
8#Prince - fake doll

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年1月4日 at 11:22:31

Artist: 8#Prince
Title: fake doll
Source: Vocaloid
Tags: hatsune miku wakamura pokie hachiojip
BPM: 132
Filesize: 20757kb
Play Time: 03:10
Difficulties Available:
  1. Fake (5 stars, 563 notes)
  2. Normal (2.78 stars, 220 notes)
  3. Pokie (4.67 stars, 428 notes)
Download: 8#Prince - fake doll
Download: 8#Prince - fake doll (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing


Normal - by me
Pokie - by Pokie
Fake - by me

Topic Starter
nyan ヽ(*´∀`*)ノ Thanks !!
Colin Hou
fake pokie D:

Colin Hou wrote:

fake pokie D:
(´・д・`)バーカ 結婚おめでとうございます

Edit: 半分しか作ってない_(:3 」∠)_飽きたー
Topic Starter
fake pokie :)
Hi, alacat >w<

My mod from your request in pm in-game

Red = Unrankable
Biue = You should modified
Black = My suggestion


  1. Remove .osb file because it isn't necessary.


  1. 00:09:174 (1) - If you have noticed the sound of song. Here should add finish.
  2. 00:14:629 (1) - Add finish here, too.
  3. 00:50:083 (2) - Move to x:352 y:32 be more beautiful?
  4. 03:10:083 (4) - Maybe repeat slider one more time or add circle in 03:10:765. Because after this slider, I hear the rhythm of song.


  1. 00:06:220 (2) - Hitsound is weird. I suggest that remove whistle here.
  2. 00:15:538 - Add circle to don't keep it is empty.
  3. 00:15:992 - ^ this as well.
  4. 00:43:492 (1,2,3) - I suggest that don't stack with (2), because it will enables players to confusion.
  5. 02:28:265 (2,3) - There aren't associated with any rhythm. Maybe remove circles be better.
  6. 02:32:356 (4) - Try to move to the middle of (1,2,3,4,5).
  7. 03:10:311 (1) - Move this to 03:10:652, then add 2 circles in here and 03:10:538, or may use 1 slider in here. It would suitable for rhythm of song.


  1. 00:11:447 (1,2,3) - Remove clap in (2), but add it in (1,3) instead.
  2. 01:11:902 - Move a green line at 01:11:901 to resnap a slider.
  3. 02:38:947 (2,1,1) - The spacing of those is different. I suggest that remove slider of 02:39:629 (1).

That's all that I can find them, and hope that my mod will be useful for you.
Overall nice map (and nice song), give a star ;)

Good luck and go for rank~
Topic Starter

h3k1ru wrote:

heki ^.^b

Nichiyouki wrote:

Hi, alacat >w<

My mod from your request in pm in-game

Red = Unrankable
Biue = You should modified
Black = My suggestion


  1. Remove .osb file because it isn't necessary.



  1. 00:09:174 (1) - If you have noticed the sound of song. Here should add finish.
  2. 00:14:629 (1) - Add finish here, too.
  3. 00:50:083 (2) - Move to x:352 y:32 be more beautiful?
  4. 03:10:083 (4) - Maybe repeat slider one more time or add circle in 03:10:765. Because after this slider, I hear the rhythm of song.

    all fixed :3


  1. 00:11:447 (1,2,3) - Remove clap in (2), but add it in (1,3) instead. ok
  2. 01:11:902 - Move a green line at 01:11:901 to resnap a slider. oh o.o fixed ~
  3. 02:38:947 (2,1,1) - The spacing of those is different. I suggest that remove slider of 02:39:629 (1). mm >< I want keep current pattern ~

That's all that I can find them, and hope that my mod will be useful for you.
Overall nice map (and nice song), give a star ;)

Good luck and go for rank~ Nich , Thank you very much ></

Nich~ Thanks :P
Colin Hou

Pokie wrote:

(´・д・`)バーカ 結婚おめでとうございます
婚約はまだ いきなりいわないで :o

Nichiyouki wrote:


  1. 00:06:220 (2) - Hitsound is weird. I suggest that remove whistle here. Done
  2. 00:15:538 - Add circle to don't keep it is empty. uh...I still wanted to keep it empty ;w;
  3. 00:15:992 - ^ this as well.
  4. 00:43:492 (1,2,3) - I suggest that don't stack with (2), because it will enables players to confusion. Done
  5. 02:28:265 (2,3) - There aren't associated with any rhythm. Maybe remove circles be better. Done, switched into slider
  6. 02:32:356 (4) - Try to move to the middle of (1,2,3,4,5). Nah, or bigger spacing on star pattern Dx
  7. 03:10:311 (1) - Move this to 03:10:652, then add 2 circles in here and 03:10:538, or may use 1 slider in here. It would suitable for rhythm of song. Done Thanks!

