
Otokaze - Mallow Flower

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年8月18日 at 13:38:08

Artist: Otokaze
Title: Mallow Flower
Tags: tutuhaha Snowy Dream
BPM: 190
Filesize: 6602kb
Play Time: 02:21
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.88 stars, 103 notes)
  2. Mallow (5 stars, 296 notes)
  3. Snowy Dream's Normal (4.24 stars, 181 notes)
  4. Taiko Oni (4.83 stars, 581 notes)
  5. TuHard (4.92 stars, 297 notes)
Download: Otokaze - Mallow Flower
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 15th Ranked map~ Joy it^^

[Easy] By spboxer3
[Snowy Dream's Normal] By Snowy Dream
[TuHard] By tutuhaha
[Mallow] By spboxer3
[Taiko Oni] By spboxer3
[StoryBoard] By sherrie__fay
Hatsune Miku_old
sp3嫁我 >3<
Modmod <3

maybe replace soft-hitnormal with taiko soft-don? (idk where to get it D:)
There is a white stripe on the bottom of the bg, idk if that is intended or not~
Maybe change Combocolours?
Suggestions D:
I got the part with blue and green, but the colours themselfes are a bit "empty", I would go for brighter colours and add red as 3rd colour? (2 colours is so..meh :x)
Combo1 : 244,51,17
Combo2 : 103,206,0
Combo3 : 57,170,253
Mostly nazistuff on the notes~
00:30:497 (1) - using 184|232 for 2cnd sliderpoint and 144|304 for 3rd, you get the slidertick from (2) in the center of 1's ending and also avoid the mini-overlap of 1s sliderpath with 2cnds sliderend
00:39:339 (5,6) - just why? q__q so perfect overlaps and then you go for this. Just. Don't.
00:44:392 (5,6) - ^
00:54:971 (4) - 2cnd 336|120, 3rd 440|80
00:57:024 (3,4) - give both of them a wider curve to get a more impressive flipeffect?
Maybe like this..?

(3): 1st: 256|192 2cnd: 320|120 3rd: 256|32
(4): 1st: 264|44 2cnd: 239|138 3rd: 324|182
01:24:655 (5) - half-hidden looks a bit weird, but i guess it's worth for that epic sliderpattern :3
01:37:445 (1) - 2cnd sliderpoint to 320|344 and 3rd to 360|320 to "mirror" (9) perfectly :3
01:38:234 (2,1) - :<
01:41:550 (1) - it's nice, but the sliderticks stack up close together and it looks just awful :/
02:04:918 (4,5,6,7,8) - this is the most beautiful pattern i've ever seen *__* just wanted to mention~
02:07:129 (3,4) - clap on start of 3 and start/end of 4? (feels a bit empty otherwise :/)
02:21:024 (7) - epic combobreaker. nice idea D:

All I can find for now~
Pls tell me when you uploaded other diffs, I will mod them for free. <3

I guess you are doing a Taiko on your own, amirite? :x
SB posted via QQ
17th easy SB progress
post for counting, not for KDS
signature updated ;)
Short note after SB added:
Custom Skin blends in with background! (score and acc are NOT readable in breaks!)
Blue combocolur blends in background (not 100% but it's getting hard to read)
heyyy sp3 ^^/

[random mod]

You can surely hear that loud sound that appears at big white tick at 00:27:971, previous all similar sounds plays with whistles so mb:
00:27:813 (7) - remove whistle and add it at 00:27:971 (1) - ?
same goes for 00:32:866 (8,1) - , 00:37:918 (7,1) -
00:30:971 (2) - remove this and add notes at 00:31:129 /// 00:31:287 /// 00:31:445,
01:03:339 - 01:22:918 /// 20 sec break B(
01:23:550 (1) - should be smth like finish here N/S/SC you can chose it by yourself ^^ (for me N-30% volume)
01:27:182 - i hear note, but dont see it ww
01:30:655 (6,7) - hmm, dunno strange antijump, it should be better if this notes would be stacked try this
01:32:234 - same here, i hear note and dont see it \o.o/, if u add id then u probably need NC at 01:32:392 (5) -
01:36:182 (6) - NC
01:41:234 (1,1) - combine them in 1 color, 2nd NC unnecesarry here, cause 1st one showing changing rhytm so player surrely understand that it will be something wrong with next slider D:
01:42:339 (2) - this one NC, cause changing SV here
01:45:024 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - i would place them like this haha, but both fine ofc
01:51:339 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - by listening to ur rhytm i can say that first 4 notes should have same spacing and only after 4 note jump on next part, smth like this
01:53:866 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - here i hear that 5678 should have different jump placement then 1234, more of it they should have same spacing between them, its rly fit that BG music, smth like this
02:11:234 (8) - why not change it to short slider with repeat, so no need to use tick sound
02:21:024 (7) - same here, change it to 2 short sliders and remove note from 02:21:497 (8) - o.o?

