
KOTOKO - Leaf ticket (Short Ver.) [Osu|Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, April 04, 2014 at 6:31:02 PM

Artist: KOTOKO
Title: Leaf ticket (Short Ver.)
Source: Parfait ~Chocolat Second Brew~
Tags: DarknessAngel Wreath sandgodoven2 hibarirailwayz Giga visual novel eroge
BPM: 118
Filesize: 17155kb
Play Time: 02:09
Difficulties Available:
  1. D.N.Angel (4.94 stars, 369 notes)
  2. Easy (1.53 stars, 114 notes)
  3. Hibari's Muzukashii (4.45 stars, 372 notes)
  4. Normal (2.39 stars, 153 notes)
  5. Sand's Oni (4.78 stars, 552 notes)
  6. Wreath's Hard (4.64 stars, 254 notes)
Download: KOTOKO - Leaf ticket (Short Ver.)
Download: KOTOKO - Leaf ticket (Short Ver.) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Previous Ranking By kanpakyin
By Me
By Me
By Wreath
By DarknessAngel
By sandgodoven2
By hibarirailwayz
  • 24 / 10 / 2012 - Upload beat map :D
    12 / 11 / 2012 - Update difficulty of DarknessAngel
    25 / 11 / 2012 - Update hit sound Drum for Easy
    13 / 12 / 2012 - Update difficulty of Wreath
    29 / 01 / 2013 - Re-Update Easy and Normal difficulty
    30 / 01 / 2013 - Update taiko oni difficulty of sandgodoven2
    11 / 03 / 2013 - Update taiko Muzukashii difficulty of hibarirailwayz
hi here is a guy who you need xD
Can I make a hard diff for this song >3<
(well,I want to make an insane diff but seems 3 diffs for the song are enough,so I ask for a Hard)
p.s. I'm a fan of KOTOKO !
Topic Starter

DarknessAngel wrote:

hi here is a guy who you need xD
Can I make a hard diff for this song >3<
(well,I want to make an insane diff but seems 3 diffs for the song are enough,so I ask for a Hard)
p.s. I'm a fan of KOTOKO !
ps: insane has had a people do it !
sorry about english noob

Done ~

also I want to mention some things about Y~K's Wind.

HP -1 ; HP7 is so high that some people would be failed easily.
OD -1 or -2 ; since the diff is not that hard,OD8 would cause players paly uncomfortably because they are hard to get 300 though.

and 01:46:901 - kiai time should be end at 01:48:935 IMO.
Topic Starter

DarknessAngel wrote:

Done ~

also I want to mention some things about Y~K's Wind.

HP -1 ; HP7 is so high that some people would be failed easily.
OD -1 or -2 ; since the diff is not that hard,OD8 would cause players paly uncomfortably because they are hard to get 300 though.

and 01:46:901 - kiai time should be end at 01:48:935 IMO.
vrey fast, thank you mod for yuki :D
about BG, i'm will try find new BG beautiful more :X

sorry for late...


i hope you like this
  1. Leaf ticket (Wreath's Diff)
Topic Starter

Wreath wrote:


sorry for late...


i hope you like this
  1. Leaf ticket (Wreath's Diff)
hi wreath
update !!! diff
later when noel finish, i will find mod, plz~ wait for me :D
Topic Starter
ok let's go
starting today I'm going to search mod for map
Update conplete !!!
sorry for delay ~
found some issues. you must fix those.

  1. offset is not same between diffs. must adjust Y~K's Insane.
  2. tag is not same between diffs. you must add "sandgodoven2" to Sand's Taiko Oni
  3. single taiko diff is unrankable now. you must add another taiko diff.
    check this.
  4. preview time is not set. you must set it. 01:24:274 - try here
Topic Starter

NewRulerNA wrote:

found some issues. you must fix those.

  1. offset is not same between diffs. must adjust Y~K's Insane. | fix
  2. tag is not same between diffs. you must add "sandgodoven2" to Sand's Taiko Oni | because he want name this
  3. single taiko diff is unrankable now. you must add another taiko diff.. | add Diff Taiko Futsuu
    check this
  4. preview time is not set. you must set it. 01:24:274 - try here | ok, i fix, but, it here 01:24:528 -
thank NewRulerNA alot
Red = Unrankable
Blue = It should be modified
Black = My suggestion
Mod from qkenan's queue _(:з」∠)_


  • Fine~


  1. 01:06:223 (3) - Suggest to use this rhythm so is 01:10:291 (3) -

Y~K's Insane

  1. 00:07:235 (6) - reshape it for symmetry
  2. 00:34:693 (8) - seems not beautiful
  3. 00:44:227 (4) - place it closer ?
  4. 01:02:150 (7) - NC plz
  5. 01:33:422 (3,4,5) - Suggest to adjust the placing of notes to make better flow.Eg.


  1. 00:34:698 (4) - seems too round.Try to shape around the circle ?
  2. From 01:21:477 to 01:24:274 ,if there is a little raise in volume sounds better
  3. 01:47:791 (1) - Since it's at blue line.Move it away a little for player to read the pattern easier?
  4. 01:49:952 (3) - For consistency, keep using arc slider ?

Nice mapset ~ Good luck with rank ~
Topic Starter

qkenan wrote:

Red = Unrankable
Blue = It should be modified
Black = My suggestion
Mod from qkenan's queue _(:з」∠)_


  • Fine~


  1. 01:06:223 (3) - Suggest to use this rhythm so is 01:10:291 (3) - | i konw, but it will hard later

Nice mapset ~ Good luck with rank ~
thank qkenan :D
update hit sound
from #modreqs
Only standard~

->Check Enable Costom Colors, and setting combo colors in Y~k.
->Add Tags "sandgodoven2" in Y~k.
->Please be consistent with AudioLeadIn and Countdown.(These must be checked by Zejky before uploading.)
->Please be consistent with Kiai Time.(01:47:410 - Kian end point and 01:48:935 - Kiai flash?)
->soft-hitfinish is noisy...lower the volume.