Colin Hou wrote:

Pokie wrote:

(´・д・`)バーカ 結婚おめでとうございます
婚約はまだ いきなりいわないで :o

From PM \w/
finally I'm freee~nyan~


  1. 00:18:265 (4)- : ctrl h this would be nice
  2. 00:20:992 (3)- : move last slider point to x288 y264? will make a better flow :D
  3. 00:53:720 (2)- : last slider point 2grid to left?
  4. 01:50:992 (1)- : remove finish here?
  1. 00:14:856- , 00:15:538- , 00:15:992- , 00:16:220- , 01:13:038- , 01:13:720- , 01:14:402- , 02:26:674 , 02:26:902- , : unnecessary green points?
  2. Suggestion, add break at 00:14:856- here? xD
  3. 00:52:811 (2)- : unused 2nd slider point?
  4. 02:41:220 (3,4)- : 2grid down to make symmetric to previous slider shape?
  1. 01:43:265 (5)- : last slider point 1grid to right? to make symmetric with next slider
  2. 02:40:765 (1)- : 2nd slider point move it 1grid to left .w.
  3. 03:02:583 (4)- : 2grid up would be nice .w.
poor mod sorry Q_Q
good luck! ah ~/`v`)/*
Topic Starter
Thanks ha - tennya =3= //
Haiii Ala ~
You requested via forum pm ~

- I think its better to end the 3rd kiai time at 02:41:902

- HP Drain Rate +1
00:03:720 (4) - Silence slider end.
00:04:402 (5) - ^
00:06:674 (3,4,5) - Place these objects at the same place 00:08:038 (2) is placed at.
00:46:674 - Add a circle?
00:50:311 - ^

00:12:811 (7) - New combo ?
01:13:492 - Add a circle?
02:26:674 (2) - Reverse?

So proo ~
Good luck and star! >w<
Pokie (´・ω・)アップデお願いします

Topic Starter
Thanks modding :3

changed Artist and tag = =.
hi, alacat-san and Pokie-san :oops:
thx for requestヽ( *´ސު`*)ノ

  1. ボーカロイドに関してはあまり知らないのですが、アーティスト名を初音ミクで、ソースを八王子Pの方が良いと思います、現状だとわかり辛かったです(曲を探すのに・・・
  2. BGが闇色アリスの絵なので、知っている人が見ると非常に違和感が・・・
    雰囲気ぴったりで代わりになりそうなイラスト探して見ましたが、3時間経過で収穫なしなのでpls ignore this opinionヽ( ;´ސު` )ノ
  1. 00:25:538 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - こんな感じに傾けたほうがキレイに見えると思います~

  2. 01:44:856 (4,5,6) - この流れは少し窮屈に感じたので、こんな感じにしてみるのはどうでしょう?自然に流れられると思います
  3. 01:58:265 - これは私の感性での提案です~ こうすることによって、ブレイクの入りかたがより自然になって雰囲気にあっているかなって思うのと、セクションパスの音(ぴんぽーん!とかのアレですアレ)が良い感じのタイミングでなってくれます~、変更するのでしたら全難易度でお願いします~
  4. 02:26:674 (2) - スライダーの曲がり具合をもっと曲げると楽しいと思います、あくまで楽しいだけですlol
  5. 02:29:856 (3) - このスライダーの形はわたしはキレイだと思えないので、無難にこのような形はどうでしょうか、流れも自然です~
  6. 02:40:765 (1) - キレイにブランケットされていません 参考にどうぞ~
  7. 03:10:765 (6) - このままでもいいと思います!が!Ctrl+G!クライマックスなので、じゃん!みたいな小ジャンプを(真顔
  1. OD-1 cuz of stream
    1. 00:14:856 - remove, its unnecessary
    2. 00:15:538 - ^
    3. 00:15:992 - ^
    4. 00:16:220 - ^
    5. 01:13:038 - ^
    6. 01:13:720 - ^
    7. 01:14:402 - ^
    8. 01:28:947 - ^
    9. 02:26:674 - ^
    10. 02:26:902 - ^
    ah... um... nothing to say... sry, thats all >.>
  1. 01:20:765 (4,5) - このようなリズム または01:31:674 (6) - これと同一のリズムを踏ませたほうが親切かなって思うんですが、どうでしょう?
  2. 01:37:129 (2,3) - 上記と同様のリズムを~
  3. 02:35:310 (4,5) - same
以上です、感覚的なMODでもうしわけ・・ヽ( ;´ސު` )ノ
its so good map, good luck :oops:

Wreath wrote:


アーティストは8#Princeの方が正しいと思います、詳しい情報はこちらへ: p/1767683
現状は許可貰っていない場合なので、Hatsune Mikuを書き込むのはルール違反と見えます。

Topic Starter

Wreath wrote:

hi, alacat-san and Pokie-san :oops:
thx for requestヽ( *´ސު`*)ノ

  1. ボーカロイドに関してはあまり知らないのですが、アーティスト名を初音ミクで、ソースを八王子Pの方が良いと思います、現状だとわかり辛かったです(曲を探すのに・・・ 変更になったそうです :o
  2. BGが闇色アリスの絵なので、知っている人が見ると非常に違和感が・・・
    雰囲気ぴったりで代わりになりそうなイラスト探して見ましたが、3時間経過で収穫なしなのでpls ignore this opinionヽ( ;´ސު` )ノ ありがとうです;x; 他にあったら変更する予定です!
  1. 00:25:538 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - こんな感じに傾けたほうがキレイに見えると思います~ streamからの流れで(5)を置いて、(6)で持ち上げています!(意味不明)

  2. 01:44:856 (4,5,6) - この流れは少し窮屈に感じたので、こんな感じにしてみるのはどうでしょう?自然に流れられると思います ok!
  3. 01:58:265 - これは私の感性での提案です~ こうすることによって、ブレイクの入りかたがより自然になって雰囲気にあっているかなって思うのと、セクションパスの音(ぴんぽーん!とかのアレですアレ)が良い感じのタイミングでなってくれます~、変更するのでしたら全難易度でお願いします~ (1)のfinishの音から入るのが好きなので変えませんでした。
  4. 02:26:674 (2) - スライダーの曲がり具合をもっと曲げると楽しいと思います、あくまで楽しいだけですlol  楽しくしました!lol
  5. 02:29:856 (3) - このスライダーの形はわたしはキレイだと思えないので、無難にこのような形はどうでしょうか、流れも自然です~ いろいろな形のスライダーを入れたいので、このままにしておきます。少し調節しました!
  6. 02:40:765 (1) - キレイにブランケットされていません 参考にどうぞ~  ok!
  7. 03:10:765 (6) - このままでもいいと思います!が!Ctrl+G!クライマックスなので、じゃん!みたいな小ジャンプを(真顔  悲しみが生まれるので、このままにしておきます :o
  1. 01:20:765 (4,5) - このようなリズム または01:31:674 (6) - これと同一のリズムを踏ませたほうが親切かなって思うんですが、どうでしょう? 初めのkiaiということで、変更しました!
  2. 01:37:129 (2,3) - 上記と同様のリズムを~  ^
  3. 02:35:310 (4,5) - same 後半は別のパターンで、ということで変更は無しです。

以上です、感覚的なMODでもうしわけ・・ヽ( ;´ސު` )ノ
its so good map, good luck :oops:

☆ and mod Thanks >.</
from #modreqs


00:13:038 (8,9,10) Like this? 一見大きなジャンプに見えますが、プレイした感じこっちの方が好きだったのでどうでしょか。
01:40:992 (3,4,5) little potisioning fix
02:36:902 音取りの提案。

suggestions! gl~
Topic Starter
Aeonian Sonder
GNERAL: Have you every thought about put "Normal" hit sounds for the clapping in the beginning of the song?

02:41:902 - Stop Kiai time here, and start again at 02:43:720
02:43:038 (1,2) - Remove Kiai times from these points.

00:14:856 thru 00:16:220 remove those points in between these times, the map looks messy with pointless points
01:11:447 thru 01:14:402 - Same as above
01:30:538 (4) - Resnap to good enough distance, use distance snap
01:34:174 (4) - Same as above
Remove point 02:26:674 and point 02:26:902

Really don't know how to mod easy difiiculties...
Topic Starter
Thanks :3 all fixed ~
Did some IRC modding.

