
DJ S3RL feat. Sara - Feel The Melody [Osu|Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on viernes, 22 de febrero de 2013 at 15:10:48

Artist: DJ S3RL feat. Sara
Title: Feel The Melody
Tags: trance rave Kin [Te][Amo]
BPM: 175
Filesize: 5888kb
Play Time: 02:41
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2,53 stars, 143 notes)
  2. Hard (4,99 stars, 317 notes)
  3. Kin's Taiko Muzukashii (4,77 stars, 600 notes)
  4. Kin's Taiko Oni (4,89 stars, 836 notes)
  5. Normal (3,72 stars, 165 notes)
  6. TeA's Insane (4,84 stars, 349 notes)
Download: DJ S3RL feat. Sara - Feel The Melody
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 2th Ranked map

Special Thanks to Aleks719 for a better timing

Mapset :
SB by me : 100 %
Easy by me : 100 %
Normal by me : 100%
Hard by me : 100%
Insane by [Te][Amo] : 100%
Taiko Muzukashii by Kin : 100 %
Taiko Oni by Kin : 100 %
Hi, XinCrin.
I mod this beatmap by your request.

- Where is sb\sound.png? if you not use sb\sound.png, remove sb\sound.png.

00:31:600 (1) - Add finish and Remove new combo

00:28:001 (1) - How about 4th point move to 112, 192?
00:31:600 (1) - Add finish and Remove new combo
01:00:392 (4) - Move to 280, 76
01:30:555 (3) - Apply reverse section (Ctrl + G)
02:43:221 (1) - Unsnapped spinner end

Auu... sorry for short mod.
Topic Starter

Underflow wrote:

Hi, XinCrin.
I mod this beatmap by your request.

- Where is sb\sound.png? if you not use sb\sound.png, remove sb\sound.png. Opps , Fixed

00:31:600 (1) - Add finish and Remove new combo Ok

00:28:001 (1) - How about 4th point move to 112, 192? Nope , As I leave unnecessary
00:31:600 (1) - Add finish and Remove new combo Fixed
01:00:392 (4) - Move to 280, 76 Fixed , I realized my alignment
01:30:555 (3) - Apply reverse section (Ctrl + G) Ok
02:43:221 (1) - Unsnapped spinner end Fixed

Auu... sorry for short mod.
Thanks for modding :D
hi, from PM ( because of M4M, I'll mod it first than other requests)
if you aim to Ranked, you should make a diff which has less than 3.00 star difficulty.
00:42:569(4) make beautiful?
01:06:905(2) maybe this? I suppose it's more better flow.
01:08:618(1) ^
01:40:152(2) 1 grid down?
Hit Sonud
01:29:628(1) add whistle at head? the slider starts red line, so a bit confused for newbie.

00:24:745(3) Ctrl+G? I expect jumpping.
00:40:341(2) maybe this? it's more beautiful I suppose
00:52:166(1,2,3) like this?
00:59:707(2,3,4) it's ok you ignored DS, but I feel a bit weird... and to be liner, (2) should be 1 grid down.
Hit Sonud
00:46:339(5) add clap at end?
sorry for short modding. overall fine I suppose, it's nice flow and hit sounds. here is my star!


Hi, ingame request ! (^∇^)


00:22:003 (1,2,3) - 1 , 2 and 3 actually don't follow the beat as they should. On the reverse arrow there is no beat but on the white tick before, maybe try using slider and circle.
00:27:487 (1) - Same here...
01:27:813 (1) - This slider isn't perfectly symmetrical, I fixed it for you...
Here is the code:
01:38:781 From here on we have the same problem with the sliders again...


02:43:221 (1) - This spinner should end on the same time as Normal 02:44:249

That's it! If you have any questions ask them via PM or ingame!
Topic Starter
Thanks kajiyatta

kajiyatta wrote:

hi, from PM ( because of M4M, I'll mod it first than other requests)
if you aim to Ranked, you should make a diff which has less than 3.00 star difficulty. Added the easy diff.
00:42:569(4) make beautiful? Ok , i like
01:06:905(2) maybe this? I suppose it's more better flow. Ok
01:08:618(1) ^ ^
01:40:152(2) 1 grid down? Fixed
Hit Sonud
01:29:628(1) add whistle at head? the slider starts red line, so a bit confused for newbie. Really follow the music, I do not think there is a problem
01:33:811(1)^ ^

00:24:745(3) Ctrl+G? I expect jumpping. No . simply a hard, want not spamming with many jumps
00:44:968(3)^ Here if it plays well
02:08:430(4)^ Nope ><
00:40:341(2) maybe this? it's more beautiful I suppose
00:52:166(1,2,3) like this? I like :)
00:59:707(2,3,4) it's ok you ignored DS, but I feel a bit weird... and to be liner, (2) should be 1 grid down. yes , I Like the anitjump and Moved
Hit Sonud
00:46:339(5) add clap at end? Ok , follow my patterns with the claps
sorry for short modding. overall fine I suppose, it's nice flow and hit sounds. here is my star!

