
Leighton Meester - Christmas (Baby, Please Come Home)

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Thanks for the Support Xin and Bakari! :3
Ready for mods now!! :D
"El Perfume", pelicula que acabo de ver solo, la verdad es que es muy buena, tienes que verla o/

  • • 00:00:061 - Te puedo preguntar algo? Este timing section creo que no pueda servir de algo la verdad, y eso que el timing empieza aqui 00:00:523, la verdad es que no tiene mucho sentido, mi sugerencia es removerlo, pero por ahora si algun otro modder no reclama sobre esto, es mejor dejarlo asi
    • El Combo colour 3 y 4 son muy similares entre si ya que se ven muy iguales, en mi parecer podrias añadir un color blanco al igual que navidad, pero eso todo depende de ti
  • - 00:02:830 (3) - Añade un whistle al final del slider para seguir tu patron de hitsounds, sonaria bien
    - 00:35:138 (4,5) - Creo que aqui hubo un error de spacing en mi opinion
    - 02:13:907 (4) - Creo que este clap suena mal, deberias removerlo o poner un hitsound-drum como lo hicistes aca 02:14:369
  • - 02:13:907 (1) - Misma sugerencia que en Easy
  • - 01:29:138 (1) - Me gustaria ver esta nota en el centro, se ve bien :3
    - 02:13:907 (1) - Misma sugerencia que en Easy
    - 02:25:446 (6,7,8) - Creo que este triple deberias hacerlo straight como lo hicistes aca en 02:24:753
    - 02:37:446 (4,1,2) - Hmm este jump no me gusto mucho la verdad, prefiero algo asi
Bueno siempre veo tus maps y son simetricos y estas intentando de mapear de una manera distinta a tus maps, lo cual me alegra y ojala que siga esa creatividad que tienes :) asi que eso seria, buena suerte mancuso y Ho-ho-ho.
Topic Starter

MoodyRPG wrote:

"El Perfume", pelicula que acabo de ver solo, la verdad es que es muy buena, tienes que verla o/

  • • 00:00:061 - Te puedo preguntar algo? Este timing section creo que no pueda servir de algo la verdad, y eso que el timing empieza aqui 00:00:523, la verdad es que no tiene mucho sentido, mi sugerencia es removerlo, pero por ahora si algun otro modder no reclama sobre esto, es mejor dejarlo asi La primer linea es donde esta el primer 'hit', la segunda es tan solo para cambiar el Downbeat si no tengo esta linea el comboing me quedaria raro, de todas maneras preguntare mas adelante acerca de esto
    • El Combo colour 3 y 4 son muy similares entre si ya que se ven muy iguales, en mi parecer podrias añadir un color blanco al igual que navidad, pero eso todo depende de ti Hmm.. Me quedo con la 'escala de rojos', ya que queda mejor con mi BG.
  • - 00:02:830 (3) - Añade un whistle al final del slider para seguir tu patron de hitsounds, sonaria bien Ok
    - 00:35:138 (4,5) - Creo que aqui hubo un error de spacing en mi opinion omg... Porque hice eso!!. Listo, arreglado
    - 02:13:907 (4) - Creo que este clap suena mal, deberias removerlo o poner un hitsound-drum como lo hicistes aca 02:14:369 En realidad el Normal Clap solo enfatiza un poquito esto. El sonido que aparece esta en el Instrumental principalmente.
  • - 02:13:907 (1) - Misma sugerencia que en Easy Mismo.
  • - 01:29:138 (1) - Me gustaria ver esta nota en el centro, se ve bien :3 Oke
    - 02:13:907 (1) - Misma sugerencia que en Easy Misma respuesta.
    - 02:25:446 (6,7,8) - Creo que este triple deberias hacerlo straight como lo hicistes aca en 02:24:753 No, porque este es como una especie de 'Blanket' para (5), fijate y te vas a dar cuenta.
    - 02:37:446 (4,1,2) - Hmm este jump no me gusto mucho la verdad, prefiero algo asi Bad Overlap, ademas creo que le da un toque especial a la dificultad.
Bueno siempre veo tus maps y son simetricos y estas intentando de mapear de una manera distinta a tus maps, lo cual me alegra y ojala que siga esa creatividad que tienes :) asi que eso seria, buena suerte mancuso y Ho-ho-ho.
Gracias por el mod! Moody!

  1. Nothing! Perhaps consider adding some tags like "snow" or "winter"..? I'm not sure at all about this.. it is related to xmas but perhaps not related with the song at all.
  1. 00:27:292 (2) - I think it would be better of you place this slider more like this to make a better pattern with the previous slider (in the image the slider (2) is at x412 y284. I also rotated it a bit to make the pattern look better):
  2. 01:55:446 (2,3) - Perhaps consider replacing these notes with a slider? I think it would be better to avoid various consecutive notes, you know :3
  3. 02:05:138 (3) - Sort of similar suggestion mentioned about 00:27:292 (2):
  4. 02:13:446 (1) - What is this normal clap for? It doesn't fit with anything imo o.o you didn't use claps before so it sounds odd. I guess this is a little mistake.
  5. 02:19:907 (3) - Exactly same suggestion as at 02:05:138 (3).
  6. 02:40:215 (2) - I think this flows better if you place this slider more over here imo:

    Really flawless! Just as I expected from you :3
  1. 00:01:908 (1) - This pattern flows much better if you place this note over here imo. Where it is now feels like.. forced to be there:
  2. 00:14:831 (5) - I suggest you to add a whistle here since it can be heard like a bell sound here.
  3. 00:18:292 (5) - Hmmm perhaps make this slider curved like this to make this pattern flow and look a bit better (at least that's what I think):
  4. 00:27:292 (2) - Hmm this is a minor detail. How about moving this slider more like this to make those 2 shapes look better together?:
  5. 00:42:061 (2,3) - I think that this pattern would flow better if you switch places in the timeline of these two sliders.
  6. 01:18:523 (3) - How about adding drums like in your easy diff? I think a clap-drum sound fits here. I'll not mention anymore drum suggestions :p try to apply these by yourself if you're going to, obviously xD
  7. 01:46:446 (5) - This blanket looks a bit bad since its border almost touch the border of the previous slider. I suggest you to move this slider to x:160 y:316.
  8. 01:59:138 (2) - ^ How about improving this blanket a bit too?:
  9. 02:10:907 (4,5) - This rhythm sounds weird. It doesn't follow the vocals at all. I think this rhythm fits much better with the music. I suggest you to try it to see if you like it:
  10. 02:13:446 (1) - This odd clap again like in your easy diff ;__;
  11. 02:18:753 (4) - I think this overlap would look better if you change the shape of this slider into a simple curved one, liike this:
  12. 02:26:138 (5) - I think that this note should be replaced with a short 1/2 slider :3 to follow the vocals. Just a suggestion!
  13. 02:35:599 (1) - Missing clap-drum here o.o? (ok this is the last thing i mention about drums xD and this time is for real)

    Wow so many spoilerboxes! well i think this diff can be polished a lot with some mods, to improve it aesthetically
  1. 00:02:600 (2) - I think that the whistle at the start of this slider would sound better at the end of it, not at the start.
  2. 00:06:753 - Consider adding a note here since it is your hardest diff of your mapset? just to keep following the music constantly and to make this difficulty a bit more challenging.
  3. 00:10:446 - ^
  4. 00:44:831 (1) - This note feels a bit forced where it is placed imo. I would rather place it like this to make the map flow more naturally:
  5. 00:54:061 (1) - This nc isn't really necessary imo. I think all of these notes are part of the same verse.
  6. 01:03:984 - Same stuff mentioned at 00:06:753.
  7. 01:18:754 (3) - How about making this shape curved like this to make prettier patterns :D?
  8. 01:41:600 (4) - Hmm why did you added whistle at the end istead of adding it at the start? I personally prefer how it sounds at the start
  9. 02:18:061 (3) - This blanket looks good but it kinda ruins the flow. I've spoted lots of cases like this one so it would be good if you take a look af these. If youre interested you can talk with me about it ingame :3
  10. 02:00:985 (6) - ^ but if you want to keep it, i would like to point out something veeery nazi. How about moving this note 1 grid to the left to make a perfect blanket?
  11. 02:08:599 - Same stuff about 00:10:446.

    I think this diff would flow better if it didn't have so many blankets. These look very good but I think they derail the playability of the difficulty. Also, I think this difficulty should be a bit more challenging but that's up to you. Overall, you did a good work! It's very pleasant to see your mapping style so different and better than before.
Star de confianza :3 buena suerte Mancu! respondé en español si querés, a mi me gusta moddear en inglés así se entiende.
Topic Starter

Kei wrote:

I'M FIIIIIIIIIRST! 8-) damn. OMG!!.. (you said me: 'will be short' if I'm not wrong! xD)

  1. Nothing! Perhaps consider adding some tags like "snow" or "winter"..? I'm not sure at all about this.. it is related to xmas but perhaps not related with the song at all. Not really, not all the Christmas song is totally relationed with Winter or Snow (like this), as you said. I'm fine with just xmas.
  1. 00:27:292 (2) - I think it would be better of you place this slider more like this to make a better pattern with the previous slider (in the image the slider (2) is at x412 y284. I also rotated it a bit to make the pattern look better): Okie.
  2. 01:55:446 (2,3) - Perhaps consider replacing these notes with a slider? I think it would be better to avoid various consecutive notes, you know :3 In general the map is based in Slider Patterns, I prefer to keep it as it is now. I think that 3 Notes in 1/1 will not cause problems.
  3. 02:05:138 (3) - Sort of similar suggestion mentioned about 00:27:292 (2): Fixed
  4. 02:13:446 (1) - What is this normal clap for? It doesn't fit with anything imo o.o you didn't use claps before so it sounds odd. I guess this is a little mistake.As i Said to Moody, the clap just emphatisize a bit the clap in the Intrumental, remove it and you will see that
  5. 02:19:907 (3) - Exactly same suggestion as at 02:05:138 (3). Done.
  6. 02:40:215 (2) - I think this flows better if you place this slider more over here imo: And the screenshoot?

