
Mitsumune Shinkichi - Battle of Rose

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haha5957 wrote:

maybe graveyarding this is my last solution
...solution, are you kidding me? =.=
that totally makes sense. because a custom hitsound is unrankable, you're going to just let your map grave. why don't you just change it and compensate your map to that? it's not that hard...
From me and wowshakhov. ^^
The timing is kinda off :o
Maybe because of the mp3 change~

Anyway, try Offset: 373

Nvm :3
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I remember I was using near that before mp3 change, but 300 fits now for me, thanks though@

Saten-san wrote:

The timing is kinda off :o
Maybe because of the mp3 change~

Anyway, try Offset: 373
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Normal-Hitnormal2 is now replaced with soft whistle.

It sounds bit weird but I guess this worked..

not graving this for now
Ur offset sounded off.

and i did redownload.

I got 358 offset. dont forget to resnap


00:21:227 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - err this speed up and volume change dont play well. i suggest you keep the volume constant and that you SB in a warning for speed up if you keep it.

00:56:705 (1,2,3) - ugly volume change but speed ups i dont really mind here. they play random but this one is okay i guess.

Also a lot of your long 1/4th streams are slightly unevenly spaced. (im a nazi like that)

It looks better than last time. heres my star now.
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Oh yeah finally graveyarded LOL.

Woll revive this after 280 days
nice map~ don‘t give up~ :)
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Finally revived after 280 days@@ I'll keep going on with this

00:45:169 - 슬라이더 모양을 좌우 대칭으로 바꾸는건 어떨까요?
01:24:821 - ""


전체적으로 좀 쉬워요 좀 더 난이도를 올리는게 어떨까요


대략 하드치고는 인세인에 비해 너무 쉽다고 생각해요 난이도를 좀 더 올려보세요
AR도 7정도로 올리시고 중간중간 비어있는 부분에 단타를 더 찍으신다던가..


1:23:256 - 연타부분이 모인만큼 노트가 많이 구석으로 쏠렸네요 슬라이더랑 묶어서 같이 좀 내리시는건 어떨지
2:05:456 - end : 난이도에 비해 점수가 너무 적게 나오는거같네요 슬라이더보다는 단타를 넣으시는게 어떨까요[*][*][*]
Ibuki Suika

haha5957 wrote:

Finally revived after 280 days@@ I'll keep going on with this
wait this map 280days too :(
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ haha5957 ~ :)

Mod time for PM In-game ~

Just like you said only mod last diff ~


AR-1,because not high music and low BPM.
00:33:430 (8) - Remove whistle.
01:08:300 (1,1,1,1,1) - don't used short NC.
01:39:691 - Unwanted Add break time to here,Delete pls.
01:55:082 (1,1,1,1) - don't used short NC.
01:57:169 (1) - Add finish.

That' all ~ Nice BGM ~

Good luck ~ ;)
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*I would suggest you to add a little skin that I used too for my Rozen Maiden's Map.
(The result will be something like this
and this: Don't forget to credit "XepherX3" for the hitcircle. :3
In addition, siriru made a Rozen Maiden's skin as well. You can find it in the "skinning" section of the site.

*Offset: +5ms, because it sounds a bti off at the end! (Don't forget to Resnap All Notes in this case)


00:08:386 (x) One of the main hitcircle of the map should be put here, same thing here 00:08:517 (x); the reason is quite fair, here it starts the main instrument of the song. (maybe add them and stack those on the next (1)'s start?)
01:07:082 (1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Whops, a bit confusing in my opinion, due to 1/3's placements. What if you introduce in a better way the electric guitar?
Starting from 01:06:821, try this:
oh and I'd remove a repeat from 01:07:604 (2) in order to avoid the little jump with the next 1/3 "stream" (since there is a radical change of BPM, it would be a bit unintuitive for the player. Speaking through images, I suggest you to do something like this:
01:13:213 (x) - This part feels really "empty" during playing. What if you add a hitcircle here? (Little suggestion in order to avoid huge jumps:
02:13:995 (1) - Please silence this spinner at the end (a soft section with 5% volume would be enough at the end of it)

[31's Taiko]

No problems, I found it quite enjoyable :3
I'll get this done as soon as possible
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I'll just go with my hard (since mercury didn't gave me his guest diff for some reason) and...

ok, The Long Marathon for this map continues!
Dark Fang
Let's mod~

Red : must fix or Unrankable
Bold : should fix


.osb 파일 안쓰는데 삭제하신다면 좋겟습니다.
키아이타임 불일치 왠만하면 통일해주시기바랍니다.
스타레이팅 3.0 미만의 난이도가 있어야합니다. 이지(인지 노말인지)난이도를 약간 쉽게 수정해보시는건 어떤가요?

