Using the SB I gave previously would make it a lot more compressed, js =w=wmfchris wrote:
try to compress your sb a bit =w=?
Using the SB I gave previously would make it a lot more compressed, js =w=wmfchris wrote:
try to compress your sb a bit =w=?
Thanks for modding.Kawayi Rika wrote:
Hi ~ Mythol ~![]()
Mod time for my Queue ~
Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions[General]
- Don't forgot Remove OSB file and full submit.
- 00:11:473 - Maybe add a note,have vocal to here.
[meiikyuu's Hard]
- 00:34:059 (4,1,2) - Try rerfect stack end point.
- 00:40:783 (4) - Add new combo.
sorry no.[Normal]
- 01:02:680 - Add a note to here,sound much better.
That's all ~ pretty nice mapset ~
Good luck ~
Thanks for modding and star!Laurier wrote:
sorry for late mod
nc=new combo
00:41:990 (5) - nazi stack on 00:40:266 (1) end
00:53:370 (1)~ try this rhythm?
01:07:163 (3) - nc
01:09:921 (7) - ^
01:56:818 (1,2) - 1grid left.((2)stack on 01:56:128 (4))
00:20:956 (2) - It's a ok but my opinion,it is too hard for new players. Because change to 2 sliders? no.
00:33:197 (3) - don't stack this. stack on slider end is too hard for new players.
00:47:852 (5) - nc
01:43:025 (5) - dont stack this
02:08:887 - add note?
inaba's taiko相変わらず難しい
00:09:232 (8) - nc and next note remove nc
00:39:232 (10,11,12) - this stream is looks bad a little. try this?
01:46:818 (6) - try this
02:55:266 (2) - nazi stack on (1)end
AR9? I think AR 8 is better... no.
00:15:094 (1,1,1) - remove nc ok.
19:11 <Roddie> : mind if we can do irc modding?
19:11 <Roddie> : on map?
19:11 *Roddie is editing (Hibino Maki, Aoba Ringo & Isuzu Asuka - Let's GO)[]
19:11 <Roddie> : on your diff? o:
19:11 <meiikyuu> : yes sure ^^ giv me a sec
19:12 <Roddie> : alright, let me know when you're ready
19:12 <meiikyuu> : ok rdy
19:13 <Roddie> : 00:05:439 (7, 8)-
19:13 <Roddie> : did you leave the spacing like this spaced out on purpose?
19:13 <meiikyuu> : yeahh.. do u think i should fit them with the rest of the combo>
19:15 <Roddie> : yea
19:15 <meiikyuu> : ok
19:17 <Roddie> : lovely
19:17 <Roddie> : osu crashed on me
19:18 <Roddie> : alright, now that i'm back, lets continue
19:18 <Roddie> : 00:17:508 (2, 3)-
19:18 <meiikyuu> : lol np
19:18 <Roddie> : can you make these sliders have a sharper curve? ):
19:18 <meiikyuu> : o
19:18 <Roddie> : they just don't look right
19:18 <meiikyuu> : lol ok
19:18 <meiikyuu> : and brb one min
19:22 <meiikyuu> : ok
19:23 <Roddie> : 00:23:025 (1)-
19:23 <Roddie> : perhaps add a finish here?
19:24 <meiikyuu> : done
19:25 <Roddie> : 00:42:335 (1)-
19:25 <Roddie> : here as well?
19:27 <Roddie> : also
19:27 <Roddie> : 00:46:301 (3)-
19:27 <Roddie> : I see that you were using a finish on the slider body :3
19:27 <Roddie> : wait...
19:27 <Roddie> : nevermind~
19:27 <Roddie> : it actually fits o.o
19:27 <meiikyuu> : xD
19:28 <Roddie> : 01:04:404 (1)
19:29 <Roddie> : consider adding a finish here.
19:29 <meiikyuu> : ok
19:30 <Roddie> : 01:15:956 (4)-
19:30 <Roddie> : try this have this go in to a proper curve
19:30 <Roddie> : like this
19:30 <Roddie> :
19:33 <Roddie> : 01:20:611 (6)-
19:34 <Roddie> : care to explain why there isn't a finish on the end? ):
19:34 <Roddie> : 01:37:508 (1)-
19:35 <Roddie> : A finish here sounds alright?