    Really flawless! Just as I expected from you :3 Thanks ya!
  1. 00:01:908 (1) - This pattern flows much better if you place this note over here imo. Where it is now feels like.. forced to be there: Fixed a bit.
  2. 00:14:831 (5) - I suggest you to add a whistle here since it can be heard like a bell sound here. Hmm.. Ok.
  3. 00:18:292 (5) - Hmmm perhaps make this slider curved like this to make this pattern flow and look a bit better (at least that's what I think): The flow is similar, but looks much better your way. Fixed.
  4. 00:27:292 (2) - Hmm this is a minor detail. How about moving this slider more like this to make those 2 shapes look better together?: Hmm.. I'm fine with them :/
  5. 00:42:061 (2,3) - I think that this pattern would flow better if you switch places in the timeline of these two sliders. The flow is too similar, really. In addition I think that you can move better the mouse in my way.
  6. 01:18:523 (3) - How about adding drums like in your easy diff? I think a clap-drum sound fits here. I'll not mention anymore drum suggestions :p try to apply these by yourself if you're going to, obviously xD Added and added another Drum Claps :P
  7. 01:46:446 (5) - This blanket looks a bit bad since its border almost touch the border of the previous slider. I suggest you to move this slider to x:160 y:316. 1 Grid Up! Yey! xD. Moved anyways.
  8. 01:59:138 (2) - ^ How about improving this blanket a bit too?: Ok
  9. 02:10:907 (4,5) - This rhythm sounds weird. It doesn't follow the vocals at all. I think this rhythm fits much better with the music. I suggest you to try it to see if you like it: I'm following just the vocal here. I prefer to keep that as it is.
  10. 02:13:446 (1) - This odd clap again like in your easy diff ;__; Same response.
  11. 02:18:753 (4) - I think this overlap would look better if you change the shape of this slider into a simple curved one, liike this: Nah..this is just a simple thinks, i think that the overlap looks preety fine and playable. So, nope.
  12. 02:26:138 (5) - I think that this note should be replaced with a short 1/2 slider :3 to follow the vocals. Just a suggestion! Again, just following the Vocal.. there is no vocal on the Downbeat
  13. 02:35:599 (1) - Missing clap-drum here o.o? (ok this is the last thing i mention about drums xD and this time is for real) Meh.. Added

    Wow so many spoilerboxes! well i think this diff can be polished a lot with some mods, to improve it aesthetically
  1. 00:02:600 (2) - I think that the whistle at the start of this slider would sound better at the end of it, not at the start. Alright!
  2. 00:06:753 - Consider adding a note here since it is your hardest diff of your mapset? just to keep following the music constantly and to make this difficulty a bit more challenging.
  3. 00:10:446 - ^ I don't want any 1/2 spam, I think that both stops work fine with the music.
  4. 00:44:831 (1) - This note feels a bit forced where it is placed imo. I would rather place it like this to make the map flow more naturally: Oh.. no!. It doesn't look forced, if you look fine the Slider end is looking to up, and not to the down. The flow is really correct here.
  5. 00:54:061 (1) - This nc isn't really necessary imo. I think all of these notes are part of the same verse. Hmm.. Well, Removed
  6. 01:03:984 - Same stuff mentioned at 00:06:753. Same response.
  7. 01:18:754 (3) - How about making this shape curved like this to make prettier patterns :D? haha. Nice. Curved.
  8. 01:41:600 (4) - Hmm why did you added whistle at the end istead of adding it at the start? I personally prefer how it sounds at the start Oh.. I don't know what's happend here. Fixed.
  9. 02:18:061 (3) - This blanket looks good but it kinda ruins the flow. I've spoted lots of cases like this one so it would be good if you take a look af these. If youre interested you can talk with me about it ingame :3 I think that I understan. Fixed.
  10. 02:00:985 (6) - ^ but if you want to keep it, i would like to point out something veeery nazi. How about moving this note 1 grid to the left to make a perfect blanket? Fixed to increase the flow.
  11. 02:08:599 - Same stuff about 00:10:446. Again...

    I think this diff would flow better if it didn't have so many blankets. These look very good but I think they derail the playability of the difficulty. Also, I think this difficulty should be a bit more challenging but that's up to you. Overall, you did a good work! It's very pleasant to see your mapping style so different and better than before.
Star de confianza :3 buena suerte Mancu! respondé en español si querés, a mi me gusta moddear en inglés así se entiende.
Buee.. Respondi en Ingles tambien xD..
Como me encantan tus mods y tenes ganas de ser MAT, voy a hacer una pequeña critica constructiva para tus mods siguientes, algunas veces intenta entender un poco mas al mapper, revisar bien el map en general y luego mencionar algo que esta mal. Por ejemplo, en la Hard creo que debiste ver bien lo que queria seguir porque en general siempre hay stops de Vocal en esas partes, despues un par de cosas que dijiste en la Normal pasó lo mismo. Espero que te sirva esto a vos (como me sirvio a mi el mod :D).
Sigue asi y pronto te vere Violeta!! ;)
Hola mancuso newbie newbie mod


• 02:13:907 Aun tengo la duda de que porque solo en este lugar usaste clap diferente a todos los demas ?


• 00:00:062 (1,2) Tengo una mejor idea en cuanto hisounds , Porque no haces esto :
•00:00:062 (1) Quitale el Finish y ponle un whistle o simplemente solo.
•00:00:523 (2) Ponle el Finish solamente al comienzo del slider
En mi opinion suena mucho mejor
• 00:50:830 (3) Este ritmo realmente no lo siento como la musica , yo preferiria que lo hagas de esta manera
Y bueno si lo haces asi ^ , Pon un Finish al final y el reverse del slider y en el circle va con la musica y suena bien


• 00:00:062 (1,2) Lo mismo que en Easy
• 00:08:831 (3) Solo es una sugerencia , cuando la jugue como que se me hace un poco raro sentirla con la musica , no seria mejor si
la mueves aqui 00:09:061


• 00:13:215 (x) Talvez podrias agregar un circle aca ?

No me gusta el Drum

Como sabes aun no soy bueno modeando pero ahi le voy , Suerte con el rank :)
IRC modding for the Easy, Normal, and the mapset in general. Here's the chatlog below.

00:17 Roddie: okay the mapset in general
00:17 Roddie: i'd say its best to remove the letterbox
00:17 Roddie: during the breaks, it looks badly represented imo
00:18 mancusojuanmattos: Oh.. Agree.
00:18 mancusojuanmattos: my BG looks better in the break without it
00:18 Roddie: yes :D
00:18 Roddie: okay, as for the combo colors
00:19 mancusojuanmattos: tell me..
00:21 Roddie: it's probably a good idea to replace the 4th combo color. maybe something... pink? xD
00:22 Roddie: here's the color pattern that is selected
00:22 Roddie:
00:23 mancusojuanmattos: I find it well the light brown, I find it coherent with the BG
00:23 Roddie: just a suggestion. you don't have to do it if you don't feel comfortable about it
00:23 Roddie: ah okay
00:23 mancusojuanmattos: Combo 1 is a pink, so I prefer to leave it as it is
00:23 Roddie: k
00:24 Roddie: on easy
00:24 Roddie: 00:56:369-A new combo could be fitting there. try it out!
00:25 mancusojuanmattos: that's true
00:25 mancusojuanmattos: Added.
00:25 Roddie: moving on to normal
00:26 mancusojuanmattos: oh..
00:26 Roddie: what is it?
00:27 mancusojuanmattos: the Easy was fast, just this xD
00:27 Roddie: oh, yea
00:27 Roddie: lol
00:28 Roddie: okay, on normal
00:28 Roddie: 02:26:830 (1)-Did you leave the spacing on this intentionally?
00:28 Roddie: imo, its best to keep the spacing consistent for this normal diff
00:29 mancusojuanmattos: since it is 3/2 between (5,1), I think that a little 'jump' will not cause a problem
00:30 mancusojuanmattos: btw, I did that for a bit of symetry
00:32 mancusojuanmattos: connection problem..
00:32 Roddie: its fine
00:32 mancusojuanmattos: I don't know if you responsed me something
00:32 mancusojuanmattos: do you?
00:32 Roddie: i was going to then you d/c
00:32 Roddie: i was about to say far enough
00:32 mancusojuanmattos: d/c?
00:33 Roddie: disconnected
00:33 mancusojuanmattos: oh.. did you read my response?
00:34 Roddie: oh yeah I did
00:35 mancusojuanmattos: oh.. wait, I will fix it xD
00:35 Roddie: okay, sure
00:35 Roddie: one more question I got to ask and this is out of curiousity
00:36 Roddie: 02:13:446 (1)-Why a normal clap on the end?
00:36 mancusojuanmattos: fixed and..
00:36 mancusojuanmattos: this part is weird, if you remove the Clap you will listen the same sound in the Instrumental
00:37 mancusojuanmattos: it is in the only part where this sound appear
00:37 mancusojuanmattos: my Normal Clap just emphatisize a bit this sound
00:37 Roddie: ah now I hear it
00:37 Roddie: very good sir!
00:38 mancusojuanmattos: in other parts like 02:17:599 (2)- appear but much lower than the first one.. So, I could cover it with
00:38 mancusojuanmattos: the Normal sampleset
00:38 mancusojuanmattos: :3
00:43 Roddie: okay
00:43 Roddie: thank you for sharing that info
00:43 Roddie: oh and that's it
00:43 mancusojuanmattos: No problem and Thanks.