[Red Rose]

01:45:691 (3) - Ctrl + R 해보시는게 어떤가요?

[Black Rose]

01:15:560 - Unrankable, Hitsound volume is 0%
01:16:473 (3) - 이노트를 01:15:430 이것과 대칭이 되게두시면 어떤가요?
01:54:038 (3) - 혼동이 오기쉬운 패턴. 왠만하면 수정좀!

[5957 Rose]

OD -1? '3'
00:19:604 (4,6) - 슬라끝을 곂쳐보는건어떰 어차피 내의견은 똥이니 무시해도되요

내게 모욕감을 주엇어.

My mod is not helpful.
but I try my best

Have a good time :D
스타 패기에 지러부리것소;

[Red Rose]
00:44:126 (1,2) - 난 이 모양이 좋습니다

[Black Rose]
00:56:648 (1) - 이건 어떤가여
01:35:256 (5) - 디스탠스 맞추는게 좀 더 통일성 있을듯
01:54:039 (3) - 01:54:560 (4) - 와 타이밍을 바꿔보는건?

[5957 style]
00:11:778 (1,2) - 이걸 00:12:300 (3) - 이 슬라이더랑 겹치게 놓지 말아요! 이런 느낌?
01:56:908 - 여기에 노트를 추가하는게 어떨까요
01:57:039 - ^

킁킁 어디서 똥모딩의 냄새가 나는군.
Topic Starter

jieusieu wrote:

스타 패기에 지러부리것소;

[Red Rose]
00:44:126 (1,2) - 난 이 모양이 좋습니다
=> 단호한 거절입니다(?)

[Black Rose]
00:56:648 (1) - 이건 어떤가여
01:35:256 (5) - 디스탠스 맞추는게 좀 더 통일성 있을듯
=> 그보다 전 실제로 클릭해야 하는 서클들의 거리를 맞췄습니당
01:54:039 (3) - 01:54:560 (4) - 와 타이밍을 바꿔보는건?
=> ok~

[5957 style]
00:11:778 (1,2) - 이걸 00:12:300 (3) - 이 슬라이더랑 겹치게 놓지 말아요!
=> ok 이런 느낌?
01:56:908 - 여기에 노트를 추가하는게 어떨까요
01:57:039 - ^
=> no~!~!!~ㅋㅋㅋ

킁킁 어디서 똥모딩의 냄새가 나는군.

Topic Starter

Dark Fang wrote:

Let's mod~

Red : must fix or Unrankable
Bold : should fix


.osb 파일 안쓰는데 삭제하신다면 좋겟습니다.
키아이타임 불일치 왠만하면 통일해주시기바랍니다.
스타레이팅 3.0 미만의 난이도가 있어야합니다. 이지(인지 노말인지)난이도를 약간 쉽게 수정해보시는건 어떤가요?
=> EDIT : ok~
=> ok
=> ok

[Red Rose]

01:45:691 (3) - Ctrl + R 해보시는게 어떤가요?
=>아니용 굼벵이 패턴 귀요미이

[Black Rose]

01:15:560 - Unrankable, Hitsound volume is 0%
=> ok ㅠ.ㅠ
01:16:473 (3) - 이노트를 01:15:430 이것과 대칭이 되게두시면 어떤가요?
=> 그러면 좋겠지만 그.. 아래쪽 패턴과의 어울림을 위해 이렇게 배치했습니당
01:54:038 (3) - 혼동이 오기쉬운 패턴. 왠만하면 수정좀!
=> ok

[5957 Rose]

OD -1? '3'
00:19:604 (4,6) - 슬라끝을 곂쳐보는건어떰 어차피 내의견은 똥이니 무시해도되요
=> 저쪽 방향으로 나갈거고 저쪽에 패턴이 있을거라는걸 암시?하기 위해 일부러 안겹친거에용 'ㅁ'/

내게 모욕감을 주엇어.

My mod is not helpful.
but I try my best

Have a good time :D
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5957 Rose => Bloody Rose for the consistency on difficulty name

redone some stuffs 'o'/ hope It's little more better then how it was!
Kawayi Rika
Helllo ~ haha5957 ~ :)

Random check beatmap ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Add 'OST' in tags.
  2. You are missing add 'approachcircle.png and hitcircleoverlay.png',pls add this(don't forgot full submit).
  3. Since you're using a custom hitcircle skin, it's strongly recommended that you enforce a sliderborder code in your osu file, under [colour] events:
    SliderBorder : 255,255,255(any RGB value you want)

[Bloody Rose]

  1. 01:07:082 - Add finish,sound much better.
  2. 02:05:517 - ^
  3. 01:08:300 (1,1,1,1,1) - Remove too short new combo,confused play here.
  4. 01:14:386 (5) - This should be 1/3, not 1/2.
  5. 02:13:995 (1) - Remove finish and mute end point.
  6. 02:13:992 - Unsanpped green line.