Thats all, good luck :)

and remove short ver xD
Topic Starter

cRyo[iceeicee] wrote:

heyyy sp3 ^^/

[random mod]

You can surely hear that loud sound that appears at big white tick at 00:27:971, previous all similar sounds plays with whistles so mb:
00:27:813 (7) - remove whistle and add it at 00:27:971 (1) - ? sorry~I don't want to do that
same goes for 00:32:866 (8,1) - , 00:37:918 (7,1) - ^
00:30:971 (2) - remove this and add notes at 00:31:129 /// 00:31:287 /// 00:31:445, :( sorry again~this rhythm is ok imo I keep my pattern
01:03:339 - 01:22:918 /// 20 sec break B( haha xD
01:23:550 (1) - should be smth like finish here N/S/SC you can chose it by yourself ^^ (for me N-30% volume) ok~
01:27:182 - i hear note, but dont see it ww :( but I don't want to add it in my rhythm, sorry~
01:30:655 (6,7) - hmm, dunno strange antijump, it should be better if this notes would be stacked try this :( I just want keep it~
01:32:234 - same here, i hear note and dont see it \o.o/, if u add id then u probably need NC at 01:32:392 (5) - same as01:27:182 -
01:36:182 (6) - NC ok~
01:41:234 (1,1) - combine them in 1 color, 2nd NC unnecesarry here, cause 1st one showing changing rhytm so player surrely understand that it will be something wrong with next slider D: fixed (remove NC at 01:41:550 (1) - and add at 01:42:339 (2) - )
01:42:339 (2) - this one NC, cause changing SV here ^
01:45:024 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - i would place them like this haha, but both fine ofc hehe~so I will keep it
01:51:339 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - by listening to ur rhytm i can say that first 4 notes should have same spacing and only after 4 note jump on next part, smth like this well~fixed↓
01:53:866 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - here i hear that 5678 should have different jump placement then 1234, more of it they should have same spacing between them, its rly fit that BG music, smth like this sorry~I keep my pattern~
02:11:234 (8) - why not change it to short slider with repeat, so no need to use tick sound because I don't want to used short slider. It have too many short in my diff~I just don't want used 1/2 non-stop rhythm~
02:21:024 (7) - same here, change it to 2 short sliders and remove note from 02:21:497 (8) - o.o? ^

Thats all, good luck :)
thanks your mod~
and remove short ver xD

Hatsune Miku wrote:

sp3嫁我 >3<
Snowy Dream
- two .osb in the song file
- [Mellow] 01:49:445 (3) - Unsnapped slider (end).

00:27:024 - k d?