Here, have a star on me.
Topic Starter

XinCrin wrote:

Hola mancuso newbie newbie mod


• 02:13:907 Aun tengo la duda de que porque solo en este lugar usaste clap diferente a todos los demas ? Todo el mundo me lo pregunta, quitalo y te vas a dar cuenta que aparece en el Instrumental y es la unica vez que aparece en toda la cancion. Mi Clap tan solo enfatiza un poco, lo que escuchas es de la musica principalmente.


• 00:00:062 (1,2) Tengo una mejor idea en cuanto hisounds , Porque no haces esto : Sabes una cosa. Estoy completamente de acuerdo contigo, suena mucho mejor. Bien hecho :3. Fixed.
•00:00:062 (1) Quitale el Finish y ponle un whistle o simplemente solo.
•00:00:523 (2) Ponle el Finish solamente al comienzo del slider
En mi opinion suena mucho mejor
• 00:50:830 (3) Este ritmo realmente no lo siento como la musica , yo preferiria que lo hagas de esta manera Cierto. Arreglado
Y bueno si lo haces asi ^ , Pon un Finish al final y el reverse del slider y en el circle va con la musica y suena bien


• 00:00:062 (1,2) Lo mismo que en Easy Hecho
• 00:08:831 (3) Solo es una sugerencia , cuando la jugue como que se me hace un poco raro sentirla con la musica , no seria mejor si
la mueves aqui 00:09:061 Suena coherente. Movida


• 00:13:215 (x) Talvez podrias agregar un circle aca ? No realmente, no ahi, asi que spammearia de 1/2s innecesariamente

No me gusta el Drum Ya te acostumbraras

Como sabes aun no soy bueno modeando pero ahi le voy , Suerte con el rank :)
Hice la mayoria de lo que me dijiste. Gracias Xin

Roddie wrote:

IRC modding for the Easy, Normal, and the mapset in general. Here's the chatlog below.

00:17 Roddie: okay the mapset in general
00:17 Roddie: i'd say its best to remove the letterbox
00:17 Roddie: during the breaks, it looks badly represented imo
00:18 mancusojuanmattos: Oh.. Agree.
00:18 mancusojuanmattos: my BG looks better in the break without it
00:18 Roddie: yes :D
00:18 Roddie: okay, as for the combo colors
00:19 mancusojuanmattos: tell me..
00:21 Roddie: it's probably a good idea to replace the 4th combo color. maybe something... pink? xD
00:22 Roddie: here's the color pattern that is selected
00:22 Roddie:
00:23 mancusojuanmattos: I find it well the light brown, I find it coherent with the BG
00:23 Roddie: just a suggestion. you don't have to do it if you don't feel comfortable about it
00:23 Roddie: ah okay
00:23 mancusojuanmattos: Combo 1 is a pink, so I prefer to leave it as it is
00:23 Roddie: k
00:24 Roddie: on easy
00:24 Roddie: 00:56:369-A new combo could be fitting there. try it out!
00:25 mancusojuanmattos: that's true
00:25 mancusojuanmattos: Added.
00:25 Roddie: moving on to normal
00:26 mancusojuanmattos: oh..
00:26 Roddie: what is it?
00:27 mancusojuanmattos: the Easy was fast, just this xD
00:27 Roddie: oh, yea
00:27 Roddie: lol
00:28 Roddie: okay, on normal
00:28 Roddie: 02:26:830 (1)-Did you leave the spacing on this intentionally?
00:28 Roddie: imo, its best to keep the spacing consistent for this normal diff
00:29 mancusojuanmattos: since it is 3/2 between (5,1), I think that a little 'jump' will not cause a problem
00:30 mancusojuanmattos: btw, I did that for a bit of symetry
00:32 mancusojuanmattos: connection problem..
00:32 Roddie: its fine
00:32 mancusojuanmattos: I don't know if you responsed me something
00:32 mancusojuanmattos: do you?
00:32 Roddie: i was going to then you d/c
00:32 Roddie: i was about to say far enough
00:32 mancusojuanmattos: d/c?
00:33 Roddie: disconnected
00:33 mancusojuanmattos: oh.. did you read my response?
00:34 Roddie: oh yeah I did
00:35 mancusojuanmattos: oh.. wait, I will fix it xD
00:35 Roddie: okay, sure
00:35 Roddie: one more question I got to ask and this is out of curiousity
00:36 Roddie: 02:13:446 (1)-Why a normal clap on the end?
00:36 mancusojuanmattos: fixed and..
00:36 mancusojuanmattos: this part is weird, if you remove the Clap you will listen the same sound in the Instrumental
00:37 mancusojuanmattos: it is in the only part where this sound appear
00:37 mancusojuanmattos: my Normal Clap just emphatisize a bit this sound
00:37 Roddie: ah now I hear it
00:37 Roddie: very good sir!
00:38 mancusojuanmattos: in other parts like 02:17:599 (2)- appear but much lower than the first one.. So, I could cover it with
00:38 mancusojuanmattos: the Normal sampleset
00:38 mancusojuanmattos: :3
00:43 Roddie: okay
00:43 Roddie: thank you for sharing that info
00:43 Roddie: oh and that's it
00:43 mancusojuanmattos: No problem and Thanks.

Here, have a star on me.
Thanks for the IRC and the Star Rod!! :3

Because of english song <3


00:20:369- if i were you i will copy previous slider to 3. slider
00:55:446- unnecessary finish


00:04:215- finish at the last
00:57:061- circle should move to 172.116



  1. Not sure if tick rate 1 fits better, or it's just me. >.</ Anyway, try tick rate 1 and I think you will like it :)
  2. Enable letterbox during breaks? It just looks/plays better to me.
  3. add tags Very Special because this song is a part of A Very Special Christmas 7 album. le wiki
  4. I'd reduce volue of the second redline. Feels too loud. Try 70% instead?
  5. Song fades out too fast, imo. Such a nice song and such a quick end! I want mooooooreeeeeeee >.</
  1. 00:00:523 (2) - same for all diffs - since there's red point - it would be reasonable to point it out with new combo.
  2. 00:10:446 - I've read your previous reply, but I think that this beat NEEDS note. remember, that you don't spam as long - as it fits! But if you still disagree, try moving (5) 1/2 later. I think it will work fine, too
  3. 00:20:369 (1) - nazi - your style looks better now, but I still miss some of your good-old-mancuso's-style patterns. Try to do it the same shape as 00:19:446 (2) - just to be symmetrical.
  4. 01:27:292 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - nazi (flow) - it plays a bit confusing to me even with NC. I'd try something different :) 1 is hidden under (1). It gives better, imo.
  1. distance between 1/1 notes looks too long, but anyway, we cant'f fix it now.
  2. 00:27:292 (2) - I understand yor rhythm but it feels weird when vocal starts at 00:27:523 - it feels a bit weird. try 1/2 slider started at 00:27:523.
  3. 01:25:215 - how about beat here? Usually stacks here means 1/2 notes, so be consistent! put 1/2 notes here! It will fit with the music, too :)
  4. 01:27:984 - I;d put circle here to follow vocals, it sunds good, imo. Try it!
  5. 02:25:446 (4) - gives weird flow because there's beat at 02:25:215 - and players will probably start this slider in a wrong way.
  1. Song is quie long. I'd use here two breaks here, because beginners need some time for rest :)

Good map :)
sorry for delay



00:11:599 (1) - move to center and stack on 00:07:907 (1) - ? of course 00:10:215 (4) - moving to little set some note on center. it is more good.
00:26:369 (1,2) - move to anti clockwise and 00:29:138 (3) - make more better blanket how about...
02:13:446 (1) - this sliders end,I think Drum clap is better
02:41:138 (1) - finish is little noisy. maybe remove it ?

00:01:908 (1) - remove nc
00:02:369 (2) - add nc
00:04:677 (4,1) - ^ your pattern is little confusing.
00:25:907 (7) - make straight line its good flow
02:13:446 (1) - same as easy
02:41:138 (1) - ^

00:03:292 (3) - make better blanket
00:20:369 (1) - change to same form as 00:19:446 (2)
01:16:677 (7) - add more way point and make smooth slider
02:13:677 (1) - same as easy
02:41:254 (1) - ^

That's all good map
Me gustaria poder ayudar con algo pero aun soy demasiadooooooooo noob para modear el mapa de un MAT futuro BAT ;___;
Solo te puedo dejar algunas estrellas :3
Suerte mancu-sensei o3o!


Hi M4M ! (^∇^)

Combo 3 and Combo 4 are quite similar. Maybe change it a bit...


01:06:523 Add a circle here to keep the rhythm :)
01:48:523 Same here
02:13:446 (1) - Slider End: Remove normal clap here since you didn't use it before.. // It doesn't fit.
02:41:138 (1) - Make the finish at the end a bit more silent.. EDIT: The green point is unsnapped! That's the problem.


00:52:215 (1) - Remove New Combo and put it....
00:52:676 (2) - here!
01:24:523 (4,1) - Could be a bit confusing for normal ;)
02:13:446 (1) - Same here as in Normal
02:41:138 (1) - ^ :)


02:13:677 (1) - The clap problem here again...

Nice sliders, good flow. Ready for rank! :)

That's it! If you have any questions ask them via PM or ingame!
Topic Starter
to Helldawn

HellDawn wrote:

Because of english song <3


00:20:369- if i were you i will copy previous slider to 3. slider Nah.. I prefer to give another touch instead of the simple simetry. Fixed because 2 users said me the same thing, and because it doesn't look bad.
00:55:446- unnecessary finish It follows the Guitar properly


00:04:215- finish at the last Ok
00:57:061- circle should move to 172.116 Ok


Thanks for the mod, man! :)

to -Bakari-

-Bakari- wrote:

Hi~ hey!

