
remixed celas vs 44teru-k - CONNECT r [Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on vendredi 14 juin 2013 at 18:34:27

Artist: remixed celas vs 44teru-k
Title: CONNECT r
Source: BMS
Tags: gamma mahou shoujo puella magi madoka magica madomagi creation anime hardcore
BPM: 175
Filesize: 2263kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Futsuu (4,22 stars, 223 notes)
  2. Kantan (1,96 stars, 129 notes)
  3. Muzukashii (4,83 stars, 384 notes)
  4. Oni (4,94 stars, 652 notes)
Download: remixed celas vs 44teru-k - CONNECT r
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
16th beatmap~
Re-download as of 14/03 plz~
A hardcore remix of Connect by celas and 44teru-k (video is the full version)
Original BMS available here. (BMS n°31) Link is dead
Oh, and this is a full-Taiko mapset.
List of modders (thanks to all modders!)
spboxer3 Thanks for the rank!
Hi dialga~

Set hitsound volume to about 70%

00:37:354 - k
00:37:697 - add k

00:09:925 - k

00:05:982 (1,2,3) - d
00:31:868 - not sure why there's this rhythm here, it doesn't fit the music imo. Try something different?
01:07:440 (1) - move to 01:07:354
01:24:497 - ddd
01:25:868 - ddd

00:09:068 - d
00:17:468 - d
00:22:268 - kkddkkddd
00:21:754 (1,2,3,1) - I'm not really a fan of using 1/6 if there's nothing in the music calling for it. I'd suggest changing this.
00:27:925 (1,2,3,1) - 1/6 again
00:52:268 - k
01:08:554 (1,1,2,3) - this 1/6 stream in particular sounds weird. Please change it?
01:14:040 (1,2,3,1) - 1/6 again

Not all 1/6 streams are bad, just the ones I pointed out above that I feel don't fit.
Topic Starter

CoroQuetz wrote:

Hi dialga~

Set hitsound volume to about 70% fixed

00:37:354 - k changed
00:37:697 - add k added

00:09:925 - k changed

00:05:982 (1,2,3) - d fixed
00:31:868 - not sure why there's this rhythm here, it doesn't fit the music imo. Try something different? it's because the sound in the back is in 1/3
01:07:440 (1) - move to 01:07:354 ok
01:24:497 - ddd sounds better, thanks
01:25:868 - ddd^

00:09:068 - d ok
00:17:468 - d i think it sounds better with a kat, so no
00:22:268 - kkddkkddd no, again because it sounds better with kkkdddkkd
00:21:754 (1,2,3,1) - I'm not really a fan of using 1/6 if there's nothing in the music calling for it. I'd suggest changing this. changed to 1/4
00:27:925 (1,2,3,1) - 1/6 again there is 1/6 here in the music, listen at 25% speed
00:52:268 - k ok
01:08:554 (1,1,2,3) - this 1/6 stream in particular sounds weird. Please change it? beat is in 1/6 here, so no
01:14:040 (1,2,3,1) - 1/6 again changed to 1/4

Not all 1/6 streams are bad, just the ones I pointed out above that I feel don't fit.
Thanks for the mod!
Bon j'vais edit ce post pour les mods kantan/futsuu, et après y'aura oni et muzu dans cet ordre, tu kd APRES LES 4 DIFFS DE FAITES
Topic Starter
Ok, bon bah je crois que je vais faire la même chose, je vais répondre à ton mod au fur et à mesure.
le début du mod pour commencer, pas trop envie de continuer pour la semaine, on vient de tuer mon moral en 10 heures (go twitter pour voir pourquoi)


00:10:440 (1) - Tu peux changer pour un denden, les nouveaux trouveront ça dur imo (C'est pas la même chose que sir jiro malheureusement bien que ça l'était avant) si tu penses que ça fit mieux
00:35:297 (1) - Ce truc pourrait surprendre plus d'un débutant ! Bouge 1/2 après.
00:48:325 (3) - Pareil que ^, plus cette note n'a vraiment rien dessous qui pourrait expliquer l'utilisation de 1/2 dans un kantan, bouge la 1/2 après
00:46:268 (1,1,2,3,1) - d-k-d-k-d ? Ca flow'rait mieux comme ça
00:49:697 (2) - Change en k si tu as appliqué ^
00:53:125 (1,2,3) - Je vois pas en quoi on change en k, honnêtement.
00:59:297 (2) - Pareil que 00:48:325 (3) -
00:58:611 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - Change en k-d-k-ddd/k-d-d-ddd ?
Je trouve le kiai TREEEES space honnêtement. Au passage, laisse les coupures en kiai quand même
01:10:268 (4) - le d--d--d n'est pas terrible, bouge ce d @1 beat après.
01:14:382 (1,1,2,3) - pareil ici, je suggère de bouger la note (2) 1 beat après
01:17:468 (1,2,3) - Ca surprendrait beaucoup de monde !
01:19:697 (1,2,1) - Un truc syncopé est très bizarre à jouer lel, retire (2) ?

