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yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

Just disappointed this coming out of you. From a mapper on his 158th map I'd expect more quality. Guess quantity is of the importance here.
I'll try to fulfill your expectations next time, then.

Now please let's end the discussion here.
Since I'm a n00b CTB modder, I can just drop this out.

Kurai's CTB

  • *Re-name it to "Kurai's CTB Rain" (Rain -> Insane, like Taiko Oni, totally related)
    CS +1, You need to use Dash in about 99% of the map (Except for Spinner), thing that I see really annoying and totally not amusing.
    00:23:647 - Fruit here, I'd recommend make a Hyper-Dash.
    00:45:975 (5) NC due a Rhythm/Vocal change.
That's all that I can find.

Also, I'll let to Drafura this mod.

Andrea wrote:

To the others: Same as well, please try to help me instead of creating more useless drama, I'd like to avoid that, thanks.
seems good, imo

00:24:540 - note here to follow vocals maybe? feels a bit empty without this note
00:28:834 (1) - maybe try this rythm. to follow vocals. or this. fits better, imo
00:40:635 (2) - this to make better flowm and to follow rythm better? :3


go-go re-rank? :3
Topic Starter
Thanks a lot Mercurial and Bakari for your help, will let you know :)

Anyway AR will stay 8, since AR9 on CTB difficulty was the reason of unrank.
It was a mistake Andrea, I mean CS +1 (CS 4)... and well, the explanation.
Topic Starter
Oh alright I see :3

Then I'll let you know about that as well ^^

Thanks again!
No problem.

I'll go to sleep now, I'll go to work in about 4 hours x.x

Inamaru wrote:

oh god...

[Kurai's CTB]

  1. Unfortunately this diff has 2 huge problems
  2. Some jumps are unexpeted. The reason? ar9. Please you must fix this (ar8 is perfect)
  3. And the second one is the rhythm, but unfortunately i can't help you for this (and this is just my opinion)
Also: I suggest you to put circle size to normal (is more fun and enjoyable to play)

Sorry but i have to unrank this map.
Also: If someone of the CTB community could help/mod this map, this would be really appreciated.
And sorry for my poor english but i'm bit tired right now.

This diff has only 3 ctb mods... wow
First, I won't change AR9, I'm not a good CTB player and I already tried to use AR8, and the fruits were falling too slowly and this was too confusing, then I put AR9 and the patterns became much more intuitive to play. Therefore even if using AR8 would "fix" the unexpectable jumps, it'd also fuck up the rest of the map, make it confusing and boring. Changing the AR isn't a solution.

As you've been able to say "Some jumps are unexpected", you should also be able to point them out so that I can fix them. If you can't it means that you don't know what you are doing and this map shouldn't have been unranked in the first place.
So instead of saying "change AR" and poof everything becomes suddenly fine, do this unrank correctly and tell me what's wrong.

Also "And the second one is the rhythm, but unfortunately i can't help you for this (and this is just my opinion)"
Don't unrank maps for things you can't even explain what is exactly wrong (especially if it is only based on your personnal tastes).

Also okay @CS5 and I have reduced some of the jumps that I think were the intuitive ones.
Topic Starter

Sigh, I still don't get why this got unranked either.
Good luck for fast rerank!
Colin Hou
as the one who bubbled this,

I didn't see any problem in AR9 @176bpm, as the guildline saying it is acceptable, and the flow fits how the song feel. ZHSteven also checked the CtB diff and the reply is 'well made'.

rhythm being good or bad is something subjective, in my last check: everything on beat, sounds good while the play-back of auto. after all, I respect your point over this.
Oh god. Bad luck with the first ctb guest diff. o.o

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

Just disappointed this coming out of you. From a mapper on his 158th map I'd expect more quality. Guess quantity is of the importance here.
If I know right Andrea is not a ctb player, therefore he is unable to check perfectly. So just stop being stupid. End of conversation.