  1. Not sure if tick rate 1 fits better, or it's just me. >.</ Anyway, try tick rate 1 and I think you will like it :) I think that Tick Rate 2 fits better this song.
  2. Enable letterbox during breaks? It just looks/plays better to me. Talked with Roddie (he said me to disable it), and I did agree because my BG looks better without it
  3. add tags Very Special because this song is a part of A Very Special Christmas 7 album. Why not? addedle wiki
  4. I'd reduce volue of the second redline. Feels too loud. Try 70% instead? it sounds kinda low to me with 70% :/, I prefer to leave it as it is.
  5. Song fades out too fast, imo. Such a nice song and such a quick end! I want mooooooreeeeeeee >.</
  1. 00:00:523 (2) - same for all diffs - since there's red point - it would be reasonable to point it out with new combo. Ok, added
  2. 00:10:446 - I've read your previous reply, but I think that this beat NEEDS note. remember, that you don't spam as long - as it fits! But if you still disagree, try moving (5) 1/2 later. I think it will work fine, too Listen a bit better the music the more reasonable thing here is adding a Slider starting here and finishing in 00:10:907, there is a long 'sound' in the Instrumental. So, I did that.
  3. 00:20:369 (1) - nazi - your style looks better now, but I still miss some of your good-old-mancuso's-style patterns. Try to do it the same shape as 00:19:446 (2) - just to be symmetrical. Ok, Fixed
  4. 01:27:292 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - nazi (flow) - it plays a bit confusing to me even with NC. I'd try something different :) 1 is hidden under (1). It gives better, imo. It plays bad for me, to be sincere. This pattern produce a bad overlap with my previous Combo pattern and this doesn't flow that good really.

  1. distance between 1/1 notes looks too long, but anyway, we cant'f fix it now.
  2. 00:27:292 (2) - I understand yor rhythm but it feels weird when vocal starts at 00:27:523 - it feels a bit weird. try 1/2 slider started at 00:27:523. Fixed
  3. 01:25:215 - how about beat here? Usually stacks here means 1/2 notes, so be consistent! put 1/2 notes here! It will fit with the music, too :) Nah.. in this map I didn't use Stacked notes to represent my 1/2 patterns, so could be hard to read for an average player. Leave this as it is.
  4. 01:27:984 - I;d put circle here to follow vocals, it sunds good, imo. Try it! No, could be a bit hard for an average players if I do that. so, no change.
  5. 02:25:446 (4) - gives weird flow because there's beat at 02:25:215 - and players will probably start this slider in a wrong way. It is not an easy that we have to see all the points hard to read. There is a 1/1 stop, I think that an average player is able to read this, and a weird flow?, I don't think so.
  1. Song is quie long. I'd use here two breaks here, because beginners need some time for rest :)

Good map :)
Thanks for the useful mod as always you did, Baka! :P

to Laurier

Laurier wrote:

sorry for delay Nah.. Don't worry :P



00:11:599 (1) - move to center and stack on 00:07:907 (1) - ? of course 00:10:215 (4) - moving to little set some note on center. it is more good. Just moved to the center, I think that it is unnecesary stack with the first (1) because there are 3 sec. between these Objects, and it is relative a nazi thing.
00:26:369 (1,2) - move to anti clockwise and 00:29:138 (3) - make more better blanket how about... Fixed, I guess
02:13:446 (1) - this sliders end,I think Drum clap is better I'm kinda tired mentioning this Clap, remove the Normal Clap and you will notice why I added
02:41:138 (1) - finish is little noisy. maybe remove it ? Nope, it is appearing in the Instrumental too.

00:01:908 (1) - remove nc
00:02:369 (2) - add nc I did another thing (mentioned by Bakari)
00:04:677 (4,1) - ^ your pattern is little confusing. Ok.
00:25:907 (7) - make straight line its good flow Done
02:13:446 (1) - same as easy
02:41:138 (1) - ^ Same response in both cases

00:03:292 (3) - make better blanket I prefer mine because provides a better flow
00:20:369 (1) - change to same form as 00:19:446 (2) Fixed (3rd people in mentioned that)
01:16:677 (7) - add more way point and make smooth slider I prefer the Circular Slider here.
02:13:677 (1) - same as easy
02:41:254 (1) - ^ No and No.

That's all good map
Thanks Laurier :3.

to Deni

Deni wrote:


Hi M4M ! (^∇^)

Combo 3 and Combo 4 are quite similar. Maybe change it a bit... Is not the same, I can see the difference


01:06:523 Add a circle here to keep the rhythm :) It is ok if I have a rest moment in an Easy diff.
01:48:523 Same here ^
02:13:446 (1) - Slider End: Remove normal clap here since you didn't use it before.. // It doesn't fit. Omg... Read the previous posts, please!
02:41:138 (1) - Make the finish at the end a bit more silent.. EDIT: The green point is unsnapped! That's the problem. Done!


00:52:215 (1) - Remove New Combo and put it....
00:52:676 (2) - here! Not really, is not consistent with my comboing.
01:24:523 (4,1) - Could be a bit confusing for normal ;) I think that the Slider is the best way, is not that thing to cause a confuse, a Normal player can read a Stack properly
02:13:446 (1) - Same here as in Normal No Change
02:41:138 (1) - ^ :) Fixed.


02:13:677 (1) - The clap problem here again... No Change.

Nice sliders, good flow. Ready for rank! :)

That's it! If you have any questions ask them via PM or ingame!
Thanks for mod, Deni. I'll mod your map then!
Btw, Thanks for the Stars Yue:3

Thanks for those helpful mods! Updated!!
Such a mod hacker.

as per your request ;)

fine !

00:35:599 (5) - why place on that point ? even its curve goes well with 00:37:446 (1) - but it still plays strange between 00:35:138 (4) - and 00:35:599 (5) - though
if you decided to change it, please move 00:35:599 (5) - on the same position as 00:33:753 (1) - and ctrl+shift+r and move around -11 degree by selection centre to make it proper with the 00:37:446 (1) - 's tail
02:12:061 (3) - maybe this slider's tail can go well with drum sampleset with adding clap, I tried once and it sounds same as the music actually sounds
02:16:676 (5) - add clap here ? to correspond with 02:13:446 (1) - 's tail
02:41:138 (1) - eh.. last green line wasn't snapped correctly (that's why the 30 volume doesn't work), snap it please
(162985 to 162984) -1 -_-"

02:04:215 (3) - not a big deal ,(still don't want to ruin the well symmetry there) from the 02:03:292 (2) - , it follows the vocal and 02:06:984 (3,4) - also follows the vocal surely, I would like to see following vocal rhythm on this too by moving 02:03:984 (3) - back 1/2 and extend slider to the 02:04:676 (old one)
02:11:830 (5) - end with normal sample set? I think it fits well with the snare in the music
02:21:753 (2,3) - same idea, would like to move (3) back 1/2 to make it go along with vocal well (it's the logic of this for now ! hope you change it)

02:06:523 (2) - start this slider with normal sample please, it sounds very empty here
02:36:292 (3) - move down about 2 grid would be the best because the curve almost touches 02:36:061 (2) - and doesn't look good imo

