
Yuyoyuppe - Red madness and my desire

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Donnerstag, 23. August 2012 at 20:17:04

Artist: Draw the Emotional
Title: Red madness and my desire
Source: Touhou
Tags: Funny Party In the Fog U.N. Owen Was Her? Embodiment of Scarlet Devil EoSD MuryokuP F9 Yuyoyuppe
BPM: 91,01
Filesize: 6324kb
Play Time: 00:00
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (0 stars, 0 notes)
  2. Hard (4,75 stars, 325 notes)
  3. Lunatic (5 stars, 545 notes)
  4. Normal (2,7 stars, 171 notes)
Download: Draw the Emotional - Red madness and my desire
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My first Beatmap, kompletely deleated everything and started new on 19.07.2012 since i was totally unhappy with my first attempt ^^
In case you see (or rather hear) there is something wrong with the timing please let me know. Also if there is something else you would like to see changed, just tell me and maybe ill do it =).
By the way: i am trying to make a map for everyone, so that it is fun to play no matter how skilled you are. I Think 4 Difficulties should do that.

-19.07.2012, 23:15MESZ, Easy Finished
-20.07.2012, 15:54MESZ, Normal Finished
-20.07.2012, 19:23MESZ, Hard Finished
-05.08.2012, 17:11MESZ, Lunatic Finished

Artist: Draw the Emotional
Title: Red Madness and my Desire
Source: Touhou
Tags: Funny Party In the Fog U.N. Owen Was Her? Embodiment of Scarlet Devil EoSD MuryokuP F9 Yuyoyuppe



Please note this timing is probably, wrong, get someone else to double check it.

When changing the Artist and Title, please proceed as described in this thread:
Full Submission with Title/Artist Change -- Mistakes

Don't forget to resnap notes after changing the timing. To do so, go here:

After that, check if everything is in the right place.
Space everything properly, it makes the map more readable.
Try mapping from the offset as well.

Good luck with your first maps.
Hi, from my modding queue:

View->Grid Level->3 or 4 You'll have a better accuarcy to put the notes
You'll be able to put them more readable and align them easily, it will help you to snap the notes better.
I'll tell you some notes unaligned, but If you put the grid level at 3, you'll be able to realign them on your own, you just had the bad grid level ;)

Lots of unsnapped notes, should be fixed with the Grid Level.

00:11:835(2),(3),(4),(5) Align them, they are not aligned
00:22:378 Put it at x:240 y:192
00:38:193 Put it at x:256 y:224
01:38:009(1),(2) Ugly Sliders, try to make them more readable and put the 1st Slider's end at 01:40:315
Lot of notes not aligned.

00:27:320(5) Note bad snapped
01:08:327 New Combo
01:38:009(1),(2) Ugly Sliders, try to make them more readable and put the 1st Slider's end at 01:40:315
01:45:257(6) Too far from the previous note

Snap the notes, a lot of them aren't snappe, it's not very readable. Here are some examples:
-01:07:576(5) Too close from the previous
-01:09:078(5) Too close from the previous
-01:16:211(6) Too close from the previous
00:45:276 New Combo
00:46:430 NC
00:51:701 Start a Combo here instead of 00:52:031

I love the background <3
Good luck with rankings ^^
Topic Starter
View->Grid Level->3 or 4 You'll have a better accuarcy to put the notes
You'll be able to put them more readable and align them easily, it will help you to snap the notes better.
I'll tell you some notes unaligned, but If you put the grid level at 3, you'll be able to realign them on your own, you just had the bad grid level
Lots of unsnapped notes, should be fixed with the Grid Level. <-- very helpful information there, thx! =)

00:11:835(2),(3),(4),(5) Align them, they are not aligned fixed
00:22:378 Put it at x:240 y:192 fixed
00:38:193 Put it at x:256 y:224 fixed
01:38:009(1),(2) Ugly Sliders, try to make them more readable and put the 1st Slider's end at
01:40:315end of first slider is on the drumbeat, rest is fixed
Lot of notes not aligned. lots of notes fixed

