
Avril Lavigne - When You're Gone

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on domingo, 02 de diciembre de 2012 at 03:53:32 p.m.

Artist: Avril Lavigne
Title: When You're Gone
Tags: The Best Damn Thing
BPM: 71
Filesize: 8442kb
Play Time: 03:38
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.47 stars, 413 notes)
  2. Normal (2.71 stars, 282 notes)
Download: Avril Lavigne - When You're Gone
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I miss you.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Oh Nice song , Good Luck
porque no puedo mapear asi? ;__;

Mucha suerte con este mapa :3!!

Edit: Star!
This map has been created on the request of its deletor. It is no longer available.

Aleks719 wrote:

1st mod in this map! Here!! :D. Me tomare el atrevimiento de hacerlo en español (espero que no te moleste)


• Te olvidaste de agregar el Preview Point. Asi que, debes agregarlo en ambas dificultades
• El Letterbox During Breaks y el Countdown no son utilizados en este map. El letterbox por causa del StoryBoard y el Countdown porque la cancion empieza demasiado rapido para ser utilizado. Asi que es mejor si desactivas ambas opciones en el Storyboarding
Tags: Que te parece agregar The Best Damn Things aca (el nombre del Album). Me parece que es una buena idea viendo que no tienes nada en los tags.


Tienes algunas Inherited Timing Points fuera de lugar (unsnapped), pero bueno, no afectan en nada solo lo digo para que lo tengas en consideracion
Esto si es mas importante, tienes muchos finales de Sliders unsnapped (no uso AiBAT, por eso no te doy una lista de todos). Pero fijate esto por ti mismo y te vas a dar cuenta. El error esta en todas esa Inherited timing Points con 1.03x de Velocidad, ponelo en 1.0x de velocidad y el problema se arreglara

• 00:05:556 (5): Para remarcar el piano me parece una buena idea cambiar el Whistle por el Finish o aumentarle el Volumen al Whistle, ya que en esta parte se resalta el piano no como en las otras Notas
• 00:08:936 (5): (^)
• 00:12:317 (5): (^)
• 00:23:302 (3): Me parece una mejor idea cambiar esta Nota por un Slider en 1/2 para que no te quede vacia ese tick en 00:23:725, un Slider me parece mas coherente porque la voz se extiende, y 2 Notas solas se siente como extraño en mi opinion
• 00:39:359 (7): Agrega un Whistle, juega bien con la voz de Avril y el piano
• 00:53:725 (7): Por simetria deberias mover esta Nota a x:108 y:156 y re-ajustar el Spacing luego. Ademas, donde esta actualmente (7) se ve raro, no queda muy bien.
• 01:03:443 (x): Agregaria una Nota con New Combo aca para cubrir completo el 'When You're Gone'. Si no lo haces te quedaria solo el 'You're Gone' cubierto por Objetos
• 01:04:288 (2,3): Yo cambiaria el Posicionamiento de estos Objetos en el Timeline. Porque el 'Gooone' empieza en el Tick Rojo y termina exactamente en 01:05:133, la Nota (2) deberia ir luego del Slider en mi opinion, seria algo mas o menos asi:
• 01:14:852 (1): Yo creo que el patron Clap + Finish deberia terminar aca, se siente bien. Asi que deberias agregar un Finish aca
• 01:44:007 (2): Creo que es una buena idea agregar un Whistle al final del Slider. Se siente algo vacio sin nada, realmente
• 02:24:570 (x): Explicado en el primer Kiai, agrega una Nota aqui (en 01:03:443)
• 02:25:415 (2,3): Mismo que en 01:04:288
• 02:31:753 (1,2,3): Por que manual Stack? Siempre usaste el Normal Stack (que se ve mejor por cierto), asi que esto es totalmente innecesario en mi opinion, simplemente usa el Simple Stack
• 02:37:669 (4): Toca bastante el HP Bar y no se ve del todo bien a la hora de jugar el map. Me parece que seria mejor idea si mueves este Slider algun que otro grid hacia abajo
• 02:48:655 (3): Aumentaria la fluidez si mueves esta Nota por arriba de los Sliders, es decir mueve esta Nota a x:256 y:188
• 03:00:908 (2,3): No es muy bueno tener Notas debajo de Sliders en las dificultades Normales, principalmente cuando se supone que es la dificultad mas facil del mapset porque en general esta clase de jugadores no estan listos para leer esta clase de Stacks. Por esta razon deberias mover la Nota (3) hacia otro lugar
• 03:04:288 (2,3): (^)
• 03:07:246 (3,4,5,6): Hmm.. no entiendo este aumento de Spacing solo para hacer un pattern 'vistoso' :/
• 03:18:655 (x): Agrega una Nota
• 03:19:500 (2,3): Intercambia el posicionamiento de los objetos en el Timeline como explique anteriormente
• 03:30:063 (1): Agrega un Finish