Good luck : )
hello mancusojuanmattos :3

thank you for the request~

here my mod~

  1. fine very clean song folder =v=
  1. 00:16:676 (2) - add whistle to end of the slider. constant whistle is good here like 00:19:907 (2,3,4,5). or 00:18:061 (4) - remove whistle to start of the slider, if remove here. I think the big white tick that you should put whistle as other
  2. 00:26:369 (1,2,3) - It is not bad. However, i think some flows of 00:27:292 (2,3) are not natural. so the form that I suggest here
  3. 00:46:215 (2) - this slider, chage to two circles. I think this is the best flow, and appropriate to the symmetrical :3
  4. 00:50:830 (3,1) - I prefer this finish pattern. but 00:50:830 (3) - As for me, it is audible in this repeat part o.o so i suggest to use the finish instead of whistle. and It is better when you give a volume change ( so for ex: 80⇒90% ). and 00:47:138 (3,4) - Here it is the same pattern. I suggest that you do it in the same way o.o?
  5. 01:06:984 (1) - add whistle to end of the slider? The pattern that it matches 01:09:753 (3) - start whistle.
  6. 01:11:599 (2,3,4) - Better to be aligned parallel you look beautiful. ( 01:12:523 (3) - x184,y192 )
  7. 01:16:676 (4) - nazi. slider use 01:15:753 (3) - copy and Ctrl+c,v,h,j,g is better than now( ctrl+c,v,h)
  8. 01:40:215 (1,2,3,4,1) - I think center position here is very good looking.
  9. 02:13:446 (1) - remove clap to end of the slider. I feel that it is not fit a little to use it for a sound only for here. That is too high-pitched tone clap to this song. As said frostmoune, It may come to be fit if I use it moderately :P
  10. 02:24:523 (1,2) - Suggestion of the rhythm: ( Exchange of the rhythm ) I thoght repeat part more fit than now >< It is not necessary if you do not come to mind to change placement. I do not have an idea, too :P
  11. 02:36:523 (3,4,5,6,1,2) - This simple straight form a little lonely in the last part o.o? For example, how is such a form? ans then↓
  1. If you use OD,HD5 in Hard, I think that OD,HD3 is better for normal. Since it has already enough difficulty >.<
  2. 00:14:831 (5) - why whistle here ? yep. Probably clap(normal hitsound) do not match it o.o? but I suggest that you use clap(normal hitsound) here, and 00:15:061 (x) - add note ( and add drum clap ). clap will come to be audible naturally~ >_<!
  3. 00:16:677 (3) - add whistle to end of the slider. reason same as Easy diff.
  4. 00:38:369 (3,4,5) - Rhythm is slightly different compared to the previous note. 00:30:984 (3,4,5) - 00:35:138 (3,4,5,6,7) - I suggest that along the vocal as these. so for ex like this:
  5. 00:50:369 (4,5,1) - and 00:47:599 (5,1) - same as Easy 00:50:830 (3,1). 00:47:138 (3,4). 00:50:369 (4) - add whistle to end of the slider at least~
  6. 00:57:061 (3) - very nazi. one grid left. Appearance of the DS
  7. 02:13:446 (1) - same as Easy diff.
  8. 02:25:446 (4,5,1) - Suggestion of the rhythm: This is the first time rhythm. i mean 02:26:138 (5,1) - red tick⇒white tick rhythm. I thought and suggested that this might get a wrong timing by a play. :P
  9. 02:35:599 (1) - add finish instead to clap(normal hitsound) to end of the slider. have a finish sound here and same as Easy diff ~
  1. 00:00:062 (1) - Why is it that only hard has finish here o.o? You should put all it together because it is the first ?
  2. 00:14:369 (6,7,1) - same as Normal 00:14:831 (5).
  3. 00:43:446 (1,2,3) - normalsound is unexpectedly bigger than softsound. 00:44:369 (3) - I felt that last 3 consecutive normalsound was very bigger than others. so i suggest 00:44:369 (3) - remove nromalsound to 1st repeat of the slider, and add normalsound to end of the slider. I hear this more naturally. or It is better if you adjusted to gradually raise the volume.
  4. 00:51:292 (6,1) - same as Easy 00:50:830 (3,1).
  5. 02:03:292 (4) - Ctrl+G. i think it will better the flow more
  6. 02:12:292 (3) - Suggestion of the form: and also 02:13:677 (1,2,3) - this flow suggest.
  7. 02:13:677 (1) - same as Easy 02:13:446 (1).
  8. 02:27:061 (5) - I thought this whistle was not necessary in a continuous note pattern.
  9. 02:37:446 (1,2) - 02:39:292 (1,2,3,4) - I thought that you did not put a jump till the last o.o! haha xD but It's no problem. I just said :D
very neat map. Only small suggestion~

Star☆ and Good luck~ :)
Topic Starter
to Frost

Frostmourne wrote:

as per your request ;)

fine !

00:35:599 (5) - why place on that point ? even its curve goes well with 00:37:446 (1) - but it still plays strange between 00:35:138 (4) - and 00:35:599 (5) - though
if you decided to change it, please move 00:35:599 (5) - on the same position as 00:33:753 (1) - and ctrl+shift+r and move around -11 degree by selection centre to make it proper with the 00:37:446 (1) - 's tail Broke the Symetry and fix on your way because flow much better
02:12:061 (3) - maybe this slider's tail can go well with drum sampleset with adding clap, I tried once and it sounds same as the music actually sounds Ok, Done
02:16:676 (5) - add clap here ? to correspond with 02:13:446 (1) - 's tail Not really, is not exactly the same.
02:41:138 (1) - eh.. last green line wasn't snapped correctly (that's why the 30 volume doesn't work), snap it please Didn't I do that before? xD.. Fixed.
(162985 to 162984) -1 -_-"

02:04:215 (3) - not a big deal ,(still don't want to ruin the well symmetry there) from the 02:03:292 (2) - , it follows the vocal and 02:06:984 (3,4) - also follows the vocal surely, I would like to see following vocal rhythm on this too by moving 02:03:984 (3) - back 1/2 and extend slider to the 02:04:676 (old one) Follows the Instrumental here, i don't want to put a tones of 1/2 in this difficulty, I think that it is enough with 1/2s that I added
02:11:830 (5) - end with normal sample set? I think it fits well with the snare in the music I missed that. Added
02:21:753 (2,3) - same idea, would like to move (3) back 1/2 to make it go along with vocal well (it's the logic of this for now ! hope you change it) Same as before

02:06:523 (2) - start this slider with normal sample please, it sounds very empty here Added
02:36:292 (3) - move down about 2 grid would be the best because the curve almost touches 02:36:061 (2) - and doesn't look good imo Fixed then

Good luck : )
Thanks man! :3

to kosiga

kosiga wrote:

hello mancusojuanmattos :3 Hi :)

thank you for the request~

here my mod~

  1. fine very clean song folder =v=
  1. 00:16:676 (2) - add whistle to end of the slider. constant whistle is good here like 00:19:907 (2,3,4,5). or 00:18:061 (4) - remove whistle to start of the slider, if remove here. I think the big white tick that you should put whistle as other Ok, Added
  2. 00:26:369 (1,2,3) - It is not bad. However, i think some flows of 00:27:292 (2,3) are not natural. so the form that I suggest here Oh.. nice. Fixed with your code.
  3. 00:46:215 (2) - this slider, chage to two circles. I think this is the best flow, and appropriate to the symmetrical :3 I don't think so, to be sincere. The vocal becomes long instead of 2 different points. So, I prefer to keep it as it is.
  4. 00:50:830 (3,1) - I prefer this finish pattern. but 00:50:830 (3) - As for me, it is audible in this repeat part o.o so i suggest to use the finish instead of whistle. and It is better when you give a volume change ( so for ex: 80⇒90% ). and 00:47:138 (3,4) - Here it is the same pattern. I suggest that you do it in the same way o.o? At the end I used Finish in bot cases (but I don't feel necesary the volume reduce)
  5. 01:06:984 (1) - add whistle to end of the slider? The pattern that it matches 01:09:753 (3) - start whistle. Oke
  6. 01:11:599 (2,3,4) - Better to be aligned parallel you look beautiful. ( 01:12:523 (3) - x184,y192 ) Ok, Done.
  7. 01:16:676 (4) - nazi. slider use 01:15:753 (3) - copy and Ctrl+c,v,h,j,g is better than now( ctrl+c,v,h) I prefer to leave as it is. I like how it flows specially.
  8. 01:40:215 (1,2,3,4,1) - I think center position here is very good looking. Done
  9. 02:13:446 (1) - remove clap to end of the slider. I feel that it is not fit a little to use it for a sound only for here. That is too high-pitched tone clap to this song. As said frostmoune, It may come to be fit if I use it moderately :P I don't want, I really don't want. Listen the music properly deleting the Clap from there, and you will notice why I don't want to remove it.
  10. 02:24:523 (1,2) - Suggestion of the rhythm: ( Exchange of the rhythm ) I thoght repeat part more fit than now >< It is not necessary if you do not come to mind to change placement. I do not have an idea, too :P Sincerely, I totally agree with you, fits better with the vocal specially. Fixed
  11. 02:36:523 (3,4,5,6,1,2) - This simple straight form a little lonely in the last part o.o? For example, how is such a form? ans then↓omg.. this flow perfectly and looks really fine. I liked it, fixed! :3
  1. If you use OD,HD5 in Hard, I think that OD,HD3 is better for normal. Since it has already enough difficulty >.< Sounds coherent. Rearranged.
  2. 00:14:831 (5) - why whistle here ? yep. Probably clap(normal hitsound) do not match it o.o? but I suggest that you use clap(normal hitsound) here, and 00:15:061 (x) - add note ( and add drum clap ). clap will come to be audible naturally~ >_<! Added the Normal Hitsound, but I don't agree with the Note suggestion, there is not a big thing to remark there
  3. 00:16:677 (3) - add whistle to end of the slider. reason same as Easy diff. Added
  4. 00:38:369 (3,4,5) - Rhythm is slightly different compared to the previous note. 00:30:984 (3,4,5) - 00:35:138 (3,4,5,6,7) - I suggest that along the vocal as these. so for ex like this: I don't agree about that. in a normal i think that the usage of constanstly 1/2 is not necesary because follow the music properly
  5. 00:50:369 (4,5,1) - and 00:47:599 (5,1) - same as Easy 00:50:830 (3,1). 00:47:138 (3,4). 00:50:369 (4) - add whistle to end of the slider at least~ Done.
  6. 00:57:061 (3) - very nazi. one grid left. Appearance of the DS haha. Moved anyways :P
  7. 02:13:446 (1) - same as Easy diff. Sameas Easy.
  8. 02:25:446 (4,5,1) - Suggestion of the rhythm: This is the first time rhythm. i mean 02:26:138 (5,1) - red tick⇒white tick rhythm. I thought and suggested that this might get a wrong timing by a play. :P I really think that it is ok for a Normal, I'm just following a part of the Vocal. So, I prefer to leave it as it is.
  9. 02:35:599 (1) - add finish instead to clap(normal hitsound) to end of the slider. have a finish sound here and same as Easy diff ~ The Cymbals are acting there, so the finish is the most coherent hitsound here.
  1. 00:00:062 (1) - Why is it that only hard has finish here o.o? You should put all it together because it is the first ? I had this in all diffs.. I forget to delete it here, deleted now.
  2. 00:14:369 (6,7,1) - same as Normal 00:14:831 (5). Done.
  3. 00:43:446 (1,2,3) - normalsound is unexpectedly bigger than softsound. 00:44:369 (3) - I felt that last 3 consecutive normalsound was very bigger than others. so i suggest 00:44:369 (3) - remove nromalsound to 1st repeat of the slider, and add normalsound to end of the slider. I hear this more naturally. or It is better if you adjusted to gradually raise the volume. Reduced the Volume since the 1st 1/4 Slider, I think that it is the best way.
  4. 00:51:292 (6,1) - same as Easy 00:50:830 (3,1).
  5. 02:03:292 (4) - Ctrl+G. i think it will better the flow more Agree
  6. 02:12:292 (3) - Suggestion of the form: and also 02:13:677 (1,2,3) - this flow suggest. The flow is really a bit better, the change is not necesary to have a really ugly overlap between (3,2) to increase the Symetry just a bit.
  7. 02:13:677 (1) - same as Easy 02:13:446 (1). No changes
  8. 02:27:061 (5) - I thought this whistle was not necessary in a continuous note pattern. Removed
  9. 02:37:446 (1,2) - 02:39:292 (1,2,3,4) - I thought that you did not put a jump till the last o.o! haha xD but It's no problem. I just said :D Since it is the end, i decided to add a thing a bit challenging :P
very neat map. Only small suggestion~

Star☆ and Good luck~ :)
Thanks for your useful mod, kosiga! (and for the Star too.) :D

Thanks for both mods again guys
Te lo debia :p

01:53:599 (3) - Esta muy cerca de la orilla, incluso topa con ello
02:39:292 (1) - Podrias mover masel punto final del slider a direccion del stick 02:37:907 (5)

00:26:369 (1,2,3) - Se ve mas hermoso así
01:25:446 (1) - Me confundi en el ritmo, podrias moverlo para reconocer mas el AR?