Thanks for modding and the Star :)

Thanks Deni

Deni wrote:


Hi, ingame request ! (^∇^)


00:22:003 (1,2,3) - 1 , 2 and 3 actually don't follow the beat as they should. On the reverse arrow there is no beat but on the white tick before, maybe try using slider and circle. If you have any doubt as to the rhytm I've been in these parts, I heard the song at 25% speed and noticed that if I am following the correct rhytm
00:27:487 (1) - Same here... Same
01:27:813 (1) - This slider isn't perfectly symmetrical, I fixed it for you... Oops , Fixed
Here is the code:
01:38:781 From here on we have the same problem with the sliders again... Same


02:43:221 (1) - This spinner should end on the same time as Normal 02:44:249 I'm sorry , Fixed

That's it! If you have any questions ask them via PM or ingame!

Thanks for modding
from my queue
hi, xin-san :oops:
sorry for late... :(

  1. looks fine
  1. 00:31:776 - remove this, its not so good
  2. 00:38:976 (2) - how about this?
  3. 01:06:405 (2) - stack on 01:06:576 (3) -
  4. 02:43:262 (1) - unsnapped stuff
    if you want this, you should change a beat snap divisor to 1/4
  1. 01:32:805 (4) - try this
  1. 01:06:893 (2,6) - try this, looks much beautiful~
  2. 02:14:436 (3,4,1) - ^
  3. 02:22:664 (1,2) - ^
  4. 02:37:064 (3,1) - ^
overall nice work!
good luck :oops:
Topic Starter

Wreath wrote:

from my queue
hi, xin-san :oops:
sorry for late... :(

  1. looks fine
  1. 00:31:776 - remove this, its not so good I did not understand you tried to say here
  2. 00:38:976 (2) - how about this? Ok , I like
  3. 01:06:405 (2) - stack on 01:06:576 (3) - Nope , I like how it was
  4. 02:43:262 (1) - unsnapped stuff Fixed
    if you want this, you should change a beat snap divisor to 1/4
  1. 01:32:805 (4) - try this
No, I'll leave it like this

  1. 01:06:893 (2,6) - try this, looks much beautiful~ No
  2. 02:14:436 (3,4,1) - ^ Ok , I Like
  3. 02:22:664 (1,2) - ^ ^
  4. 02:37:064 (3,1) - ^ Nope , i don't like
overall nice work!
good luck :oops:
Thanks for modding and the STAR

XinCrin wrote:

  1. 00:31:776 - remove this, its not so good I did not understand you tried to say here
very short break is pointless, unless if you have a reason
ah... seems i didnt update >.>
Topic Starter

Wreath wrote:

XinCrin wrote:

  1. 00:31:776 - remove this, its not so good I did not understand you tried to say here
very short break is pointless, unless if you have a reason
ah... seems i didnt update >.>
No problem , Thanks for mod again :D
00:34:321 (3) - Feel Awkward with Circle. I think you can change it into a slider (2 beats)
00:51:121 (4) - Feel Awkward for this thing too. Try to make it sync with the rhythm.

No Problem :)

OD : +1. I think it's very challenging if the value of OD is 7.
00:59:693 (2,3,4) - It's very short spacing. You can make a jump section with this three circle.
00:40:150 (1,2,3) - This three things, make it 1.3x Spacing. Because when I'm on this section. I can't snapped those things.

Sorry for Short mod.
Topic Starter

razorleaf wrote:

00:34:321 (3) - Feel Awkward with Circle. I think you can change it into a slider (2 beats) Ok , I like
00:51:121 (4) - Feel Awkward for this thing too. Try to make it sync with the rhythm. Fixed

No Problem :)

OD : +1. I think it's very challenging if the value of OD is 7. Is only one hard not an insane
00:59:693 (2,3,4) - It's very short spacing. You can make a jump section with this three circle. Nope , i like my anitjumps
00:40:150 (1,2,3) - This three things, make it 1.3x Spacing. Because when I'm on this section. I can't snapped those things. No, is a diff. for players with a little more experience, a newbie will not happen but if an average player

Sorry for Short mod.
Thanks for modding , I'll mod your map today
Another special mod in spanish! for Xin :3