Mets un peu plus de 2/1 sur la map pour des micro-breaks, petit conseil
00:01:011 (1,1,1,2,3,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5) - Toute cette partie est mappée sur un début calme; peux-tu réduire la densité pour mieux faire apparaître ce calme ?
00:28:440 (18,19,20,21,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - Les k semblent être placés au pif, adopte un k par snare ? (chaque beat impair sur 0-1-2-3-0-1-2-3..)
00:47:640 (3,4,5) - Le 3/4 peut surprendre du monde (les suivants et précédents seront les mêmes)
01:05:125 (14) - Ca serait pas mieux de mettre un D?
01:15:754 (1,2,3,4) - dDDD est bizarre, honnêtement.
Topic Starter

_Gezo_ wrote:

le début du mod pour commencer, pas trop envie de continuer pour la semaine, on vient de tuer mon moral en 10 heures (go twitter pour voir pourquoi) lol best day ever


00:10:440 (1) - Tu peux changer pour un denden, les nouveaux trouveront ça dur imo (C'est pas la même chose que sir jiro malheureusement bien que ça l'était avant) si tu penses que ça fit mieux mouais, changé
00:35:297 (1) - Ce truc pourrait surprendre plus d'un débutant ! Bouge 1/2 après. ok
00:48:325 (3) - Pareil que ^, plus cette note n'a vraiment rien dessous qui pourrait expliquer l'utilisation de 1/2 dans un kantan, bouge la 1/2 après je sais même pas pourquoi j'ai fait ça, changé
00:46:268 (1,1,2,3,1) - d-k-d-k-d ? Ca flow'rait mieux comme ça effectivement, changé
00:49:697 (2) - Change en k si tu as appliqué ^ ^
00:53:125 (1,2,3) - Je vois pas en quoi on change en k, honnêtement. changé en d
00:59:297 (2) - Pareil que 00:48:325 (3) - changé
00:58:611 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - Change en k-d-k-ddd/k-d-d-ddd ?pris la 2ème solution
Je trouve le kiai TREEEES space honnêtement. Au passage, laisse les coupures en kiai quand même lol, je ne changerai pas le kiai
01:10:268 (4) - le d--d--d n'est pas terrible, bouge ce d @1 beat après. k
01:14:382 (1,1,2,3) - pareil ici, je suggère de bouger la note (2) 1 beat après
01:17:468 (1,2,3) - Ca surprendrait beaucoup de monde ! pourtant, ca colle a la musique, mais bon peut être un peu dur pour un kantan. changed
01:19:697 (1,2,1) - Un truc syncopé est très bizarre à jouer lel, retire (2) ? retiré

Mets un peu plus de 2/1 sur la map pour des micro-breaks, petit conseil
00:01:011 (1,1,1,2,3,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5) - Toute cette partie est mappée sur un début calme; peux-tu réduire la densité pour mieux faire apparaître ce calme ? remappé
00:28:440 (18,19,20,21,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - Les k semblent être placés au pif, adopte un k par snare ? (chaque beat impair sur 0-1-2-3-0-1-2-3..) changé
00:47:640 (3,4,5) - Le 3/4 peut surprendre du monde (les suivants et précédents seront les mêmes) snappé en 1/1
01:05:125 (14) - Ca serait pas mieux de mettre un D? ouais, changé
01:15:754 (1,2,3,4) - dDDD est bizarre, honnêtement.euh, j'ai juste suivi le beat.

La suite de la réponse ici


00:00:754 (1,2,3,1) - Il devrait pas y avoir une note juste avant ? L'instrument sur lequel ce stream de 4 notes est mappé... fait 5 notes.
00:13:011 (1,1) - J'aime pas trop l'utilisation des big notes sur les deux là, ça colle pas tellemen, les snares changent pas tellement par rapport à ce qu'il y a avant
00:15:925 (1) - Pareil
00:23:640 (1,2,3) - C'est assez bizarre je trouve, ça colle pas à 100% à la musique
00:31:525 (1,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,3,4) - Vaudrait mieux passer par du 1/4 - 1/2 plutôt que du 1/3 (mais laisser à la fin la bignote)
00:44:211 (2,3,4,1,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,3,1,1,1,1,2,3,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,1) - Comme j'ai dit, wtf :D
01:07:354 (1,2,3,4,5,1,1,1,1,2,3,1) - Ce passage risque d'être un peu vicieux, je trouve. Je vous pas tellement comment garder le feeling de la partie sans pour autant ruiner le challenge de ce pattern

00:01:525 (1,2,3,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,2) - Un poil long, je trouve. Tu peux couper à 00:04:440 - et 00:03:068 - si tu veux, y'a toujours des tas de posibilités exploitables
00:31:868 (5,6,7,8) - d ddd 1/4 ?
00:39:068 (1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2) - Un peu long et piégeux, les gens peuvent miss quand ça switch (dkdkdkkd..)
00:50:040 (1,1,2,3) - Un peu con que t'aies pas pu exploiter ce passage d'une autre manière afin d'autoriser un D @ 3 (Tu peux toujours supprimer (2) pour ça)

(pis merde y'aura pas d'édit)
Topic Starter

_Gezo_ wrote:



00:00:754 (1,2,3,1) - Il devrait pas y avoir une note juste avant ? L'instrument sur lequel ce stream de 4 notes est mappé... fait 5 notes. whooooops, ajouté
00:13:011 (1,1) - J'aime pas trop l'utilisation des big notes sur les deux là, ça colle pas tellemen, les snares changent pas tellement par rapport à ce qu'il y a avant ouaip, j'ai douté la dessus. fixed
00:15:925 (1) - Pareil fixed
00:23:640 (1,2,3) - C'est assez bizarre je trouve, ça colle pas à 100% à la musique changé
00:31:525 (1,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,3,4) - Vaudrait mieux passer par du 1/4 - 1/2 plutôt que du 1/3 (mais laisser à la fin la bignote) changé en 1/2
00:44:211 (2,3,4,1,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,3,1,1,1,1,2,3,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,1) - Comme j'ai dit, wtf :D lol changé
01:07:354 (1,2,3,4,5,1,1,1,1,2,3,1) - Ce passage risque d'être un peu vicieux, je trouve. Je vous pas tellement comment garder le feeling de la partie sans pour autant ruiner le challenge de ce pattern le problème, c'est que ca colle parfaitement a la musique (et avant c'était pire, y'avait du 1/6)

00:01:525 (1,2,3,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,2) - Un poil long, je trouve. Tu peux couper à 00:04:440 - et 00:03:068 - si tu veux, y'a toujours des tas de posibilités exploitables coupé là où tu l'as dit
00:31:868 (5,6,7,8) - d ddd 1/4 ? mis en k kkk
00:39:068 (1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2) - Un peu long et piégeux, les gens peuvent miss quand ça switch (dkdkdkkd..) coupé à 00:39:582 et à 00:40:954
00:50:040 (1,1,2,3) - Un peu con que t'aies pas pu exploiter ce passage d'une autre manière afin d'autoriser un D @ 3 (Tu peux toujours supprimer (2) pour ça) ouais mais ca colle à la musique, encore. pas changé

(pis merde y'aura pas d'édit)
la flemme d'edit.

merci pour le mod!
H i , from#modreq , Taiko modding .
These are all suggestion. If you don't like them , you could ignore .
| d = don | k = kat | D = BIG DON | K = BIG KAT | re = remove |
[ General ]
  1. "mdk_ichiou.png" is too large. changing to jpg is better.
[ Kantan]
  1. HP Drain -1 or -2 , OD -1 or -2
  2. 00:11:982 (1) - K
  3. 00:22:954 (6) - D
  4. 00:55:868 (10) - D
  5. 01:01:354 (5) - D
  6. 01:09:411 (3) ⇒ 01:09:582 - move
  7. 01:28:097 (1) - k
[ Futsuu]
  1. HP Drain -1 , OD -1
  2. 00:11:982 (7) - K
  3. 00:33:925 (1) - K
  4. 00:39:068 (4) - k
  5. 00:40:782 (2) - d
  6. 00:47:640 (3) - d ?
  7. 01:17:725 (1) - 01:17:640 - here.
[ Muzukashii]
  1. 00:22:954 (1) - D
  2. 01:06:840 (5) - D
[ Oni]
  1. HP Drain +1 ?
  2. 00:00:668 (1) - unsnap
  3. 00:42:068 (2) - re
  4. 00:42:154 (1) - K
  5. 01:26:040 (1) - D
good luck .
Topic Starter

Cuvelia wrote:

H i , from#modreq , Taiko modding .
These are all suggestion. If you don't like them , you could ignore .
| d = don | k = kat | D = BIG DON | K = BIG KAT | re = remove |
[ General ]
  1. "mdk_ichiou.png" is too large. changing to jpg is better. converted to jpg
[ Kantan]
  1. HP Drain -1 or -2 , OD -1 or -2 OD and HP Drain -1
  2. 00:11:982 (1) - K added
  3. 00:22:954 (6) - D added
  4. 00:55:868 (10) - D added
  5. 01:01:354 (5) - D added
  6. 01:09:411 (3) ⇒ 01:09:582 - move moved
  7. 01:28:097 (1) - k
no, i think it sounds ugly
[ Futsuu]
  1. HP Drain -1 , OD -1 -1
  2. 00:11:982 (7) - K added
  3. 00:33:925 (1) - K maybe a bit hard for a futsuu...
  4. 00:39:068 (4) - k ^
  5. 00:40:782 (2) - d sound ugly
  6. 00:47:640 (3) - d ? sounds good with a k
  7. 01:17:725 (1) - 01:17:640 - here.
sounds better actually
[ Muzukashii]
  1. 00:22:954 (1) - D added
  2. 01:06:840 (5) - D
[ Oni]
  1. HP Drain +1 ? OD and HP +2
  2. 00:00:668 (1) - unsnap whooops, fixed
  3. 00:42:068 (2) - re nope
  4. 00:42:154 (1) - K nope, because i didn't removed the note
  5. 01:26:040 (1) - D added

good luck .
Thanks for the mod!
I don't know if you requested a mod. Probably I just saw this map-set few weeks ago, so I decided by my self to mod it. Anyway, here I am.
Cuvelia modding form is pretty nice, so I will use it as well. Here we go.