00:57:754 (4) -
Topic Starter

Cristian wrote:

Te lo debia :p haha, me parece bien :3

01:53:599 (3) - Esta muy cerca de la orilla, incluso topa con ello El editor lo exagera un poco, si testeas el map, vas a ver que esta en la pantalla correctamente.
02:39:292 (1) - Podrias mover masel punto final del slider a direccion del stick 02:37:907 (5) Hmm.. nah. Me gusta asi como esta.

00:26:369 (1,2,3) - Se ve mas hermoso así haha, cierto. Se ve mas hermoso, asi que hecho
01:25:446 (1) - Me confundi en el ritmo, podrias moverlo para reconocer mas el AR? Es donde fluye mejor para mi, igual queda a consideracion si alguien mas lo menciona.

00:57:754 (4) - Por que no? Hecho
Gracias Kuri!
I hope this won't be a nazi-modding your maps are perfect :P


maybe add a little sb or part of skin...
drum-hitclap has high volume in all the 3 difficulties is better to make lower volume when used that hitsound in my opinion
add winter, present and other tags connected with christmas


00:52:676 (2,3) - Not perfect symmetrical :P
01:11:138 (1) - I don't like this up... Move more left and down
02:06:984 (3) - A better blanket? o:


00:03:754 (5) - Maybe is confusing for a normal :/
00:29:138 (5) - ^
01:25:446 (1) - better stack (I'm feeling so nazimodder çAç)

Hard is perfect D: Good job mancuso :D
02:13:907 - Wtf is that Clap in all diffs ? ;-;

Perfect as always ..
Modding as requested :)
Christmas song~~

Black is suggestion
Blue is highly recommended
Red is unrankable

i book that 5-star rating on the mp3~ you must really like the song ;)
dat kiai time

01:18:061 (1) - add a drum clap on this? (if you apply it, do it on every diff for consistency)
01:20:830 (4) - this can blanket 01:18:984 (3) better
01:53:599 (3) - wow this note is almost touching the lower boarder (it will touch the hp bar oh hr)...if you can move it up 1 grid or 2 somehow that will be great
02:06:061 (1) - drum clap if you did the first one
02:13:446 (1) - yeah i agree to the previous post, that but just the normal-hitnormal? (for all diffs as well)
02:35:599 (1,2) - make this a repeat slider like 02:31:907 (1)? that hitsounding seems really cool, it needs to be used again 8-)

00:47:599 (5) - finish on slider end? Its supposed to follow the two-finish pattern you have
00:57:292 (4) - move this 2 grid right to get a perfect triangle (you can adjust the curve on the bottom for ds)
01:25:446 (1) - overlap like this on a normal? others usually tell me not to do it, but in this case it plays ok so i guess fine?
01:42:984 (4) - whistle on end
01:59:138 (2,3) - this one plays better like this imo
02:35:599 (1) - finish on end

00:03:985 (5) - finish on end
00:11:369 (1) - ^
00:29:138 (7) - based on what i hear in the music you should change this to a repeat slider
00:48:062 (8) - finish on head
01:40:215 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - judging from the prominence of the music, the first measure should have the 1/1 circles while the second measure with the 1/2 least that seems more intuitive imo
02:26:254 (10) - put a normal-hitnormal either on this or 02:26:369 (1), makes it sound better
02:27:292 (6) - also a normal-hitnormal on the slider head seems good too (makes it similar to 00:43:446 (1,2,3))

Very great map! I can barely find any notable issues.
Good luck on ranking ^_^
Topic Starter
to Roxas

Roxas wrote:

I hope this won't be a nazi-modding your maps are perfect :P


maybe add a little sb or part of skin...
drum-hitclap has high volume in all the 3 difficulties is better to make lower volume when used that hitsound in my opinion Hmm.. I think that both things are good as it is. I prefer to leave it as it is.
add winter, present and other tags connected with christmas Added some tags as well.


00:52:676 (2,3) - Not perfect symmetrical :P Oh.. Fixed xD
01:11:138 (1) - I don't like this up... Move more left and down It flows fine for me.
02:06:984 (3) - A better blanket? o: Meh.. It is ok.


00:03:754 (5) - Maybe is confusing for a normal :/
00:29:138 (5) - ^ I don't think so :(
01:25:446 (1) - better stack (I'm feeling so nazimodder çAç) haha. Done

Hard is perfect D: Good job mancuso :D
Thanks!! :D

to jonathan

jonathanlfj wrote:

Modding as requested :)
Christmas song~~

Black is suggestion
Blue is highly recommended
Red is unrankable

i book that 5-star rating on the mp3~ you must really like the song ;)
dat kiai time

01:18:061 (1) - add a drum clap on this? (if you apply it, do it on every diff for consistency) I think that with the finish is enough
01:20:830 (4) - this can blanket 01:18:984 (3) better Done
01:53:599 (3) - wow this note is almost touching the lower boarder (it will touch the hp bar oh hr)...if you can move it up 1 grid or 2 somehow that will be great Hmm.. It is ok for me, it is on-screen and if touches with the HP Bar with HR will not have a big problem
02:06:061 (1) - drum clap if you did the first one No..
02:13:446 (1) - yeah i agree to the previous post, that but just the normal-hitnormal? (for all diffs as well) Nope, I will not change this really :(
02:35:599 (1,2) - make this a repeat slider like 02:31:907 (1)? that hitsounding seems really cool, it needs to be used again 8-)

00:47:599 (5) - finish on slider end? Its supposed to follow the two-finish pattern you have Ok then
00:57:292 (4) - move this 2 grid right to get a perfect triangle (you can adjust the curve on the bottom for ds) Done
01:25:446 (1) - overlap like this on a normal? others usually tell me not to do it, but in this case it plays ok so i guess fine? It is a Simple Stack, the next object under the first Slider is another Slider, so they are really Easy to be followed.
01:42:984 (4) - whistle on end Oke.
01:59:138 (2,3) - this one plays better like this imo I prefer mine because the Slider Start with the word 'baby' and finish when the word 'please' finish
02:35:599 (1) - finish on end Done

00:03:985 (5) - finish on end
00:11:369 (1) - ^ Both added
00:29:138 (7) - based on what i hear in the music you should change this to a repeat slider but if you just follow the Vocal this said 'Hooome', with the Slider tick is enough I think
00:48:062 (8) - finish on head Oh.. Yes.
01:40:215 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - judging from the prominence of the music, the first measure should have the 1/1 circles while the second measure with the 1/2 least that seems more intuitive imo But the Vocal is in 1/2 at the beginning, then she took a break and start the 1/1 in her voice
02:26:254 (10) - put a normal-hitnormal either on this or 02:26:369 (1), makes it sound better Yess.
02:27:292 (6) - also a normal-hitnormal on the slider head seems good too (makes it similar to 00:43:446 (1,2,3)) Agree.

Very great map! I can barely find any notable issues. Thanks :3
Good luck on ranking ^_^
Thanks for the mod, man! :)
Thanks guys!
Edit: ... you ninjja'd me D: let's see what you already have fixed what i suggested xDD

- not a fan of your KIAI fountains ._. I would like to see KIAI for the whole choruses and not just for the last one

  1. 00:04:446 (6,1) - the transition between this to is not so good imo. It interupts the flow. I don't see a suggestion to fix that though :(
  2. 00:06:753 - I really miss a note here, because the sliders before also followed the beat and not this long sound that starts at 00:06:061 -
  3. 01:00:985 (4,5) - I don't really like the stack for some reason. It is not like it does not fit here completly but idk. i would prefer a 0.2/0.1x stack or so orz
I don't know what bothers me witht this map. it is nicely mapped but idk. the spacing is often choppy for the flow imo ._.
01:01:215 (5,6,7) - here for example but i guess it is just me

  1. 00:42:061 (2,3) - ctrl + h. That has a better transition from (1) to (2) and from (3) to (1,2), because well it as a friendlier flow
  2. 01:11:599 (2) - X: 256 Y: 156. Plays better imo
  3. 02:03:292 (2,3) - I see what you did there but that spacing brought me a Combo miss >.< I recommemd something like 1.0x and trying to keep that pattern or something ._.
  4. 02:26:138 (5) - stack under sliderend (4). Feels better for me, because it emphasizes on the vocal like it were a hold ... wow what a strange way to describe it orz
I like this diff :3 It is very nice

  1. 00:19:907 (2,3) - flow is ... i don't know. I think it could be better
great diff

Yeah didn't find that much but oh well maybe it helps
Topic Starter

bomber34 wrote:

Edit: ... you ninjja'd me D: let's see what you already have fixed what i suggested xDD

- not a fan of your KIAI fountains ._. I would like to see KIAI for the whole choruses and not just for the last one I really prefer the fountains this time because if I don't do that the map would be full of Kiai and I don't want that this time.