  • 00:21:978 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Esta seccion le hace falta muchos hitsounds en mi opinion. Te sugiero que agregues claps o algo para que suene menos monotono :< creo que lo que quisiste hacer es enfatizar el kiai que empieza justo despues de esto pero creo que no es excusa para dejar esto tannn vacio.
  1. 00:27:464 (1) - Detalle bastante nazi: deberias mover este slider a x:164 y:236 para hacer un blanket perfecto entre la curva del slider anterior, o sea, hacer que encaje este slider con la curva anterior, asi:
  2. 00:38:436 (1) - ^ Lo mismo. Creo que quedaria mejor si queda mas haciendo simetria con el slider anterior. Para eso movelo un grid a la izquierda :<
  3. 00:39:464 (2,3,4) - estas notas fluyen raro. Estan ubicadas muy raro y hace que el flow se sienta.. no se.. incomodo, por asi decirlo. Yo te recomiendo que intentes hacer un pattern mas asi, e intentes en demas partes que sean parecidas intentar hacer que el mapa se sienta mas natural de jugar, y que las notas no esten forzosamente en cierto lugar solo para hacer un pattern vistoso, tal cual dijo mancuso una vez sobre otro mapa:
  4. 00:42:550 (4) - ^ Lo mismo que arriba. este spacing se siente forzoso y incomodo de jugar en mi opinion. Ahora ya está, pero creo que habria sido mejor si tenias mas en cuenta el flow del mapa. En este caso, fluiria mejor si haces ctrl+g a este slider pero ya esta.
  5. 01:32:778 (4) - Como no usaste en ninguna otra parte sliders con tantos repeat te recomiendo que lo hagas en un slider que dure lo mismo pero con 2 repeats solamente. Como no tienes tampoco una dificultad facil me parece que seria buena idea. Los beginners se podrian confundir creyendo que tiene menos repeats.
  6. 01:37:064 (4) - En el final de este slider se escucha un sonido fuerte, como para finish asi que te recomiendo agregar uno ahi.
  7. 01:47:007 (3) - Otro slider que se siente forzado a estar ahi para hacer solo un pattern de blanket lindo imo. Te recomendaria mejor mover este slider a x:112 y:220 (donde comienza y termina 01:44:264 (1)) y despues mover 01:48:378 (4) aproximadamente a x:212 y:220 y luego mover la nota entre la curva de (4) como ya habias hecho antes. Me parece que se siente mejor.
  8. 02:14:093 (4) - Algo nazi tambien: Mejor intenta mover esta nota mas hacia aca para asi hace blanket con el siguiente slider y ademas se siente mas natural de jugar (imo):

    Dentro de todo, me gusta y está bien. No me gusta que hiciste varios patterns forzosos/raros de jugar en cuanto al flow, pero lo demás me parece bien :D
  1. 00:27:807 - Se que estas siguiendo el violin pero ignorar un tick blanco grande como este se siente y se oye muy mal asi que te sugiero que agregues una nota aqui.
  2. 00:31:236 (5,6,7) - Otro spacing forzoso como hiciste en tu Normal. Debes hacer que se sienta todo mas natural. Para mi este spacing se siente mucho mejor asi que te lo sugiero:
  3. 00:36:207 (1) - Este slider se ve desprolijo, podrias hacer un blanket con el asi imo:
  4. 00:37:578 (4) - ^
  5. 00:51:293 (3) - Esta forma de slider se ve muy rara o.o no me parece que encaje bien en esta parte por como se ve su forma ni con la cancion asi que te sugiero que intentes algo diferente, una curva simple me parece mejor.
  6. 00:53:178 (1,2,3) - Mas spacing forzosos :< Te sugiero este:
  7. 00:59:693 (2,3,4) - Estas tres notas sueltas... se sienten raro... que tal si haces un jump entre ellas para incrementar un poco la dificultad ya que es la diff mas dificil del mapset?
  8. 01:32:435 (1,2,3) - Mal flooowww >< mira, te recomiendo esto ya que se siente mas natural como te digo, imo:
  9. 01:34:664 (3) - En mi opinion, fluye mucho mejor si haces ctrl+g a este slider.
  10. 01:41:521 (2) - Algo nazi tambien. Este blanket esta algo mal hecho. Deberias mover este slider mas por aca para que se vea bien:
  11. 02:43:236 (1) - Este spinner es muy corto y queda muy mal en mi opinion. Yo te recomiendo que lo saques y pongas simplemente una nota con finish en donde comenzaba este spinner, o sea aqui.

    Honestamente no me gusto la diff. Basicamente me salté el resto del map a partir de 1:40 porque son tooodos los mismo problemas de flow, blanket, sliders. Deberias buscarlos por ti mismo!
Mucha suerte con este mapa! esta bien, solo que no me gusta que forzas el flow, es raro, pero se arregla con mods. :D
Topic Starter

Kei wrote:

Another special mod in spanish! for Xin :3


  • 00:21:978 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Esta seccion le hace falta muchos hitsounds en mi opinion. Te sugiero que agregues claps o algo para que suene menos monotono :< creo que lo que quisiste hacer es enfatizar el kiai que empieza justo despues de esto pero creo que no es excusa para dejar esto tannn vacio. No , Realmente no es eso , solo que en esa parte imo el clap ni el whistle , porque si te das cuenta en esas partes el sonido es monotono en la misma cancion , asi que simplemente lo dejo como esta.
  1. 00:27:464 (1) - Detalle bastante nazi: deberias mover este slider a x:164 y:236 para hacer un blanket perfecto entre la curva del slider anterior, o sea, hacer que encaje este slider con la curva anterior, asi: Ok , Se ve mejor
  2. 00:38:436 (1) - ^ Lo mismo. Creo que quedaria mejor si queda mas haciendo simetria con el slider anterior. Para eso movelo un grid a la izquierda :< Fixed
  3. 00:39:464 (2,3,4) - estas notas fluyen raro. Estan ubicadas muy raro y hace que el flow se sienta.. no se.. incomodo, por asi decirlo. Yo te recomiendo que intentes hacer un pattern mas asi, e intentes en demas partes que sean parecidas intentar hacer que el mapa se sienta mas natural de jugar, y que las notas no esten forzosamente en cierto lugar solo para hacer un pattern vistoso, tal cual dijo mancuso una vez sobre otro mapa:
    Ok , tomare muchisimo en cuenta este consejo
  4. 00:42:550 (4) - ^ Lo mismo que arriba. este spacing se siente forzoso y incomodo de jugar en mi opinion. Ahora ya está, pero creo que habria sido mejor si tenias mas en cuenta el flow del mapa. En este caso, fluiria mejor si haces ctrl+g a este slider pero ya esta.
  5. 01:32:778 (4) - Como no usaste en ninguna otra parte sliders con tantos repeat te recomiendo que lo hagas en un slider que dure lo mismo pero con 2 repeats solamente. Como no tienes tampoco una dificultad facil me parece que seria buena idea. Los beginners se podrian confundir creyendo que tiene menos repeats. Nah , no entendi como ya te dije si hay diff easy. asi que no creo que haya problemas con esto
  6. 01:37:064 (4) - En el final de este slider se escucha un sonido fuerte, como para finish asi que te recomiendo agregar uno ahi. No , realmente siento como si la musica disminuye , asi que no pongo nada aqui
  7. 01:47:007 (3) - Otro slider que se siente forzado a estar ahi para hacer solo un pattern de blanket lindo imo. Te recomendaria mejor mover este slider a x:112 y:220 (donde comienza y termina 01:44:264 (1)) y despues mover 01:48:378 (4) aproximadamente a x:212 y:220 y luego mover la nota entre la curva de (4) como ya habias hecho antes. Me parece que se siente mejor. Ok , Me gusta creo que se ve mejor
  8. 02:14:093 (4) - Algo nazi tambien: Mejor intenta mover esta nota mas hacia aca para asi hace blanket con el siguiente slider y ademas se siente mas natural de jugar (imo): Claro , me parece menos nazi

    Dentro de todo, me gusta y está bien. No me gusta que hiciste varios patterns forzosos/raros de jugar en cuanto al flow, pero lo demás me parece bien :D
  1. 00:27:807 - Se que estas siguiendo el violin pero ignorar un tick blanco grande como este se siente y se oye muy mal asi que te sugiero que agregues una nota aqui. Ok , creo que se entiende mejor
  2. 00:31:236 (5,6,7) - Otro spacing forzoso como hiciste en tu Normal. Debes hacer que se sienta todo mas natural. Para mi este spacing se siente mucho mejor asi que te lo sugiero: Fixed
  3. 00:36:207 (1) - Este slider se ve desprolijo, podrias hacer un blanket con el asi imo: Arreglado
  4. 00:37:578 (4) - ^
  5. 00:51:293 (3) - Esta forma de slider se ve muy rara o.o no me parece que encaje bien en esta parte por como se ve su forma ni con la cancion asi que te sugiero que intentes algo diferente, una curva simple me parece mejor. Una curva simple fluye mejor , Arreglado
  6. 00:53:178 (1,2,3) - Mas spacing forzosos :< Te sugiero este: Claro , fluye mucho mejor
  7. 00:59:693 (2,3,4) - Estas tres notas sueltas... se sienten raro... que tal si haces un jump entre ellas para incrementar un poco la dificultad ya que es la diff mas dificil del mapset? Bueno , realmente eran unos anitjumps supongo pero ok , uso los antijumps
  8. 01:32:435 (1,2,3) - Mal flooowww >< mira, te recomiendo esto ya que se siente mas natural como te digo, imo: Ok
  9. 01:34:664 (3) - En mi opinion, fluye mucho mejor si haces ctrl+g a este slider. Claro , funny
  10. 01:41:521 (2) - Algo nazi tambien. Este blanket esta algo mal hecho. Deberias mover este slider mas por aca para que se vea bien:
  11. 02:43:236 (1) - Este spinner es muy corto y queda muy mal en mi opinion. Yo te recomiendo que lo saques y pongas simplemente una nota con finish en donde comenzaba este spinner, o sea aqui. Bueno lo dejo asi por el momento no creo que sea demasiado corto , con el autoplay da 5000 y minimo debe ser 1000 segun las reglas , pero si alguien mas me lo dice lo cambiare de otra manera

    Honestamente no me gusto la diff. Basicamente me salté el resto del map a partir de 1:40 porque son tooodos los mismo problemas de flow, blanket, sliders. Deberias buscarlos por ti mismo!
;_; , Buscando ....

Mucha suerte con este mapa! esta bien, solo que no me gusta que forzas el flow, es raro, pero se arregla con mods. :D
Gracias Kei por el mod muy detallado , tienes pinta de proxima MAT ;)