01:47:410 (4) - 01:48:935 (1) - hmm...if possible, unstack

00:01:139 (1) - make symmetry?
00:38:766 (1,2,3) - make perfect tryangle
01:11:816 (4) - x:364 y:324?
01:46:393 (1,2,3) - symmetry

[Wreath's Hard]
01:43:851 (3) - I really hate such stack.(use 1/1 interval cercle to the end of the slider)

[Y~K's Insane]
00:01:139 (1) - ~ 00:09:274 (7) - Noisy.about -20%
00:07:240 (6,7) - This slidertick custom sound is need? Just annoying.
00:17:410 (1) - To my mind, In 1/2 slider, twice or more reverse are worsen the flow.
00:27:325 (7) - Why use such slider...?
00:27:579 (8) - NC
00:27:833 (1) - reNC
00:37:749 (1) - This is bad looks and isnt fit the music.
00:47:537 (4) - If you want to use this slider, move to 00:47:410 - is better.
01:02:155 (7) - This is worsen the flow, and very boring.
In according to the other than vocal, place the object.
01:04:952 (4) - To my mind, In 1/2 slider, twice or more reverse are worsen the flow.
01:12:325 (1) - Move to x:124 y:140
01:12:579 (2,3,4,5,6) - You should clear the stack! This is very confusing.
01:16:393 (1) - If you want to use the spinner, starting point should be 01:18:427 -.
There should be room for mapping.

01:20:461 (1,2,3) - This isnt fit the music. If you hate the sound of the interval , change to this.
01:21:477 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - not fit the music.
01:26:562 (6) - NC
01:27:452 (1) - reNC
01:28:596 (4,5) - There is sense of incongruity.
01:28:596 (6) - NC
01:29:486 (1) - reNC
01:30:630 (4) - NC, and I think of as consisting of three sound.
01:34:444 (7) -
01:36:732 (7) - chenge to slider, and NC
01:36:986 (1) - reNC
01:38:257 (1) - reNC
01:38:639 (8) - I cant understand about this slider. and NC should be 01:38:766
01:39:528 (4) - Change to other.
01:45:884 (3) - There are many sounds other than vocal.
01:49:189 (1) - This isnt fit the music.
01:50:969 (8) - NC
01:51:477 (1) - reNC
01:57:071 (8) - Change to slider and NC.
01:57:833 (4) - Change to circle?

To be honest, this diff have many ploblem.

01:29:105 (2,3) - This flow a little worth compared to other. Shift to the left the previous object?
01:34:189 (6,1) - Hmm..I dont like the look.
01:35:206 (2) - I thnk slider is better.(follow vocal)
Example of the arrangement of the two points

great diff!

good luck~

MerryGate wrote:

from #modreqs
Only standard~

[Wreath's Hard]
01:43:851 (3) - I really hate such stack.(use 1/1 interval cercle to the end of the slider) no change because i think it is no problem and i like placement in now

good luck~
anyway thanks modding
Topic Starter

MerryGate wrote:

from #modreqs
Only standard~

->Check Enable Costom Colors, and setting combo colors in Y~k. | OK
->Add Tags "sandgodoven2" in Y~k. | OK
->Please be consistent with AudioLeadIn and Countdown.(These must be checked by Zejky before uploading.)[/color ] [color=#FF00FF]| AudioLeadIn: 1000 all dif
->Please be consistent with Kiai Time.(01:47:410 - Kian end point and 01:48:935 - Kiai flash?) | no, because it ended the previous
->soft-hitfinish is noisy...lower the volume. | depends on the creator of diff

01:47:410 (4) - 01:48:935 (1) - hmm...if possible, unstack | i can't, that is its direction,

00:01:139 (1) - make symmetry? | it don't must symmetry, sorry
00:38:766 (1,2,3) - make perfect tryangle | it don't must triangle

01:11:816 (4) - x:364 y:324? | it good !!! i fix it :D
01:46:393 (1,2,3) - symmetry | it don't must symmetry, sorry

great diff!

good luck~
Wow.this is a mod BIG
thank you MerryGate alot
No Fix
Lazy to re-edit from last time i made this guest diff for this map.
Even with me, for now, when i look at this diff , i just have 1 question : "Wth have i done???" LoL
Since the last time hitsound change too much so i fixed something

MerryGate wrote:

[Y~K's Insane]
00:01:139 (1) - ~ 00:09:274 (7) - Noisy.about -20% >> Ok
00:07:240 (6,7) - This slidertick custom sound is need? Just annoying. >> Ok
00:17:410 (1) - To my mind, In 1/2 slider, twice or more reverse are worsen the flow. >> No change
00:27:325 (7) - Why use such slider...? >> No change
00:27:579 (8) - NC >> Ok
00:27:833 (1) - reNC >> Ok
00:37:749 (1) - This is bad looks and isnt fit the music. >> No change
00:47:537 (4) - If you want to use this slider, move to 00:47:410 - is better. >> Changed in another way
01:02:155 (7) - This is worsen the flow, and very boring. >> Ok
In according to the other than vocal, place the object.
01:04:952 (4) - To my mind, In 1/2 slider, twice or more reverse are worsen the flow. >> Ok~
01:12:325 (1) - Move to x:124 y:140 >> No change
01:12:579 (2,3,4,5,6) - You should clear the stack! This is very confusing. >> No change
01:16:393 (1) - If you want to use the spinner, starting point should be 01:18:427 -. >> Ok
There should be room for mapping.

01:20:461 (1,2,3) - This isnt fit the music. If you hate the sound of the interval , change to this. >> No change. Followed Drum
01:21:477 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - not fit the music. >> No change
01:26:562 (6) - NC >> Ok
01:27:452 (1) - reNC >> Ok
01:28:596 (4,5) - There is sense of incongruity. >> Followed Vocal. I will change if MAT/BAT told me to change :D
01:28:596 (6) - NC >> Ok
01:29:486 (1) - reNC >> Ok
01:30:630 (4) - NC, and I think of as consisting of three sound. >> No change
01:34:444 (7) - >> No change
01:36:732 (7) - chenge to slider, and NC >> Ok
01:36:986 (1) - reNC >> Ok
01:38:257 (1) - reNC >> Ok
01:38:639 (8) - I cant understand about this slider. and NC should be 01:38:766 >> Ok
01:39:528 (4) - Change to other. >> Ok
01:45:884 (3) - There are many sounds other than vocal. >> No change.
01:49:189 (1) - This isnt fit the music. >> Drum. No change.
01:50:969 (8) - NC >> Ok
01:51:477 (1) - reNC >> Ok
01:57:071 (8) - Change to slider and NC. >> No change but ok with NC.
01:57:833 (4) - Change to circle? >> No change.