  1. 00:04:446 (6,1) - the transition between this to is not so good imo. It interupts the flow. I don't see a suggestion to fix that though :( Sorry, but I have to say that I'm totally disagree with you, I did that a pair of times before too, I think it doesn't affect in the flow.
  2. 00:06:753 - I really miss a note here, because the sliders before also followed the beat and not this long sound that starts at 00:06:061 - The note is not necesary but I fix this in my own accord
  3. 01:00:985 (4,5) - I don't really like the stack for some reason. It is not like it does not fit here completly but idk. i would prefer a 0.2/0.1x stack or so orz I didn't understand you really well :(
I don't know what bothers me witht this map. it is nicely mapped but idk. the spacing is often choppy for the flow imo ._.
01:01:215 (5,6,7) - here for example but i guess it is just me

  1. 00:42:061 (2,3) - ctrl + h. That has a better transition from (1) to (2) and from (3) to (1,2), because well it as a friendlier flow Ok
  2. 01:11:599 (2) - X: 256 Y: 156. Plays better imo Hmm.. Ok
  3. 02:03:292 (2,3) - I see what you did there but that spacing brought me a Combo miss >.< I recommemd something like 1.0x and trying to keep that pattern or something ._.
  4. 02:26:138 (5) - stack under sliderend (4). Feels better for me, because it emphasizes on the vocal like it were a hold ... wow what a strange way to describe it orz Stacks under Slider cause confusion in an average player, I think that it is ok this way
I like this diff :3 It is very nice

  1. 00:19:907 (2,3) - flow is ... i don't know. I think it could be better But.. Why? :/
great diff

Yeah didn't find that much but oh well maybe it helps
Thanks for mod! :3
00:21:523 (3) - If you make this slider adherent with 00:21:062 (2) - it should really better
00:43:446 (1,2,3) - Too curved... linear sliders should be better
00:52:908 (3,4,5,6,7) - This pattern isn't fun to play (for me)
01:12:754 (1,2,3,5,6,7) - Stacks should be better to watch and to play
01:29:138 (1) - Distance from 01:28:677 (7) - :c
01:42:061 (1) - 3 squares up in the grid
02:20:831 (1,2,3,4,5) - Not funny to play
02:24:754 (2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4) - Stacks should be better to watch and to play
02:36:292 (3) - 1 square up in the grid

00:30:061 (1,2) - Symmetry
02:31:907 (1,2,3) - Not sure about this..
02:39:292 (1,2,3) - Same ^

00:10:215 (4) - Simmetry? If should be better at the center
00:19:907 (2,3,4,5) - Distance
01:46:676 (5) - A slider like this should be better at the center... it's so random D:
01:58:676 (1,2,3) - What about make this patterns symmetric?
Nice map mancuso :D Good luck!
Snowy Dream
Mod request from Snowy Dream's Queue
  1. Red - Important or Issue
  2. Blue - You'd better fix them
  3. Black - Normal Suggestions

00:19:907 (2) - It may look better to me if you place like this.
01:02:369 (5) - Break suddenly makes me feel so strange.What about use a 1/1 slider instead?
01:06:061 (4) - above
01:27:984 - Normal sound effect sounds better to me.
02:13:907 - Mistake? What does this odd clap mean?-

00:03:754 (5) - Consider stacking it with 00:01:215 (2).
00:51:753 (5,1) - Try stacking them together?.. It makes me feel more sensible.
01:06:523 (5,1) - As above.
01:47:599 (1,2) - ^
02:11:830 (5) - Let ppl realize that there is a tiny break between (4,5) better.

Unsnapped things
02:06:520 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
02:06:520 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end).
00:00:523 (1) - Using finish instead of whistle makes me feel better <3.
00:18:985 (6) - What about removing this newcombo and add it to the next instead? (also remove NC which on 00:20:369 (2)).
01:03:523 (9) - Why not add newcombo to next instead of this? Then ppl can realize the 1/1 break between them.
01:51:523 (1,2,4) - Try making them line up.
Excellent Mapset
;) Great Job
Topic Starter
to Nemis

Nemis wrote:

00:21:523 (3) - If you make this slider adherent with 00:21:062 (2) - it should really better Hmm.. I think that it is ok because follow the long voice properly
00:43:446 (1,2,3) - Too curved... linear sliders should be better Really? is not that curved to me. Also my patterns are in general curvy so I think that this provide a better transition
00:52:908 (3,4,5,6,7) - This pattern isn't fun to play (for me) I don't know why and what do you suggest me? I can't make anything if you just say me that.
01:12:754 (1,2,3,5,6,7) - Stacks should be better to watch and to play I'll keep the Compressed 3-plets, in my opinion flow better.
01:29:138 (1) - Distance from 01:28:677 (7) - :c Hmm.. Well moody suggested me that, but now I don't really agree. So, I prefer to Stack the Notes.
01:42:061 (1) - 3 squares up in the grid Ok
02:20:831 (1,2,3,4,5) - Not funny to play Why, and What do you suggest me? Please!!
02:24:754 (2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4) - Stacks should be better to watch and to play Nope.
02:36:292 (3) - 1 square up in the grid kkk

00:30:061 (1,2) - Symmetry I didn't want to play with symetry here.
02:31:907 (1,2,3) - Not sure about this..
02:39:292 (1,2,3) - Same ^ Hmm.. Why are you not sure? :/

00:10:215 (4) - Simmetry? If should be better at the center I'm making a blanke in there
00:19:907 (2,3,4,5) - Distance I didn't noticed that :P. Fixed
01:46:676 (5) - A slider like this should be better at the center... it's so random D: wow, sorry man but this was the most random thing that I've ever listen. This kind of Sliders, at the center? really?.. I think that you are wrong.
01:58:676 (1,2,3) - What about make this patterns symmetric? I'm trying to use less symetry now, and this pattern looks esthetic anyways. I'll not change that.
Nice map mancuso :D Good luck!
In some way the mod was useful, but to your next maps try adding more explanations and some suggestions to know your way. Anyways thanks for mod man!

to Snowy Dream

Snowy Dream wrote:

Mod request from Snowy Dream's Queue
  1. Red - Important or Issue
  2. Blue - You'd better fix them
  3. Black - Normal Suggestions

00:19:907 (2) - It may look better to me if you place like this. Ok.

01:02:369 (5) - Break suddenly makes me feel so strange.What about use a 1/1 slider instead?
01:06:061 (4) - above Sounds Coherent both. So, Fixed.
01:27:984 - Normal sound effect sounds better to me. Nice.
02:13:907 - Mistake? What does this odd clap mean?- omg.. I'm really bored of that. Removed the Clap since a lot of people said me the same thing here.

00:03:754 (5) - Consider stacking it with 00:01:215 (2). Nah.. It provides the same effect as now.
00:51:753 (5,1) - Try stacking them together?.. It makes me feel more sensible.
01:06:523 (5,1) - As above.
01:47:599 (1,2) - ^ In general I don't stack two notes when the combo change.. Also the flow is better in my opinion, so I prefer to keep them as it is.
02:11:830 (5) - Let ppl realize that there is a tiny break between (4,5) better.

02:06:520 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
02:06:520 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end). Fixed both.
00:00:523 (1) - Using finish instead of whistle makes me feel better <3. Ohh.. Yes.
00:18:985 (6) - What about removing this newcombo and add it to the next instead? (also remove NC which on 00:20:369 (2)). Hmm.. no. This way follow better my comboing and the I can remark the little jump with a NC.
01:03:523 (9) - Why not add newcombo to next instead of this? Then ppl can realize the 1/1 break between them.
01:51:523 (1,2,4) - Try making them line up. Hmm.. nah.. I like how it flows right now :P
Excellent Mapset
;) Great Job
Thanks! :D.
Thanks guys. Updated!!


01:04:215 (2) - 1 Grid Right and down to make the space closer.. (nazi)
01:26:830 (2) - Imo, the curve being more rounder will make a better shape
02:06:523 (2) - 1 Grid up (nazi)
02:12:984 (4) - How about a drum-clap instead?


00:08:830 ( ) - I would also made this place empty, but also consider adding a note since there is a strong beat at the song
01:57:753 (5) - I don't know how to do, but I can say that you can make this more like.. a parallel with (4)


00:31:676 (4) - Idk if this is a symmetry pattern, but if so, 1 grid left, and then respace some notes after this
01:06:523 (6) - Shape like 01:54:061 (6)?
01:29:138 (1) - I would prefer to place somewhere else, instead of stacking. At (256,328) or something?
02:13:676 (1) - Was this the odd Clap mentioned at the previous mods? Hope you to make this consistent with other diffs~
02:25:676 (8) - Make a line with (6,7)?

Good map~~~ :)
Topic Starter

Sonnyc wrote:



01:04:215 (2) - 1 Grid Right and down to make the space closer.. (nazi) Done
01:26:830 (2) - Imo, the curve being more rounder will make a better shape Hmm.. I'm ok with it.
02:06:523 (2) - 1 Grid up (nazi) Done
02:12:984 (4) - How about a drum-clap instead? true. fixed.