me gusta el IRC mod
09:47 -Bakari-: hey
09:47 *-Bakari- is editing [ DJ S3RL feat. Sara - Feel The Melody [Hard]]
09:48 -Bakari-: 00:23:693 - why this beat is ignored? I think it's quite loud and fits with your pattern >.</
09:48 XinCrin: Thanks :D
09:49 -Bakari-: 00:25:064 - same here. probably you can just start 00:25:236 (4) - 1/2 earlier, right?
09:49 XinCrin: IRC mod ?
09:49 XinCrin: ok wait me pls
09:49 -Bakari-: Yea.
09:50 -Bakari-: Mod is going to be short, anyway ♥
09:50 XinCrin: :D
09:51 -Bakari-: 00:40:493 (3,4,5) - spacing changes here without any notice. Quite confusing, imo. >.</
09:52 XinCrin: mmm
09:52 XinCrin: Fixed
09:53 -Bakari-: 00:55:236 - i'm not sure if there's should be clap hitsound. But there's should be note.
09:54 -Bakari-: 00:57:978 - claps are ignored here. :<
09:55 XinCrin: no, I like this now --- 00:55:578 -
09:55 XinCrin: the clap is not ignored
09:56 -Bakari-: but tick is not enough! >.</
09:56 XinCrin: rings clap slider-tick
09:56 XinCrin: Ok
09:56 XinCrin: wait me
09:56 XinCrin: changing ...
09:57 -Bakari-: Hard diff = me gusta
09:58 -Bakari-: But is it hardest diff in mapset? I think you need Insane. >.</
09:59 XinCrin: - Bakari - speak in spanish :d
09:59 XinCrin: I'm not good at insane
09:59 -Bakari-: and one more thing for Hard diff. pretty nazi, but still.. work a bit with your sliders, some blanket-sliders looks
09:59 -Bakari-: really wrong :V
10:00 -Bakari-: but [Te][Amo] is good at Insane diffs ♥
10:00 XinCrin: yeah
10:00 XinCrin: maybe he
10:01 -Bakari-: I like Hard diff ♥
10:01 XinCrin: Tea maybe , I do the insane
10:01 XinCrin: Oh Thank you
10:02 -Bakari-: el normal
10:03 -Bakari-: 00:27:464 (1,2) - i'd separate those sliders. [ this way]
10:03 -Bakari-: It will separate vocals from music and rhythm is easier to understand
10:05 -Bakari-: probably you should use A BIT more 1/2s to make this looooong song really interesting for Normal players? :)
10:05 XinCrin: ok wait me
10:05 XinCrin: pls
10:06 -Bakari-: don't hurry! I will save chat log for you :3/
10:08 XinCrin: Ok , Fixed
10:08 -Bakari-: 01:38:778 (1,2) - same as 00:27:464 (1,2). Well they sound pretty similar. :)
10:08 XinCrin: I think that makes it more fun
10:09 -Bakari-: oh, sure! Trying something different to make map funnier. I like your style.
10:09 XinCrin: Here if no changes
10:09 XinCrin: I prefer to keep a steady pace
10:10 XinCrin: because if you use another way
10:10 XinCrin: I take the pace of that part
10:10 XinCrin: of the music
10:10 -Bakari-: ok, one last thing here
10:11 XinCrin: what ?
10:11 -Bakari-: 00:54:378 - start mapping here, maybe? It's just TOO LONG after spinner, imo.
10:11 -Bakari-: yea, mixing music and vocals again.
10:13 XinCrin: yes
10:13 XinCrin: looks , maybe so :
10:13 XinCrin:
10:13 XinCrin: because putting circles
10:14 XinCrin: can be difficult
10:14 XinCrin: for beginner
10:14 -Bakari-: but wait
10:14 -Bakari-: this is Normal :V
10:15 XinCrin: 4 circles then ?
10:15 -Bakari-: 2 circles one slider? :)
10:17 XinCrin: maybe so ? :
10:17 XinCrin:
10:18 XinCrin: I suppose it could be better
10:18 XinCrin: but that?
10:18 -Bakari-: looks great
10:19 XinCrin: ;)
10:19 -Bakari-: well mapped. Actually many many times better than my 4th map ♥
10:19 XinCrin: d:
10:19 XinCrin: D:!!
10:19 XinCrin: noo
10:19 XinCrin: Thanks for understand my style
10:20 XinCrin: few people can understand
10:20 XinCrin: I like to make fun
10:20 XinCrin: :P
10:20 -Bakari-: btw, Easy looks perfect to me
10:20 XinCrin: :D
Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:


me gusta el IRC mod
09:47 -Bakari-: hey
09:47 *-Bakari- is editing [ DJ S3RL feat. Sara - Feel The Melody [Hard]]
09:48 -Bakari-: 00:23:693 - why this beat is ignored? I think it's quite loud and fits with your pattern >.</
09:48 XinCrin: Thanks :D
09:49 -Bakari-: 00:25:064 - same here. probably you can just start 00:25:236 (4) - 1/2 earlier, right?
09:49 XinCrin: IRC mod ?
09:49 XinCrin: ok wait me pls
09:49 -Bakari-: Yea.
09:50 -Bakari-: Mod is going to be short, anyway ♥
09:50 XinCrin: :D
09:51 -Bakari-: 00:40:493 (3,4,5) - spacing changes here without any notice. Quite confusing, imo. >.</
09:52 XinCrin: mmm
09:52 XinCrin: Fixed
09:53 -Bakari-: 00:55:236 - i'm not sure if there's should be clap hitsound. But there's should be note.
09:54 -Bakari-: 00:57:978 - claps are ignored here. :<
09:55 XinCrin: no, I like this now --- 00:55:578 -
09:55 XinCrin: the clap is not ignored
09:56 -Bakari-: but tick is not enough! >.</
09:56 XinCrin: rings clap slider-tick
09:56 XinCrin: Ok
09:56 XinCrin: wait me
09:56 XinCrin: changing ...
09:57 -Bakari-: Hard diff = me gusta
09:58 -Bakari-: But is it hardest diff in mapset? I think you need Insane. >.</
09:59 XinCrin: - Bakari - speak in spanish :d
09:59 XinCrin: I'm not good at insane
09:59 -Bakari-: and one more thing for Hard diff. pretty nazi, but still.. work a bit with your sliders, some blanket-sliders looks
09:59 -Bakari-: really wrong :V
10:00 -Bakari-: but [Te][Amo] is good at Insane diffs ♥
10:00 XinCrin: yeah
10:00 XinCrin: maybe he
10:01 -Bakari-: I like Hard diff ♥
10:01 XinCrin: Tea maybe , I do the insane
10:01 XinCrin: Oh Thank you
10:02 -Bakari-: el normal
10:03 -Bakari-: 00:27:464 (1,2) - i'd separate those sliders. [ this way]
10:03 -Bakari-: It will separate vocals from music and rhythm is easier to understand
10:05 -Bakari-: probably you should use A BIT more 1/2s to make this looooong song really interesting for Normal players? :)
10:05 XinCrin: ok wait me
10:05 XinCrin: pls
10:06 -Bakari-: don't hurry! I will save chat log for you :3/
10:08 XinCrin: Ok , Fixed
10:08 -Bakari-: 01:38:778 (1,2) - same as 00:27:464 (1,2). Well they sound pretty similar. :)
10:08 XinCrin: I think that makes it more fun
10:09 -Bakari-: oh, sure! Trying something different to make map funnier. I like your style.
10:09 XinCrin: Here if no changes
10:09 XinCrin: I prefer to keep a steady pace
10:10 XinCrin: because if you use another way
10:10 XinCrin: I take the pace of that part
10:10 XinCrin: of the music
10:10 -Bakari-: ok, one last thing here
10:11 XinCrin: what ?
10:11 -Bakari-: 00:54:378 - start mapping here, maybe? It's just TOO LONG after spinner, imo.
10:11 -Bakari-: yea, mixing music and vocals again.
10:13 XinCrin: yes
10:13 XinCrin: looks , maybe so :
10:13 XinCrin:
10:13 XinCrin: because putting circles
10:14 XinCrin: can be difficult
10:14 XinCrin: for beginner
10:14 -Bakari-: but wait
10:14 -Bakari-: this is Normal :V
10:15 XinCrin: 4 circles then ?
10:15 -Bakari-: 2 circles one slider? :)
10:17 XinCrin: maybe so ? :
10:17 XinCrin:
10:18 XinCrin: I suppose it could be better
10:18 XinCrin: but that?
10:18 -Bakari-: looks great
10:19 XinCrin: ;)
10:19 -Bakari-: well mapped. Actually many many times better than my 4th map ♥
10:19 XinCrin: d:
10:19 XinCrin: D:!!
10:19 XinCrin: noo
10:19 XinCrin: Thanks for understand my style
10:20 XinCrin: few people can understand
10:20 XinCrin: I like to make fun
10:20 XinCrin: :P
10:20 -Bakari-: btw, Easy looks perfect to me
10:20 XinCrin: :D
Thanks you -Bakari - and the STAR :D

  1. fine
  1. 00:25:750 - add note here. 00:24:378 have note in upbeat, and you can give note on here. so add circle is better.
  2. 00:28:836 (4,5,6) - these flow can be better.
    try this.
  3. 01:31:921 (1) - here can also be better.
  4. 02:41:864 (1) - gradually lower the volume. this volume change does not follow song.
  1. 00:45:978 (4,1) - you may say nazi....but here has bad balance.....
    try this way
  2. 01:32:778 (4) - this reverse confuse beginner.
    here makes sense, but it will confuse beginner in Normal.
    I suggest to use 3/2 slider. here does not need highlight imo.
  3. 02:41:864 (1) - same as Easy
  1. 00:33:978 (3,4) - not like this symmetry and flow.
    try this
  2. 00:46:664 (1,3) - will be good to make the same angle of the slider.
    like this
  3. 02:43:235 (1) - same as Easy.
that's all

Topic Starter

NewRulerNA wrote:


  1. fine
  1. 00:25:750 - add note here. 00:24:378 have note in upbeat, and you can give note on here. so add circle is better. Ok , follow the rhytm
  2. 00:28:836 (4,5,6) - these flow can be better. Ok , I like
    try this.
  3. 01:31:921 (1) - here can also be better.
    No, really takes away a lot of the way of my style :P
  4. 02:41:864 (1) - gradually lower the volume. this volume change does not follow song.