no problem with me.
Hi there~~mod for request~~

  1. Skin里缺少approach circle.....
  2. 你忘记在[Colour]里添加SliderBorder项目了……我的建议是直接黑色 0,0,0
  3. 有两个osb文件,重新full sub的时候把没用的那个删掉……
  4. 另外你真的不要用静音的sliderslide么……我我我强迫症中QAQ
  1. SB图片尺寸是1024*768,改成800*600……然后别忘了重新计算所有相关代码的值=v=
  2. 虽然我不太理解……但是圆形的dot真的有必要做rotate效果么?根本看不出来吧~
  1. 00:38:708 (2) - (nazi)避免这里的遮挡?稍微向右侧挪动一点
  2. 01:22:918 (1) - 结尾的这个finish感觉并不是很好听……建议改成S:C1的finish~
  3. 01:34:918 (3) - 考虑加一次折返?
  4. 02:00:497 (2) - 感觉上把这个方向改成向上倾斜会更舒服(和01:58:287 (5) - 的方向相对,以x轴为基准上下翻转)
  5. 02:03:971 (1) - 同样建议S:C1的finish,default的太突兀了不好听:<
  1. 01:00:813 (1) - 用S:C1的finish?
  2. 01:13:445 (1) - 我在想这里有没有可能和其他diff一样做成红色的combo color :>
  3. 01:23:550 (2) - 同前,建议S:C1
  4. 01:52:918 (4,5) - 这两个因为背景的缘故Approach circle不是很清楚,如果是Normal diff的话建议换个颜色或者拉开点距离什么的?
  5. 01:58:760 (6) - 下一组的NC放到这里开始?
  6. 02:03:971 (1) - S:C1 finish?
  1. 真的是TooHard....像00:33:655 (2,3,4,5,6) - 其实很难的诶建议多掺杂一点slider进去吧……
  2. 00:45:655 (1,2) - 这两个做平行了会比较好看……
  3. 01:23:550 (1) - S:C1 finish建议……
  4. 01:27:182 - 1/2都摆了这么多了。。这里音乐上有鼓点却留了空拍很别扭呢……
  5. 01:32:234 - ^
  6. 01:38:076 (6) - ^
  7. 01:38:076 (6) - ^
  8. 02:03:971 (1) - S:C1?
  9. 02:10:918 (6) - 感觉做成弧线会比较好看
  1. 这么美的曲子你忍心AR9嘛忍心嘛忍心嘛忍心嘛~
  2. 00:27:971 (1) - 这个slider我第一次Test的时候完全没意识到是个slider...可能因为颜色和背景太接近了又被前面note遮挡了很大部分?
  3. 00:33:971 (3) - ctrl+r for better flow?
  4. 00:45:971 (2) - 没必要做的这么直把……感觉可以轻微的弯曲成S形=v=
  5. 00:49:918 (6) - 似乎直接撞进HP Bar了……
  6. 00:51:024 (2) - 类似前面……拉出一点小弧度来?
  7. 01:23:550 (1) - 依然是……强烈建议S:C1.....
  8. 01:34:918 (4) - 感觉上ctrl+r会更舒服一点?
  9. 01:43:445 (4) - ^..因为这里音乐是向下的~
  10. 01:45:970 (7,8) - ctrl+r?。。。不知道哦,直觉上这里不适合反向跳……
  11. 02:03:971 (1) - S:C1 .....?
就这些了…………我是真的觉得default finish不适合~~~anyway~~gl with rank :>
Snowy Dream
音效没改@.@ 其他改了
Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

- two .osb in the song file del
- [Mellow] 01:49:445 (3) - Unsnapped slider (end). fixed

00:27:024 - k d? ok

no problem with me.

Scorpiour wrote:

Hi there~~mod for request~~

  1. Skin里缺少approach circle..... ok這些都修改過了(下面三個都改了 不過我用的是白色)
  2. 你忘记在[Colour]里添加SliderBorder项目了……我的建议是直接黑色 0,0,0
  3. 有两个osb文件,重新full sub的时候把没用的那个删掉……
  4. 另外你真的不要用静音的sliderslide么……我我我强迫症中QAQ
我有靜音喔 只是有些地方我會用sliderslide來做音效...>_>