00:08:830 ( ) - I would also made this place empty, but also consider adding a note since there is a strong beat at the song I don't listen anything to be emphatisized here. i leave it as it is.
01:57:753 (5) - I don't know how to do, but I can say that you can make this more like.. a parallel with (4) Hmm... I think that it is ok


00:31:676 (4) - Idk if this is a symmetry pattern, but if so, 1 grid left, and then respace some notes after this Fixed
01:06:523 (6) - Shape like 01:54:061 (6)? Nah.. it is ok as it is.
01:29:138 (1) - I would prefer to place somewhere else, instead of stacking. At (256,328) or something? Well.. I moved to another place.
02:13:676 (1) - Was this the odd Clap mentioned at the previous mods? Hope you to make this consistent with other diffs~ Removed
02:25:676 (8) - Make a line with (6,7)? Nah.. I made this because it provides a little blanket to the previous (5)

Good map~~~ :)
Thanks for mod man! Updated!!
HAI Mancuso.

I'm going to be randomly nazi. If something catches my eye during gameplay, I'll just write it down

00:08:369 (2) - blanket 00:09:753 (3) better (Look at if you need to see why)
00:38:830 (2) - move the ending a few grids up so the slider looks like it points toward 3 (that seems to the type of flow you are aiming for)
01:04:215 (2) - same as 00:08:369 (2)
01:26:830 (2) - I agree with Sonnyc that would look a lot better if it was not as sharp

02:26:830 (1) - why did you add a new combo here? You didn't add one to 01:27:523 (4)

01:08:599 (5,7) - these would look better if they blanketed 6 better
01:29:138 (1) - move down so it is not overlapped by the hp bar
01:42:984 (3) - ^
02:13:676 (1,3) - I feel that if you don't want sliders to be symmetric, you should accent its lack of symmetry more
02:33:292 (4) - I found it a little strange that you didn't want to align this with 3 (It seems to be your style)
02:38:830 (4) - try to make this blanket 02:38:138 (3) a little better since the curves don't seem to fit each other
(talked about combos being random on irc)

Pretty nice overall. Tell me when you are done and I'll probably bubble.
Shohei Ohtani
omg why did you give me such a good map you can't do this.

Ok, let's go >w<~

01:12:984 (3) - Add normal hitsample here
01:13:907 (8) - ^
01:42:984 (3) - Nazi- Slightly touching the HP bar
02:39:984 (4,5) - Slightly mixed feelings about this. (4) looks weird near (3), but I'm not sure how to change it ;A;

omg mancuso pls

01:26:830 (2) - omg i thought I found something but then yoshi-nyan had to say the same thing
01:46:676 (5) - Make this curve deeper?

I like it owo
Topic Starter
to Bliss.

blissfulyoshi wrote:

HAI Mancuso. Bliss :3

I'm going to be randomly nazi. If something catches my eye during gameplay, I'll just write it down

00:08:369 (2) - blanket 00:09:753 (3) better (Look at if you need to see why) Yes, i fixed it xD
00:38:830 (2) - move the ending a few grids up so the slider looks like it points toward 3 (that seems to the type of flow you are aiming for) Ok
01:04:215 (2) - same as 00:08:369 (2) Done
01:26:830 (2) - I agree with Sonnyc that would look a lot better if it was not as sharp I feel it well, it flow fine, I think that it is not necesary to replace it imo.

02:26:830 (1) - why did you add a new combo here? You didn't add one to 01:27:523 (4) Well, But I added a NC in 01:27:523. I dislike a Combo with 8 Notes in this diff.

01:08:599 (5,7) - these would look better if they blanketed 6 better Moved a bit.
01:29:138 (1) - move down so it is not overlapped by the hp bar Ok
01:42:984 (3) - ^ But in this case, I don't agree with you. the touch is not that big and this is the best place to add a note. Anyways I moved it 1 grid down.
02:13:676 (1,3) - I feel that if you don't want sliders to be symmetric, you should accent its lack of symmetry more But.. I want them symetrics xD
02:33:292 (4) - I found it a little strange that you didn't want to align this with 3 (It seems to be your style) Done
02:38:830 (4) - try to make this blanket 02:38:138 (3) a little better since the curves don't seem to fit each other Fixed a bit.
(talked about combos being random on irc)

Pretty nice overall. Tell me when you are done and I'll probably bubble.
Thanks man! :3


CDFA wrote:

omg why did you give me such a good map you can't do this. lol. Thanks :3

Ok, let's go >w<~

01:12:984 (3) - Add normal hitsample here
01:13:907 (8) - ^ Both added.
01:42:984 (3) - Nazi- Slightly touching the HP bar Moved 1 grid down as I explained in Bliss' mod.
02:39:984 (4,5) - Slightly mixed feelings about this. (4) looks weird near (3), but I'm not sure how to change it ;A;

omg mancuso pls

01:26:830 (2) - omg i thought I found something but then yoshi-nyan had to say the same thing
01:46:676 (5) - Make this curve deeper? No changes in both cases, since I think that they have a good flow

I like it owo
Oh.. man! Nice to see you here again! :D. Thanks!
Thanks guys!
Time to Update!!
Mostly hitsound mods.

• Timing 62 - I'm not sure if this is necessary, you can use only 1 red timing at -1322ms

• OD is too low imo
• Timing 62 - I'm not sure if this is necessary, you can use only 1 red timing at -1322ms
01:09:753 (4) - this slider have different sounds compared to the current part since 00:59:599
01:18:523 (3) - sounds out of place, use clap instead

• OD is too low imo
• Timing 62 - I'm not sure if this is necessary, you can use only 1 red timing at -1322ms
00:01:907 (5) - add clap
00:14:369 (5) - NC
01:10:215 (8) - this slider have different sounds compared to the current part since 00:59:599
02:24:869 (3) - add clap
02:24:984 (4) - remove clap
02:26:715 (3) - add clap
02:26:830 (4) - remove clap
02:27:753 (7) - add clap on the 3th and 4th note, but I suggest use this clap pattern : • clap ○ none : (6) ○•○• (7) ○•••
02:33:292 (4) - remove finish at middle
02:37:446 (1) - remove finish
Topic Starter

DJPop wrote:

Mostly hitsound mods.

• Timing 62 - I'm not sure if this is necessary, you can use only 1 red timing at -1322ms Agree with you. Fixed.

• OD is too low imo Ok, Increased it by 1 Tick
• Timing 62 - I'm not sure if this is necessary, you can use only 1 red timing at -1322ms ~
01:09:753 (4) - this slider have different sounds compared to the current part since 00:59:599 Hmm.. Sounds good for me.
01:18:523 (3) - sounds out of place, use clap instead Oh.. yes. Fixed.

• OD is too low imo OD+1 here.
• Timing 62 - I'm not sure if this is necessary, you can use only 1 red timing at -1322ms ~
00:01:907 (5) - add clap
00:14:369 (5) - NC Both things fixed.
01:10:215 (8) - this slider have different sounds compared to the current part since 00:59:599 Because the Rhythm is different, and the music is different too.
02:24:869 (3) - add clap
02:24:984 (4) - remove clap
02:26:715 (3) - add clap
02:26:830 (4) - remove clap I prefer to leave it as it is, because follow better the music in my point of view.
02:27:753 (7) - add clap on the 3th and 4th note, but I suggest use this clap pattern : • clap ○ none : (6) ○•○• (7) ○••• Hmm.. I think that my hitsound pattern sounds more coherent with the drums, really. I'll leave it as it is, sorry :(
02:33:292 (4) - remove finish at middle
02:37:446 (1) - remove finish emm.. ok, both Removed
Thanks for your mod Pop! :3. I'll try to mod your map then! ;)
Small Changelog:
Adjusted a kiai section to fall on the downbeat
Hard: 02:13:677 (1,3) - made these blanket 02:12:293 (3) slightly better (still not perfect but whatever)

Not fully confident of the timing, but confident enough to award a bubble.

Merry Christmas!
aww it got bubbled ><.

oh well GL on the rank <3.
Topic Starter
Thanks Byaku-nyan! :3
And ofc, thanks for the bubble to Bliss (well, I said thanks him in-game anyways xD)
Hi mancuso!


  1. Honestly, I don't like the actual preview time. I would set PreviewTime: 75466 when the vocal is starting.
  2. I feel your current offset late. I have -7 from your current one. Change it only if you agree with it, don't forget to resnap all elements and green lines after timing changes.
  3. Why don't you add custom clap instead of default settings for sounds like 00:00:985 / 00:01:908 / 00:02:831 and so on? Hitsound patterns look to be too empty.

  1. 01:53:601 (3) - I think this circle could be moved some grid up. It is almost offscreen and the hitburst is, exactly, offscreen, and it's bad imo.
  2. 02:28:216 (2,1) - Mh, if you want to keep consistency with all the other patterns you should switch new combo here. You have always used it on downbeats according to finish hitsounds.
  3. 02:34:677 (4) - Missing whistle on the slider head? It would be consistent with previous two sliders and with 02:38:370

  1. 00:02:370 (4) - Add whistle on the tail, to keep consistency with 00:06:062 (3). It's too empty without that whistle IMO xD
  2. 00:58:678 (6,7,8) - I would change with 1/2 slider with repeat, I don't like stacks in easy/normal diffs
  3. 01:07:447 (2) - Missing whistle on the tail? There should be one, maybe.
  4. 02:10:677 (3,4,5) - To be honest, this rhythm is a bit confusing. Beginners could be confused, everyone would think the rhythm is:
  5. 02:30:524 (4) - I guess you are missing again whistle on the tail
  6. 02:34:677 (6) - On the head, this time

  1. 00:05:831 (3,1) - I would unstack them because of (1) new combo
  2. 00:20:370 (1) - Remove new combo
  3. 00:23:601 (5) - New combo
  4. 00:24:524 (1) - Remove new combo. I think this combo pattern fit better with the map
  5. 00:51:754 (1,2) - Switch new combo. It looks more logical
  6. 02:37:447 (1) - Remove new combo
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