PS: Sorry about this quote Andrea, but when I read this, my mind just blowed. And good luck with rerank, since I want to try to play it. :3

Colin Hou wrote:

I didn't see any problem in AR9 @176bpm, as the guildline saying it is acceptable, and the flow fits how the song feel. ZHSteven also checked the CtB diff and the reply is 'well made'.
Nitojgrem and Nyan-zapo have also tested the difficulty, and their feedbacks were positive too.
Topic Starter
Why isn't this map reranked already then? :?
I'm still modding Kurai's diff. You can expect not huge, but some significant changes. IMO Ina was right when he de-ranked the map.
Card N'FoRcE
Because i like to look at these kind of drama things, i guess I'll post my POV about what happened here as well.

About the unrank: i can't say i particularly like the unrank because there are no technical issues (and i mean real technical issues), but there are some valid points that probably should've been double-checked before the fast-rank. Also Inamaru asked CTB players which are regulars, not just some random people.

About the complaints: Kurai's attidude here is bad as much as some mappers BATs usually complain about. I'm not a super-fantastic-pro CTB player, but this song and map really don't call for AR9 and OD9 at all. I mean, really, i fail to see any reason AT ALL. The song is indeed cheerful but it's not something that screams FASTFAST all over the place, so i demand that Kurai explains which patterns are confusing with AR8 and why, considering the majority of this kind of beatmaps usually do use AR8 and work well. Also, because Kurai admitted himself that he's not a good CTB player, he's is even less justified to have that attitude. If good reasons are given, everything becomes legit in my eyes, but just because you're BATs you can't just do what you want to and complain when users want to do the same.

I wouldn't really care about such a map being ranked, but since this modding community goes with a stupid ideology that says "everyone should play everything", you guys should adapt to it as well, i guess.

Andrea wrote:

Why isn't this map reranked already then? :?
I don't even know how to comment this post without insulting someone.
And users supporting people with this attitude?
You guys really should mind about quality at least a bit more than ranking.

Kurokami wrote:

If I know right Andrea is not a ctb player, therefore he is unable to check perfectly. So just stop being stupid. End of conversation.
You obviously didn't read carefully. YYY he's disappointed to see the mapper doing only one difficulty and having SIX guests in his mapset. That seems a quite legit complaint to me, considering he's been doing that for dozens of maps.

Kurai wrote:

Nitojgrem and Nyan-zapo have also tested the difficulty, and their feedbacks were positive too.
2 players doesn't mean the entire ctb community, I've played this map before I've modded it, and I could not enjoy it at all because all the difficulty is based on Dashing in about 99% (As I said before).

Deif wrote:

IMO Ina was right when he de-ranked the map.
I'm agree too, the mapset is right, but the CTB diff is just disgusting.
First: OD doesn't affect anything except the score in CTB, in CTB guidelines it is said that OD should be the same as AR. Also when I said AR8 is confusing, I meant as the fruits are slower and I personally tend to be early when I catch the fruits. Then I end up being completely off with the timing.
And that's also something I noticed when I first discovered the CTB world with Drafura, maps tend to be easier and more intuitive with AR9 than with AR8 (and that's why we played mostly AR9 maps when we started playing CTB). Keep in mind that CTB is very different from osu!standard please.
Don't take me wrong, I was just angry because Inamaru unranked the map without telling me what is really wrong in the map. If modders tell me what patterns were unintuitive, I'll be glad to fix them.
But why all this drama? It's just AN UNRANK,many other maps before this have been unranked! And mind that this map, as the other Andrea's maps, got ranked after just a few days, so I'm not surprised if something's not right. Inamaru had some valid reasons, and as CNF stated AR9 doesen't fit with the CTB diff AT ALL. Remember too that Inamaru showed the diff to various CTB pros,so the point is really valid.
Some parts of the timeline don't fit at all with the melody. I've tried to make it a bit more interesting to players, so you may consider applying that specific changes.

[Kurai's CTB Rain]

AR9 CS5 here? No way... AR/CS8 and CS4 fit MUCH better to those patterns.