08:48 Garven: o, Normal ni: 01:14:174 (1) - Remove new combo
08:50 alacat:
08:50 alacat: kou kana ? :3
08:50 Garven: sou ka. boku mo ww kurisumasu ni takusan nonda kedo ww
08:50 alacat: ww hutukayoi Garven :3
08:50 Garven: @~@
08:51 Garven: 01:14:629 (1) - kora ha new combo mo
08:51 Garven: atarashii bunka desu
08:51 Garven: 01:14:174 (1) - ha mae no
08:52 alacat:
08:52 alacat: kou kana !!
08:52 Garven: o.ob
08:52 Garven: 01:54:629 (1) - kore ha ni naru?
08:57 Garven: 03:08:265 (1) - -> 03:08:038 (1) -
08:57 Garven: 03:08:720 - circle add
08:59 alacat:
09:00 alacat: kore ha dou ? miss ga sukunaku naruto omou!
09:00 alacat: oto ha onaji ^.^b
09:00 Garven: good, good :3
09:00 alacat: ok ></
09:03 Garven: hm
09:03 Garven: [fake] ni
09:04 alacat: un !
09:04 Garven: 00:01:902 (1) - shizuka slider owaru ha amari..
09:04 Garven: dekinai to omou
09:04 alacat: so- nanda ><
09:04 alacat: 20 kurai ?
09:05 Garven: un
09:05 Garven: 20 ha ii
09:05 Garven: a, sousite
09:05 Garven: tick rate 2 no hou ga ii yo ^_=
09:06 Garven: 00:54:629 (1,2,3,4) - ookii spacing! bikkurishita
09:07 alacat: 5% ha 20 % ni shima shita !!
09:07 Garven: 00:40:083 (1,2) - kore ha motto yasashii ne
09:07 Garven: zenbu circle ha chotto oosugimasu ne
09:08 alacat: 00:54:629 (1,2,3,4)- ha herashi masu :3
09:09 Garven: 01:11:447 (1,1,1,1) - new combo ;_;
09:09 Garven: takusaaan
09:09 alacat: slider sokudo kaeteru !!
09:09 Garven: un, demo new combo iranai
09:10 alacat: ara sou nano ?
09:10 alacat: must kato omotteta !
09:11 alacat: tick ha 1 no mama ni shimasu ></
09:11 alacat:
09:11 alacat: keshita yo ^^/
09:13 Garven: hmm
09:13 Garven: 01:43:265 (5) -
09:13 Garven: kono hayai slider ha abunai..
09:13 Garven: itsumo combo break suru ;_;
09:13 Garven: slidertachi?
09:14 alacat: mm 01:28:720 (1)- koko to onaji nishiteru >w<
09:15 Garven: hoka no combo color tukau ha ii?
09:15 Garven: shiro, kamo?
09:15 Garven: 視覚的刺激
09:15 Garven: aiya fukuzatu kanji ;_;
09:15 alacat: oo! ii idia ></
09:15 alacat: wakaru yo =3=
09:16 Garven: ok~
09:16 Garven: 02:12:811 (1,2,3,4,5) - teian ga aru
09:17 Garven: koko ha oto ha heitan desu ne
09:17 Garven: 02:14:629 (1,2,3,4,5) - koko mo
09:17 Garven: demo Spacing ha chiisai ni naru
09:17 Garven: 02:16:447 (1,2,3,4,5) - koko ha oto ha ue ni natta
09:17 Garven: sousite spacing ga ooi ni natta
09:17 Garven: sore ga ii demo
09:17 Garven: 02:18:265 (1,2,3,4,5) - oto ha shita ni natta, demo spacing ha onaji da
09:17 Garven: ooki ni natta
09:18 Garven: #1 to #2 ha onaji Spacing, #3 ha ookii ni naru, sousite #4 ha chiisai ni naru ha ii?
09:20 alacat: un , koko ha takusan kangaete map shimashita ;w;
09:20 alacat: koko ga tsukuritakute , kono map wo tsukuri mashita ww
09:20 Garven: sou ka

Did some new combos and a couple small pattern changes for jump consistency/flow.

Also left this for Pokie:

[Rolling Girl]
00:52:356 (1) - remove new combo
00:52:811 (2) - new combo
02:12:356 (4,5,6,7) - Stream? whyyy
Seems fine to have unused sections, plus I don't agree those spacing was such weird .-. I'm sorry.