To be honest, this diff have many ploblem.
Ok done~
Since this diff is not fit with insane so i changed name.
Taiko mod~
All are suggestions unless in red.

Disable letterboxing during breaks
Use default hitsounds
Set hitsound volume to 80% across the whole song

[Taiko Muzukashii]
01:13:596 - d k
01:15:630 - d k
Placements of finishes seems a bit random...

[Sand's Taiko Oni]
00:17:410 - don't put finish at start of stream, remove

some issues, please fix~
Topic Starter

CoroQuetz wrote:

Taiko mod~
All are suggestions unless in red.

Disable letterboxing during breaks
Use default hitsounds
Set hitsound volume to 80% across the whole song

[Taiko Muzukashii]
01:13:596 - d k | fix
01:15:630 - d k | fix
Placements of finishes seems a bit random... | i put follow beat tone

some issues, please fix~
thank you CoroQuetz
Update my diff
Modding, CrimmiStyle!!

Red: You must fix.
Blue: Suggestion.

Ok, you told me to mod only one diff so here it goes but first . . .:


  1. The difficulties "Easy", "D.N.Angel" & "Y~K's Wind" have inconsistent Kiai times, check those please with Zejky's.

[Y~K's Wind]

Unsnapped inherited sections at 01:48:930 - snap to 01:48:935.
00:05:461 (1) - Align with (3).
00:19:952 (7) - Stack on top of (4).
01:05:715 (5) - I'd move this, and place it here.
01:12:325 (1) - Move it here like this :

And that's it I guess, good luck!
Topic Starter
Happy New Year Everyone ~~~~~~
Wait Re-Edit by Yuki-kun
Small error in combo

Topic Starter
Update !!!
[MOD QUEUE REQUEST (Taiko only)]
d = don
k = katsu
D = big done
K = big katsu
/ = exchange to

[Sand's Taiko Oni]
MOD information
please use Normal Defult for audio and may use around 70%
also can change at kiai if you prefer

please try to not stick finish notes and normal notes

please always use slider velocity of 1.40 or 1.60

00:04:444 (12)
can delete I think

00:25:800 ~ 00:29:105
please do not put notes like making osu standard
you need arrange some bit I sugguest
for eg. delete 00:28:977 notes here

00:30:757 (93)
this can move to 00:30:630

00:31:647 ~ 00:40:291
00:40:291 ~ 00:46:901
how come the numbers of the notes are so different?
they have similar melody and quiet :?

can have a notes here I guess

here also and further more this sort of
please follow the vocal or drum to link the notes

01:03:554 (234)
also sounds like do not need this
rythem is good but it doesnt look like taiko maps
please have a check fully again
and try to take sound of strong vocal and drum mainly

[Taiko Muzukashii]
MOD information
please fix the sound as I wrote for Oni
Inherited points are usually exactly same as in all taiko diffs

00:47:918 ~ 01:04:189
bit too less notes here
the melody at this part much more then before
making Muzukashii or all the taiko diffs exept Oni
is usually follow the rythem of Osu standard is good
but not oftenly use ddk kkd ddd dkd kdd these sort of 3-combs below Oni

Have check all throw at the difficulty of Oni please :o
and check what I wrote because some is the rule and minimum requerement
if you want change the speed use from inherited points
but please do not use too much of this!
Thanks for seeing ~
S a n d
Thanks For The Mods XD
Not sure if I did them right, trying my best :D :)
ty for mod ! :)
Topic Starter

0gre wrote:

[MOD QUEUE REQUEST (Taiko only)]
d = don
k = katsu
D = big done
K = big katsu
/ = exchange to
[Taiko Muzukashii]
MOD information
please fix the sound as I wrote for Oni
Inherited points are usually exactly same as in all taiko diffs

00:47:918 ~ 01:04:189
bit too less notes here
the melody at this part much more then before
making Muzukashii or all the taiko diffs exept Oni
is usually follow the rythem of Osu standard is good
but not oftenly use ddk kkd ddd dkd kdd these sort of 3-combs below Oni

Have check all throw at the difficulty of Oni please :o
and check what I wrote because some is the rule and minimum requerement
if you want change the speed use from inherited points
but please do not use too much of this!
Thanks for seeing ~
thank you ver much :D

sandgodoven2 wrote:
Thanks For The Mods XD
Not sure if I did them right, trying my best :D :)

DarknessAngel wrote:

ty for mod ! :)
Background bg.jpg is 800x600, which differs from the recommended size of 1024x768.

Here is a 1024x768 version of the picture.

General and Metadata Inconsistency in Countdown

  • Easy: 0
    Normal: 0
    Sand's Taiko Oni: 0
    Taiko Muzukashii: 0
    D.N.Angel: 1
    Wreath's Hard: 1
    Y~K's Wind: 1
[Y~K's Wind]

00:46:901 (4,1) - This jump is slightly to far away to make it feel natural, its also very sudden. It just doesnt feel right, please consider making the distance a tad bit smaller.
00:59:359 (11,1) - ^ same issue.

The rest looks great. Good job.
Hello, from queue, sorry for being late...

Tick rate 2 fits this song better.

00:09:274 (1,1) - you should give more time to recover after spinner on easy
01:47:410 (4,1) - repeat arrow covered by hitbrust from 4

00:35:461 (5) - remove this to keep calm rhythm, it's better for this part of song and normal diff
01:12:325 (1) - move this little left to get a flow?