  1. SB图片尺寸是1024*768,改成800*600……然后别忘了重新计算所有相关代码的值=v= 嘛...我改好了...
  2. 虽然我不太理解……但是圆形的dot真的有必要做rotate效果么?根本看不出来吧~

  1. 00:38:708 (2) - (nazi)避免这里的遮挡?稍微向右侧挪动一点 這個阿...其實我覺得擺成平行也是會overlaps耶...所以這個我就沒改了~
  2. 01:22:918 (1) - 结尾的这个finish感觉并不是很好听……建议改成S:C1的finish~ 恩...為了統一各難度的音效 我這地方用普通的finish 不用S:C1的原因是因為我不想讓這些finish一直出現同樣音效 作法和我前一張 Otokaze的音效一樣 所以我暫時不改
  3. 01:34:918 (3) - 考虑加一次折返?說實話如果背景沒有那個音效 我這樣排是很合適的... 現在要加可能會把後頭的pattern重新改過了... 暫時先保留
  4. 02:00:497 (2) - 感觉上把这个方向改成向上倾斜会更舒服(和01:58:287 (5) - 的方向相对,以x轴为基准上下翻转) 好 這個不錯 我改了
  5. 02:03:971 (1) - 同样建议S:C1的finish,default的太突兀了不好听:< 恩...同樣理由 所以我暫時不改
  1. 01:00:813 (1) - 用S:C1的finish?
  2. 01:13:445 (1) - 我在想这里有没有可能和其他diff一样做成红色的combo color :>
  3. 01:23:550 (2) - 同前,建议S:C1
  4. 01:52:918 (4,5) - 这两个因为背景的缘故Approach circle不是很清楚,如果是Normal diff的话建议换个颜色或者拉开点距离什么的?
  5. 01:58:760 (6) - 下一组的NC放到这里开始?
  6. 02:03:971 (1) - S:C1 finish?
  1. 真的是TooHard....像00:33:655 (2,3,4,5,6) - 其实很难的诶建议多掺杂一点slider进去吧……
  2. 00:45:655 (1,2) - 这两个做平行了会比较好看……
  3. 01:23:550 (1) - S:C1 finish建议……嘛...音效我作的 所以同樣和Easy的想法...暫時保留
  4. 01:27:182 - 1/2都摆了这么多了。。这里音乐上有鼓点却留了空拍很别扭呢……
  5. 01:32:234 - ^
  6. 01:38:076 (6) - ^
  7. 01:38:076 (6) - ^
  8. 02:03:971 (1) - S:C1? 嘛...音效我作的 所以同樣和Easy的想法...暫時保留
  9. 02:10:918 (6) - 感觉做成弧线会比较好看
  1. 这么美的曲子你忍心AR9嘛忍心嘛忍心嘛忍心嘛~ 這圖不AR9我看略慢阿TAT (對不起我錯了Orz...)
  2. 00:27:971 (1) - 这个slider我第一次Test的时候完全没意识到是个slider...可能因为颜色和背景太接近了又被前面note遮挡了很大部分?也是...不過打第二次應該就看的到了
  3. 00:33:971 (3) - ctrl+r for better flow? 恩...大部份的mapper都會在這用反向的...可是我喜歡做這種和常理不和的pattern Orz... 算是suck idea吧
  4. 00:45:971 (2) - 没必要做的这么直把……感觉可以轻微的弯曲成S形=v= ok~這個改了
  5. 00:49:918 (6) - 似乎直接撞进HP Bar了…… 降一格 這樣就沒有撞進去了
  6. 00:51:024 (2) - 类似前面……拉出一点小弧度来? 這個地方我就沒有作了...該怎麼說呢...我覺得放在中間的slider左右不對稱還OK 但是上下不對稱就...各人觀感問題呢=v="
  7. 01:23:550 (1) - 依然是……强烈建议S:C1..... Orz...依然沒改
  8. 01:34:918 (4) - 感觉上ctrl+r会更舒服一点?0.0這地方改了話應該沒有更舒服的感覺 因為後面的01:35:708 (5) - 就會變很遠 其實這個梗是想要讓(3,4)的pattern作平行...所以這地方保留下來
  9. 01:43:445 (4) - ^..因为这里音乐是向下的~ 0.0 音樂音調不是昇高嗎??
  10. 01:45:970 (7,8) - ctrl+r?。。。不知道哦,直觉上这里不适合反向跳……嘛... suck idea>_>
  11. 02:03:971 (1) - S:C1 .....? ...額
就这些了…………我是真的觉得default finish不适合~~~anyway~~gl with rank :>
抱歉...很多地方我都否決了 但是有些真的很有用!! 謝謝mod摟^^
Snowy Dream
Mod request from Snowy Dream's Queue

01:03:024 - remove clap
01:01:445 - 考虑减少点音量?
01:35:550 (4) - 这里必须有个note =-= 不明白为什么放弃这里加个note而选择延后放个slider
01:58:603 - remove clap?
02:18:813 - ^ (卧槽这偷懒啊怎么一样的> >)

00:58:129 (1) - remove clap and add clap to the next slider?
01:41:076 (9) - 移动到x:108 y:244附近的位置

01:00:497 (7) - 觉得不加clap好听
01:32:234 (4) - 这里有个音 需要一个note补上

02:02:706 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
Topic Starter

Snowy Dream wrote:

Mod request from Snowy Dream's Queue

01:03:024 - remove clap ok
01:01:445 - 考虑减少点音量?
01:35:550 (4) - 这里必须有个note =-= 不明白为什么放弃这里加个note而选择延后放个slider OK看來這地方不讓人喜歡阿 Sco也挑這 好吧我改
01:58:603 - remove clap? Umm...這個我不太想改呢 抱歉摟~
02:18:813 - ^ (卧槽这偷懒啊怎么一样的> >) ^ 呵呵呵呵 ((炸

00:58:129 (1) - remove clap and add clap to the next slider? 恩...其實我音效的下法是類似Taiko的下法 所以我認為適合的osu玩家/mapper不一定覺得適合 暫時先這樣吧~因為沒有感覺有問題呢0.0
01:41:076 (9) - 移动到x:108 y:244附近的位置 ((留給2ha看看吧

01:00:497 (7) - 觉得不加clap好听 和前面的音效對掉
01:32:234 (4) - 这里有个音 需要一个note补上 恩...其實本來想排這個pattern的時候就有考慮到這個音 可是後來為了這個梗 還是放棄了這個音點 感覺也沒有差很多的感覺... 所以暫時這樣

02:02:706 (1) - Unsnapped circle. lol 居然沒有注意到這個 謝謝了!!!
不懂你什么想法,反正我不会挂着drum音效去跟别的音,你现在这样的弄法只让我觉得听不清音乐 只能听到没有套路的音效
Snowy Dream
检查了遍 有个地方没改好...