19:35 <meiikyuu> : oh sure
19:36 <Roddie> : 02:05:094 (1)-
19:36 <Roddie> : this spinner before the 2nd kiai time has a finish here
19:36 <Roddie> : while the previous one doesn't
19:36 <Roddie> : before the 1st kiai time
19:36 <Roddie> : so... add that finish there just to keep consistent
19:37 <meiikyuu> : k :)
19:37 <Roddie> : 02:13:370 (1)-
19:37 <Roddie> : a finish would be alright here?
19:37 <meiikyuu> : k
19:38 <Roddie> : 02:39:577 (1, 2, 3, 4)-
19:38 <Roddie> : I like what you did there
19:39 <meiikyuu> : thanks ^^
19:39 <Roddie> : but it would be better if you use the distance snap and place those sliders behind another
19:39 <Roddie> : know what I mean?
19:39 <Roddie> : oops
19:40 <Roddie> : another or each other
19:40 <Roddie> : w/e works
19:40 <meiikyuu> : i see, ill try it out
19:40 <Roddie> : like this for example
19:40 <Roddie> :
19:41 <Roddie> : it's a bit easier to read that way
19:43 <meiikyuu> : hmm does straight line not work ? ;_;
19:43 <Roddie> : hm?
19:43 <Roddie> : you mean the anchor?
19:44 <Roddie> : or the spacing pattern?
19:44 <meiikyuu> : like what i have now generally
19:44 <Roddie> : okay?
19:45 <Roddie> : can you show me an image?
19:45 <Roddie> : i'm not really sure what you mean ._.
19:45 <meiikyuu> : k one sec
19:45 <meiikyuu> :
19:47 <Roddie> : it's the same formation you have now
19:47 <Roddie> : okay
19:48 <Roddie> : i'm sorry but I still don't understand ._.
19:48 <meiikyuu> : lol im just asking if its alright if i keep it the way it is
19:48 <meiikyuu> : but if you rlly feel i should change it ill do it
19:48 <Roddie> : oh
19:48 <Roddie> : well that's up to you
19:49 <Roddie> : i'm just suggesting a pattern that might be better for you
19:49 <Roddie> : but if not, then it's alright
19:49 <meiikyuu> : oh okay, ty
19:49 <Roddie> : alright then
19:50 <Roddie> : 02:40:956 (1)-
19:50 <Roddie> : sounds like there should be a finish here
19:50 <Roddie> : consider adding one in
19:50 <meiikyuu> : done :)
19:52 <Roddie> : oh damn...
19:53 <Roddie> : there are quite a lot of errors i just spotted ):
19:53 <Roddie> : 00:00:956 (1)-
19:53 <Roddie> : this slider end point is not snapped properly
19:53 <Roddie> : ._.
19:54 <Roddie> : on the white tick
19:54 <Roddie> : 00:01:473 (2)-
19:54 <Roddie> : pretty much the same thing but snap the end point on the red tick
19:55 <Roddie> : 02:20:611 (4)-
19:55 <Roddie> : Same thing here
19:55 <meiikyuu> : woah
19:55 <Roddie> : 02:28:025 (3)-
19:56 <Roddie> : snap the end point properly on the white tick
19:56 <Roddie> : and finally
19:56 <Roddie> : 02:27:680 (2)-
19:56 <Roddie> : the same thing here
19:56 <Roddie> : and that's it
19:56 <Roddie> : almost over looked them xD
19:56 <Roddie> : that would have been a very serious problem ):
19:57 <meiikyuu> : tyvm lol
19:58 <Roddie> : alright and that's about it
19:58 <Roddie> : you're all set on your difficulty
18:11 <Roddie> : let's get started
18:12 <Mythol> : k
18:12 <Roddie> : there is quite a problem with collab
18:12 <Roddie> : it's a bit overmapped
18:13 <Roddie> : and to be quite honest, most of the rhythm patterns you put in don't make sense to me :/
18:13 <Mythol> : first map ._.