Wreath's Hard:
00:14:105 (2,3,4) - this plays better -

Y~K's Wind
00:14:359 (4,5) - actually this one is doesn't follow anything but not a big deal


Great mapset, just one more note... try to find better quality BG. Good Luck!

Sieg wrote:

Hello, from queue, sorry for being late...

Wreath's Hard:
00:14:105 (2,3,4) - this plays better - keep it because if i've change to it will be bad looks

Great mapset, just one more note... try to find better quality BG. Good Luck!
thanks modding~
Topic Starter

Sieg wrote:

Hello, from queue, sorry for being late...

Tick rate 2 fits this song better.

00:09:274 (1,1) - you should give more time to recover after spinner on easy
01:47:410 (4,1) - repeat arrow covered by hitbrust from 4

00:35:461 (5) - remove this to keep calm rhythm, it's better for this part of song and normal diff
01:12:325 (1) - move this little left to get a flow?
Wreath's Hard:
00:14:105 (2,3,4) - this plays better -

Y~K's Wind
00:14:359 (4,5) - actually this one is doesn't follow anything but not a big deal


Great mapset, just one more note... try to find better quality BG. Good Luck!

Kaneko wrote:

Background bg.jpg is 800x600, which differs from the recommended size of 1024x768.

Here is a 1024x768 version of the picture.

General and Metadata Inconsistency in Countdown

  • Easy: 0
    Normal: 0
    Sand's Taiko Oni: 0
    Taiko Muzukashii: 0
    D.N.Angel: 1
    Wreath's Hard: 1
    Y~K's Wind: 1
[Y~K's Wind]

00:46:901 (4,1) - This jump is slightly to far away to make it feel natural, its also very sudden. It just doesnt feel right, please consider making the distance a tad bit smaller.
00:59:359 (11,1) - ^ same issue.

The rest looks great. Good job.
thank everyone a llot :D
Thanks for modding. :D

Hi, Zejky

Mod request in my modding queue

Red = Unrankable
Blue = You should consider
Black = My suggestion


  1. Move Kiai time end on 01:48:935 all diff to same as Easy and D.N.Angel diffs. Similarly, it will be suitable more than.


  1. 00:15:376 (3) - Remove finish?
  2. 00:35:206 (4) - Move to up 1 grid.
  3. 00:39:783 (5) - Finish sound isn't suitable for the rhythm. Please remove it.
  4. 00:50:461 (3) - Try to make it is curve slider. It will be more beautiful imo.
  5. 01:06:732 (2) - Remove whistle on slider begin. I think that it really weird sound.
  6. 01:10:800 (2) - ^
  7. 01:18:935 (2) - ^


  1. 00:01:139 (1) - These aren't beautiful for me. Maybe make to this picture will be beautiful imo.
  2. 00:07:240 (3) - I suggest that add green line sections on 00:07:749 and 00:08:257, which change is S:C1 on 1st green line sections to change hitsound on slider tick. It will be suitable more than.
  3. 00:16:393 (4) - Move to right 1 grid.
  4. 00:39:783 (5) - Finish sound isn't suitable for the rhythm. Please remove it.
  5. 01:51:986 (4) - Try to move slider begin to stack with slider end of 01:48:935 (1) be better.
  6. 02:05:969 (2) - The rhythm on this note is weird. I think that remove it will be better.

Wreath's Hard

  1. 00:05:715 (3,4,5) - Move to down 3 grids and left 2 grids. Although it is a little different, but it will be look better when you have noticed (1,2,3,4).
  2. 01:41:817 (3) - Try not to overlap with (5) be better.
  3. 01:44:105 (4,5) - these will be more beautiful if you move (4) to x:122 y:348, and move (5) to x:260 y:284.

Y~K's Wind

  1. This diff hasn't video. You must add "Video.avi" or add this code on notepad.
    //Background and Video events
  2. 00:01:139 ~ 00:11:308 - I feel it is empty about hitsound. I suggest that add whistle to this
    00:01:139 (1) -
    00:02:410 (4) -
    00:03:172 (1) - Slider begin
    00:03:935 (2) - Slider repeat
    00:05:969 (3) - Slider begin
    00:07:240 (3) - ^ , but remove whistle on slider end.
    00:09:274 (4) - ^
  3. 00:29:105 (5) - Ctrl+G. It will be more smooth.
  4. 00:58:596 (8,9) - Spacing is too close. Please increase spacing.
  5. 02:07:240 (1) - Change hitsound is whistle to follow the rhythm, Then don't forget to remove green line sections on 02:09:738 and 02:09:910.


  1. 00:02:664 (6) - Remove whistle here by you can consider from the rhythm between 00:02:410(5) and this.
  2. 00:39:274 (1,1) - These will be look better if you move first note to down 1 grid, and move second note to right 1 grid, but the problem after fixed these is spacing between 00:39:783 (1,2). I suggest that move 00:38:766 (1,1,1) after you fixed those.

Comment: Nice map. but I feel Y~K's Wind diff is many over jump. For example: spacing of some notes up to 7.0x. I think that some these note should reduce spacing. It will be more smooth, and I see this diff hasn't video to same as other diffs, too. So you must add it. Other diffs are quite good for me.

Hope that my mod will be useful for you.

Good luck~
Topic Starter

Nichiyouki wrote:

Hi, Zejky

Mod request in my modding queue

Red = Unrankable
Blue = You should consider
Black = My suggestion


  1. Move Kiai time end on 01:48:935 all diff to same as Easy and D.N.Angel diffs. Similarly, it will be suitable more than.