01:35:550 (4,1) - 改成一个折返slider蛮好的
01:36:497 (2,3) - 巨丑,把2放到3正中间多好

SV - 1.04!好奇葩
01:23:550 (2) - 感觉这个加上NC比较有感觉
02:01:445 (6) - ^
02:11:550 (7) - ^

00:47:392 (5) - remove clap


Topic Starter

cmn_891127 wrote:


hitnormal和clap声音都有点大 改成40%

01:35:550 (4,1) - 改成一个折返slider蛮好的
01:36:497 (2,3) - 巨丑,把2放到3正中间多好 這個恐怕不行 因為SV的關係間距不怎麼好調. 倒是我其實不想讓Easy作出完全overlaps的行為 感覺比較難:(

00:47:392 (5) - remove clap 恩...這音效和後面是成套的 暫時也就不改了

none ~

-Baby Strawberry-

00:26:708 (5,6) - 这种遮挡我个人是不大喜欢。。。
00:36:813 (5,6) - 其实还有这种。。。
00:39:339 (5,6) - OJZ
01:27:339 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - 这样好不好玩?
02:10:287 (5) -这种类型的你喜不喜欢?[img]02:10:287%20(5)%20-[/img]

00:24:813 (4) - 我觉得弯点好看
02:14:708 (3) - 向里面弯好点吧?

00:43:129 (1) - 我觉得吧还不如放到00:41:866 (4) - 的末尾,然后调整下2的位置
00:46:129 (2,3) - 好多这种。。。这个就没办法啦。。。

话说中间两个break会有SB吗? 不会的话有点太空了的感觉。。。
good luck~!
Topic Starter

-Baby Strawberry- wrote:


00:26:708 (5,6) - 这种遮挡我个人是不大喜欢。。。 額...這就風格問題了 :(
00:36:813 (5,6) - 其实还有这种。。。 ^
00:39:339 (5,6) - OJZ OTZ
01:27:339 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - 这样好不好玩? 恩...我的想法是讓這音高一樣的位置在同一點 所以暫時不改
02:10:287 (5) -这种类型的你喜不喜欢? 這個可以有


话说中间两个break会有SB吗? 不会的话有点太空了的感觉。。。
good luck~!
感謝mod ><!!!
As requested by sp3, I'm coming for a Taiko mod ~
Let's go :3

Blue~ Critical issues. You must fix this
Purple~ It's better to fix this
Pink~ Suggestions only. Change only if you want to


[Taiko Oni]

Start ~ 00:40:918 : It could be a good idea to make this part slower ( eg x0.8 ) as the music is softer & this is the start of music ~

01:03:339 ~ 01:43:760 : Some places with clap sounds are empty ( eg 01:06:497, 01:09:024 & 01:16:603 ) As the claps are quite loud, I suggest remapping those parts so that a "k" is placed there ~

Suggested patterns
Suggestions only. Change them only if you want to ~

00:43:129 ( 1 ) - Add finish ? ( Emphasis can be clearly heard there )

00:48:182 ( 1 ) - ^ ( Less obvious, so this is optional )

00:52:997 ( 2 ) - Delete this note ? A single 1/4 is kind of odd ~ ( Other parts have 1/2s only )

00:53:234 ( 1 ) - Add finish ? ( Same reason )

00:58:287 ( 1 ) - ^

01:43:760 ( 1 ) - ^ ( Start of kiai )

02:03:497 ( 2 ) - Red note ? ( Clap sound is on (1) only )

02:03:971 ( 1 ) - Add finish ? ( 2nd section of kiai )

The map is nice overall ~

Rating : 9/10 ( +1 : Hitsounds +0.5 : Note placements )

Star and good luck ~ ;)
Request from In-game ~

  • "re" 意思是 "remove"
    黑色 只是建議,不喜歡可以略過~OAO
    藍色 是要討論的問題
    紅色 是unrankable


  1. 無用的綠線:
    01:01:445 -
    01:01:524 -

  2. 00:47:234 (5) - 總覺得這slider上的2個clap讓咱聽起來感覺有點怪 (被打
  3. 01:35:550 (4) - 開始加個clap?! (被打
  4. 01:53:866 (1,2) - ...額 糟糕...咱看到這2個笑了一段時間 (我去自重..
  5. 02:14:077 (1,2) - ...嗯 糟糕...咱再一次看到這2個又笑了一段時間 (我再去自重..


  1. 無用的綠線:
    01:22:918 -

  2. 00:38:076 (5,1) - 交換NC?~
  3. 02:12:813 (10) - 尾巴加個clap?