00:27:320(5) Note bad snapped fixed
01:08:327 New Combo fixed
01:38:009(1),(2) Ugly Sliders, try to make them more readable and put the 1st Slider's end at
01:40:315end of first slider is on the drumbeat, rest is fixed
01:45:257(6) Too far from the previous note probably fixed

Snap the notes, a lot of them aren't snappe, it's not very readable. Here are some examples:
-01:07:576(5) Too close from the previous fixed
-01:09:078(5) Too close from the previous fixed
-01:16:211(6) Too close from the previousfixed
00:45:276 New Combo fixed
00:46:430 NC fixed
00:51:701 Start a Combo here instead of
00:52:031 fixed

I love the background <3
Good luck with rankings ^^
thx =)
M4M from L18's & Crystal's Modding Queue.

  • "re" is means "remove"
    Black is just suggestion ~OAO , if you don't like , you can skip it
    Blue is recommended to fix
    red is unrankable issue


  1. In my eyes, SV is so high in all diff , you can try get BPMx2 ... if you do this , you have to remap all diff
  2. osb. should be removed


  1. 00:32:922 (4,1) - distance!
  2. 00:38:193 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  3. 00:48:077 (1) - re NC
  4. 01:40:644 (2) - distance


  1. remove the bookmark ;w;?

  2. 00:26:332 (2) - NC
  3. 00:31:604 (2) - ^
  4. 01:04:550 (5) - distance , easy let people press too fast
  5. 02:00:577 (5) - ah...1/8. don't appear in normal ,i suggest
  6. 02:03:213 (4) - ^
  7. 02:05:849 (3) - ^
  8. 02:08:484 (4) - ^


  1. okay ... I think 01:06:826 - ~ 01:17:337 - too many overmap?!
  2. 00:11:506 (3) - why not cover completely
  3. 00:26:332 (4) - NC
  4. 00:30:286 (4,5,6) - k...
  5. 01:44:186 (4,5) - do you not think there feel some strangel >~<?
  6. 01:45:257 (1) - NC
  7. 01:45:504 (1,2) - ^
  8. 02:17:215 (1,2) - overlap ~


  1. Useless green line:
    00:30:121 -
    01:38:173 -

  2. 00:24:026 (4) - distance
  3. 00:41:817 (5,6) - there i feel confused ... try let (6) have distance
  4. 00:57:467 (5) - rotation be cover by 00:57:302 (4) -
  5. 01:04:550 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - i don't like the overmap.. ;w;
  6. 01:05:688 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
  7. 01:38:338 (1,2) - distance
Ah... I think maybe need more work on this map ..maybe
picture let me feel nausea ;w;
good luck~
and sorry to my poor English
Topic Starter

l1106188 wrote:

M4M from L18's & Crystal's Modding Queue.

  • "re" is means "remove"
    Black is just suggestion ~OAO , if you don't like , you can skip it
    Blue is recommended to fix
    red is unrankable issue


  1. In my eyes, SV is so high in all diff , you can try get BPMx2 ... if you do this , you have to remap all diff
    So if i understood that correctly the only thing i'd change would be the numbers of the SV and instead of that double the BPM, the actual sliderspeed ingame would be the same. To much work just to change numbers ^^
  2. osb. should be removed


  1. 00:32:922 (4,1) - distance! fixed
  2. 00:38:193 (1,2,3,4) - ^ fixed
  3. 00:48:077 (1) - re NC fixed
  4. 01:40:644 (2) - distance


  1. remove the bookmark ;w;? how do i delete that thing? Q_Q

  2. 00:26:332 (2) - NC fixed
  3. 00:31:604 (2) - ^ fixed
  4. 01:04:550 (5) - distance , easy let people press too fast fixed
  5. 02:00:577 (5) - ah...1/8. don't appear in normal ,i suggest okaaay ~fixed
  6. 02:03:213 (4) - ^ fixed
  7. 02:05:849 (3) - ^ fixed
  8. 02:08:484 (4) - ^