18:13 <Roddie> : i noticed
18:13 <Roddie> : well, here's a couple of things I can tell you
18:14 <Roddie> : 1st, do you think this map would be fun for everybody else?
18:14 <Roddie> : that is overmapped like this?
18:14 <Mythol> : yeah
18:14 <Roddie> : really?
18:15 <Roddie> : well, i don't find this fun to play on :/
18:15 <Roddie> : in fact, it's a bit frustrating
18:15 <Mythol> : its fun for me ._.
18:15 <Roddie> : for you
18:16 <Mythol> : so my parts are overmapped?
18:16 <Mythol> : because I know alot of mochi's are, but he wants to keep it like that
18:16 <Roddie> : in the beginning, yes ):
18:16 <Mythol> : well I can fix them if its that bad o.o
18:17 <Roddie> : look, the way i say overmapped is that you put in to many notes after another and it really doesn't follow the
18:17 <Roddie> : rhythm of the song
18:17 <Roddie> : i have seen a lot of maps that do that
18:17 <Roddie> : it disappoints me really ):
18:17 <Roddie> : and i'm sure other players would feel the same way
18:18 <Roddie> : not everything in mapping can really really hard without a good reason
18:18 <Roddie> : you know?
18:18 <Mythol> : yeah
18:18 <Roddie> : look, just see this out
18:19 <Roddie> : a map that goes with the flow of the song can lead to much success :)
18:20 <Mythol> : im not disagreeing with you :P
18:20 <Mythol> : i just need to know which parts you think are overmapped so I can change
18:20 <Roddie> : oh sorry, i got carried away
18:20 <Mythol> : lol np~
18:20 <Roddie> : it's just that, maps that I see overmapped
18:21 <Roddie> : that's something I really like to talk about with the mapper
18:21 <Roddie> : anyway
18:22 <Roddie> : 00:14:577 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)-
18:22 <Roddie> : does this really make sense?
18:23 <Mythol> : I'll change xD
18:25 <Roddie> : okay
18:25 <Roddie> : just remember
18:25 <Roddie> : follow the flow of the song
18:26 <Roddie> : 00:35:439 (6, 7)-
18:26 <Roddie> : i suggest you remove the 6th note
18:27 <Mythol> : there is no 6th note =/
18:27 <Roddie> : oh oops
18:27 <Roddie> : i edit out myself
18:27 <Roddie> : sry
18:27 <Roddie> : 00:35:439 (1, 2)-
18:28 <Roddie> : I suggest you delete the 1st note
18:28 <Mythol> : done
18:28 <Roddie> : and use a distance snap on the next note after so you can space it out and put a new combo there
18:28 <Roddie> : that should follow the vocals nicely (:
18:28 <Roddie> : know what I mean?
18:29 <Mythol> : yeah
18:29 <Mythol> : bye bye pattern :(
18:29 <Roddie> : hey, i'm trying to help your map play better
18:29 <Mythol> : lol
18:29 <Roddie> : don't feel disappointed
18:29 <Roddie> : i'm trying to do the best I can
18:30 <Roddie> : so your map doesn't play a bad ):
18:31 <Roddie> : no offense
18:31 <Mythol> : nahh keep going please :D
18:31 <Roddie> : 00:42:335 (1)-
18:31 <Roddie> : forgot to add a finish here?
18:31 <Mythol> : added
18:32 <Roddie> : 00:58:887 (1)-
18:32 <Roddie> : Perhaps put a new combo here since the first chorus begins?
18:33 <Mythol> : ok
18:34 <Roddie> : 01:00:094 (1, 2, 3, 4)-
18:34 <Mythol> : overmap right ._.
18:34 <Roddie> : a note triplet on 1, 2, and 3 is really not necesarry and it's not fitting too ):
18:34 <Mythol> : replaced with slider
18:35 <Roddie> : okay
18:35 <Roddie> : and space the 4th note out
18:35 <Roddie> : 01:00:439-
18:36 <Mythol> : k
18:36 <Roddie> : 01:08:197 (5, 6, 7)-
18:36 <Roddie> : pretty much the same thing here
18:37 <Roddie> : the 6th and 7th notes after the 5th slider's end point
18:37 <Mythol> : yeah
18:37 <Mythol> : i removed 6 to fix..