  1. 00:15:376 (3) - Remove finish?
  2. 00:35:206 (4) - Move to up 1 grid.
  3. [color=#0000FF]00:39:783 (5) - Finish sound isn't suitable for the rhythm. Please remove it.
01:06:732 (2) - Remove whistle on slider begin. I think that it really weird sound.01:10:800 (2) - ^01:18:935 (2) - ^Fix [/color]
[*]00:50:461 (3) - Try to make it is curve slider. It will be more beautiful imo.| i like it as so



  1. 00:01:139 (1) - These aren't beautiful for me. Maybe make to this picture will be beautiful imo. | fic, but, it other
  2. 00:07:240 (3) - I suggest that add green line sections on 00:07:749 and 00:08:257, which change is S:C1 on 1st green line sections to change hitsound on slider tick. It will be suitable more than.
  3. 00:16:393 (4) - Move to right 1 grid.
  4. 00:39:783 (5) - Finish sound isn't suitable for the rhythm. Please remove it.
  5. 01:51:986 (4) - Try to move slider begin to stack with slider end of 01:48:935 (1) be better.
  6. 02:05:969 (2) - The rhythm on this note is weird. I think that remove it will be better.
some personal reason

Comment: Nice map. but I feel Y~K's Wind diff is many over jump. For example: spacing of some notes up to 7.0x. I think that some these note should reduce spacing. It will be more smooth, and I see this diff hasn't video to same as other diffs, too. So you must add it. Other diffs are quite good for me.

Hope that my mod will be useful for you.

Good luck~
thank you a lot
Sr for delayed~
My HDD was gone away 3 days ago and it took me a lot of time to backup and restore.

Nichiyouki wrote:

Y~K's Wind

  1. This diff hasn't video. You must add "Video.avi" or add this code on notepad.
    //Background and Video events
  2. 00:01:139 ~ 00:11:308 - I feel it is empty about hitsound. I suggest that add whistle to this >> I changed in my way. Thanks :D
    00:01:139 (1) -
    00:02:410 (4) -
    00:03:172 (1) - Slider begin
    00:03:935 (2) - Slider repeat
    00:05:969 (3) - Slider begin
    00:07:240 (3) - ^ , but remove whistle on slider end.
    00:09:274 (4) - ^
  3. 00:29:105 (5) - Ctrl+G. It will be more smooth. >> Ok
  4. 00:58:596 (8,9) - Spacing is too close. Please increase spacing. >> Ok
  5. 02:07:240 (1) - Change hitsound is whistle to follow the rhythm, Then don't forget to remove green line sections on 02:09:738 and 02:09:910. >> Start of slider and i can't see any whistle here. Did you make any mistake?

Comment: Nice map. but I feel Y~K's Wind diff is many over jump. For example: spacing of some notes up to 7.0x. I think that some these note should reduce spacing. It will be more smooth, and I see this diff hasn't video to same as other diffs, too. So you must add it. Other diffs are quite good for me. >> I know, but i don't think it's hard after all. :p

Good luck~
via #modreqs
These are my opinions; you should not accept all my suggestion, but if you skip my suggestion, I want you tell me the reason!

The Marks I use.
  1. ^= same contents as upward
  2. NC=New Combo
  1. d=don(none)
  2. k=kat(whistle or clap)
  3. D=big don(finish)
  4. K=big kat(whistle/clap and finish)

[Taiko Muzukashii]
  1. Playing this diff, I feel many uncomfortable point. I'd like to pick up it!
  2. 00:01:139 (1,2,3,1) - "kkkd"→"kkdk" because 00:01:901 is the highest pitch point in four notes. This keep the start of the piano sound.
  3. 00:03:172 (2,3,1,2) - "kkd d"→"kdd k" because there are the high pitch piano sound at 00:03:172 and 00:04:189. In this point, you should set "k", and in other point, "d" is good I think.
  4. 00:05:206 (3,4,5,1,2,1) - "kkkd dk"→"dddk kd" You should listen more carefully the piano sound... 00:05:969 and 00:06:477 is more high pitch than other point.
  5. 00:07:240 (1,2) - "d d"→"k d" this is nicer I think.
  6. 00:09:401 (1) - I dont afford to space between spinner and former and latter notes. I think if you change 00:09:274 (1) to "D" instead of this spinner, it is not problem.
  7. 00:11:308 (1,2,3,1,) - The drum is clearly the biggest volume in this part. You should follow this. "kddk"→"dkkd"
  8. 00:20:461 (3,4,5) - there are drum's high pitch sound. "kkk" is nice.
  9. 00:21:223 (1,1,1,1) - The synthesizer's sound of here is very small. you should follor the drum sound more. "dDdk"is nice.
  10. 00:22:494 (1,2,1) - ^"ddk"
  11. 00:23:511 (2,1,1,1,2,3,1) - ^"Ddkdddk"
  12. 00:25:545 (1,2,1) - ^x2
  13. 00:26:562 (1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1) - ^
  14. 00:29:613 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - ^"ddddkkkkD"
  15. Sorry, I can't pick up all of the issues of this diff. I think if you only follow the drum sound, this diff will be better. But that's not all. I suggest you accept other Taiko mapper who make this diff.
[Sand's Taiko Oni]
  1. 00:03:172 (7,8,9,10,11) - "ddkdd"→"ddk k" there is the high piano sound at 00:04:189, and no any sound at 00:03:935.
  2. 00:04:698 (11) - remove this. this sound is very small I felt.
  3. 00:20:333 (39,40,41,42,43,44,45) - that's nice idea!
  4. 00:30:630 (88,89,90,91,92,1) - this part is not fit for the sound. he drum sound is better I think. "dk k kdd"→"k k kdd D"
  5. 00:32:155 ~00:46:901 - this part make us bore. At least, you should quit routine rhythem. I don't want to mod this part.
  6. 01:18:427 (1) - finish is 01:19:952. there is the important drum sound.
  7. 01:48:172 (144,145,146,147,148,149,150) and 01:49:444 (152,153,154) - this is unrankable. you must fix! xxxxxxxxO, xxxxooooX, xxooxxooX is no problem. problem is how to use finish.information
  8. 01:59:867 (199,200,201,202,203) - Thiese aren't interesting for me. suggestion"kd kd k"→"k dkddk"
Good luck!
did you forgot to uncheck Letterbox during breaks?