  1. 無用的綠線:
    01:22:918 -

  2. perfect,lol!


  1. 無用的綠線:
    00:24:497 -

  2. 00:39:339 (5) - ctrl+R ?! 咱感覺flow比較順暢
  3. 01:30:971 (7) - 這絕對是阿三醬故意設計的坑
good song & good map & good luck ~ star ~
阿三醬果然是神mapper ...
咱只有這些渣mod了 ..騙KD (被打
Topic Starter

aabc271 wrote:

As requested by sp3, I'm coming for a Taiko mod ~
Let's go :3

Blue~ Critical issues. You must fix this
Purple~ It's better to fix this
Pink~ Suggestions only. Change only if you want to


[Taiko Oni]

Start ~ 00:40:918 : It could be a good idea to make this part slower ( eg x0.8 ) as the music is softer & this is the start of music ~

01:03:339 ~ 01:43:760 : Some places with clap sounds are empty ( eg 01:06:497, 01:09:024 & 01:16:603 ) As the claps are quite loud, I suggest remapping those parts so that a "k" is placed there ~

Suggested patterns
Suggestions only. Change them only if you want to ~

00:43:129 ( 1 ) - Add finish ? ( Emphasis can be clearly heard there )

00:48:182 ( 1 ) - ^ ( Less obvious, so this is optional )

00:52:997 ( 2 ) - Delete this note ? A single 1/4 is kind of odd ~ ( Other parts have 1/2s only )

00:53:234 ( 1 ) - Add finish ? ( Same reason )

00:58:287 ( 1 ) - ^

01:43:760 ( 1 ) - ^ ( Start of kiai )

02:03:497 ( 2 ) - Red note ? ( Clap sound is on (1) only )

02:03:971 ( 1 ) - Add finish ? ( 2nd section of kiai )

The map is nice overall ~

Rating : 9/10 ( +1 : Hitsounds +0.5 : Note placements )

Star and good luck ~ ;)
thx your mod~ All suggestion are changed
Topic Starter

l1106188 wrote:

Request from In-game ~

  • "re" 意思是 "remove"
    黑色 只是建議,不喜歡可以略過~OAO
    藍色 是要討論的問題
    紅色 是unrankable


  1. 無用的綠線:
    01:01:445 -
    01:01:524 -

  2. 00:47:234 (5) - 總覺得這slider上的2個clap讓咱聽起來感覺有點怪 (被打 好 把第二個clap拿掉
  3. 01:35:550 (4) - 開始加個clap?! (被打 這個可以有
  4. 01:53:866 (1,2) - ...額 糟糕...咱看到這2個笑了一段時間 (我去自重..
  5. 02:14:077 (1,2) - ...嗯 糟糕...咱再一次看到這2個又笑了一段時間 (我再去自重..


  1. 無用的綠線:
    01:22:918 -

  2. 00:38:076 (5,1) - 交換NC?~
  3. 02:12:813 (10) - 尾巴加個clap?


  1. 無用的綠線:
    01:22:918 -

  2. perfect,lol!


  1. 無用的綠線:
    00:24:497 -

  2. 00:39:339 (5) - ctrl+R ?! 咱感覺flow比較順暢 這個是故意的呢:(
  3. 01:30:971 (7) - 這絕對是阿三醬故意設計的坑
good song & good map & good luck ~ star ~
阿三醬果然是神mapper ...
咱只有這些渣mod了 ..騙KD (被打
所有綠線都改了 感謝mod摟~