Se repite lo de las Inherited Timing Points en esta dificultad

• 00:18:232 (3): Me parece que un flip Horizontal fluiria mejor aca, deberias bajar un poco estos objetos para que este Slider no toque con el HP Bar (ya que se ve un poco feo)
• 00:25:415 (7): En general vos seguis el piano para agregar tus Whistles y no la Voz. Por esto me parece mas consistente si agregas el Whistle al final del Slider y NO al comienzo
• 00:26:260 (9): (^)
• 00:36:612 (3): Esta nota suena innecesaria (si escuchas la cancion en 25% playback te das cuenta que no aparece nada alli), por eso es mejor si eliminas esta Nota
• 00:56:260 (1,2,3,4): Creo que el comienzo del antijump no es del todo correcto. En mi opinion deberia empezar en donde ella dice 'When you're Goone', es decir el antijump deberia empezar en la Nota (2), asi que es mejor si aumentas el Spacing entre (1,2). Tienes un ejemplo claro en 01:03:443 por ejemplo
• 01:04:288 (3,4): En el timeline, cambia el posicionamiento de estos Objetos (como explique en la Normal)
• 01:18:232 (1): Deberias ser consistente con la Normal, asi que es mejor si eliminas este New Combo (o viceversa, agrega un NC en la Normal)
• 01:56:894 (3): Agrega un Clap en esta Nota ya que es bastante Notorio en el instrumental
• 02:25:415 (3,4): Lo mismo que dije muchas veces, en el primer kiai y en la Normal :P
• 02:58:584 (6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15): Viendo que es una cancion lenta, esto desentona un poco, de la nada aparecen todas estas Notas en 1/8. Para hacerlo mas sencillo y siga mas la tematica del map creo que seria mejor si cambias las Notas por Slider (en 1/8 pero seria mas facil de seguir sin dudas)
• 03:07:669 (7,8,9,10,11): No me gusta esta formacion, podrias retocarla un poquito? :P
• 03:19:500 (3,4): Intercambia los objetos en el timeline
• 03:33:443 (1): Remueve este New Combo como esta en la Normal
• 03:38:936 (Spin): Agrega el Whistle en el Spinner como en la Normal

asdasd.. Demasiado Calor hace aca! :P
Bue.. no me sorprende en nada este map, genial como siempre..
Suerte Gonz! ;)
2st Mod from me Because Imissyou


01:03:866 (2,3) - finish better instead of whistle ?
01:42:317- whistle ? (at the end of slider)
01:52:035- finish is better
02:05:345- remove clap.
02:58:901 (9,14) - remove clap
03:12:739-If you add combo this note will follow music
03:32:809- Dont need clap


01:01:753 (7,9) - add whistle :3
02:37:669- looks bad because touching hp bar :/
02:39:781- 1 grid down ?
Topic Starter

mancusojuanmattos wrote:

• Te olvidaste de agregar el Preview Point. Asi que, debes agregarlo en ambas dificultades Oops, listo.
• El Letterbox During Breaks y el Countdown no son utilizados en este map. El letterbox por causa del StoryBoard y el Countdown porque la cancion empieza demasiado rapido para ser utilizado. Asi que es mejor si desactivas ambas opciones en el Storyboarding Listo.
Tags: Que te parece agregar The Best Damn Things aca (el nombre del Album). Me parece que es una buena idea viendo que no tienes nada en los tags. Okay.


Tienes algunas Inherited Timing Points fuera de lugar (unsnapped), pero bueno, no afectan en nada solo lo digo para que lo tengas en consideracion
Esto si es mas importante, tienes muchos finales de Sliders unsnapped (no uso AiBAT, por eso no te doy una lista de todos). Pero fijate esto por ti mismo y te vas a dar cuenta. El error esta en todas esa Inherited timing Points con 1.03x de Velocidad, ponelo en 1.0x de velocidad y el problema se arreglara Es cierto, no sé como no lo noté, arreglado.