00:05:628 (1,2) - Honestly, if you place both notes like THIS, they'd fit better to the music.
00:08:464 (5) - It can be a bit nazi, but it looks better if you move it 1 grid left imo.
00:11:142 (4,5,x,x,1) - You can add 2 more notes before (1), creating a 1/4 triplet. To organize better that part, I've rearranged a bit all those notes, as it's shown HERE, you can try it if you like it (HDash between 7-1).
00:14:178 (5) - I didn't really expect a slider here. Remove it, and place a note in 00:14:178 (5) - x:136, and another one in 00:14:535 (6) - x:376.
00:15:428 (4,1) - From 00:15:428 to 00:15:963, it's better to add a whole 1/4 stream... The current timeline doesn't fit at all with the melody.
00:33:119 (1,2,3,4,5) - Try this pattern to follow better the lyrics HERE.
00:34:548 (1) - Ctrl-R, so it fits the previous pattern.
00:38:655 (11) - 2 grids to the right, to make it more confortable at gameplay.
00:39:013 (2) - 2 grids to the left. It's easier to catch, cos the curve is not as sharp.
00:39:732 (7,8,9,1) - It feels better to play if you make those notes more spreaded. You can move (9) 2 grids to the left, and (1) 2 to the right.
00:44:368 (7,1,2,3,4,1) - Time to rearrange this part too, removing the slider with some notes, and touching a bit the NCs. You can check it HERE, and HERE.
01:01:853 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - Again, placed some notes in a different way in the timeline, and changed the structure of them, HERE.
01:08:839 (1) - The singer is almost shouting here, and this jump isn't as wide as expected orz. You can try placing it at x:472, for example.
01:11:160 (4,5,6,1,2) - Same here. Look at THIS, as I've changed some notes here to get a nice jump.
01:13:303 (8) - NC, it's too long imo.
01:17:410 (1) - It's better a 1/2 triplet here, or a 1/2 slider with 1 repetition.
01:23:124 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Looks a bit ugly. Let's try moving (3) and (7) 4 to the right, and (2) 2 to the left. (8) in x:424 to create a proper HDash.

That's all the major problems I could find. I can try asking another player to get this map a bit more polished.

And Kurai, don't be so afraid of adding HDashes... A CTB Rain w/o them is like a Taiko Oni w/o kats lol.
Card N'FoRcE

Kurai wrote:

maps tend to be easier and more intuitive with AR9 than with AR8 (and that's why we played mostly AR9 maps when we started playing CTB) Keep in mind that CTB is very different from osu!standard please.
I know that perfectly well. I'm not a champion, but i play CTB so that's my point of view as a CTB player.
And somehow a lot of people say the exact same thing for osu!standard and i reply the exact same thing to them as well when necessary.

Kurai wrote:

Don't take me wrong, I was just angry because Inamaru unranked the map without telling me what is really wrong in the map. If modders tell me what patterns were unintuitive, I'll be glad to fix them.
That's what i meant by saying that i didn't particularly like this unrank (even though it seems quite a bunch of people agree with the AR8 thing). But again, lots of maps went through the exact same thing and i clearly remember some BATs complaining about the mapper's attitude in those cases, so your (and andrea's) reactions are something i couldn't stand considering a lot of your teammates make such a big deal out of it.
[Kurai's CTB Rain]

Deif already found a lot of points I wanted to mention ;w;
Here is what I would like to add:

An AR of 9 doesn't fit at all.

AR: 8
=> I think that already had been mentioned

Generally: Fine but it's complicated ;w;

00:32:762 - The jump from 5 to 1 is too big. It's quite uncomfortable if I have to dash to left and directly again right again in such a huge detachment. I would set circle 1 a bit more on the left side.(Set the circle Nr. 1 of the slider to the following coordinates: x:104, y: 216, like THIS)
00:34:905 - ^ I'm not even sure if a slider is a good idea here. Better put notes to make it more comfortable to play. Anyway, the jump is too large again
01:25:267 - The jumps in the combo "2-3-4-5" are disgusting, I'm serious. Make them smaller or put sliders. (Or do it like Deif already wrote, this map definitely needs HDashes)

Really... I am not sure if that will help you in any case because Deif already found a lot of points. I tried my best... for now.
It's quite complicated. Good luck that it gets ranked.
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Thanks everyone for the help, waiting on Kurai's response.
Colin Hou
what done is done, we can't say it's anyone's fault cuz CTB diffs became rankable only little time ago and the line is not as clear as the rest mode.

focusing on the possible and positive improvement is the first thing to do.

and welcome more CtB players joining the mapping/modding phrase, you're badly needed
Topic Starter

Colin Hou wrote:

what done is done, we can't say it's anyone's fault cuz CTB diffs became rankable only little time ago and the line is not as clear as the rest mode.

focusing on the possible and positive improvement is the first thing to do.

and welcome more CtB players joining the mapping/modding phrase, you're badly needed
I totally agree with you, Colin.