sorry very late :(

General already in the first line

00:06:401 - the spinner looks unranked its must at the white line and finish at the white line too
00:38:511 - add d in here
00:54:783 - ^

i suggest the whistle note change to another colour because it make me hard to mod :(
00:09:020 - the slider end at here
00:09:274 - the spinner start at here

just that i can mod :(
Just some minor suggestions

Y~K's Wind

01:51:350 - add a note?
01:25:291 (3) - I feel having notes on all 3 beats this slider covers would be nicer, something on 01:25:418


01:57:452 - add a note?
01:59:105 (10,11,1) - possibly swap around? slider before the 2 circles

Nichiyouki wrote:

Hi, Zejky

Mod request in my modding queue

Wreath's Hard

  1. 00:05:715 (3,4,5) - Move to down 3 grids and left 2 grids. Although it is a little different, but it will be look better when you have noticed (1,2,3,4).
    that placement doesn't seem ugly to me
  2. 01:41:817 (3) - Try not to overlap with (5) be better.
  3. 01:44:105 (4,5) - these will be more beautiful if you move (4) to x:122 y:348, and move (5) to x:260 y:284.
    I don't think so :/

Hope that my mod will be useful for you.

Good luck~
thanks modding :3

Joon's Hit sound modding

Zejky wrote:

if you don't like < plz~ mod only Y~K Wind diff>
Only this diff modding, right?
Other means were sent a PM
modding will again.

[Y~K's Wind]
00:36:986 (5) - end notes change clap
00:39:274 (5) - add clap
00:51:732 (2) - ^
00:59:867 (2) - ^

good sound and good lcuk

neonat wrote:

Just some minor suggestions

Y~K's Wind

01:51:350 - add a note? >> No
01:25:291 (3) - I feel having notes on all 3 beats this slider covers would be nicer, something on 01:25:418 >> Fixed

Joon wrote:


Joon's Hit sound modding

[Y~K's Wind]
00:36:986 (5) - end notes change clap >> Fixed
00:39:274 (5) - add clap >> Fixed
00:51:732 (2) - ^ >> No
00:59:867 (2) - ^ >> No

good sound and good lcuk
S a n d
Topic Starter

Wreath wrote:

Yuki-kun wrote:


sandgodoven2 wrote:

Re update for taiko oni :D

Frans Niko wrote:

did you forgot to uncheck Letterbox during breaks?

sorry very late :(

General already in the first line

just that i can mod :(
thank you for mod !!!
I maked "taiko Muzukashii"
click here
Topic Starter

hibarirailwayz wrote:

I maked "taiko Muzukashii"
click here
Sorry for the delay~~~


-- Add "Giga visual novel eroge" to tags~ yeah~
-- Source should be "Parfait: Chocolat Second Brew"


00:38:766 (4) - Delete Clap at the end
00:39:783 (5) - Finish
00:56:054 (3) - Finish?
01:01:647 (2) - 1 grid right?
01:16:393 (1) - Definitely finish at the start, according from the song.
01:32:664 (1) - Imo, whistle C2 will be better,,


00:15:376 (3,4) - I think both should have Clap at the end.
00:18:935 (2) - Clap
00:19:952 (5) - ^
00:45:884 (3) - Clap at the end
01:22:494 (3) - NC for consistency.
01:59:105 (3) - Making the slider end heading towards (4) will be better.
02:05:206 (1,2) - Delete Clap

Wreath's Hard:

00:36:477 (4) - Blanketing the start of 00:35:715 (3) would be better.
01:04:189 (1) - Delete Clap at the end.
01:06:223 (1) - ^
01:08:257 (1) - ^
01:10:291 (1) - ^
01:05:206 (3) - Whistle
02:05:715 (2,3) - Ctrl+G each for a better flow.
02:06:732 (4,5,6) - Place somewhere right when adjusted above.

Y~K's Wind:

-- Delete the timeline at 02:09:910.
-- Just a comment : 0.5x Slider was too slow for me,, and didn't fit the song that much.

00:02:664 (6,1) - ._. Way too far for me.
00:42:198 (6,7) - I'd rather put whistle at the start of (7)
01:01:901 (6) - Place somewhere like (156,308). Imo, placing at the reverse wasn't a good idea,,
01:45:884 (3) - NC for slider speed change.
02:06:859 (8) - 1 Grid left.


00:02:410 (5) - Delete Whistle to correspond with 00:06:477 (5,6).
00:14:359 (3) - Imo, Finish sounded weird.
00:34:698 (4) - Blanketing (3) will be nice.
00:39:274 (1) - Imo, no need to NC also this since there is already in 00:38:766 (1). (1,2) in this distance will be enough to know an anti-jump.
01:46:011 (5) - Deleting this will be better. (Feels overmapped)
01:46:647 (8) - ^ (Actually, keep this if you want,,) Yes. Sorry for suggesting something like this in a symmetry pattern, but I think this follows the music better.
01:54:783 (8) - 1 grid down?
01:59:232 (11) - Delete.

Sonnyc wrote:

Sorry for the delay~~~

Y~K's Wind:

-- Delete the timeline at 02:09:910.
-- Just a comment : 0.5x Slider was too slow for me,, and didn't fit the song that much.

00:02:664 (6,1) - ._. Way too far for me. >> Fixed
00:42:198 (6,7) - I'd rather put whistle at the start of (7) >> Fixed
01:01:901 (6) - Place somewhere like (156,308). Imo, placing at the reverse wasn't a good idea,, >> it's still good for me, but i will change if another modder told me to fix it.
01:45:884 (3) - NC for slider speed change. >> Fixed
02:06:859 (8) - 1 Grid left. >> Fixed
Also, i changed the diff's name. :D
Topic Starter

Sonnyc wrote:

Sorry for the delay~~~


-- Add "Giga visual novel eroge" to tags~ yeah~
-- Source should be "Parfait: Chocolat Second Brew"


00:56:054 (3) - Finish?
01:01:647 (2) - 1 grid right?
01:16:393 (1) - Definitely finish at the start, according from the song.
01:32:664 (1) - Imo, whistle C2 will be better,,


00:18:935 (2) - Clap
01:22:494 (3) - NC for consistency.
01:59:105 (3) - Making the slider end heading towards (4) will be better.
02:05:206 (1,2) - Delete Clap
thank you for mod

Yuki-kun wrote:

Sonnyc wrote:

Sorry for the delay~~~

Y~K's Wind:

-- Delete the timeline at 02:09:910.
-- Just a comment : 0.5x Slider was too slow for me,, and didn't fit the song that much.