• 00:05:556 (5): Para remarcar el piano me parece una buena idea cambiar el Whistle por el Finish o aumentarle el Volumen al Whistle, ya que en esta parte se resalta el piano no como en las otras Notas Subí el volumen.
• 00:08:936 (5): (^) ^
• 00:12:317 (5): (^) ^
• 00:23:302 (3): Me parece una mejor idea cambiar esta Nota por un Slider en 1/2 para que no te quede vacia ese tick en 00:23:725, un Slider me parece mas coherente porque la voz se extiende, y 2 Notas solas se siente como extraño en mi opinion Tuve que dejar algunos espacios por la dificultad, como en esa parte no sonaba el piano me parece que está bien.
• 00:39:359 (7): Agrega un Whistle, juega bien con la voz de Avril y el piano Listo.
• 00:53:725 (7): Por simetria deberias mover esta Nota a x:108 y:156 y re-ajustar el Spacing luego. Ademas, donde esta actualmente (7) se ve raro, no queda muy bien. Oops, arreglado.
• 01:03:443 (x): Agregaria una Nota con New Combo aca para cubrir completo el 'When You're Gone'. Si no lo haces te quedaria solo el 'You're Gone' cubierto por Objetos Al igual que lo anterior, tuve que omitir algunas notas para que existan pequeños descansos.
• 01:04:288 (2,3): Yo cambiaria el Posicionamiento de estos Objetos en el Timeline. Porque el 'Gooone' empieza en el Tick Rojo y termina exactamente en 01:05:133, la Nota (2) deberia ir luego del Slider en mi opinion, seria algo mas o menos asi: Es cierto, pero si escuchas bien es Go-Onee. Hay mayor fuerza en el tick blanco.
• 01:14:852 (1): Yo creo que el patron Clap + Finish deberia terminar aca, se siente bien. Asi que deberias agregar un Finish aca Listo.
• 01:44:007 (2): Creo que es una buena idea agregar un Whistle al final del Slider. Se siente algo vacio sin nada, realmente Listo.
• 02:24:570 (x): Explicado en el primer Kiai, agrega una Nota aqui (en 01:03:443) Igual que lo anteior
• 02:25:415 (2,3): Mismo que en 01:04:288 ^
• 02:31:753 (1,2,3): Por que manual Stack? Siempre usaste el Normal Stack (que se ve mejor por cierto), asi que esto es totalmente innecesario en mi opinion, simplemente usa el Simple Stack Listo.
• 02:37:669 (4): Toca bastante el HP Bar y no se ve del todo bien a la hora de jugar el map. Me parece que seria mejor idea si mueves este Slider algun que otro grid hacia abajo Listo.
• 02:48:655 (3): Aumentaria la fluidez si mueves esta Nota por arriba de los Sliders, es decir mueve esta Nota a x:256 y:188 Me parece que esto está bien.
• 03:00:908 (2,3): No es muy bueno tener Notas debajo de Sliders en las dificultades Normales, principalmente cuando se supone que es la dificultad mas facil del mapset porque en general esta clase de jugadores no estan listos para leer esta clase de Stacks. Por esta razon deberias mover la Nota (3) hacia otro lugar Cierto D:
• 03:04:288 (2,3): (^) Cierto D:
• 03:07:246 (3,4,5,6): Hmm.. no entiendo este aumento de Spacing solo para hacer un pattern 'vistoso' :/ Hm, no era para hacerlo vistoso, pero bueno, arreglado.
• 03:18:655 (x): Agrega una Nota Lo mismo que antes D:
• 03:19:500 (2,3): Intercambia el posicionamiento de los objetos en el Timeline como explique anteriormente ^
• 03:30:063 (1): Agrega un Finish Listo.


Se repite lo de las Inherited Timing Points en esta dificultad En este caso el 1.03 arreglado los sliders. Lo que pasa es que copie las secciones de esta difficultad para Normal por eso ocurrió eso en la dificultad anterior. En esta deberían estar bien D:

• 00:18:232 (3): Me parece que un flip Horizontal fluiria mejor aca, deberias bajar un poco estos objetos para que este Slider no toque con el HP Bar (ya que se ve un poco feo) Creo que te confundiste de timing :o
• 00:25:415 (7): En general vos seguis el piano para agregar tus Whistles y no la Voz. Por esto me parece mas consistente si agregas el Whistle al final del Slider y NO al comienzo Listo.
• 00:26:260 (9): (^) Listo.
• 00:36:612 (3): Esta nota suena innecesaria (si escuchas la cancion en 25% playback te das cuenta que no aparece nada alli), por eso es mejor si eliminas esta Nota Tienes razón pero no estoy seguro de quitar la nota, veamos que dicen los siguientes mods
• 00:56:260 (1,2,3,4): Creo que el comienzo del antijump no es del todo correcto. En mi opinion deberia empezar en donde ella dice 'When you're Goone', es decir el antijump deberia empezar en la Nota (2), asi que es mejor si aumentas el Spacing entre (1,2). Tienes un ejemplo claro en 01:03:443 por ejemplo Hm, buen punto, arreglado.
• 01:04:288 (3,4): En el timeline, cambia el posicionamiento de estos Objetos (como explique en la Normal) Al igual que en normal, hay mucha mayor enfasis en el tick blanco.
• 01:18:232 (1): Deberias ser consistente con la Normal, asi que es mejor si eliminas este New Combo (o viceversa, agrega un NC en la Normal) Listo.
• 01:56:894 (3): Agrega un Clap en esta Nota ya que es bastante Notorio en el instrumental Listo.
• 02:25:415 (3,4): Lo mismo que dije muchas veces, en el primer kiai y en la Normal :P Tienes que escuchar bien esa parte, dice "Go" luego una pausa y con mayor fuerza denuevo "Gooone".
• 02:58:584 (6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15): Viendo que es una cancion lenta, esto desentona un poco, de la nada aparecen todas estas Notas en 1/8. Para hacerlo mas sencillo y siga mas la tematica del map creo que seria mejor si cambias las Notas por Slider (en 1/8 pero seria mas facil de seguir sin dudas) Realmente creo que la canción respalda bien esta parte, pero lo tendré en cuenta.
• 03:07:669 (7,8,9,10,11): No me gusta esta formacion, podrias retocarla un poquito? :P En el editor se ve un poco mal pero me encanta cuando lo juegas o3o
• 03:19:500 (3,4): Intercambia los objetos en el timeline Igual que lo anterior.
• 03:33:443 (1): Remueve este New Combo como esta en la Normal Lo agregué en Normal.
• 03:38:936 (Spin): Agrega el Whistle en el Spinner como en la Normal

asdasd.. Demasiado Calor hace aca! :P
Bue.. no me sorprende en nada este map, genial como siempre..
Suerte Gonz! ;)
Gracias, el mod está bastante bien o3o

