "Ojou-sama".
lol ok
I still think as a tapper that accuracy < speed

this is not exactly about speed but you get my point
So I kinda skimmed through the thread because it had a lot of bitching that I didn't care about apparently, but I just wanna ask this:

I can be pretty damn accurate on slow streams up to, let's say, 140bpm. Past that limit, my fingers just can't keep up on long streams anymore. I've tried many key setups and techniques, but it always seems to fail me at around 140bpm. I use the keyboard on my netbook (don't have anything else really except for a standard hama USB keyboard). Should I keep practicing, should I get better equipment or is it just me who's slow? You can see that 2 stream maps are my most played maps, I have drilled them A LOT. I don't tend to notice much improvement though. However I was able to get a C rank on MENDES and a B rank on Himiko, which believe it or not, is pretty damn badass for my standards.

The video was very interesting, sadly these were techniques I already tried and thought of, they were definitely clever but I couldn't put them to use efficiently, unfortunately.
For a Rank you need an FC (or at least a high Combo), for the FC you need the speed. So why the hell be bitchy about 2-3% Accuracy and sacrifice a potential Rank? Of course depends if you want the Score or the Accuracy. :/

Same thing the other way round: If you FC but get a low accuracy you might not get the Rank. But srsly guys... at long 230+ BPM Streams (only parts where you really need DoubleTapping) there probably aren't more than 10 FCs. And those usually got a way worse accuracy. Ever tried streaming Mad Machine normally? I bet you get an even worse accuracy than with DoubleTapping as you will be getting waaaay more 100s and 50s.
(Well, if your name is jesse1412 or whoever can stream 270 BPM ignore this)

If these Techniques are 'Shortcuts' then what's wrong about using them? If you want to improve other techniques you can just play them instead...

It's clear for me: Trade accuracy for an FC or don't. That's everyone's own decision; no need to flame.

Ohh and btw.
@ about 240+ BPM Doubletapping doesn't even yield 100s if done correctly, just in case you wanna keep the high accuracy.
(Of course depends on OD... but I can get 99.XX% and nearly FC on . Could I without DoubleTapping? No, both accuracy and combo would be way worse.)

Tom94 wrote:

For a Rank you need an FC (or at least a high Combo), for the FC you need the speed. So why the hell be bitchy about 2-3% Accuracy and sacrifice a potential Rank? Of course depends if you want the Score or the Accuracy. :/

Same thing the other way round: If you FC but get a low accuracy you might not get the Rank. But srsly guys... at long 230+ BPM Streams (only parts where you really need DoubleTapping) there probably aren't more than 10 FCs. And those usually got a way worse accuracy. Ever tried streaming Mad Machine normally? I bet you get an even worse accuracy than with DoubleTapping as you will be getting waaaay more 100s and 50s.
(Well, if your name is jesse1402 or whoever can stream 270 BPM ignore this)

If these Techniques are 'Shortcuts' then what's wrong about using them? If you want to improve other techniques you can just play them instead...

It's clear for me: Trade accuracy for an FC or don't. That's everyone's own decision; no need to flame.

Ohh and btw.
@ about 240+ BPM Doubletapping doesn't even yield 100s if done correctly, just in case you wanna keep the high accuracy.
(Of course depends on OD... but I can get 99.XX% and nearly FC on . Could I without DoubleTapping? No, both accuracy and combo would be way worse.)
Don't forget that people on Gameplay&Rankings are "omg you have to get 99.5% accuracy on HD+HR insane maps or else you suck"
im an accuracy whore, but i would rather be able to play chipscape with 85% accuracy than be able to play mendes with 99% (which i cant either)

Blue Dragon wrote:

Don't forget that people on Gameplay&Rankings are "omg you have to get 99.5% accuracy on HD+HR insane maps or else you suck"
That's everyone's own opinion after all... but I totally agree with you: I hate the way it is expressed. :X

But hey: osu! does have a ranking system after all.

If you got more score, you actually ARE better than some potential player with 99,5% on HD+HR per definition. Saying it's a rythm game? Kay, let's get the rythm as good as I can.
Between "no rythm at all and trying to be fast enough" or "doubletapping in rythm" it's clear what I would choose.