00:02:664 (6,1) - ._. Way too far for me. >> Fixed
00:42:198 (6,7) - I'd rather put whistle at the start of (7) >> Fixed
01:01:901 (6) - Place somewhere like (156,308). Imo, placing at the reverse wasn't a good idea,, >> it's still good for me, but i will change if another modder told me to fix it.
01:45:884 (3) - NC for slider speed change. >> Fixed
02:06:859 (8) - 1 Grid left. >> Fixed
Also, i changed the diff's name. :D
and D.N Angel update
  • Taiko Oni

    First, for the love of god, make the parts that are silent have sound. And also, change these hitsounds. They are impossible for modder to hear, so I had to put them to normal. This map has proved difficult. Also, whistle and clap are the same thing in taiko, please pick one.

    You slider velocity should be 1.4 or 1.6.

    I liked the kiai part.

    00:04:189 - Change to don, kat makes it seem redundant.
    00:12:325 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Change to kkdkkkd roll. It sounds better, plays better, fits better.
    00:14:105 (16) - I will comment on this only ONE TIME. Do NOT put finishers at the end of 3 plets. It is unrankable (I'm pretty sure, I could be wrong, it still plays terrible) and it does not play fun at ALL. So please remove them or do something comparable with them.
    00:30:630 (88,89,90) - Finishers?
    00:55:800 - add a don for flow
    01:06:477 - ^
    01:52:749 - add a kat for flow

    This map needs a lot of work. In it's current state, the hitsounds, some note placements and the finishers on the end of 3 plets are not good at all. I hope to give this a re-check sometime after you think about what i've been saying ^^

    Taiko Muzukashii

    00:21:096 - This place seems like a real great place for a kat! You did it with the part before, and for muzu, it should not be too hard.
    01:03:681 (3) - This would benefit greatly with a finisher, to emphasize the little part going into another.
    01:15:630 (2,1) - I think these two should be switched from k d to d k because there is a snare on the second instead of the first.
    01:27:325 (1,1,1) - I think refrain from using these in muzukashii. It might be too hard for the player. I used to struggle to figure out how to hit them when I was new, too, so it may be good if you change it to just ddd.
    02:06:223 (1,2,3) - Finishers to put more emphasis on the end?

    I did not like this map very much, it seemed too reliant on one type of combo and kind of like an easy oni instead of a muzu.

Sonnyc wrote:

Sorry for the delay~~~

Wreath's Hard:

00:36:477 (4) - Blanketing the start of 00:35:715 (3) would be better. how...?
01:04:189 (1) - Delete Clap at the end. nope
01:06:223 (1) - ^ ^
01:08:257 (1) - ^ ^
01:10:291 (1) - ^ ^
01:05:206 (3) - Whistle ^
02:05:715 (2,3) - Ctrl+G each for a better flow. i don't think so
02:06:732 (4,5,6) - Place somewhere right when adjusted above. can't understand...
keep all for now, thanks modding
S a n d
Fixed modding
Thanks Back Fire :3 :)
Hey! From my queue~
Standard only

just a couple suggestions


00:06:223 (2) - move end to x:140 y:224 for perfect triangle, adjust (3) for spacing after
02:05:206 (1,2) - curve these two around each other? like this


00:03:172 (3) - I think the sleigh bell sound on the tick here would sound better at the end of the slider
01:09:783 (2,4) - stack these?

Wreath's Hard

00:36:447 (4) - rotate this about 10 degrees counter-clockwise and start in same spot as before, looks a bit better with (3)
01:43:850 (3,4,5) - this pattern is a little weird to read, suggest moving (5) to the right some
01:54:528 (3) - move middle point to x:216 y:268 and end point to x:256 y :256, bit better blanket of (4)

Yuki's Wind

Hah, this is the diff that you want modded most, and yet I can't find anything to mod. Nice diff :3


01:00:630 (3) - rotate this 15 degrees counter-clockwise, think it flows from (1,2) a bit better
01:03:864 (3) - x:68 y:196 for perfect triangle
01:15:884 (5) - move this to x:148 y:124, blanket (4)
01:16:647 (1,2,3) - move on top of (4) before it
01:17:155 (5) - x:316 y:100 for perfect triangle

Good luck!

captin1 wrote:

Hey! From my queue~
Standard only

Wreath's Hard

00:36:447 (4) - rotate this about 10 degrees counter-clockwise and start in same spot as before, looks a bit better with (3)
01:43:850 (3,4,5) - this pattern is a little weird to read, suggest moving (5) to the right some
01:54:528 (3) - move middle point to x:216 y:268 and end point to x:256 y :256, bit better blanket of (4)
thanks modding
but no change this time, sorry
Hi Banana here form my queue

countdown and letterbox are different in some of the diff.s, for they are not used, remove them all


[Yuki's Wind]
00:01:139 (1) - u use whistle to go with the louder sound, and 50% volume whistle is large in this way
00:03:935 - not understand why here is note, and is another reason sound bad, possible way to make it better is to add green lines to reduce volume where the piano is slienced
01:47:664 (1) - NC here and stack with the following note is a better way to me, btw, i think this circle can be removed

[Wreath's Hard]
00:01:139 (1) - start at corner is not needed suggestion
00:05:461 (2) - you can make the pattern better, or just stack (2,3), that will be easier to place notes
01:41:562 (2,3,4) - it can be made to a pattern like this
01:43:596 (2) - it plays ok, but not that decent placed, mostly resulted by overlapped slider (5) suggestion

00:01:139 (1) - reverse arrow is about to touch the border, rotate it to the center
00:07:240 (3) - move down to balance the spacing with (1)
01:28:596 (1) - curve it more, and will be easier to place it nice,

01:40:800 (1) - curved too much compared with the previous (1), if u think this is something, u can check all the patterns over and polish up details, not problem though, but u can make it more decent in this way

Good Luck~
hi! from my queue

Bolded suggestions are things that are unrankable or in some way related to the ranking criteria.