Also, thanks HellDawn, applied some suggestions!

And, thanks for the support guys!
Random modding go!! Uhmmm I'll mod in english so everyone can understand :D

  1. 00:38:514 (6,7,8) - Since these notes are part of another different verse of the vocals I suggest you to add a nc here and then remove the nc at 00:40:626 (1). I think this will end up more consistent with the rest of your combos (even more because it ends up being a combo number of 7, like most of your previous combos).
  2. 00:44:429 - Maybe it's just me.. but I hear the claps too loud. Perhaps consider reducing the volume of every clap by ~15%?
  3. 00:55:415 (3) - Here I think it would fit much more with the melody if you remove the whistle and add a soft clap of the custom sampleset.
  4. 01:01:331 (6) - I think that this combo is way too long for a Normal difficulty. I would rather add a nc to 01:01:331 (6) to reduce that number. Obviously, if you agree with this you also should add nc to 01:08:091 (6) to keep consistency.
  5. 01:04:711 (3) - Perhaps add a hitfinish here to emphasize the guitar sound and the voice? I'm not really sure about this, but I thought it might be a good idea to mention it.
  6. 01:13:162 (7) - Another long combo :< Uhmm consider adding a nc here to shorten it a bit and to follow more the vocals.
  7. 01:37:669 (1,2) - I think that these two notes are part of the same.. eh "melody" (I don't know how to call it, exactly) of the slider 01:35:133 (1) so I suggest you to remove this nc and add it to 01:38:514 (4).
  8. 01:44:007 (2) - Uhmm.. I don't think that adding an extra repeat to this slider all of a sudden like this is a good idea. Please consider removing 1 repeat of it and then add a note at 01:45:274 to fill up that space. I'm saying this because this is your easiest difficulty of your mapset, and beginners might get confused with this. They'll probably think this slider has the same ammounts of repeats than the previous ones. In this case, 1, so due to this they might combobreak and/or feel confused here. Keeping the ammount of repeats of sliders in easier diffs is important imo.
  9. 01:46:964 (6) - Another unnecessarily long combo in my opinion. To shorten it, try adding a nc here since the vocals change.
  10. 01:52:035 (5) - In this case, I highly recommend you to add a nc here and remove the one at the next slider 01:52:457 (1). I think that in this way it follows much more the music in general, including the vocals.
  11. 01:57:950 (3) - Same thing mentioned about 01:44:007 (2).
  12. 02:16:542 (3) - Same suggestion mentioned before about 00:55:415 (3).
  13. 02:18:232 (1) - I personally dislike how the Kiai starts at the repeat of this slider. It makes the Kiai loss uhm.. I don't know how to explain it in english. Let's try in spanish: es como que hace que el kiai pierda importancia y como que se sienta con menos fuerza. Si haces que el kiai empiece con una nota simple, o sea un circle, se sentiria mas enfatizado el Kiai y daría como.. una mejor sensación. :>
  14. 02:20:345 (2,3,4,5) - I thought something very similar to what Mancuso said to you "Hmm.. no entiendo este aumento de Spacing solo para hacer un pattern 'vistoso' :/" In this case, you changed the spacing a lil bit but still :<
  15. 02:22:880 (1) - This nc isn't consistent with your previous kiai. You should remove it and if you agreed about what I've suggested you about the st kiai ncs don't forget to apply them in this kiai too~
  16. 02:25:838 (3) - Same suggestion mentioned about 01:04:711 (3).
  17. 02:56:260 (1) - I think that a hitfinish here fits more with the instrumental than a whistle.
  18. 03:19:922 (3) - Same suggestion mentioned early about 01:04:711 (3) (again).
  19. 03:23:302 (6) - Nc here to keep following the vocals and also shorten the long combo. I mentioned a similar suggestion for your 1st kiai so if you changed that in the 1st kiai you should do so here too :>
  20. 03:28:373 (7) - Same suggestion mentioned early about 01:13:162 (7).