  1. okay ... I think 01:06:826 - ~ 01:17:337 - too many overmap?! fixed at least partly ^^
  2. 00:11:506 (3) - why not cover completely fixed
  3. 00:26:332 (4) - NC fixed
  4. 00:30:286 (4,5,6) - k...
  5. 01:44:186 (4,5) - do you not think there feel some strangel >~<? the problem is that the note of the slider starts at a 1/8 mark, tried to change it a bit though to make it easier to read
  6. 01:45:257 (1) - NC fixed
  7. 01:45:504 (1,2) - ^
  8. 02:17:215 (1,2) - overlap ~
okay okay, mb its a bit difficult to read ^^ so: fixed


  1. Useless green line:
    00:30:121 -
    01:38:173 - fixed
  2. 00:24:026 (4) - distance fixed
  3. 00:41:817 (5,6) - there i feel confused ... try let (6) have distance think its fixed ^^
  4. 00:57:467 (5) - rotation be cover by 00:57:302 (4) - fixed
  5. 01:04:550 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - i don't like the overmap.. ;w; fixed
  6. 01:05:688 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^ fixed
  7. 01:38:338 (1,2) - distance
fixed at least partly

Ah... I think maybe need more work on this map ..maybe
picture let me feel nausea ;w;
good luck~
and sorry to my poor English
This map probably still needs a ton of work since im a total newb ^^ but thankyou very much for modding! helped a lot there, showed me many things i've overseen!
and as long as i can decipher your english its ok =P
Halloww ~
You requested in my queue ~

- Timing, is doubled then the one you have right now. owo Bpm:182, offset is fine.
- Background size should be 1024x768 or 800x600
- Set music track lead-in to 500
- Check off enable countdown
- No kiai time? owo ~
- Watch your placement and spacing ~
- Hitsounds could use some work as well.

- Overall Difficulty -1
00:24:685 (1) - Instead of the whistle at the end, try a clap?
00:27:650 (4) - ^
00:29:956 (1) - ^
00:40:829 (5) - Finish at the start.
00:52:690 (2) - Line with previous note.
00:53:348 (3) - Line with (1)
00:57:302 (5) - Line with previous note.
01:01:915 (5) - Finish at the start and new combo?
01:04:056 - Insert break time.
01:09:829 (5) - Ctrl + H and line with (3)
01:11:331 (1) - Unsnapped slider, it should reverse at 01:11:706
01:12:332 (2) - Remove this slider.
01:12:832 - Add a circle.
01:20:341 (3) - Spacing.
01:22:593 (6) - Line with (3)
01:23:344 (1) - Unsnapped slider, it should reverse at 01:23:720
01:24:345 (2) - Remove this slider.
01:24:846 - Add a circle.
01:44:598 (3) - Line with previous note.
01:45:257 (4) - ^
01:45:916 (5) - ^
01:57:777 (3) - x:260 y:148

- HP Drain Rate -2
- Approach Rate -3
- Overall Diffivulty -3
00:01:293 (1) - Finish at the start.
00:11:835 (5) - New combo and finish.
00:13:812 (8) - Line with previous note.
00:14:471 (1) - Line with 00:12:494 (2)
00:22:543 - Insert break time.
00:24:685 (1) - Instead of whistle at the end, try a clap ~
00:27:815 - Insert break.
00:29:956 (1) - Clap instead of whistle.
00:35:557 (5) - Stack properly.
00:38:193 (1) - Finish at the start.
00:40:829 (5) - ^
00:50:713 (2) - Finish at the end.
00:52:031 (1) - Watch your spacing ~
00:54:007 (1) - Finish at the start.
00:59:279 (4) - ^
01:01:915 (2) - ^
01:02:903 (3) - Try x:276 y:232
01:04:550 (5) - Spacing.
01:04:834 - Insert break.
01:11:331 (1) - Reverse at 01:11:706
01:12:332 (3) - Move to 01:12:457 and reverse at 01:12:645
01:23:344 (1) - Stack.
01:23:344 (1) - Unsnapped slider.
01:24:345 (3) - ^
01:27:098 (3) - Stack.
01:27:849 (4) - ^
01:28:600 (5) - Place in the middle of (3) amd (4) for a trangle form.
01:30:102 (7) - Place where (5) was.
01:38:009 - You can remove this bookmark ~
01:40:644 (2) - Stack and make this slider look better. ><
01:46:575 (6) - Line with the previous note.
02:02:389 (2) - ^
02:02:884 (3) - ^
02:03:213 (4) - Unsnapped slider and line with previous note.
02:05:849 (3) - ^
02:08:484 (4) - ^
02:20:345 - Break time.