[Black Rose]

  1. HP,OD+1 much better.
  2. 00:47:649 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
  3. 00:30:039 (2,3) - Should change like this rhythm.
  4. 01:23:778 - Add finish,sound much better.
  5. 00:42:039 (1) - This is unrankable bug,Add new combo to here.
  6. 01:40:473 (1) - ^
  7. 02:13:995 (1) - Same as Bloody Rose.

[Red Rose]

  1. Too low setting for HP, so +2 will be better.
  2. 01:23:778 - Add finish,sound much better.
  3. 02:13:865 - Change same parttern likes other diff.

That's all ~ Nice BGM ~

Call me back recheck ~ when you are ready ~
Topic Starter

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Helllo ~ haha5957 ~ :)

Random check beatmap ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Add 'OST' in tags.
  2. You are missing add 'approachcircle.png and hitcircleoverlay.png',pls add this(don't forgot full submit).
  3. Since you're using a custom hitcircle skin, it's strongly recommended that you enforce a sliderborder code in your osu file, under [colour] events:
    SliderBorder : 255,255,255(any RGB value you want)

[Bloody Rose]

  1. 01:07:082 - Add finish,sound much better.
  2. 02:05:517 - ^
  3. 01:08:300 (1,1,1,1,1) - Remove too short new combo,confused play here.
  4. 01:14:386 (5) - This should be 1/3, not 1/2.
  5. 02:13:995 (1) - Remove finish and mute end point.
  6. 02:13:992 - Unsanpped green line.

[Black Rose]

  1. HP,OD+1 much better.
  2. 00:47:649 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
  3. 00:30:039 (2,3) - Should change like this rhythm.
  4. 01:23:778 - Add finish,sound much better.
  5. 00:42:039 (1) - This is unrankable bug,Add new combo to here.
  6. 01:40:473 (1) - ^
  7. 02:13:995 (1) - Same as Bloody Rose.

[Red Rose]

  1. Too low setting for HP, so +2 will be better.
  2. 01:23:778 - Add finish,sound much better.
  3. 02:13:865 - Change same parttern likes other diff.

That's all ~ Nice BGM ~

Call me back recheck ~ when you are ready ~

thanks o.o//

everything is done o.o/
Kawayi Rika
OK ~ everything looks fine now ~

Here we go :3

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thanks!!!!! :)

You're missing the file "reversearrow.png" in your folder. Make sure to add it and do a full submission.

[Black Rose]

00:30:039 (2,3,4,5) - The spacing here it's kind of confusing.

[Bloody Rose]

00:29:517 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:30:039 (2) - New combo.
00:57:692 (5) - This slider looks pretty weird to me. Also, it's not perfectly symmetrical.
01:34:213 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:34:473 (2) - New combo.
01:56:126 (1) - Remove new combo.

Sorry but I have to pop this for now ><
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osuplayer111 wrote:


You're missing the file "reversearrow.png" in your folder. Make sure to add it and do a full submission.

[Black Rose]

00:30:039 (2,3,4,5) - The spacing here it's kind of confusing.

[Bloody Rose]

00:29:517 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:30:039 (2) - New combo.
00:57:692 (5) - This slider looks pretty weird to me. Also, it's not perfectly symmetrical.
01:34:213 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:34:473 (2) - New combo.
01:56:126 (1) - Remove new combo.

Sorry but I have to pop this for now ><
fixed all <.<//

thanks for checking 'o'/
Kawayi Rika
OK ~ Time to check out ~

Rebubbled ~

Alright, seems good now.

Gloria Guard
랭크 축하드립니다 하하찡~!
랭크 축하!
OH YEAH Congratulation haha
랭크 축하합니다!!!

grats for the rank :3
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uhoang O.O////////////////

thanks !@!@!$!@#$!# :shock:
Gratz :3
하하님 축하드립니다 하하
I wanted to rank it ! D;
Congratulation! ~

Kurai wrote:

I wanted to rank it ! D;
2 slow. :3
hey i remember this map... from long ago ._.

Reisen Udongein
랭크 축하드려요 ㅎㅎ
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고맙습니당 'ㅁ'///

Thanks to all 'o'///
Finally! *w*
Congrats, I love Rozen Maiden's ost ;)
Ibuki Suika
Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Topic Starter
thanks to 2 of you above here 'o'

I know you two guys watched this map 'o'//
랭> ahah님 <축
Abe Nana
troll 1/3 !!!!
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