    Cool. I just don't agree with most of your combos since they're too long for a Normal diff. :? other than that, good work.
  1. 00:05:556 (7) - Ugh, long combos in this difficulty too. How about adding a nc here to shorten it a bit?
  2. 00:09:148 (6) - ^
  3. 00:11:894 (5) - ^
  4. 00:23:302 (3) - Uhmm just a simple suggestion: I personally don't like how a stright slider and a curved one look together. I suggest you to make a blanket with the stright one, making it curved like this:
  5. 00:24:148 (5) - I personally think that this pattern flows even better if you ctrl+G this slider. :>
  6. 00:25:415 (7) - Due to the change of vocals, I find it more appropiate to add a nc here and then remove the nc at 00:27:105 (1) since all those notes are part of the same verse "need you there when I cry".
  7. 00:26:260 (9) - Same suggestion mentioned about 00:23:302 (3).
  8. 00:40:626 (5) - Interesting small change of spacing o.o not sure if intentional though.
  9. 00:55:415 (3,4) - This pattern feels more fun to play if you ctrl+G those notes. It feels like if you are drawing a star with a pencil :3 (in my case since I play with a tablet).
  10. 01:37:880 (3,4) - Hmmmm! how about changing the sampleset to drums here and keeping the claps? Sounds interesting imo. It fits with the music perfectly to me. I didn't notice this while checking your easy so if you mapped this part like this you can apply it to your normal too if you like it. :>
  11. 02:04:922 (1,2) - ^
  12. 03:12:739 - Perhaps consider adding a note here since this is your hardest difficulty of your mapset? Just to fill up that mappable empty space.

    Awesome, cool hitsounding and such~
That's all. Good luck ranking this!
Topic Starter

Kei wrote:

Random modding go!! Uhmmm I'll mod in english so everyone can understand :D

  1. 00:38:514 (6,7,8) - Since these notes are part of another different verse of the vocals I suggest you to add a nc here and then remove the nc at 00:40:626 (1). I think this will end up more consistent with the rest of your combos (even more because it ends up being a combo number of 7, like most of your previous combos).
  2. 00:44:429 - Maybe it's just me.. but I hear the claps too loud. Perhaps consider reducing the volume of every clap by ~15%?
  3. 00:55:415 (3) - Here I think it would fit much more with the melody if you remove the whistle and add a soft clap of the custom sampleset.
  4. 01:01:331 (6) - I think that this combo is way too long for a Normal difficulty. I would rather add a nc to 01:01:331 (6) to reduce that number. Obviously, if you agree with this you also should add nc to 01:08:091 (6) to keep consistency.
  5. 01:04:711 (3) - Perhaps add a hitfinish here to emphasize the guitar sound and the voice? I'm not really sure about this, but I thought it might be a good idea to mention it.
  6. 01:13:162 (7) - Another long combo :< Uhmm consider adding a nc here to shorten it a bit and to follow more the vocals.
  7. 01:37:669 (1,2) - I think that these two notes are part of the same.. eh "melody" (I don't know how to call it, exactly) of the slider 01:35:133 (1) so I suggest you to remove this nc and add it to 01:38:514 (4).
  8. 01:44:007 (2) - Uhmm.. I don't think that adding an extra repeat to this slider all of a sudden like this is a good idea. Please consider removing 1 repeat of it and then add a note at 01:45:274 to fill up that space. I'm saying this because this is your easiest difficulty of your mapset, and beginners might get confused with this. They'll probably think this slider has the same ammounts of repeats than the previous ones. In this case, 1, so due to this they might combobreak and/or feel confused here. Keeping the ammount of repeats of sliders in easier diffs is important imo.
  9. 01:46:964 (6) - Another unnecessarily long combo in my opinion. To shorten it, try adding a nc here since the vocals change.
  10. 01:52:035 (5) - In this case, I highly recommend you to add a nc here and remove the one at the next slider 01:52:457 (1). I think that in this way it follows much more the music in general, including the vocals.
  11. 01:57:950 (3) - Same thing mentioned about 01:44:007 (2).
  12. 02:16:542 (3) - Same suggestion mentioned before about 00:55:415 (3).
  13. 02:18:232 (1) - I personally dislike how the Kiai starts at the repeat of this slider. It makes the Kiai loss uhm.. I don't know how to explain it in english. Let's try in spanish: es como que hace que el kiai pierda importancia y como que se sienta con menos fuerza. Si haces que el kiai empiece con una nota simple, o sea un circle, se sentiria mas enfatizado el Kiai y daría como.. una mejor sensación. :>
  14. 02:20:345 (2,3,4,5) - I thought something very similar to what Mancuso said to you "Hmm.. no entiendo este aumento de Spacing solo para hacer un pattern 'vistoso' :/" In this case, you changed the spacing a lil bit but still :<
  15. 02:22:880 (1) - This nc isn't consistent with your previous kiai. You should remove it and if you agreed about what I've suggested you about the st kiai ncs don't forget to apply them in this kiai too~
  16. 02:25:838 (3) - Same suggestion mentioned about 01:04:711 (3).
  17. 02:56:260 (1) - I think that a hitfinish here fits more with the instrumental than a whistle.
  18. 03:19:922 (3) - Same suggestion mentioned early about 01:04:711 (3) (again).
  19. 03:23:302 (6) - Nc here to keep following the vocals and also shorten the long combo. I mentioned a similar suggestion for your 1st kiai so if you changed that in the 1st kiai you should do so here too :>
  20. 03:28:373 (7) - Same suggestion mentioned early about 01:13:162 (7).