That's it for now ~
Get a few more mods and i'll come back to this later ~
You can give me a poke in-game if you have any questions, like if you need help resizing the background, I can do that for you. >w<

Edit: orz, I just noticed, the unsnapped sliders are nothing to worry about, you were mapping in 1/8 beat snap divisor. xD
You should still change them in the easy diff though, normal is fine, I guess. owo ~
Hi ^^
komme von meiner modding queue~


dein hintergrundbild muss eine auflösung von 1024x768 oder 800x600 haben ABER DER BACKGROUND SO ♥
du musst noch einen preview point setzen. ich empfehle dir eine stelle wo zB der refrain beginnt.(setzen über Timing -> (ganz unten) set preview ... )
ein wenig mehr symmetrie wär echt schön


AiMod verrät das kleine teile zu schwer für easy sind :/

00:42:311 der spinner ist zu kurz für eine easy
00:44:123 nach AiMod kommt der circle zu früh nach dem spinner, wenn es easy sein soll. Abgesehen davon sind circles in der mitte eines spinners für anfänger sehr schwer zu treffen, man zieht da ja meistens mit der maus eher riesige kreise :D
01:11:331 (1,2) die lücke dazwischen ist leicht verwirrend und da fühlt es sich leer an :< hier hättest du mehrere möglichkeiten die lücke zu füllen~
01:23:344 (1,2) ^
01:38:009 (1,2) es ist zu schwer für einen anfänger den übergang zu klicken. Wenn du es dennoch so lässt/ in dem format, würde ich empehlen die mitte der überschneidung auf die mitte vom achsensystem zu platzieren
01:43:280 auf der selben höhe wie der slider davor endet vielleicht? (abhängig ob du was von oberen machst ^^)
02:12:273 (3,4) unschöne überschneidung
02:20:345 (nicht sicher) hier ne break einfügen weils ne easy ist?


overall difficutly runter auf 5 vielleicht? Dann meckert AiMod auch nicht mehr (ich weis, ich und mein aimod.. xD)

00:02:610 (3,4) - unschöne überschneidung
00:40:829 (5) - ^
01:02:903 (3) - vielleicht so platzieren das er sich nicht mehr so mitm slider überlappt?
02:16:227 (4,1) - überschneidung :O


00:03:928 (7) - auf die selbe höhe wie 00:03:269 (5) ?
00:55:819 (4) - direkt unter 00:55:984 (5) ?
01:01:091 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - das kannst du schöner machen :O
01:15:085 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - es passt hier nicht wieder nachm rythmus zu mappen wenn du davor zu den drums gemappt hast
01:38:009 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - etwas zu .. für hard D:
01:40:974 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ^
01:43:939 (3) - zu geringes spacing
01:44:186 (4,5,6,7,8) - ich weis nicht was ich dazu genau sagen soll/was daran zu verbessern ist, es ist zu schwer für hard auf jeden fall :roll:
01:45:504 (2,3,4) - ^
02:14:580 (6,1) - unschöne überlappung
02:18:533 (4) - laut kriterien ist sowas unrankbar :/


Extreeeem O:

Ich weis nicht >.< Ich kann mich hier echt nicht ausdrücken D: sorry, ich skippe die lunatic :(

Ich hoffe ich konnte dir ein klein wenig helfen~

Viel Erfolg! :)
Topic Starter

xXCrystalMoonAnimeXx wrote:

Halloww ~
You requested in my queue ~

- Timing, is doubled then the one you have right now. owo Bpm:182, offset is fine. lots of work for 0 effect :/
- Background size should be 1024x768 or 800x600 fixed
- Set music track lead-in to 500
- Check off enable countdown
- No kiai time? owo ~ well, im gonna add one later =)
- Watch your placement and spacing ~ i always try to do that, but then im correcting things due to mods and sometimes i forget to replace other things >_<
- Hitsounds could use some work as well. i correct something here almost every time i hear the song =)