[ Kantan]
Before I move to hitcircles I want to say something about the Kantan in general. Overall this is already considered as a hard Kantan, because you used an ongoing 1/1 beat which has no breaks. It dose not seem like, but this is actually really hard for real beginners(I saw many of my friends/brothers play Kantan, and the game-play of them was just frustraiting... lol). Also the change of space between the notes is already Futsuu level, since Kantan has just linearly mapped patterns: 1/1 and some 1/2, no 2/4. I will show you some examples since the patterns are overall mostly the same:

00:03:068 (2) - This note can be deleted for the begining to have later the possibilty, to emphasize a part by this way of mapping.
00:04:440 (1,1,1,1,2) - You have here three different spaces at once which will confuse the beginner. I doubt that this is our intension for beginners, right? So that's why we should simplify these patterns to a 1/1 pattern: 00:05:640 (1) - move to 00:05:811 and delete 00:06:154 (1) - . Now it's easier for the beginner to consider how to hit these notes.
00:10:440 (1) - Short spinners in a Kantan are not recommended. The beginner got never in touch with spinners before, so use just long spinners in a map which the beginner can learn from. The harder the difficultie the shorter the spinner can be because of experience a player gained before(though, too short spinner aren't alowed as well, keep that in mind)
00:01:011~00:16:097 - Here an example how to map this part in a more simple way:

00:12:668 (1,2) - As before, this will confuse beginners. You can move (2) to 00:13:354 and to the same change to similiar notes / patterns.
00:13:354 (2,2,1) - Too be honest, I think we have here a overuse of finisher. Please consider to use less of them, else it sounds too loud and they lose quick there actual effect for a map(emphasize some sounds or a part in a beatmap).
00:16:782 (1) - This note can be deleted to give the beginner some time to re-coordinate his game playing. In later stages you can use longer 1/1 patterns.
00:22:954~00:33:925 - Yep. That would be a part for having a long 1/1 pattern constalation since the part calls for it.
00:34:611 (2) - After the part I mentioned before, you can delete this note to be able to emphasize note 00:33:925 (1) - .
00:33:925~00:44:897 - Try to have in this part less notes please.
00:44:897~00:55:868 - Here and there some bigger gaps would be good, because then, you can emphasize the kiai way better as in its current state.
01:05:468 (1) - Questionable if you should keep this spinner or not. A slider would replace it better since it is easier to play.
01:19:697 - The previous kiai break has fit better. You might want consider this.

In general, mappers can make their job in mapping a Kantan easier, just by knowing the process of it. Kantan maps don't follow the beatmaps actual beat, they contain just linear pattern structures which can be variated together by having a reverse patterns to make the map more interesting. Example: d d d x k k k x d d k x k k d ...

[ Futsuu]
Futsuu is okay, but still hard for its level. Try to choose between having unlinearly patterns or two-plet patterns, because together, they make the map harder as it should be. Also make some of the 1/2 pattern shorter since this is a job for Muzukasii.

00:01:011~00:11:982 - It would be advisable to follow rather the beat instead of making your own. It's not a must, but it would fit to Futsuus level.
00:13:011 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Really complicated due of two-plets and different spacing usage. Choose between one of these pattern / mapping-styles. I suggest deleting 00:14:297 (6,7) - and change 00:14:040 (5) - to a don, so you would have a beat following pattern and at the same time a gap to the next coming pattern. Experienced beginners would be able to re-coordinate their playing / next move.
00:14:725 - d d k dd dd k Having this pattern would be a perfect reverse of the previous one(Though I would switch both section to have d d k dd dd k x k k d kk kk d, so don represents the usual main beat in this map).
00:17:125 (1) - That would mean to delete this note as well and in other similiar parts. I really recommende doing this.
00:25:354 (7,8) - Might consider to delete them. It's not a must.
00:28:097 (14,15) - ^
00:30:840 (1,1) - ^
00:33:925 - I recommend to continue mapping in this way(^) with some more notes if you wish. But don't forget to have not too long 1/2 patterns as you have right now.
00:44:897 - This part is advisable to map to the beat like at the beginning. It's way too emphasizes by the song, so mapping against this beat is not a good way.
00:58:611 (3,4,5) - Questionable, but should be fine because of the song it-self.
01:10:954 (1,2,3,4) - Works if they stand alone. Else it's hard when this note is right on the back: 01:10:611 (1) -
Kiai should be reconsidered. The patterns are really vague here and don't seem to have a structure. Sure, following the songs high pitches and etc., but for a Futsuu this turns just beeing too hard.

Futsuus can be mapped to a songs beat, but the usage of patterns should be considered. That means to think about if the songs beat is too hard as pattern for a Futsuu or not. If this is the case, better keep it simple.

[ Muzukashii]

00:28:782 (1,1,1,2,3) - Better keep these notes as don and switch later do k d k d.../d k d k... patterns.
00:30:497 (1) - don ^
00:31:011 - ddd as before.
00:37:697 (1,1) - k d k to have a conection to 00:34:954 (7,1,1) -.
00:47:297 (1,2,3,4) - Yeah, hard to map, but consider to follow here the beat as well.
00:57:925 (2) - Suddenly a ddkdd pattern which never apeard in the map before. I suggest to move it to 00:58:097.
00:58:268 (1,2,3,4) - Same as before.
01:01:011 - This pattern is even for a Muzukashii long. It's not a must but consider to cut it somewhere.
01:16:611 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - Wups... Oni level patterns. 5-plets should be just used in cases when they stand alone. 4-plets are also Oni leveled because of their unlinear play.

Hint: Having reversed patterns in a Muzukashii helps really much in many aspects. You can keep a easier structure for yourself and make it look / sound interesting.

[ Oni]
Uh... not much to say... just try to have less notes.