    Cool. I just don't agree with most of your combos since they're too long for a Normal diff. :? other than that, good work.
Fixed most of the stuff regarding New Combos and applied other suggestions!

  1. 00:05:556 (7) - Ugh, long combos in this difficulty too. How about adding a nc here to shorten it a bit?
  2. 00:09:148 (6) - ^
  3. 00:11:894 (5) - ^
  4. 00:23:302 (3) - Uhmm just a simple suggestion: I personally don't like how a stright slider and a curved one look together. I suggest you to make a blanket with the stright one, making it curved like this:
  5. 00:24:148 (5) - I personally think that this pattern flows even better if you ctrl+G this slider. :>
  6. 00:25:415 (7) - Due to the change of vocals, I find it more appropiate to add a nc here and then remove the nc at 00:27:105 (1) since all those notes are part of the same verse "need you there when I cry".
  7. 00:26:260 (9) - Same suggestion mentioned about 00:23:302 (3).
  8. 00:40:626 (5) - Interesting small change of spacing o.o not sure if intentional though.
  9. 00:55:415 (3,4) - This pattern feels more fun to play if you ctrl+G those notes. It feels like if you are drawing a star with a pencil :3 (in my case since I play with a tablet).
  10. 01:37:880 (3,4) - Hmmmm! how about changing the sampleset to drums here and keeping the claps? Sounds interesting imo. It fits with the music perfectly to me. I didn't notice this while checking your easy so if you mapped this part like this you can apply it to your normal too if you like it. :>
  11. 02:04:922 (1,2) - ^
  12. 03:12:739 - Perhaps consider adding a note here since this is your hardest difficulty of your mapset? Just to fill up that mappable empty space.

    Awesome, cool hitsounding and such~
Fixed some slider suggestions and combos

That's all. Good luck ranking this!
Thank you! Sorry for the non-detailed response, I accidentally closed the browser and got my post lost.

Thanks again!
Hi Gonzvlo I'm Newbie to Mod but i will try it

My Idea is wrong so Sorry i'm newbie to mod map

Color Rule
Pink : It's ok do or not to do it's fine
Black : Please Fix it (by My idea other i don't know)
Blue : Recommend

00:17:159 Delete Inherited point, not useful
Hi there~

·Be careful, the gray combocolor is kinda (very) hrd to see at the top-right part of the screen, of the same color. Make the gray a tad darker or add a hue to the grayscale. Thankfully for you, the approach rate is quite forgiving so I wont force you to do so (not like I can wihout a red name anyways, haha!)
·As for the SB, I was expecting the colors to be there for as long as the chorus lasted. Or al least a veeeery subtle color strobe at the parts with sound emphasis.

· 00:46:119 (1) - Wanna add a normal hitnormal at the end? It gives a nice rhythm too. Also I'd remove the new combo considering the nature of the pattern and the fact that the next slider pattern does not have (2,3,1,2), but is instead a (1,2,3,4) and they both follow the same thing (and are both part of a symmetrical pattern)
· 00:49:500 (3) - Wanna add a normal hitnormal at the end?
· 00:57:528 (3) - This feels very out of place, the rhythm is awkward, the fact that you lower the sound so much is also a proof that this doesnt sounds good (play it with more than 50% volume, I dare you, I double dare you mothafucka). I'd suggest removing the slider completely and adding two stacked notes at 00:57:528 - and 00:57:739 - with a normal hitnormal sound to give some drum emphasis before the chorus.
· 02:58:373 (5,1) - Timing was quite odd to get right, even at my 3rd try. I dunno, try to play with it a bit more, but I think it's because of the spacing, the (2,3,4) before that had the same distance (1/4) but the (5,1) here is a 1/4 in distance but the space is bigger. That made me think (1) was 1/2 apart instead of 1/4.
· To add some effect to the ending, I'dd add notes at 03:35:133 - , 03:35:556 - , 03:35:979 - , 03:36:401 - and 03:36:824 - (this one with a normal finish, to give the player a big "Boom" before the last spinner)
· The parts between 02:59:746 - and 03:09:676 - felt odd. Not because they played badly, they played quite good, it's the fact that it's the part of the song with the most intensity and the map followed that intensity, but the hitsounding sounds too subtle for this part. I was expecting some loud drums beating on every 1/1. Consider this.

I just played this diff. You never asked me for a mod anyways, I just saw this and I thought "Oh why not", and found this stuff.

