
Hmm, I think I'm loosing interest in osu!, but I don't want to..

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Pick up Taiko, come back to Standard a month later
Worked wonders for me, but now I'm addicted to two game modes xD
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Luna wrote:

Pick up Taiko, come back to Standard a month later
Worked wonders for me, but now I'm addicted to two game modes xD
I did want to pick up Taiko, so I ordered a Wii Taiko drum. My drum seemed to have some sensitivity issue, and there was a bit of latency over bluetooth, so I just gave up, but perhaps I shouldn't even worry about the drum and just use the keyboard
Shohei Ohtani

But if you're really bored, try talking in IRC, try playing CtB, try mapping. There's lots you can do :D.
Or you can just quit.
Quitting is cool.
Let's trade interest in osu!

Hika wrote:

Or you can just quit.
If you don't get fun of any aspect of the game just quit *.* Why would you force yourself to play a game you don't enjoy ?
Xylem Beer
Set a goal like scorewhoring to rank xxx. That's what I'm doing whenever I get bored at playing.

Drafura wrote:

If you don't get fun of any aspect of the game just quit *.* Why would you force yourself to play a game you don't enjoy ?
I boot up, download the new maps, boot down. One day I'll play string of maps and then take a long break.
You gotta do what you want to do.
Topic Starter

Drafura wrote:

Hika wrote:

Or you can just quit.
If you don't get fun of any aspect of the game just quit *.* Why would you force yourself to play a game you don't enjoy ?
idk, like normally with any other game I would just quit playing it, but osu! was probably the funnest game I've played, and I'd rather not just stop playing it for some reason...
If you're always doing a solo play, try doing a multiplayer game.

Play count doesn't mean everything. I'm more active now than I was before. Probably cuz of this:


quit the game if nothing attracts you and you don't have resbonsibility(special usergroup)

living without osu maybe give you different feeling
It's just a game :>

game is just for fun :>

Xylem Beer wrote:

Set a goal like scorewhoring to rank xxx. That's what I'm doing whenever I get bored at playing.
Eventually, you're going to get tired of this... believe me.

Anyways, if you really want to stay & try to get that interest back, you can just try other things instead of playing the game. It's so much more fun when you find other things you don't intend to find, bahahaha.
So you're losing interest in the game yet you don't want to lose interest in the game?

I think that's kind of a mental state. There's something about osu! you still want because apparently you don't want to lose interest, but everything besides that is like "this isn't interesting anymore, let's stop playing as much"

What is it you wanted out of the game that you feel you haven't satisfied yet?
Try streaming your gameplay. It worked for me.
I haven't lost interest in osu!, I just play less.

Amefuri Koneko
I have random interest in osu!, lol

Just try not to worry about scores, FC's, accuracy and not having improvements, play for fun and enjoy the music, return backgrounds if you deleted them, works out for me.
Topic title:
"Index » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » Hmm, I don't care about your Play History but let me show off with mine..."
According to your sig you play too much Blizzard games. Thats why.
I want to post my play history too
You could quit for a while if you don't find anything you could do.
On this way, you'll see how much interest you still have.
i dont lose my interest in osu! i just dont care about playin anymore

Scorpiour wrote:

It's just a game :>

game is just for fun :>
You're lying, osu! Is hooked directly to my brain, heart and other internal organs, take it away and I'd probably die.

Seriously though hate to sound cheesy but osu! Has really made a big difference in my life, and that is what I believe any game developer should aim for.

-Athena- wrote:

You're lying, osu! Is hooked directly to my brain, heart and other internal organs, take it away and I'd probably die.
y're overreacting
Stop playing for a month, then come back and realise how much you've missed this game and get hooked to it again.

dNextGen wrote:

-Athena- wrote:

You're lying, osu! Is hooked directly to my brain, heart and other internal organs, take it away and I'd probably die.
y're overreacting
Well yes I am, I did it on purpose as well with no offensive intent.

GensokyoAkuma wrote:

Stop playing for a month, then come back and realise how much you've missed this game and get hooked to it again.
AFK helps skill up www

Suzully wrote:

Osu! is just a game.
Not the work. Not the duty.
Yes, to play is the purpose of osu!
from ignore's sig lol
Take a break and see how life is without osu!? See if you end up having a need to return or not.
Alternatively, find some way to help people out in the community and see if you get any joy from doing that. There's a lot to do in osu! other than play and edit maps.

GensokyoAkuma wrote:

Stop playing for a month, then come back and realise how much you've missed this game and get hooked to it again.

Krzysiek wrote:

Topic title:
"Index » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » Hmm, I don't care about your Play History but let me show off with mine..."