00:07:182 (2,1) - Consider making both finisher to a normal note.
00:14:725 (2) - ^ Because coming high pitch sounds can't be mapped due to 1/4 patterns.
00:43:868 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1,1,1,2,1,2) - Reconsider this patterns.
00:47:554 (1) - delete the note, since you did the same in the comming patterns?
00:59:640 (1) - normal note fits probably more.
01:06:840~01:17:725 - Having more two-plets would be better since the song tends to it.

Well that's it. I hope I could help you with this. Good luck, don't give up.
Topic Starter

OnosakiHito wrote:

I don't know if you requested a mod. Probably I just saw this map-set few weeks ago, so I decided by my self to mod it. Anyway, here I am.
Cuvelia modding form is pretty nice, so I will use it as well. Here we go.

[ Kantan]
Before I move to hitcircles I want to say something about the Kantan in general. Overall this is already considered as a hard Kantan, because you used an ongoing 1/1 beat which has no breaks. It dose not seem like, but this is actually really hard for real beginners(I saw many of my friends/brothers play Kantan, and the game-play of them was just frustraiting... lol). Also the change of space between the notes is already Futsuu level, since Kantan has just linearly mapped patterns: 1/1 and some 1/2, no 2/4. I will show you some examples since the patterns are overall mostly the same:

00:03:068 (2) - This note can be deleted for the begining to have later the possibilty, to emphasize a part by this way of mapping.
00:04:440 (1,1,1,1,2) - You have here three different spaces at once which will confuse the beginner. I doubt that this is our intension for beginners, right? So that's why we should simplify these patterns to a 1/1 pattern: 00:05:640 (1) - move to 00:05:811 and delete 00:06:154 (1) - . Now it's easier for the beginner to consider how to hit these notes.
00:10:440 (1) - Short spinners in a Kantan are not recommended. The beginner got never in touch with spinners before, so use just long spinners in a map which the beginner can learn from. The harder the difficultie the shorter the spinner can be because of experience a player gained before(though, too short spinner aren't alowed as well, keep that in mind)
00:01:011~00:16:097 - Here an example how to map this part in a more simple way:

00:12:668 (1,2) - As before, this will confuse beginners. You can move (2) to 00:13:354 and to the same change to similiar notes / patterns.
00:13:354 (2,2,1) - Too be honest, I think we have here a overuse of finisher. Please consider to use less of them, else it sounds too loud and they lose quick there actual effect for a map(emphasize some sounds or a part in a beatmap).
00:16:782 (1) - This note can be deleted to give the beginner some time to re-coordinate his game playing. In later stages you can use longer 1/1 patterns.
00:22:954~00:33:925 - Yep. That would be a part for having a long 1/1 pattern constalation since the part calls for it.
00:34:611 (2) - After the part I mentioned before, you can delete this note to be able to emphasize note 00:33:925 (1) - .
00:33:925~00:44:897 - Try to have in this part less notes please.
00:44:897~00:55:868 - Here and there some bigger gaps would be good, because then, you can emphasize the kiai way better as in its current state.
01:05:468 (1) - Questionable if you should keep this spinner or not. A slider would replace it better since it is easier to play.
01:19:697 - The previous kiai break has fit better. You might want consider this. Reaaaaly weird if i keep kiai here

In general, mappers can make their job in mapping a Kantan easier, just by knowing the process of it. Kantan maps don't follow the beatmaps actual beat, they contain just linear pattern structures which can be variated together by having a reverse patterns to make the map more interesting. Example: d d d x k k k x d d k x k k d ...

[ Futsuu]
Futsuu is okay, but still hard for its level. Try to choose between having unlinearly patterns or two-plet patterns, because together, they make the map harder as it should be. Also make some of the 1/2 pattern shorter since this is a job for Muzukasii.

00:01:011~00:11:982 - It would be advisable to follow rather the beat instead of making your own. It's not a must, but it would fit to Futsuus level.
00:13:011 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Really complicated due of two-plets and different spacing usage. Choose between one of these pattern / mapping-styles. I suggest deleting 00:14:297 (6,7) - and change 00:14:040 (5) - to a don, so you would have a beat following pattern and at the same time a gap to the next coming pattern. Experienced beginners would be able to re-coordinate their playing / next move.
00:14:725 - d d k dd dd k Having this pattern would be a perfect reverse of the previous one(Though I would switch both section to have d d k dd dd k x k k d kk kk d, so don represents the usual main beat in this map).
00:17:125 (1) - That would mean to delete this note as well and in other similiar parts. I really recommende doing this.
00:25:354 (7,8) - Might consider to delete them. It's not a must.
00:28:097 (14,15) - ^
00:30:840 (1,1) - ^
00:33:925 - I recommend to continue mapping in this way(^) with some more notes if you wish. But don't forget to have not too long 1/2 patterns as you have right now.
00:44:897 - This part is advisable to map to the beat like at the beginning. It's way too emphasizes by the song, so mapping against this beat is not a good way.
00:58:611 (3,4,5) - Questionable, but should be fine because of the song it-self.
01:10:954 (1,2,3,4) - Works if they stand alone. Else it's hard when this note is right on the back: 01:10:611 (1) -
Kiai should be reconsidered. The patterns are really vague here and don't seem to have a structure. Sure, following the songs high pitches and etc., but for a Futsuu this turns just beeing too hard.

Futsuus can be mapped to a songs beat, but the usage of patterns should be considered. That means to think about if the songs beat is too hard as pattern for a Futsuu or not. If this is the case, better keep it simple.