  1. HP & OD-1
  2. 00:30:182 (3) - 感覺斜太多了... 這樣如何?
  3. 00:45:024 - clap吧~
  4. 00:47:234 (5) - 嘛..聽起來怪怪的>_> 鼓聲是在 00:47:550 - Remove clap?
  5. 01:00:813 (1) - finish~? 效果不賴喔!!~
  6. 01:03:024 (3) - 好像放的有點高.. 移到[X:364 Y:256]要嘛??
  7. 01:22:918 (1) - clap唄~ 有鼓聲0.0
  8. 01:41:234 (1) - ^
  9. 01:53:866 (1,2) - 間距有點太大了>_>... 改改吧~ 這樣排沒問題嗎??O_O"
  10. 02:01:445 (1) - clap
  11. 02:20:708 (2) - 不是很喜歡這樣耶QAQ... 試試這樣排~~?
  1. 01:00:813 (1) - 轉盤在01:02:708 - 結束(加clap)? 然後01:03:339 - 加個finish圈如何? :3
  2. 01:22:918 (1) - 跟鼓聲~ clap
  3. 01:39:971 (3) - 移到[X:176 Y:260]吧~ 這樣(2)才有在中間._. Nazi...
  4. 02:03:024 (2,3) - Ctrl + R? 換種疊法~
  5. 02:20:076 (2,3,4) - 這樣用了不少次呀>_>... 可以試試像這樣?
  1. 00:23:550 (2) - 我比較喜歡這樣OwO
  2. 00:41:866 (4) - 這裡我覺得follow鼓聲就好._. 比較有迎接高潮的感覺ww
    嘛..所以..Remove whistle 然後 00:41:550 (3) - & 00:42:339 (5) - 也不要whistle~
  3. 01:00:813 (1) - finish聽起來不錯
  4. 01:42:339 (2) - 這邊NC?
  5. 02:20:708 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 轉些角度 排成像這樣?? 我覺得還不錯!!~~
  6. 02:21:655 (6) - finish
  1. 00:46:918 (4) - 這可以再包好些阿~~
  2. 00:51:655 (3) - 彎一下>_>?
  3. 01:00:655 - 加個圈?
  4. 01:00:813 - ^ (加finish) 如果這兩個改了的話.. 轉盤改從01:00:892 - 開始吧~ 不想漏掉那個finish..Orz
  5. 01:32:076 (3,4,5,6) - 做個<DS 0.1>的Anti-jump如何?? 不太喜歡一次連續重疊好幾個QAQ..
  6. 01:41:550 (2) - 鬼觸些的話...這邊可以用1/8吧!?? xDD
  7. 01:51:655 (3,4) - 位置對調? 打起來比較順~
  8. 01:58:918 (1) - 這樣排? 比之前好看吧><"
  9. 02:11:234 (8) - Ctrl + R?
  10. 02:21:655 (9) - finish~
加油吧~ :D
Topic Starter

12BARRY21 wrote:


  1. HP & OD-1
  2. 00:30:182 (3) - 感覺斜太多了... 這樣如何? 這個沒改 我的想法是讓00:29:234 (2slider尾,3) -在同直線上
  3. 00:45:024 - clap吧~ 恩...抱歉摟 因為我覺得這地方用Normal來比較好...
  4. 00:47:234 (5) - 嘛..聽起來怪怪的>_> 鼓聲是在 00:47:550 - Remove clap? 我移除了 clap在00:47:550 -
  5. 01:00:813 (1) - finish~? 效果不賴喔!!~ 恩...我比較喜歡這地方靜音的感覺
  6. 01:03:024 (3) - 好像放的有點高.. 移到[X:364 Y:256]要嘛?? ->我改到[x:376 y:280] 因為我想讓他們在一直線上
  7. 01:22:918 (1) - clap唄~ 有鼓聲0.0 好 這我漏了
  8. 01:41:234 (1) - ^ ^
  9. 01:53:866 (1,2) - 間距有點太大了>_>... 改改吧~ 這樣排沒問題嗎??O_O" 這間距沒有很大阿 1.1左右而已...
  10. 02:01:445 (1) - clap
  11. 02:20:708 (2) - 不是很喜歡這樣耶QAQ... 試試這樣排~~? 恩...這就是個人喜好的問題了 因為我喜歡這樣的排法~
  1. 00:46:918 (4) - 這可以再包好些阿~~ ? 這個是正中央了... 而且最大的原因是間距問題 所以我沒半法對到這個弧度
  2. 00:51:655 (3) - 彎一下>_>? 這個沒改
  3. 01:00:655 - 加個圈? 恩...背景沒東西所以我沒有加note... 因為這樣我聽起來沒有像現在這樣順耳
  4. 01:00:813 - ^ (加finish) 如果這兩個改了的話.. 轉盤改從01:00:892 - 開始吧~ 不想漏掉那個finish..Orz 抱歉摟 這兩個都沒改
  5. 01:32:076 (3,4,5,6) - 做個<DS 0.1>的Anti-jump如何?? 不太喜歡一次連續重疊好幾個QAQ.. 恩...有SL會自動anti的
  6. 01:41:550 (2) - 鬼觸些的話...這邊可以用1/8吧!?? xDD 用1/8就不合音樂了:(
  7. 01:51:655 (3,4) - 位置對調? 打起來比較順~ 好 這個不錯
  8. 01:58:918 (1) - 這樣排? 比之前好看吧><" 沒有像你這樣 但是也是修改過了
  9. 02:11:234 (8) - Ctrl + R? 恩...習慣問題 不是挺想改的
  10. 02:21:655 (9) - finish~
加油吧~ :D
hi there :P


00:35:234 (3) - add whistle on start to be consistent with others?
00:39:971 (4) - add whistle on end?