EDIT: Oh, and I just tought I'd mention you get my first mod in months, and maybe the first one of the year, I don't really know anymore.
EDIT 2: And don't miss me, you know we always talk in facebook you dirty racoon :v
Topic Starter

Krisom wrote:

Hi there~

·Be careful, the gray combocolor is kinda (very) hrd to see at the top-right part of the screen, of the same color. Make the gray a tad darker or add a hue to the grayscale. Thankfully for you, the approach rate is quite forgiving so I wont force you to do so (not like I can wihout a red name anyways, haha!)
Fixed :v
·As for the SB, I was expecting the colors to be there for as long as the chorus lasted. Or al least a veeeery subtle color strobe at the parts with sound emphasis. I'm not sure... I want to kepe it gray in order to add the "I Miss you" later.

· 00:46:119 (1) - Wanna add a normal hitnormal at the end? It gives a nice rhythm too. Also I'd remove the new combo considering the nature of the pattern and the fact that the next slider pattern does not have (2,3,1,2), but is instead a (1,2,3,4) and they both follow the same thing (and are both part of a symmetrical pattern) Sure :v
· 00:49:500 (3) - Wanna add a normal hitnormal at the end? :v
· 00:57:528 (3) - This feels very out of place, the rhythm is awkward, the fact that you lower the sound so much is also a proof that this doesnt sounds good (play it with more than 50% volume, I dare you, I double dare you mothafucka). I'd suggest removing the slider completely and adding two stacked notes at 00:57:528 - and 00:57:739 - with a normal hitnormal sound to give some drum emphasis before the chorus. Hm, I do not agree, I'll keep it for now but I'll consider the suggestion if somebody else mentions it
· 02:58:373 (5,1) - Timing was quite odd to get right, even at my 3rd try. I dunno, try to play with it a bit more, but I think it's because of the spacing, the (2,3,4) before that had the same distance (1/4) but the (5,1) here is a 1/4 in distance but the space is bigger. That made me think (1) was 1/2 apart instead of 1/4. Alright, I think it's much better now
· To add some effect to the ending, I'dd add notes at 03:35:133 - , 03:35:556 - , 03:35:979 - , 03:36:401 - and 03:36:824 - (this one with a normal finish, to give the player a big "Boom" before the last spinner) Awesome suggestion, done!
· The parts between 02:59:746 - and 03:09:676 - felt odd. Not because they played badly, they played quite good, it's the fact that it's the part of the song with the most intensity and the map followed that intensity, but the hitsounding sounds too subtle for this part. I was expecting some loud drums beating on every 1/1. Consider this. Alright, done!

I just played this diff. You never asked me for a mod anyways, I just saw this and I thought "Oh why not", and found this stuff.
You didn't star this :(

EDIT: Oh, and I just tought I'd mention you get my first mod in months, and maybe the first one of the year, I don't really know anymore.
EDIT 2: And don't miss me, you know we always talk in facebook you dirty racoon :v

I got a Krisom-mod, u jelly :v?

Zazalng wrote:

Hi Gonzvlo I'm Newbie to Mod but i will try it

My Idea is wrong so Sorry i'm newbie to mod map

Color Rule
Pink : It's ok do or not to do it's fine
Black : Please Fix it (by My idea other i don't know)
Blue : Recommend

00:17:159 Delete Inherited point, not useful
It doesn't make any difference but removed. Thanks for the input!
00:31:753 (4,1) - I don't like too this... i dunno why...
02:38:091 (5,1) - I think this maby should be overlap with the end of that slider...
02:59:852 ~ 03:02:176 - Really hard to play with DT but i can do it
03:22:880 (2) - CTRL + G (Looks good)

CS +1

Topic Starter

Cristian wrote:

00:31:753 (4,1) - I don't like too this... i dunno why... :v
02:38:091 (5,1) - I think this maby should be overlap with the end of that slider... Done
02:59:852 ~ 03:02:176 - Really hard to play with DT but i can do it :v
03:22:880 (2) - CTRL + G (Looks good) Sure. Applied to previous patterns too!

CS +1 :v

Thanks Kuri!
I remebered I played this map in test server when osz2 was tested :P
Good job as always
Recheck Time because I'm bored! xD


• 01:10:626 (1,2,3): A combo with 10 notes doesn't look coherent now since you reduce the lenght of Notes in your combos. Remove the NC in (1) and add it one in (3).
• 01:44:007 (2): Add a Clap at the Slider end to follow properly your Hitsounding, and because there are a Clap sound in the music too.
• 01:47:809 (2): *Simple Suggestion* for a better transition (looking your previous patterns) I think that it is better if you make this Slider with a red Slider Waypoint at the middle
• 02:11:894 (1,2): Oh.. you reduce the combo lenght after my mod, so this Combo with 9 Notes doesn't look that coherent. Maybe you can swap the Combo placement in these Notes
• 02:27:105 (1): You should add a Clap at the Slider end
• 03:25:838 (1,2,3): Again, a combo with 10 notes doesn't look coherent now. Remove the NC in (1) and add it one in (3).