[ Muzukashii]

00:28:782 (1,1,1,2,3) - Better keep these notes as don and switch later do k d k d.../d k d k... patterns.
00:30:497 (1) - don ^
00:31:011 - ddd as before.
00:37:697 (1,1) - k d k to have a conection to 00:34:954 (7,1,1) -.
00:47:297 (1,2,3,4) - Yeah, hard to map, but consider to follow here the beat as well.
00:57:925 (2) - Suddenly a ddkdd pattern which never apeard in the map before. I suggest to move it to 00:58:097.
00:58:268 (1,2,3,4) - Same as before.
01:01:011 - This pattern is even for a Muzukashii long. It's not a must but consider to cut it somewhere.
01:16:611 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - Wups... Oni level patterns. 5-plets should be just used in cases when they stand alone. 4-plets are also Oni leveled because of their unlinear play.

Hint: Having reversed patterns in a Muzukashii helps really much in many aspects. You can keep a easier structure for yourself and make it look / sound interesting.

[ Oni]
Uh... not much to say... just try to have less notes.

00:07:182 (2,1) - Consider making both finisher to a normal note.
00:14:725 (2) - ^ Because coming high pitch sounds can't be mapped due to 1/4 patterns.
00:43:868 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1,1,1,2,1,2) - Reconsider this patterns.
00:47:554 (1) - delete the note, since you did the same in the comming patterns?
00:59:640 (1) - normal note fits probably more.
01:06:840~01:17:725 - Having more two-plets would be better since the song tends to it.

Well that's it. I hope I could help you with this. Good luck, don't give up.
I applied most of your recommendations. Thanks for the mod!
Hello! from my Taiko modding queue~
OwO Connect! <3 One of my favorite songs =w=

"d" = don (red note)
"k" = kat (blue note)
"D" = Big Don (red + finisher)
"K" = Big Kat (blue + finisher)
"^" = same as above

here we go!

  1. 00:32:554 (1) - K(+finisher) fits very well
    not much to say -w-
  1. 00:05:811 (9) - move to 00:06:154 -
  2. 00:33:925 (1) - why not finisher here .w.
  3. 01:05:125 (14) - remove finisher? The spinner already makes good exite(?) for KIAI
  4. 01:09:582 (7) - move to 01:09:411 - ? It would be better when things sounds like 01:11:468 (12) -
  1. 00:01:011 - , 00:11:640 - and 00:11:982 - : these 3 green lines are totally unnecessary. remove them
  2. 00:17:811 (6) - K would sound nicely!
  3. 00:26:554 - add d here, it fits the back sound
  1. Nothing to say... really well mapped!
The whole mapset is so nice ;) I couldn't find very much... Good luck!
Topic Starter

Naryuga wrote:

Hello! from my Taiko modding queue~
OwO Connect! <3 One of my favorite songs =w= 0.0

"d" = don (red note)
"k" = kat (blue note)
"D" = Big Don (red + finisher)
"K" = Big Kat (blue + finisher)
"^" = same as above

here we go!

  1. 00:32:554 (1) - K(+finisher) fits very well added
    not much to say -w-
  1. 00:05:811 (9) - move to 00:06:154 - maybe a bit difficult?
  2. 00:33:925 (1) - why not finisher here .w. added
  3. 01:05:125 (14) - remove finisher? The spinner already makes good exite(?) for KIAI removed
  4. 01:09:582 (7) - move to 01:09:411 - ? It would be better when things sounds like 01:11:468 (12) - a bit difficult
  1. 00:01:011 - , 00:11:640 - and 00:11:982 - : these 3 green lines are totally unnecessary. remove them whoops, removed
  2. 00:17:811 (6) - K would sound nicely! added
  3. 00:26:554 - add d here, it fits the back sound added
  1. Nothing to say... really well mapped! Thanks!
The whole mapset is so nice ;) I couldn't find very much... Good luck!
Wow, that's fast!

Thanks for the mod!
from my taiko queue~

Kantan HP& OD>2
Futsuu HP& OD>3
Muzukashii HP&OD>4
Oni HP&OD>5
It becomes kind to a player by adjusting these.
And as for me, 5 considers the standard value of Oni to be a limit.
It is very difficult to adjust more than it.
Therefore, I hope 5.

00:36:668 (2) - remove f
00:48:668 (1) - ^
00:53:297 (4) - add d
01:08:725 - ^
01:24:925 (2) - delete. not much to say
01:25:440 - add d?
01:27:068 - ^

00:06:154 (4) - add d . This sound follow plz
00:06:154 (4) - ^

00:06:154 (10) - add d
00:08:211 - ^
00:14:725 (6) - D
00:26:725 (10,11,12,13) - k d d k

good map :D

Good luck~_(:3 」∠)_
Topic Starter

Lundlerol wrote:

from my taiko queue~

Kantan HP& OD>2 modified
Futsuu HP& OD>3 modified
Muzukashii HP&OD>4 kept as 5
Oni HP&OD>5 no
It becomes kind to a player by adjusting these.
And as for me, 5 considers the standard value of Oni to be a limit. In the original game, it's OD and HP 7, so i keep OD7 for oni
It is very difficult to adjust more than it.
Therefore, I hope 5.