00:39:971 (4) - not sure why it's so close to (3) :? but if you like it, just keep it :P
00:41:234 - maybe use 40% volume? since before you used 40%, and this part seems louder than the parts around it :?
01:53:392 (6) - add finish on end like in other diffs?
02:14:076 (1) - add finish on start?


00:26:708 (5) - add whistle on end? cause you added one on 00:37:287 (6) ><
00:31:760 (5) - add whistle on end?
00:48:813 (3) - add clap?
00:56:392 (2) - add clap on start?


01:25:760 (8) - maybe make a flower pattern like this? I'm not so sure a "back" fits here..
01:56:392 (5) - add NC?

star :P
nice map, good luck :)
Topic Starter

pieguy1372 wrote:

hi there :P


00:35:234 (3) - add whistle on start to be consistent with others? sure~
00:39:971 (4) - add whistle on end? ok :P


00:26:708 (5) - add whistle on end? cause you added one on 00:37:287 (6) ><
00:31:760 (5) - add whistle on end?
00:48:813 (3) - add clap?
00:56:392 (2) - add clap on start?

All accept

01:25:760 (8) - maybe make a flower pattern like this? I'm not so sure a "back" fits here.. sorry~ I'm keep my pattern. but still thanks your suggestion :P
01:56:392 (5) - add NC? yeah

star :P
nice map, good luck :)
thx your mod ^^
阿三~ 好歌怎不mod?
[ General]
  1. 2個osb坑爹
  2. default-1.png is not centerd 從Easy的這個note01:13:445 (1) - 可以很明顯看出 好 順便幫你改了
[ Easy]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggetion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 剛開始那一段的sliderslide的聲音不知為何廳的很清楚...不是很喜歡...
    2. 00:31:129 (4) - 感覺要有個New Combo才對
    3. 00:36:182 (4) - 一樣
    4. 00:41:866 (1) - 感覺可以不用New Combo 但是應該沒差>_>
    5. 00:46:287 (4) - New Combo
    6. 01:02:392 (2,3) - 好像可以做更多花樣?
    7. 01:35:550 (4) - 間距
    8. Kiai Time 複製的有些明顯 快Ctrl+H
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. Good as always
[ Snowy]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggetion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 01:32:708 (5) - 把這個note移動到01:31:445 (2) - 上面感覺能有更好的flow
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 00:43:760 (3) - 其實用本來的clap就好的說 跟後面的clap一樣
    2. 02:03:971 (1) - 小聲點 現在有點吵
[ TuHard]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggetion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 01:13:445 (1) - 讓我nazi一下吧 放到中間去
    2. 01:42:339 (2,1) - New Combo位置交換一下?
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
[ Mallow]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggetion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 不說了 :3
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 00:51:024 (2) - 感覺音效要交換
好扒 GG 我只能mod這些了 就這樣
Good Luck :3
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ spboxer3 ~ :)

Request by old queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. 2 OSB file in osz,pls remove one.
  2. Resize 'approachcircle.png' to 128*128.
  3. Remove 'sherrie__fay ' in tags,can't add 'StoryBoard Creator'.
  4. 'soft-sliderslide,soft-slidertick' both mute will be unrankble,pls change this.
  5. Change same Stack Leniency?


  1. 02:24:182 - reduce volume to same as other diff.


  1. Rename this diff to Snowy's Normal.
  2. Remove some 1/4 circle will be more easy playble.

That's all ~ pretty nice map ~

Good luck with rank ~
Snowy Dream

bossandy wrote:

[ Snowy]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggetion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 01:32:708 (5) - 把這個note移動到01:31:445 (2) - 上面感覺能有更好的flow
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 00:43:760 (3) - 其實用本來的clap就好的說 跟後面的clap一樣 Fixed
    2. 02:03:971 (1) - 小聲點 現在有點吵

Kawayi Rika wrote:

  1. Rename this diff to Snowy's Normal. Fixed 
  2. Remove some 1/4 circle will be more easy playble. Baka Rika > < Easy enough imo(TuHard is so difficult if this is not easy =-=)
Topic Starter

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Hi ~ spboxer3 ~ :)

Request by old queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. 2 OSB file in osz,pls remove one.
  2. Resize 'approachcircle.png' to 128*128.
  3. Remove 'sherrie__fay ' in tags,can't add 'StoryBoard Creator'.
  4. 'soft-sliderslide,soft-slidertick' both mute will be unrankble,pls change this.
  5. Change same Stack Leniency?
all fixed


  1. 02:24:182 - reduce volume to same as other diff. fixed
Kawayi Rika
OK ~ Looks fine now ~

Good luck with rank ~

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