And for Garven-san's modding....ALL CLEAR! ROGER!
Roger roger.
Topic Starter
pokie and Garven Thanks ~ :oops:
someone rank this plzz

Frostmourne wrote:

someone rank this plzz
hi alacat ♥


  1. #3 kiai time in fake diff should end on 02:43:492
  2. Rename both diff to "Pokie" and "Fake"? It looks bad to see only "Normal" diff with first capitalized letter
  3. Slider tick 2 on all diffs? You used it on fake diff due to speed ups but it would be nice to use slider tick 2 on pokie and normal diff as well

  1. 00:57:129 (2) - If I'm not wrong this pattern 00:56:447 (1,2) is following vocal sound. According to this you should reduce the slider (2) by 1/2 adding a circle (with clap) on the next white tick 00:57:811. It fits the music much better, here's the timeline:
  2. 01:21:902 (1,2,3) - Honestly I don't like how this pattern flows. I was thinking about something like this:

  3. 01:38:265 (4) - There should be new combo here to keep consistency with your previous part: 01:25:538 (1)
  4. 01:42:811 (4) - Mh, maybe new combo? It's too far from 01:41:447 (3) on timeline and so it would be better setting new combo on this slider IMO
  5. 02:10:992 (3) - New combo would fit nice on this circle because new calm part is starting here
  6. 02:27:356 (1) - What about to add finish with drum sampleset? It sounds pretty nice :3
  7. 02:55:538 (5) - Same of 01:42:811 (4)

  1. OD-1 being an hard diff
  2. 00:17:356 (4) - You should remove this whistle from slider body to keep consistency with next sliders. I guess it is a mistake
  3. 01:08:038 (2) - I'd reduce this slider by 1/4 adding a circle on 01:08:379 because I can hear a sound on that white tick :\
  4. 01:09:856 (3) - Orz, same here. Reduce by 1/2 adding a circle on the red line 01:10:311
  5. 01:42:811 (1) - This sudden silenced slider tail confuses players and it's unrankable. Well, increase the volume till 20% at least (I lready explained you on No_Gu mapset if you remember)
  6. 02:28:947 (1) - You know, this really confused me. Increase the volume thanks. Same for 02:43:492 (1)

  1. 01:31:220 (4) - (nazi) 1 grid down to make the jump between 01:30:992 (3,4,5) symmetrical
  2. 01:50:083 (4) - 1,82x spacing with 01:50:083 (4)? To make the spacing consistent since the combo is still going
  3. 02:25:538 (11,1) - I'd switch new combo here, it'd look more logical
  4. 02:56:447 (1) - drum finish with 30-40% volume for this spinner end would fit perfectly
If you dedide to set slider tick 2 on normal and pokie diffs you'll have to ask for a rebubble and you can call me back for rank ;3
Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:

hi alacat ♥ ya :3 Chewin!


  1. #3 kiai time in fake diff should end on 02:43:492 okey fix !
  2. Rename both diff to "Pokie" and "Fake"? It looks bad to see only "Normal" diff with first capitalized letter fix my diff (changed "Fake")
  3. Slider tick 2 on all diffs? You used it on fake diff due to speed ups but it would be nice to use slider tick 2 on pokie and normal diff as well no >< I told Garven about this ! I want to keep current pattern :3!

  1. 00:57:129 (2) - If I'm not wrong this pattern 00:56:447 (1,2) is following vocal sound. According to this you should reduce the slider (2) by 1/2 adding a circle (with clap) on the next white tick 00:57:811. It fits the music much better, here's the timeline:
  2. 01:21:902 (1,2,3) - Honestly I don't like how this pattern flows. I was thinking about something like this:

  3. 01:38:265 (4) - There should be new combo here to keep consistency with your previous part: 01:25:538 (1)
  4. 01:42:811 (4) - Mh, maybe new combo? It's too far from 01:41:447 (3) on timeline and so it would be better setting new combo on this slider IMO
  5. 02:10:992 (3) - New combo would fit nice on this circle because new calm part is starting here
  6. 02:27:356 (1) - What about to add finish with drum sampleset? It sounds pretty nice :3
  7. 02:55:538 (5) - Same of 01:42:811 (4)
okey , all fix Normal diff~ Thanks :)


  1. 01:31:220 (4) - (nazi) 1 grid down to make the jump between 01:30:992 (3,4,5) symmetrical okey :3!
  2. 01:50:083 (4) - 1,82x spacing with 01:50:083 (4)? To make the spacing consistent since the combo is still going mm, no change here ><
  3. 02:25:538 (11,1) - I'd switch new combo here, it'd look more logical fix.
  4. 02:56:447 (1) - drum finish with 30-40% volume for this spinner end would fit perfectly okey ~ added but I think soft sound is fit here >.< so I added soft-finish !
If you dedide to set slider tick 2 on normal and pokie diffs you'll have to ask for a rebubble and you can call me back for rank ;3 yay :oops:
Chewin , Thank you for modding :)

Waiting for pokie chan ;)
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