00:36:668 (2) - remove f removed
00:48:668 (1) - ^ removed
00:53:297 (4) - add d added
01:08:725 - ^ added
01:24:925 (2) - delete. not much to say removed
01:25:440 - add d? added
01:27:068 - ^ no

00:06:154 (4) - add d . This sound follow plz added
00:06:154 (4) - ^ wut

00:06:154 (10) - add d added
00:08:211 - ^ added
00:14:725 (6) - D added
00:26:725 (10,11,12,13) - k d d k modified

good map :D

Good luck~_(:3 」∠)_
Thanks for the mod!
  1. Remove taiko from the tags?
  2. Set your audio lead-in as 2000.
  1. 00:05:468 (2,3,1) - kdd would be better for this because if it changes to kdd the first two notes "kd" effect the two circles before this one and that is "dk" like normal pattern dk kd sounds great.
  2. 00:07:182 (2) - add finish here,there's a cymbal there.
  3. 00:12:840 (4) - change it to k because the next circle is got same beat but you put it as k.
  4. 00:14:725 (2) - add finish here,there's a cymbal there.
  5. 00:29:982 (1,2,1,2,1) - ddkkd doesn't sound really good at here.maybe make it ddkdd?
  6. 01:19:611 (1) - move this k to 01:19:440 (1) and add finish at 01:19:697 (2) - this circle should be big circle.
  1. 01:09:411 (1) - add finish,got cymbal
  2. 01:27:240 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - change it to kkd d dkk,sounds better.
  1. 00:09:240 (18) - change to d,the beat is sounds deep.
  2. 01:07:868 (3,4,5,6) - change this to k d d k.make the pattern dk kd
Add some circles at starting it's kinda weird all of it is 1/1 beat.try to make a constant beat.example "d d dddk d d d ddk"
  1. Nothing to point out.
Well , not many thing to say........

00:17:382 (2) - d, the music of the 3 k is going upward.

00:21:411 (1) - D

00:35:640 (1) - k

00:38:725 (1) - k

00:44:211 (2) - d

00:44:725 (8) - d

00:47:468 - add d

00:50:382 (3) - k

BTW I see some 1/6 and 1/4 together inside one beat only, it fit the drum but not so friendly to player. May be consider some change?
Topic Starter

HeatKai wrote:

  1. Remove taiko from the tags? ok
  2. Set your audio lead-in as 2000. modified
  1. 00:05:468 (2,3,1) - kdd would be better for this because if it changes to kdd the first two notes "kd" effect the two circles before this one and that is "dk" like normal pattern dk kd sounds great. added
  2. 00:07:182 (2) - add finish here,there's a cymbal there. added, i don't know why i didn't put finish here
  3. 00:12:840 (4) - change it to k because the next circle is got same beat but you put it as k. modified
  4. 00:14:725 (2) - add finish here,there's a cymbal there. added
  5. 00:29:982 (1,2,1,2,1) - ddkkd doesn't sound really good at here.maybe make it ddkdd? modified as ddkdd
  6. 01:19:611 (1) - move this k to 01:19:440 (1) and add finish at 01:19:697 (2) - this circle should be big circle. modified, sounds better now
  1. 01:09:411 (1) - add finish,got cymbal added
  2. 01:27:240 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - change it to kkd d dkk,sounds better. a bit hard for a muzu...
  1. 00:09:240 (18) - change to d,the beat is sounds deep. modified
  2. 01:07:868 (3,4,5,6) - change this to k d d k.make the pattern dk kd modified
Add some circles at starting it's kinda weird all of it is 1/1 beat.try to make a constant beat.example "d d dddk d d d ddk" did'nt changed anything
  1. Nothing to point out.
Thanks for the pro mod!

Lukareia wrote:

Well , not many thing to say........

00:17:382 (2) - d, the music of the 3 k is going upward. modified

00:21:411 (1) - D modified

00:35:640 (1) - k modified

00:38:725 (1) - k modified

00:44:211 (2) - d modifed

00:44:725 (8) - d modified

00:47:468 - add d added

00:50:382 (3) - k modified

BTW I see some 1/6 and 1/4 together inside one beat only, it fit the drum but not so friendly to player. May be consider some change? it fits with the music, so no.
Thanks for the mod!
Request from modding queue
Here comes a mod~ :3


00:09:925 (1,2) d k
00:11:982 D
00:18:154 d
00:22:611 (5,6,7,8,9) k D k k k
00:25:697 (1,2,3,4) d d k d because of pitch
00:28:440 (1,2,3,4) d d k d ^
00:33:240 (1,1) k D
00:36:668 (3,4) d d
00:44:897 D
00:48:325 (1,1) d k
00:53:125 K
00:55:182 (6,7) k k
01:04:782 K
01:08:211 k
01:22:439 D
01:24:668 (3,4) K k


00:07:182 D
00:20:211 d
00:22:525 d
00:24:325 (4,5) k k ?
00:27:068 k
00:44:897 D
00:47:640 d
00:50:725 d
00:51:411 (1,2,1) k D d
01:02:725 (6,7,8,9) k k k k
01:11:468 D
01:17:468 d


00:03:754 d
00:10:268 (3,1) k d
00:20:211 (4,5) D d
00:22:954 (1,2,3) K k k
00:37:868 d
00:44:040 (1,1) k D
00:45:240 d
01:19:182 (1,2) d d
01:23:125 d
01:22:440 D
Topic Starter