- Overall Difficulty -1 fixed
00:24:685 (1) - Instead of the whistle at the end, try a clap? tried and disliked ^-^
00:27:650 (4) - ^ tried and disliked ^-^
00:29:956 (1) - ^ tried and disliked ^-^
00:40:829 (5) - Finish at the start. semifixed
00:52:690 (2) - Line with previous note. fixed
00:53:348 (3) - Line with (1) fixed
00:57:302 (5) - Line with previous note. fixed
01:01:915 (5) - Finish at the start and new combo? fixed
01:04:056 - Insert break time. fixed
01:09:829 (5) - Ctrl + H and line with (3) fixed
01:11:331 (1) - Unsnapped slider, it should reverse at 01:11:706 its snapped on 1/6 so its on the drumbeat, else it would sound like **** =)
01:12:332 (2) - Remove this slider. why? O_o
01:12:832 - Add a circle.
01:20:341 (3) - Spacing.fixed
01:22:593 (6) - Line with (3) fixed
01:23:344 (1) - Unsnapped slider, it should reverse at 01:23:720 its snapped on 1/6 so its on the drumbeat, else it would sound like **** =)
01:24:345 (2) - Remove this slider. why? O_o
01:24:846 - Add a circle.
01:44:598 (3) - Line with previous note.fixed
01:45:257 (4) - ^ fixed
01:45:916 (5) - ^ fixed
01:57:777 (3) - x:260 y:148 fixed

- HP Drain Rate -2 fixed
- Approach Rate -3 fixed
- Overall Diffivulty -3 fixed
00:01:293 (1) - Finish at the start. fixed
00:11:835 (5) - New combo and finish. fixed
00:13:812 (8) - Line with previous note. fixed
00:14:471 (1) - Line with 00:12:494 (2) fixed
00:22:543 - Insert break time. fixed
00:24:685 (1) - Instead of whistle at the end, try a clap ~ still like the whistle ^^
00:27:815 - Insert break.fixed
00:29:956 (1) - Clap instead of whistle.
00:35:557 (5) - Stack properly. fixed
00:38:193 (1) - Finish at the start. fixed
00:40:829 (5) - ^ fixed
00:50:713 (2) - Finish at the end. fixed
00:52:031 (1) - Watch your spacing ~ fixed
00:54:007 (1) - Finish at the start. fixed
00:59:279 (4) - ^ fixed
01:01:915 (2) - ^ fixed
01:02:903 (3) - Try x:276 y:232
01:04:550 (5) - Spacing. its that far away on purpose, else ppl would press it to fast =)
01:04:834 - Insert break.fixed
01:11:331 (1) - Reverse at 01:11:706 same as above
01:12:332 (3) - Move to 01:12:457 and reverse at 01:12:645
01:23:344 (1) - Stack. fixed
01:23:344 (1) - Unsnapped slider.
01:24:345 (3) - ^
01:27:098 (3) - Stack. fixed
01:27:849 (4) - ^ fixed
01:28:600 (5) - Place in the middle of (3) amd (4) for a trangle form. fixed
01:30:102 (7) - Place where (5) was. fixed
01:38:009 - You can remove this bookmark ~ Still trying to figure out how ^^
01:40:644 (2) - Stack and make this slider look better. >< tried
01:46:575 (6) - Line with the previous note. fixed
02:02:389 (2) - ^fixed
02:02:884 (3) - ^ fixed
02:03:213 (4) - Unsnapped slider and line with previous note.that one is ok ^^
02:05:849 (3) - ^ fixed
02:08:484 (4) - ^ fixed
02:20:345 - Break time. fixed

That's it for now ~
Get a few more mods and i'll come back to this later ~
You can give me a poke in-game if you have any questions, like if you need help resizing the background, I can do that for you. >w<

Edit: orz, I just noticed, the unsnapped sliders are nothing to worry about, you were mapping in 1/8 beat snap divisor. xD
You should still change them in the easy diff though, normal is fine, I guess. owo ~
Thanks for the mod =)
Topic Starter

KonataN wrote:

Hi ^^
komme von meiner modding queue~


dein hintergrundbild muss eine auflösung von 1024x768 oder 800x600 haben ABER DER BACKGROUND SO ♥
du musst noch einen preview point setzen. ich empfehle dir eine stelle wo zB der refrain beginnt.(setzen über Timing -> (ganz unten) set preview ... ) fixed!
ein wenig mehr symmetrie wär echt schön


AiMod verrät das kleine teile zu schwer für easy sind :/

00:42:311 der spinner ist zu kurz für eine easy fixed!
00:44:123 nach AiMod kommt der circle zu früh nach dem spinner, wenn es easy sein soll. Abgesehen davon sind circles in der mitte eines spinners für anfänger sehr schwer zu treffen, man zieht da ja meistens mit der maus eher riesige kreise :D fixed! in der mitte isser trotzdem noch, weil wenn ich mit dem riesigen kreis am andern ende vom bildschirm bin hilfts ja auch ned grad weiter =)
01:11:331 (1,2) die lücke dazwischen ist leicht verwirrend und da fühlt es sich leer an :< hier hättest du mehrere möglichkeiten die lücke zu füllen~ fixed!
01:23:344 (1,2) ^ fixed! mal sehen was spätere mods sagen, obs zu schwer für anfänger is ^^
01:38:009 (1,2) es ist zu schwer für einen anfänger den übergang zu klicken. Wenn du es dennoch so lässt/ in dem format, würde ich empehlen die mitte der überschneidung auf die mitte vom achsensystem zu platzieren fixed!
01:43:280 auf der selben höhe wie der slider davor endet vielleicht? (abhängig ob du was von oberen machst ^^) fixed!
02:12:273 (3,4) unschöne überschneidung fixed!
02:20:345 (nicht sicher) hier ne break einfügen weils ne easy ist? fixed!


overall difficutly runter auf 5 vielleicht? Dann meckert AiMod auch nicht mehr (ich weis, ich und mein aimod.. xD) fixed!

00:02:610 (3,4) - unschöne überschneidung fixed!
00:40:829 (5) - ^ fixed!
01:02:903 (3) - vielleicht so platzieren das er sich nicht mehr so mitm slider überlappt? fixed!
02:16:227 (4,1) - überschneidung :O fixed!


00:03:928 (7) - auf die selbe höhe wie 00:03:269 (5) ? fixed!
00:55:819 (4) - direkt unter 00:55:984 (5) ? fixed!
01:01:091 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - das kannst du schöner machen :O fixed!
01:15:085 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - es passt hier nicht wieder nachm rythmus zu mappen wenn du davor zu den drums gemappt hast fixed partly
01:38:009 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - etwas zu .. für hard D:ich find das sollt auf hard schon machbar sein :o
01:40:974 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ^ ich find das sollt auf hard schon machbar sein :o
01:43:939 (3) - zu geringes spacing fixed!
01:44:186 (4,5,6,7,8) - ich weis nicht was ich dazu genau sagen soll/was daran zu verbessern ist, es ist zu schwer für hard auf jeden fall :roll:
01:45:504 (2,3,4) - ^
02:14:580 (6,1) - unschöne überlappung fixed!
02:18:533 (4) - laut kriterien ist sowas unrankbar :/ fixed!


Extreeeem O: Jemals versucht Touhou auf Lunatic zu spielen? ^-^

Ich weis nicht >.< Ich kann mich hier echt nicht ausdrücken D: sorry, ich skippe die lunatic :(

Ich hoffe ich konnte dir ein klein wenig helfen~

Viel Erfolg! :)
Yoa, danke die vielmals, wäre nich draufgekommen derart auf überlappungen zu achten ^^
Hey, from my queue.
First of all, you did a great job on the timing! (applause)

Red - Must
Black - Optional

I think it would be better if you double the BPM (91 -> 182)
And change the notes that are not on the proper timing spot.

The distance btween each note must be consistent in Easy and Normal as well.