• 00:24:993 (6): Emm.. Knowing you, I'm sure that you want to place this Note at the middle (x:256 y:160), correct me if I'm wrong, if not just move it :P
• 02:18:655 (x): What about adding a Note here? Because follow the drums properly, I feel it kinda empty without it.
• 02:46:119 (10): I don't know, but I feel coherent the usage of a New Combo here
• 02:58:584 (6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15): I'm still thinking the same as before. It is a Slow song, in this place is the quickiest part of the song I know, but I'm sure that the 1/8 Sliders are more than enough. In general the map is slow, I can let pass the jumps because they play fun but this Streams should be changed in my opinion for Sliders

Full of Symetry and Copy/Paste, anyways you did a Good Job! :3
Call me back then!
Topic Starter

mancusojuanmattos wrote:

Recheck Time because I'm bored! xD


• 01:10:626 (1,2,3): A combo with 10 notes doesn't look coherent now since you reduce the lenght of Notes in your combos. Remove the NC in (1) and add it one in (3). I wanted to keep this part of the song with a single combo, I believe it should be alright
• 01:44:007 (2): Add a Clap at the Slider end to follow properly your Hitsounding, and because there are a Clap sound in the music too.
• 01:47:809 (2): *Simple Suggestion* for a better transition (looking your previous patterns) I think that it is better if you make this Slider with a red Slider Waypoint at the middle
• 02:11:894 (1,2): Oh.. you reduce the combo lenght after my mod, so this Combo with 9 Notes doesn't look that coherent. Maybe you can swap the Combo placement in these Notes
• 02:27:105 (1): You should add a Clap at the Slider end
• 03:25:838 (1,2,3): Again, a combo with 10 notes doesn't look coherent now. Remove the NC in (1) and add it one in (3).


• 00:24:993 (6): Emm.. Knowing you, I'm sure that you want to place this Note at the middle (x:256 y:160), correct me if I'm wrong, if not just move it :P
• 02:18:655 (x): What about adding a Note here? Because follow the drums properly, I feel it kinda empty without it.
• 02:46:119 (10): I don't know, but I feel coherent the usage of a New Combo here
• 02:58:584 (6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15): I'm still thinking the same as before. It is a Slow song, in this place is the quickiest part of the song I know, but I'm sure that the 1/8 Sliders are more than enough. In general the map is slow, I can let pass the jumps because they play fun but this Streams should be changed in my opinion for Sliders I still think they are alright, since the BPM is quite slow, these are like 1/4 streams

Full of Symetry and Copy/Paste, anyways you did a Good Job! :3
Call me back then!
(I knooow, I used a lot of copy-paste, I never thought I was going to upload this map in the public build D:)

Everything else, done. Thanks Mancuso!
2 Little things in Normal, and we should be good to go. (No Kds for this post)

• 02:14:852 (x): In this place plays better the Note, and make the Spacing consistent too. So, add it the Note that you had before
• 03:17:387 (6): Psst.. Symetric mapper, move this Note to x:256 y:232, you will notice why then haha :P

I'll come back after these points get fixed :3
Topic Starter

mancusojuanmattos wrote:

2 Little things in Normal, and we should be good to go. (No Kds for this post)

• 02:14:852 (x): In this place plays better the Note, and make the Spacing consistent too. So, add it the Note that you had before
• 03:17:387 (6): Psst.. Symetric mapper, move this Note to x:256 y:232, you will notice why then haha :P

I'll come back after these points get fixed :3
Oops, didn't notice those. Fixed!
-Baby Strawberry-
hey :)
hmm for this section 01:23:302 (1) - , idk why you make it like this, to me the both the break and the spinner is weird in normal.
i think you may add a slider and a circle in the first break section like this . so as Hard.
01:23:302 (1) - also for the beginning point of the spinner, why not start at the red tick after?
just suggestions :P more Avril's song! good luck to you~!
Topic Starter

-Baby Strawberry- wrote:

hey :)
hmm for this section 01:23:302 (1) - , idk why you make it like this, to me the both the break and the spinner is weird in normal.
i think you may add a slider and a circle in the first break section like this . so as Hard.
01:23:302 (1) - also for the beginning point of the spinner, why not start at the red tick after?
just suggestions :P more Avril's song! good luck to you~!
That was the intention, just like [Hard]. Gonna keep the break and the spinner. Thanks!
After to fix an unsnapped Note in Hard, this looks good for me! :3
Aqui tu merecida Burbuja!
Suerte en el Rank, Gonz ;)!
This map is also on the testbuild D:
Congratulation on your bubble and.. YOUR AVATAR, OMGOMGOMG. DIGIMONS<3
yay :3
Felicitaciones por la burbuja Gonzvlo!
Ahora estoy esperando el mapa de Digimon *-*
Avril is the best! <3


Congratz Gonzvlo :) :)
Felicitaciones!!!! :3

Ahora esparare otro mapa *-*
very nice~ buen trabajo :3
-Baby Strawberry-
Gratz! :3
when gonzvlo gone :'( the pieces of my heart are missing you lol. grats :D
I love this song and map <3 Grats :3
Awesome stuff <3
congrats on the rank!!! very nice map! :3 I like it, and nice storyboard too!
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