  1. Inconsistent countdown/letterboxing. I suggest removing the countdown/letterboxing for all diffs since you have a video.
  2. Sand's Taiko Oni and Wreath's Hard have inconsistency in kiai times. Move them to 01:48:935 to make it consistent?
  3. Remove the "taiko" from the taiko difficulty names, since they are shown as an icon now.
  4. Song folder, bg, mp3, timing, video, storyboard, all check out fine~

  1. 01:48:935 (1) - This repeat is covered by 01:47:410 (4), which is unrankable with the current rules (though this may change due to the new skin).
  2. Pretty good.

  1. Nothing to say here~

[Wreath's Hardl]
  1. 00:21:096 (7,8) - I really do not like how these doubles play after the repeat slider. I suggest removing the repeat from the slider and just making a triple at 00:20:969.
  2. 00:47:537 (10,11) - The same applies here. Change to a single non-repeating slider with a triple at 00:47:410
  3. Nice Hard!

[Yuki's Wind]
  1. 00:16:647 (4,5,6) - You should make this 1/4 spacing consistent with your other (0.7) 00:12:325 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10). The same applies to the other 1/4 triples and patterns - it makes it easier to read and more consistent.
  2. 00:45:884 (1) - This jump here doesnt flow very well at all. I suggest reversing this slider, then moving 00:45:630 (5,2,3,4) appropriately. Like so:
  3. Yeah... after fix the 1/4 stuff this diff should be fine.

  1. 00:14:359 (3) - Remove finish at the start (doesn't fit music)
  2. 00:48:045 (2) - Remove this note. It doesn't make much sense to start a stream here when there is a break in the music to bring out the downbeat.

[Hibari's Taiko Muzukashii]
  1. 00:39:783 (1) - Finisher here to follow the piano accents like you did at 00:38:766 (3,1) - (or just remove the finishers)
  2. 00:47:918 (1) - If you keep the finishers above, then add one here.
  3. 00:56:054 (1) - Same as above
  4. 02:07:240 (1) - End this spinner at 02:13:342. You should have a spinner go on past the end of the song where there is no sound.
  5. Backfire's mod did a pretty good job on this.

[Sand's Taiko Oni]
  1. Change OD/HP drain to 5. OD/HP7 is unnecessary for this difficulty.
  2. Switch to using Normal hitsounds and about ~70% volume (which means you can remove all the timing points besides the ones for kiai like so ). You can't hear yourself playing (which is one of the main things for taiko).
  3. General comment about this difficulty: It is very overmapped. This is a nice and slow song, but you have notes and streams everywhere. I highly suggest going over this yourself to remove unnecessary patterns and to follow specific parts in the music (drums is a great start for new mappers). You can PM me if you want help too.
  4. 00:14:359 (17) - Delete this note, it doesnt follow anything.
  5. 00:14:613 - Use d k here for consistency with 00:16:647.
  6. 00:18:681 - use d k here for the same reason as above.
  7. 00:20:079 - move this to the red tick so that it follows the drum.
  8. 00:20:333 - Delete this note (starting on the blue tick like this is very awkward).
  9. 00:21:477 - 00:25:545 - this whole section is a large inconsistency. I suggest copy pasting 00:13:342 - 00:17:283 here.
  10. 00:31:647 - 00:46:901 - Okay, general comment for this section: Follow the drums. You are trying to follow you own beat here but it doesnt fit the music and its very awkward to play. Use the Muzu diff for a reference if you need to. I'm not going to point out anything specific, since its pretty self-explainatory to place notes with the drums, but if you need help with anything, PM me in IRC so we can get things sorted and fix this up to make it much better.
  11. 01:16:393 - The end of this slider is unsnapped... Snap it to the white tick.
  12. 01:19:952 (157) - This 1/4 finisher is unrankable, please remove it.
  13. 01:24:528 (26,27,28,29,30,31) - Change this to d d k dkd to follow the music better
  14. 01:34:952 (81,82,83,84,85,86) - Change to dkd kkd for better flow and to follow the music.
  15. 01:48:935 (150) - This 1/4 finisher is unrankable, please remove it.
  16. Overall, this difficulty simply needs a lot of work like Backfire mentioned. Please get some more mods on this, and feel free to call me for a recheck after its been modded more. If you have any questions about this, just PM me in IRC and ill try to help.

Goodluck with this set! Try to get some more taiko mods, as well~
Topic Starter

Banana wrote:

Hi Banana here form my queue

countdown and letterbox are different in some of the diff.s, for they are not used, remove them all | yess, i try remove it

00:01:139 (1) - reverse arrow is about to touch the border, rotate it to the center
00:07:240 (3) - move down to balance the spacing with (1)
01:28:596 (1) - curve it more, and will be easier to place it nice,

01:40:800 (1) - curved too much compared with the previous (1), if u think this is something, u can check all the patterns over and polish up details, not problem though, but u can make it more decent in this way

Good Luck~

Makar wrote:

hi! from my queue

Bolded suggestions are things that are unrankable or in some way related to the ranking criteria.

  1. Inconsistent countdown/letterboxing. I suggest removing the countdown/letterboxing for all diffs since you have a video. | yess, i try remove it
  2. Sand's Taiko Oni and Wreath's Hard have inconsistency in kiai times. Move them to 01:48:935 to make it consistent?
  3. Remove the "taiko" from the taiko difficulty names, since they are shown as an icon now.
  4. Song folder, bg, mp3, timing, video, storyboard, all check out fine~

  1. 01:48:935 (1) - This repeat is covered by 01:47:410 (4), which is unrankable with the current rules (though this may change due to the new skin). | i think it can see, because time longs
  2. Pretty good.

  1. Nothing to say here~

Goodluck with this set! Try to get some more taiko mods, as well~
thank you Makar and Banana
mod your realldy big and good
fixed ~~
and everyone plz update before fix :D
thank you everyone
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