00:07:882(2,3) - Inconsistent distance.
00:33:580(1) - Move this note to the complete middle.
00:35:557(3) - This seems ugly, but... yeah you can leave this if you don't want to delete it.
00:38:193(1,2,3,4,5) - Try to place those notes in the better place.
00:43:464(x) - You're giving too much space between the spinner and the following note.
01:11:331(1,2,3) - This pattern does not fit for Easy, IMO
01:23:344(1,2,3) - ^
01:38:009(1,2) - I think the player might be embarrassed at this kind of rhythm pattern.
01:47:234(x) - Either place some notes on this place or insert break time.
01:57:777(3,1) - Too short distance.
02:20:840(x) - I don't know the purpose of this break time, delete it and lengthen the spinner.

00:22:708(x) - Unnecessary break time, I think.
00:28:086(x) - ^
00:34:239(3,5) - This kind of overlapping does not look good IMO.
00:54:007(1) - Ugly slider.
01:29:351(6,7) - Make them symmetrical with 01:26:348(2,3)
01:38:009(1,2) - ... looks ugly.
02:20:840(x) - I don't know the purpose of this break time, delete it and lengthen the spinner.

00:22:378(9) - Move this note one grid right.
00:24:355(3) - ^
01:38:009(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This is a bad example of distance trick, try other one.
01:44:186(4,5,6,7,8) - Too confusing.
01:45:504(2,3,4) - ^
02:22:816(1) - Lengthen the spinner to 02:20:510

AR +1

Pretty nice diff but I think it's a little bit overmapped.

Yeah, that's all.
Good luck!!
Topic Starter

Jayel wrote:

Hey, from my queue.
First of all, you did a great job on the timing! (applause) yay, thx ^^

Red - Must
Black - Optional

I think it would be better if you double the BPM (91 -> 182)
And change the notes that are not on the proper timing spot.

The distance btween each note must be consistent in Easy and Normal as well.

00:07:882(2,3) - Inconsistent distance. fixed
00:33:580(1) - Move this note to the complete middle. fixed
00:35:557(3) - This seems ugly, but... yeah you can leave this if you don't want to delete it.
00:38:193(1,2,3,4,5) - Try to place those notes in the better place.
00:43:464(x) - You're giving too much space between the spinner and the following note.fixed
01:11:331(1,2,3) - This pattern does not fit for Easy, IMO
01:23:344(1,2,3) - ^ this one is a bit difficult yeah, but if i leave out one note it sounds like there is sth missing, if i set it its more difficult :/
01:38:009(1,2) - I think the player might be embarrassed at this kind of rhythm pattern.
01:47:234(x) - Either place some notes on this place or insert break time. fixed
01:57:777(3,1) - Too short distance.
02:20:840(x) - I don't know the purpose of this break time, delete it and lengthen the spinner. fixed

00:22:708(x) - Unnecessary break time, I think.
00:28:086(x) - ^ well, im also not sure about those breaktimes, but another mod told me to set them >_<
00:34:239(3,5) - This kind of overlapping does not look good IMO.fixed
00:54:007(1) - Ugly slider.changed
01:29:351(6,7) - Make them symmetrical with 01:26:348(2,3) fixed
01:38:009(1,2) - ... looks ugly.
02:20:840(x) - I don't know the purpose of this break time, delete it and lengthen the spinner. fixed

00:22:378(9) - Move this note one grid right. fixed
00:24:355(3) - ^ fixed
01:38:009(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This is a bad example of distance trick, try other one.
01:44:186(4,5,6,7,8) - Too confusing.
01:45:504(2,3,4) - ^
02:22:816(1) - Lengthen the spinner to 02:20:510 fixed

AR +1 fixed

Pretty nice diff but I think it's a little bit overmapped. well, except 2 shorter parts i mapped on the drums here

Yeah, that's all.
Good luck!!
thanks for the mod! =)
- With frest downloading I still hv to update the the diffs, so you should try to full submit it again.
- The mp3 should be between 128 and 192 kbps, you can compress it a bit.
- Use unique BPM settings for ALL diffs.
- You missed the most important tag (Flandre Scarlet) <_<
- S:C1 is used but corresponding wav is missing; N:C1 custom hitsound in the sound file is in excess