Colin Hou wrote:

and welcome more CtB players joining the mapping/modding phrase, you're badly needed
Sadly, there aren't so many CTB players interested in mapping/modding :|

Colin Hou wrote:

what done is done, we can't say it's anyone's fault cuz CTB diffs became rankable only little time ago and the line is not as clear as the rest mode.

focusing on the possible and positive improvement is the first thing to do.

and welcome more CtB players joining the mapping/modding phrase, you're badly needed

you're joking, aren't you?

I understand there aren't many ctb modders, but what do you pretend for a map ranked in 8 days?
While we're on this:

  1. 01:03:125 (1) - Red timing point is right, but this object is late. Wanting to start a slider at this time without traversing two timing sections is not a justification.
Colin Hou
I modded this as possible as I can, first check (including check the CtB ranking criteria), recheck, irc-recheck, and recheck again, and bubbled it.

what's wrong with that?
Topic Starter
Kurai's difficulty is now fixed, Easy as well.

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

Kurai wrote:

Don't take me wrong, I was just angry because Inamaru unranked the map without telling me what is really wrong in the map. If modders tell me what patterns were unintuitive, I'll be glad to fix them.
That's what i meant by saying that i didn't particularly like this unrank (even though it seems quite a bunch of people agree with the AR8 thing). But again, lots of maps went through the exact same thing and i clearly remember some BATs complaining about the mapper's attitude in those cases, so your (and andrea's) reactions are something i couldn't stand considering a lot of your teammates make such a big deal out of it.
uguu, when it got unranked no CTB players said AR8 was better and that's why I said I won't change it (and because Inamaru said "some jumps are unexpected with AR9" and I rather prefered fixing those jumps than using AR8), now I talked with some players in PM and told me to use AR8. So okay (even if I disagree).
And about my attitude, maybe I sounded quite harsh and I apologize about this, but I am still allowed to disagree no?

Anyway I have fixed Deif and SeySan's mods (everything except the triple in Deif's 3rd suggestion because I don't want to add 1/4 if there aren't 1/4 drums in the song). I also tried to put more Hyperdashes and I have reduced the spacing of some pattern so player don't have to dash everywhere.
Topic Starter
I sounded a bit harsh as well, and apologise for that too.

Anyway, I guess the map is finally ready now.
Thanks for changing the CS and AR.
It's a lot more comfortable to play now and still it's a challenging song.

I will take a look. If I find something more I'll let you know.
I'm still wondering why this only has 1 diff from the one who submitted

Kurai's CTB Rain

good that you made it CS 4, so OD +1 cause spinners are easy?

01:03:161 (1) - ive checked this like 10 times already and this sound really off maybe do it something like this?

P.S. next time can you make your notes symmetrical? in my view i see them as you just randomly placed the notes (but it follows the beat so meh) so people who'd like to give ctb modding a try wouldn't have a hard time.

sephwin wrote:

I'm still wondering why this only has 1 diff from the one who submitted, isn

Kurai's CTB Rain

good that you made it CS 4, so OD +1 cause spinners are easy?

01:03:161 (1) - ive checked this like 10 times already and this sound really off maybe do it something like this?

I have already fixed that in my last update >.<, and about OD+1, no since OD has to be the same as AR. But thanks for checking.
oh didnt see, still have the non updated one, anyway looks good now.

Kurai wrote:

I have already fixed that in my last update >.<, and about OD+1, no since OD has to be the same as AR. But thanks for checking.
uhm why should OD be the same as the AR? iirc OD only affects spinners, hp drain and overall score in ctb, nothing else. I pointed out that OD+1 cause of the spinner being too easy.
Oh it affects spinners ? I didn't know that (but I'm sure that it doesn't affect HP drain). But I remember that someone told me that OD should be the same as AR.
Edit: I tested with different ODs, and the spinners don't change. Thus OD only affects the score.
Indeed, in CTB diffs OD just affects directly the score... and nothing else.

Spinners are the same with OD0 than OD10, but I think this is the proper forum to discuss that stuff: t/80544
well fuck i forgot i was checking a ctb diff, nevermind l0l
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