  1. 00:45:978 (4,1) - you may say nazi....but here has bad balance..... Fixed

    try this way
  2. 01:32:778 (4) - this reverse confuse beginner.
    here makes sense, but it will confuse beginner in Normal. Maybe it is a bit difficult for beginners, but if I put in 3/2 takes away all the rhythm
    I suggest to use 3/2 slider. here does not need highlight imo.
  3. 02:41:864 (1) - same as Easy Fixed
  1. 00:33:978 (3,4) - not like this symmetry and flow. Ok , I like too
    try this
  2. 00:46:664 (1,3) - will be good to make the same angle of the slider.
    like this
  3. 02:43:235 (1) - same as Easy. Fixed
that's all

Thanks for modding :)
Hi~ XinCrin :)

from your request



01:37:407 (3) - add finish
01:49:750 (1) - add NC ? (before a long break time , it's better)
02:20:264 - add a note here or (the same rythm at 00:51:121)


01:32:778 (4) - the slider may confuse player , how about ?
01:49:750 (5) - add NC ?
02:14:435 (1) -(NAZI) x384 y160 for symmetry


01:03:636 - add a note here
01:33:293 (3) -(NAZI) x212 y68 for symmetry

Good diff :D

That's all.

Nice map~
Good Luck :3
Why u no map insane? :(

I'm also mapping a S3RL map <3

00:28:150 (2) - Possible move 2/4 to the right?
On second thought, it's fine the way it is.

01:11:350 (1) - I think this slider could look better

I'm not going to nazi anything to justify a mod. That's all I could find. No kudosu necessary. But take a star :)
mod request from pm

  1. 00:24:721 (4) - make better curve around 3 please:

    heres code if you want
  2. 00:43:578 (1) - remove NC here and NC on next note instead
  3. 02:03:121 (1) - ^
  4. 02:05:521 (1) - ^
  5. 02:08:607 (2) - move to x:244 y:328 for better flow
  6. 02:37:064 (3) - move to x:336 y:128 to neater appearance below 2
  1. 00:31:578 (4) - move to x:56 y:264 so that it is in the center of the slider (3) . it looks a bit funny the way it is now
  2. 00:54:378 (1,2) - turn these 2 notes into one slider
  3. 02:33:635 (1) - add finish at beginning of slider
  1. 00:23:864 (1) - there's too many points on the slider, and that unnecessary red one lol. make a neater curve like this:
    (sorry i accidently removed NC xD)
  2. 01:48:378 (1) - NC is not necessary
  3. 02:35:350 (5,1) - the jump between these 2 notes is rather large compared to all the other jumps around it...x.x

fun to play ^^ good luck!
Topic Starter
To EmPao

EmPao wrote:

Hi~ XinCrin :)

from your request



01:37:407 (3) - add finish Sure , sounds better
01:49:750 (1) - add NC ? (before a long break time , it's better) Nah , I am maintaining a consistency in all my diffs.
02:20:264 - add a note here or (the same rythm at 00:51:121) Ok , play better and same rhythm


01:32:778 (4) - the slider may confuse player , how about ? I really did not plan to change, but after talking with a MAT he change, Fixed
01:49:750 (5) - add NC ? Nope , I explained above
02:14:435 (1) -(NAZI) x384 y160 for symmetry Fixed


01:03:636 - add a note here Nah , hear the voice of the girl very long, it is well with my long slider
01:33:293 (3) -(NAZI) x212 y68 for symmetry Moved

Good diff :D

That's all.

Nice map~
Good Luck :3
Thanks for you useful mod

To cirno-

cirno- wrote:

Why u no map insane? :(

I'm also mapping a S3RL map <3

00:28:150 (2) - Possible move 2/4 to the right?
On second thought, it's fine the way it is.

01:11:350 (1) - I think this slider could look better Fixed

I'm not going to nazi anything to justify a mod. That's all I could find. No kudosu necessary. But take a star :)
Fixed in the hard , kd is necessary imo , Thanks for modding

To meiikyuu

meiikyuu wrote:

mod request from pm

  1. 00:24:721 (4) - make better curve around 3 please: Ok , looks better

    heres code if you want
  2. 00:43:578 (1) - remove NC here and NC on next note instead Fixed
  3. 02:03:121 (1) - ^ ^
  4. 02:05:521 (1) - ^ ^
  5. 02:08:607 (2) - move to x:244 y:328 for better flow good flow , Fixed
  6. 02:37:064 (3) - move to x:336 y:128 to neater appearance below 2 Ok
  1. 00:31:578 (4) - move to x:56 y:264 so that it is in the center of the slider (3) . it looks a bit funny the way it is now No, I really like the blanket that has the slider with the circle
  2. 00:54:378 (1,2) - turn these 2 notes into one slider Sure , plays better
  3. 02:33:635 (1) - add finish at beginning of slider Added , I forgot to put it
  1. 00:23:864 (1) - there's too many points on the slider, and that unnecessary red one lol. make a neater curve like this: I did not realize , Fixed
    (sorry i accidently removed NC xD)
  2. 01:48:378 (1) - NC is not necessary yeah , you're absolutely right . Removed
  3. 02:35:350 (5,1) - the jump between these 2 notes is rather large compared to all the other jumps around it...x.x Okay , Fixed

fun to play ^^ good luck!
Served me well, fix almost anything , Thanks for modding
i think its this one that you asked me to mod?
i will just get going then :)