00:08:788 (6,7,1) - the 3/8 don't really fit the song, and no notes are corresponding to the new sentence start at the white tick.
00:19:331 (5) - ^
00:22:708 - the soft hit sound might be a bit loud there
00:50:548 (3) - I would prefer putting the direction of slider to the left to reduce overlapping
00:55:984 (6,7) - the sudden change of spacing don't really look good
00:57:302 (4,5) - ^
01:29:351 (1) - this one belongs to the last phrases so delay the new combo

hmmm I think I should point out some general issue first:

I can see some interesting idea on creating rhythm to fit the song, but some are a bit unplesent to be played like 01:30:102 - . You may want to improve the spacing as well, some of them has significant difference in spacing like 01:01:420 (5,6,7,8) - , this is misleading as you used 1/8 scale in the music (though I encourage you to delete them). Sometimes instead of making long 1/4 streams, repeating sliders are alternative chocies as well.

00:30:945 (6) - extend 1 more tick to end at the white tick; here it lacks connection between the two combos which the music has shown.
00:37:534 (7) - remove whistle as the vocal ends low
00:57:467 (4) - some misleading spacing
00:57:467 (4) - consider a break here? The HP drain rate is 6 and here it reduces pretty much HP
01:44:186 (4) - this is not suitable to appear in a hard diff.
01:45:504 (2) - ^

Again some custom rhythms might be too complicated as a hard, and the placement can be improved.

00:43:794 (1) - too near to the spinner, and it covered the center so that the player can't see the center of spinning
02:00:577 (1) - again this is too hard as a normal
02:03:213 (1) - ^
02:05:849 (1) - ^
02:08:484 (1) - ^

In the above case the new combos are very frequent and I don't even know where to play.

In overall I would say some interseting idea, but more of them need improvements.
Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

- With frest downloading I still hv to update the the diffs, so you should try to full submit it again.
- The mp3 should be between 128 and 192 kbps, you can compress it a bit. fixed
- Use unique BPM settings for ALL diffs. huh, i read somewhere that i should use the same on every difficulty >_<
- You missed the most important tag (Flandre Scarlet) <_<
- S:C1 is used but corresponding wav is missing; N:C1 custom hitsound in the sound file is in excess

00:08:788 (6,7,1) - the 3/8 don't really fit the song, and no notes are corresponding to the new sentence start at the white tick.
00:19:331 (5) - ^ well, i dont really get what you wanted to tell me with that >_< i mapped this whole part based on the drums, so if i place the notes in another timing it would sound quite strange :/
00:22:708 - the soft hit sound might be a bit loud there fixed to 75%
00:50:548 (3) - I would prefer putting the direction of slider to the left to reduce overlapping fixed
00:55:984 (6,7) - the sudden change of spacing don't really look goodfixed
00:57:302 (4,5) - ^fixed
01:29:351 (1) - this one belongs to the last phrases so delay the new combo

hmmm I think I should point out some general issue first:

I can see some interesting idea on creating rhythm to fit the song, but some are a bit unplesent to be played like 01:30:102 - . You may want to improve the spacing as well, some of them has significant difference in spacing like 01:01:420 (5,6,7,8) - , this is misleading as you used 1/8 scale in the music (though I encourage you to delete them). Sometimes instead of making long 1/4 streams, repeating sliders are alternative chocies as well.

00:30:945 (6) - extend 1 more tick to end at the white tick; here it lacks connection between the two combos which the music has shown. fixed probably >_<
00:37:534 (7) - remove whistle as the vocal ends low fixed
00:57:467 (4) - some misleading spacing
00:57:467 (4) - consider a break here? The HP drain rate is 6 and here it reduces pretty much HP fixed
01:44:186 (4) - this is not suitable to appear in a hard diff. fixed
01:45:504 (2) - ^ fixed

Again some custom rhythms might be too complicated as a hard, and the placement can be improved.

00:43:794 (1) - too near to the spinner, and it covered the center so that the player can't see the center of spinning fixed
02:00:577 (1) - again this is too hard as a normal fixed
02:03:213 (1) - ^ fixed
02:05:849 (1) - ^ fixed
02:08:484 (1) - ^ fixed

In the above case the new combos are very frequent and I don't even know where to play. fixed (i was wondering myself why there where so many new combos o_O )

In overall I would say some interseting idea, but more of them need improvements.
thx for the mod, ill keep improving it ^^
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