That half year break. But seriously, you'll most likely regain interest in some later in point in time so don't worry about taking a break.
well in my case i really can quit osu! cause of the table..... i bought my tablet for about RM400++ something like $400 .....if in this case can u just quit the game ?
Try mapping. It could really get you hooked on osu! if playing doesn't do it for you anymore.
Plus, there's no aspect of competition in mapping, so if you didn't like the competitiveness of the game itself it's probably something to look into.
And if you're interested in the community this is a great thing to do.
Kanye West

Mr Color wrote:

Try mapping. It could really get you hooked on osu! if playing doesn't do it for you anymore.
Plus, there's no aspect of competition in mapping, so if you didn't like the competitiveness of the game itself it's probably something to look into.
And if you're interested in the community this is a great thing to do.
This so much.

You don't even have to try to get anything ranked. Just map for fun, get used to how everything works and share it with your friends \:D/
Feature requests and mapping saved my osu! life.

still thinking of quitting though..
I found that setting goals made me play more, got into thousand ranks recently now hoping to get into hundreds sooner or later.

you are ranked 23k, what are you talking about?
This game is better the more people you meet, and people to play with. Go in multiplayer and try to talk to people while you're waiting for the downloads to finish..Or try spectating people, and hopefully they'll pm you saying how much they suck, then eventually you'll say "nono you're much better than me" and Bam!! auto mutal friends.

well, that's how it worked for me, and the more people I met, I just try to beat their scores, and shit like that..too bad I only meet people who are like way better than me, so I can never beat thier scores, but at least it's fun trying, and much easier to get a good multi room going.

Hope this helps somewhat, I guess..
Shohei Ohtani

Sorun wrote:

I found that setting goals made me play more, got into thousand ranks recently now hoping to get into hundreds sooner or later.


CDFA wrote:

Sorun wrote:

I found that setting goals made me play more, got into thousand ranks recently now hoping to get into hundreds sooner or later.
You're unaware bro

silmarilen wrote:

you are ranked 23k, what are you talking about?
I'm obviously referring to score rank

Common sense much ?
Minty Gum
I was losing interest in the game too. Playing was losing its joy to me, yet I came on and played for hours a day... I guess I wouldn't know how to fill up my time if I quit. However, I'm trying out mapping and I think it's really fun. I hope to become a good mapper one day :D

sCam wrote:

Or try spectating people, and hopefully they'll pm you saying how much they suck, then eventually you'll say "nono you're much better than me" and Bam!! auto mutal friends.
LOL. I did that to someone, not on purpose though.
Topic Starter

Mr Color wrote:

Try mapping. It could really get you hooked on osu! if playing doesn't do it for you anymore.
Plus, there's no aspect of competition in mapping, so if you didn't like the competitiveness of the game itself it's probably something to look into.
And if you're interested in the community this is a great thing to do.
Hmm, I did try mapping a few times, had fun with it. I finished mapping on one map I made, but I don't think it had any interest when I tried getting it modded (or maybe I just requested incorrectly, not sure).

As for the competitiveness of the game itself, I do enjoy it, but I feel like I'm not getting much better at the game anymore.

sCam wrote:

This game is better the more people you meet, and people to play with
I think I can agree with this. Back when I first started playing osu!, me and a friend would usually play together, picking songs back and forth, and generally having a good time. He stopped playing as much though (he was a mouse-only player and broke his mouse, and I guess he stopped playing because he wasn't as good as he was with his old mouse).

I don't actually have anyone else to play osu! with though currently. Some people ask me about the game, but don't seem to continue playing it after the first time :/ Would be nice to find some ppl to play with though :)
i dont agree. untill recently i only had 1 person i actually talked to on osu! other than an occasional hi, and i never found the game boring.
:roll: hmmm...i was planning on quiting this game cause i also have another game...but my mind said not to quit on osu...i dont know why...but i enjoy alot on it..:D i love music though..
Apparently osu! is the one game I can't quit. Albeit I take a break from it for around 3 days. Just find random people to talk to and play multi. :3 .

I probably love osu! just because I love anime/japanese music and OSTs so much.
This game is impossible to quit. I always want to be better than that one other guy...
Go invade Off-topic then.

One doesn't simply quit osu! that easy.

anzo-nii wrote:

Go invade Off-topic then.

One doesn't simply quit osu! that easy.
I've tried to quit. I really have.

It just doesn't work. You can pull yourself away for some months but you'll find yourself back screwing around eventually.
Do something that forces you to stop for a month or so like I have (Moved to a new home) then you will be itching to play (Which I already am.)
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