Black is suggestion
Blue is highly recommended
Red is unrankable

nice bg ><

00:30:207 (5,6) - put the circle first and then the repeat slider, goes better with the beat in the music
00:55:578 (1) - start this at 00:54:893 and make it a repeat slider, the finish sound goes well with the music there
01:38:778 (1,2) - i think you intended to center these? they are not centered exactly atm
01:48:378 (4,5) - lower the two by 1 grid (being perfectionist here)
02:00:721 (1) - take off the finish at the end of the slider, doesnt sound all that fitting
02:29:178 (2) - blanket this note better

00:24:721 (3) - NC to follow the later patterns in this section
00:54:721 (2) - add finish to the end
01:37:064 (4) - ^ or whistle
02:28:493 (3,4,5,1) - this section should have a similar rhythm as 02:27:121 (3,1,2) for consistency e.g.
This difficulty can be more fun with more small jumps here and there (especially in your polygon formations), but its up to you; i do recommend AR8 though as this is the highest difficulty and at 175bpm
00:38:436 (1) - clap on end
01:13:750 (4) - make this a slider ending at 01:13:921 and add a note at 01:13:664, its more challenging and fun
01:29:178 (4) - reverse the whistle placement on this slider, sounds better imo
02:11:521 (5) - a clap here would sound nice
02:33:464 (5) - ^
02:41:436 (4) - add a note to form a triplet (its similar to what you hear at 01:13:921)

great mapset, good luck on ranking ^_^
puush is down again i think, if u dont see the pic then wait a bit i guess...
Topic Starter

jonathanlfj wrote:

i think its this one that you asked me to mod?
i will just get going then :)

Black is suggestion
Blue is highly recommended
Red is unrankable

nice bg ><

00:30:207 (5,6) - put the circle first and then the repeat slider, goes better with the beat in the music Yeah , expect this
00:55:578 (1) - start this at 00:54:893 and make it a repeat slider, the finish sound goes well with the music there Oh really i like , Done
01:38:778 (1,2) - i think you intended to center these? they are not centered exactly atm no , is the distance spacing
01:48:378 (4,5) - lower the two by 1 grid (being perfectionist here) Fixed
02:00:721 (1) - take off the finish at the end of the slider, doesnt sound all that fitting I didn't realize , Finish removed in the tail
02:29:178 (2) - blanket this note better Fixed

00:24:721 (3) - NC to follow the later patterns in this section I'm following some combos consistent with the music
00:54:721 (2) - add finish to the end Added
01:37:064 (4) - ^ or whistle I prefer a soft sound. A whistle is well
02:28:493 (3,4,5,1) - this section should have a similar rhythm as 02:27:121 (3,1,2) for consistency e.g. Fixed
This difficulty can be more fun with more small jumps here and there (especially in your polygon formations), but its up to you; i do recommend AR8 though as this is the highest difficulty and at 175bpm
00:38:436 (1) - clap on end Sure
01:13:750 (4) - make this a slider ending at 01:13:921 and add a note at 01:13:664, its more challenging and fun No, just leave it like this
01:29:178 (4) - reverse the whistle placement on this slider, sounds better imo I keep notes about patterns, maybe you did not notice
02:11:521 (5) - a clap here would sound nice Ok , follow my patterns with claps
02:33:464 (5) - ^ ^
02:41:436 (4) - add a note to form a triplet (its similar to what you hear at 01:13:921) Do not quite understand you tried to say

great mapset, good luck on ranking ^_^
puush is down again i think, if u dont see the pic then wait a bit i guess...
Thanks for modding , your mod is very useful :)

XinCrin wrote:

jonathanlfj wrote:

02:41:436 (4) - add a note to form a triplet (its similar to what you hear at 01:13:921) Do not quite understand you tried to say
srry i wasnt clear enough, i meant to place a note at 02:41:436 since there is a sound there...well i guess you wont like it anyways since its trying to be consistent with the suggestion at 01:13:750 (4) which you didnt like

anyways good luck~
Topic Starter

jonathanlfj wrote:

jonathanlfj wrote:

02:41:436 (4) - add a note to form a triplet (its similar to what you hear at 01:13:921) Do not quite understand you tried to say
srry i wasnt clear enough, i meant to place a note at 02:41:436 since there is a sound there...well i guess you wont like it anyways since its trying to be consistent with the suggestion at 01:13:750 (4) which you didnt like

anyways good luck~
Oh , ok i understand , I'll fx tomorrow i going to sleep now :D
hi! M4m~



 ● 00:30:550 (6) - This slider placement is not good. hit HP bar slider end, you should move this slider.
 ● 00:33:978 (2) - 1grid right? blanket (2)'s slider start.
 ● 02:03:121 (4) - a little different slider placement. copy 02:02:093 (2) - and Ctlr+H , Ctrl+G. try it.



 ● Circle size 3? i fell better it for me
 ● AR-1. HP,AR,OD=4 the best
 ● 00:31:578 (4) - not good blanket, move to x:60 y:260?
 ● 00:55:578 (1,2) - why not symmetric here?
 ● 01:11:350 (4) - 1grid left, and make perfect symmetric slider.
 ● 01:38:778 (1,2) - same reason 00:55:578 (1,2) -
 ● 02:41:178 (3) - 1grid right



 ● There is not the big problem. good diff

That's all~ nice mapset!
good luck ;)
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