
Hmm, I think I'm loosing interest in osu!, but I don't want to..

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I just happened to of been looking at my profile, and I just noticed my Play History:

The drop between Dec 11 and Jan 12 is probably because of SWTOR coming out (me and a friend played a good bit of it for a month), but even after that, I've been playing osu! less and less.

I do notice as of recently that if I start up osu! and notice that I don't do too well, I'll just end up quitting. I remember before where I would play songs for fun, and even repeat songs several times if I failed. But now.. if I failed once or twice, I'll either just move to another song or just stop playing.

Anyone happen to have any suggestions to perhaps make osu! as fun as I found it before?
Pick up Taiko, come back to Standard a month later
Worked wonders for me, but now I'm addicted to two game modes xD
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Luna wrote:

Pick up Taiko, come back to Standard a month later
Worked wonders for me, but now I'm addicted to two game modes xD
I did want to pick up Taiko, so I ordered a Wii Taiko drum. My drum seemed to have some sensitivity issue, and there was a bit of latency over bluetooth, so I just gave up, but perhaps I shouldn't even worry about the drum and just use the keyboard
Shohei Ohtani

But if you're really bored, try talking in IRC, try playing CtB, try mapping. There's lots you can do :D.
Or you can just quit.
Quitting is cool.
Let's trade interest in osu!

Hika wrote:

Or you can just quit.
If you don't get fun of any aspect of the game just quit *.* Why would you force yourself to play a game you don't enjoy ?
Xylem Beer
Set a goal like scorewhoring to rank xxx. That's what I'm doing whenever I get bored at playing.

Drafura wrote:

If you don't get fun of any aspect of the game just quit *.* Why would you force yourself to play a game you don't enjoy ?
I boot up, download the new maps, boot down. One day I'll play string of maps and then take a long break.
You gotta do what you want to do.
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Drafura wrote:

Hika wrote:

Or you can just quit.
If you don't get fun of any aspect of the game just quit *.* Why would you force yourself to play a game you don't enjoy ?
idk, like normally with any other game I would just quit playing it, but osu! was probably the funnest game I've played, and I'd rather not just stop playing it for some reason...
If you're always doing a solo play, try doing a multiplayer game.

Play count doesn't mean everything. I'm more active now than I was before. Probably cuz of this:


quit the game if nothing attracts you and you don't have resbonsibility(special usergroup)

living without osu maybe give you different feeling
It's just a game :>

game is just for fun :>

Xylem Beer wrote:

Set a goal like scorewhoring to rank xxx. That's what I'm doing whenever I get bored at playing.
Eventually, you're going to get tired of this... believe me.

Anyways, if you really want to stay & try to get that interest back, you can just try other things instead of playing the game. It's so much more fun when you find other things you don't intend to find, bahahaha.
So you're losing interest in the game yet you don't want to lose interest in the game?

I think that's kind of a mental state. There's something about osu! you still want because apparently you don't want to lose interest, but everything besides that is like "this isn't interesting anymore, let's stop playing as much"

What is it you wanted out of the game that you feel you haven't satisfied yet?
Try streaming your gameplay. It worked for me.
I haven't lost interest in osu!, I just play less.

Amefuri Koneko
I have random interest in osu!, lol

Just try not to worry about scores, FC's, accuracy and not having improvements, play for fun and enjoy the music, return backgrounds if you deleted them, works out for me.
Topic title:
"Index » osu! » Gameplay & Rankings » Hmm, I don't care about your Play History but let me show off with mine..."
According to your sig you play too much Blizzard games. Thats why.
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