Why use mods at all? They lower your accuracy and higher your score. I see no difference between Mods and different streaming techniques...
I'm seriously writing too much... :(

Trumph card: I DONT SUCK XD
Long story short: Most people with bad accuracy can get a high accuracy on easier maps / without DoubleTime.
Building acc is much better because, as you build up speed you retain that accuracy. Instead of spamming speed and then learning accuracy.

YodaSnipe wrote:

Building acc is much better because, as you build up speed you retain that accuracy. Instead of spamming speed and then learning accuracy.
Nobody is talking about spamming here. DoubleTapping for instance is not spamming. It's playing the stream at exactly half the speed. And you're getting even more accuracy when trying to get full 300 with this technique. That's harder than playing OD10 full 300, srsly.

Also I don't see your reason behind why learning accuracy earlier is better. You are just saying: It is like that 'cause it is like that. (Maybe it was true for you though)

True. (dang, it was directed to the previous post not tom's)

I rather not fc chipscape at all if i do with 80%

I care about ranks but not if i do it with shitty acc, eve if it is a 20m map, i find this game funnier to play raising my accuracy along with my stream speed (:
actually, i lose accuracy when my stamina runs out because i lose control :(
We're clicking circles.

Do what's fun for you. If you're not having fun and the game's become a chore, then don't play. Have fun, no matter what anyone says.


All your opinions are silly, you should be focused on your own enjoyment rather than stroking your proverbial manhood.
b-b-but my manhood!!! it's over 9000!!!
Silly people, there isn't any magical solution to becoming good at streaming, unless you're a natural. Let me teach you how to get good at streaming maps up to 240bpm.

When your Historical stats looks something like this (ignore play history :P)

You'll be able to stream well.

All you have to do is play on, keep practicing. You won't notice that you have improved in a day, but if you just keep playing streamy maps you'll eventually be able to pass them.
90% of people postin here missed the point of this video :P
Those "techniques" look very uncomfortable to play though but i might try it sometimes.. nice video still

speaking of technique .. im doing "the basic" :D
The main key to getting better quickly at any rhythm game is to work on speed. Accuracy usually comes within time as you are training. Also, ignore improving your osu rank. I found that to be just a big waste of time. I would work on that AFTER you get really good to reduce whoring. There are some other elements to that but I do not feel like writing up a huge essay about all that so...practice! practice! practice! Trust me, I have over 6+ years of rhythm gaming experience.
"How to stream faster in 1 day"

who cares about accuracy anyway,the tittle says how to click faster not to be more accurate in streams
idk I've always found smashing my keys to be ineffective the lighter I press the faster I can go but alas 220 seems to be my wall atm
Stream however you feel comfortable and you will get faster as your fingers get used to doing it more.
You don't need a special technique that's rather uncomfortable. U:
Topic Starter

Hanyuu wrote:

Those "techniques" look very uncomfortable to play though but i might try it sometimes.. nice video still
speaking of technique .. im doing "the basic" :D
Maybe uncomfortable for those, who don't have that much muscle to deal with this "uncomfortableness" :d Though I'm an optimistic! I presume that everybody could do anything. It's just a matter of practice! Though finding the comfortable pose, it's up to everyone.
And everybody should practice the basic technique too. But people always find their shortcuts! :D I showed you one:)
OP, could you share the skin you are using in that video with me? Or at least the name of skin, it looks pretty neat.
accuracy > speed imo

i'd rather be able to stream consistently at bpms < 180
the only time when i can't stream accurately is only when the stream is too fast for me
i need speed :(
Topic Starter

Dasiel wrote:

OP, could you share the skin you are using in that video with me? Or at least the name of skin, it looks pretty neat.
Sorry but I am working on my own skin. Later I will post it in the Skin thread, but first its needs to be done. : )

palion wrote:

accuracy > speed imo
i'd rather be able to stream consistently at bpms < 180
That's okay, but we can already do that. We want moore :)
I think there's a confusion on the stream definition of each ones... Maybe the title is wrong ? it's not "how to stream faster", it's "how to survive to streams when you can't play them".
Topic Starter

Drafura wrote:

I think there's a confusion on the stream definition of each ones... Maybe the title is wrong ? it's not "how to stream faster", it's "how to survive to streams when you can't play them".
who cares, literally you will stream faster in 1 day :)
though i use mouse only sometimes it's fun to turn on spun out and smash away at the keyboard
this technique actually makes a lot of sense but you need concentration and practice
on streamtest i reached 280 BPM but in practice im much slower lol

a tip for mouse only user who want to pass a certain map(eg.ridorii) but just can't seem to do it because your mouse is crap stiff or you aren't fast enough to finish that 1 deathstream: hold your mouse with one hand and spam click with the other, this works on stable and linear streams and may be just what you need to pass :D
hold your mouse with one hand and spam click with the other, this works on stable and linear streams and may be just what you need to pass :D
Omg i could imagine that lol. That must look funny i want to see that :)

ontopic: It really made me stream faster in, well not really 1 day since i could not play that long lol. I could survive at least 240 BPM streams but it just got worse at the stream got longer and longer 300-100-50. Missing also fewer than before, the accuracy does not seem to be a big problem too because i just dont hammer on the keyboards buttons lol. Anyways i went back to 220 BPM and could do it even better than that. Playing 200 BPM stream was perfect no 100s and i could not even play this stream speed before :D. Well but it is such a stress and i had to stop playing after a couple songs because my hand and fingers felt numb and i could not move properly anymore :o

Hanyuu wrote:

hold your mouse with one hand and spam click with the other, this works on stable and linear streams and may be just what you need to pass :D
Omg i could imagine that lol. That must look funny i want to see that :)

ontopic: It really made me stream faster in, well not really 1 day since i could not play that long lol. I could survive at least 240 BPM streams but it just got worse at the stream got longer and longer 300-100-50. Missing also fewer than before, the accuracy does not seem to be a big problem too because i just dont hammer on the keyboards buttons lol. Anyways i went back to 220 BPM and could do it even better than that. Playing 200 BPM stream was perfect no 100s and i could not even play this stream speed before :D. Well but it is such a stress and i had to stop playing after a couple songs because my hand and fingers felt numb and i could not move properly anymore :o
which technique did you try though
A mix betweeen moving just your wrist and fingers i think, now that you say it i havent paid much attention to that while playing, i just remembered that from the video and just did it after a time without thinking too much about it. in most parts i play normal but in some places i would use my wrist for clicking because that releases the strain on my fingers a bit and does now make me too tired. but still this is very exhausting me.. lol

edit: i also changed my keyboard buttons together with this from W/E to Y/X (standard) what also made it easier with this
Topic Starter

Hanyuu wrote:

A mix betweeen moving just your wrist and fingers i think, now that you say it i havent paid much attention to that while playing, i just remembered that from the video and just did it after a time without thinking too much about it. in most parts i play normal but in some places i would use my wrist for clicking because that releases the strain on my fingers a bit and does now make me too tired. but still this is very exhausting me.. lol
edit: i also changed my keyboard buttons together with this from W/E to Y/X (standard) what also made it easier with this
I'm glad I could help in some ways :D
Very nice presentation.I like it.
Bazmeg tedszik a hangod :D,mint valami nagyfõnök :D csinálj meg ttöbb ilyet ;)
it's kinda hard to combine those all together but i'll try it
This really works, my max speed was 210 bpm before, now I can stream 230 bpm quite steady.
I was going to write a wall of text but just gave up.

1 - I think it was nice from you ( higurush )to try and give or show others who are still new or somewhat not that new to the game some interesting or weird tips that might or not help improve their play.

2 - Even tho i don't play almost everything above Normal diff which means i dont get songs with streams i found your method interesting to watch.

3 - I'm sad because some decent/good players that replied were in my opinion disrespectful and instead of that should have given out a more positive and constructive feedback instead of letting other factors take over.

4 - I wish i could give accurate and constructive opinion on your methods but i dont play at that level and dont intend to.

AND like i say to myself, and it's pretty much my "way of the ninja" thingy : play like you want, the way you want, without caring about what others say or might say.

Good Luck and keep it up : ).
So, you necroed an almost a year old thread to say that you can't give an accurate and constructive opinion on this.


I will lock this for now cause this thread just can't end well.
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