Nardoxyribonucleic wrote:

Request from modding queue
Here comes a mod~ :3


00:09:925 (1,2) d k nope
00:11:982 D no, again
00:18:154 d no
00:22:611 (5,6,7,8,9) k D k k k too hard
00:25:697 (1,2,3,4) d d k d because of pitch modified
00:28:440 (1,2,3,4) d d k d ^ modified
00:33:240 (1,1) k D no
00:36:668 (3,4) d d changed
00:44:897 D no
00:48:325 (1,1) d k no
00:53:125 K changed
00:55:182 (6,7) k k no
01:04:782 K no, too hard
01:08:211 k changed
01:22:439 D no
01:24:668 (3,4) K k nope


00:07:182 D nope, because of the pitch
00:20:211 d changed
00:22:525 d changed
00:24:325 (4,5) k k ? modified
00:27:068 k modified
00:44:897 D nope.
00:47:640 d ^
00:50:725 d ^
00:51:411 (1,2,1) k D d modified
01:02:725 (6,7,8,9) k k k k too hard fo beginners, plus it doesn't fit very well
01:11:468 D nope
01:17:468 d nope


00:03:754 d nope, because there is a high pitch sound here
00:10:268 (3,1) k d modified
00:20:211 (4,5) D d modified
00:22:954 (1,2,3) K k k nope, because i follow the drum here
00:37:868 d sounds better with a k
00:44:040 (1,1) k D nope, because previous notes are d K and it would have no sense to put k d here
00:45:240 d weiiiird with a d
01:19:182 (1,2) d d i follow the sound with a k
01:23:125 d modified
01:22:440 D sounds better with a K
Thanks for the mod!
Here's my Random Mod Requested by you:


  1. 00:10:611 - 00:11:297 - ddk
  2. 00:56:554 (9) - k
  3. 01:17:468 (6) - k
  4. 01:23:982 (2) - k
  5. 01:25:354 (4) - k

  1. 00:03:068 - add k
  2. 00:21:411 (4) - k
  3. 00:21:754 (5,6) - kk
  4. 00:35:297 - add d
  5. 01:01:354 (1,2) - kk
  6. 01:02:725 (6,7) - kk
  7. 01:04:097 (11) - k
  8. 01:04:782 (13) - k
  9. 01:05:125 (14) - k

  1. 00:01:354 - add d
  2. 00:01:525 (1) - k
  3. 00:06:411 - add k
  4. 00:10:782 - k
  5. 00:10:954 - d
  6. 00:11:297 - d
  7. 00:23:982 (4) - k
  8. 01:07:354 (1) - move to 01:07:525 -
  9. 01:17:640 - add d
Good Luck! :D
Topic Starter

Revolver_revo wrote:

Here's my Random Mod Requested by you:


  1. 00:10:611 - 00:11:297 - ddk better to put nothing here, it's cooler
  2. 00:56:554 (9) - k modified
  3. 01:17:468 (6) - k no, the pitch change after
  4. 01:23:982 (2) - k ok
  5. 01:25:354 (4) - k ok

  1. 00:03:068 - add k added
  2. 00:21:411 (4) - k too hard for a futsuu
  3. 00:21:754 (5,6) - kk no, sounds weird
  4. 00:35:297 - add d too hard
  5. 01:01:354 (1,2) - kk i follow the beat here, so no
  6. 01:02:725 (6,7) - kk same as above
  7. 01:04:097 (11) - k too hard, plus i follow the beat
  8. 01:04:782 (13) - k ^
  9. 01:05:125 (14) - k i follow the beat

  1. 00:01:354 - add d i follow the theme
  2. 00:01:525 (1) - k modified
  3. 00:06:411 - add k i follow the theme, no 1/4 here
  4. 00:10:782 - k added a d
  5. 00:10:954 - d added
  6. 00:11:297 - d i follow the theme here and not the beat
  7. 00:23:982 (4) - k i follow the beat here
  8. 01:07:354 (1) - move to 01:07:525 - moved
  9. 01:17:640 - add d nope, better without a d
Good Luck! :D
Thanks for the mod!
hey dialgadu77 >,< here the mod that you requested :)
btw your map is already perfect (that's my opinion), so it was too hard to mod it XD
okay, here you go~

  1. 00:39:068 (1,2,1,2,3) - kkdkd? some variation notes?
  2. 00:59:811 (1,2,3) - maybe kkd? different sound? :D
  3. 01:01:182 (1,2,3) - how about ddk?
  4. 01:02:554 (1,2,3) - ^
  5. 01:06:497 (3) - k?
Topic Starter

mingmichael wrote:

hey dialgadu77 >,< here the mod that you requested :)
btw your map is already perfect (that's my opinion), so it was too hard to mod it XD
okay, here you go~

  1. 00:39:068 (1,2,1,2,3) - kkdkd? some variation notes? i prefer to keep kkddd, sounds better
  2. 00:59:811 (1,2,3) - maybe kkd? different sound? :D nothing here call for kkd, so no
  3. 01:01:182 (1,2,3) - how about ddk? i follow the beat here so no
  4. 01:02:554 (1,2,3) - ^ ^
  5. 01:06:497 (3) - k? ^
Sorry, i didn't find anything that can be helpful so no kd :(

But thanks anyway!
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