18:37 <Mythol> : removed clap on 7 too
18:38 <Roddie> : 01:14:577-
18:38 <Roddie> : a new combo here is not necessary
18:38 <Roddie> : 01:15:266-
18:38 <Mythol> : NC there
18:38 <Mythol> : yup
18:38 <Roddie> : this object here however, does need a new combo
18:38 <Roddie> : okay~
18:41 <Roddie> : 01:18:197 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)-
18:41 <Roddie> : ._.
18:42 <Mythol> : on it~
18:42 <Roddie> : 01:39:577 (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)-
18:43 <Roddie> : i know this is mochi's part
18:43 <Roddie> : but this doesn't make sense :/
18:43 <Roddie> : not following the flow of the song very well ._.
18:43 <Mythol> : he loves his streams :P
18:43 <Roddie> : is he here?
18:44 <Mythol> : no
18:44 <Roddie> : let me see...
18:44 <Roddie> : damn it :/
18:44 <Mythol> : but he wont remove
18:44 <Mythol> : ALOT of other ppl complained about the streams
18:44 <Mythol> : he has no intention of changing them :P
18:44 <Roddie> : then that's his own fault?
18:44 <Roddie> : *sigh*
18:44 <Mythol> : =/
18:45 <Roddie> : fine, but we'll see if a lot of modders do complain about it
18:45 <Roddie> : you'll see
18:46 <Mythol> : x.x
18:46 <Roddie> : you know, i thought he would gain a bit more experience on the maps he just got ranked
18:46 <Roddie> : but it doesn't show ):
18:46 <Roddie> : anyway
18:46 <Roddie> : 01:59:577-
18:47 <Roddie> : i do believe that this does need a new combo
18:47 <Mythol> : I'll change for now, and tell him about it when he gets on
18:48 <Roddie> : 02:07:852-
18:48 <Roddie> : same thing here because the 2nd chorus starts
18:48 <Mythol> : 02:08:714 (1) - remove this nc
18:48 <Mythol> : and add 02:09:059 (3) - ?
18:48 <Roddie> : oh very good
18:48 <Roddie> : i was going to mention that :)
18:49 <Roddie> : 02:20:094 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)-
18:49 <Roddie> : i know he loves using streams
18:49 <Roddie> : but i just don't think putting a stream here makes sense :/
18:50 <Mythol> : I'll tell him..
18:50 <Roddie> : okay~
18:50 <Roddie> : 02:22:852 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,)-
18:51 <Roddie> : same thing here.
18:51 <Mythol> : k
18:51 <Roddie> : oh look, now i'm in your part :D
18:52 <Mythol> : D:
18:52 <Roddie> : 02:34:059 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)-
18:52 <Roddie> : this is okay
18:52 <Roddie> : this follows the song pretty well
18:52 <Roddie> : (:
18:52 <Mythol> : \o/
18:53 <Roddie> : 02:38:887-
18:53 <Roddie> : whoa
18:53 <Roddie> : that's a quite a stream
18:53 <Roddie> : and it's fitting
18:53 <Roddie> : :D
18:54 <Mythol> : xD
18:54 <Roddie> : 02:57:508-
18:54 <Roddie> : okay, i'll be posting about the timing points after this
18:54 <Roddie> : but right know, put a new combo here
18:55 <Mythol> : okay.
18:55 <Roddie> : well, after i finish with irc modding
18:55 <Roddie> : you'll see
18:55 <Roddie> : lol
18:55 <Mythol> : mhmm
18:55 <Roddie> : and that's it
18:55 <Roddie> : you're done
18:56 <Mythol> : yayy \:D/
18:56 <Roddie> : there are some finishes that were needed that I probably missed
18:56 <Roddie> : so, watch out for those, alright?
18:56 <Mythol> : ok
Black → Suggestion.[General]
Blue → If possible, change. no need to change if you don't like.
Red → Please change the absolute.
Fixed all except AR9 change in collab. Thanks for modding-Gamu- wrote:
request from my queueBlack → Suggestion.[General]
Blue → If possible, change. no need to change if you don't like.
Red → Please change the absolute.
●00:33:197 (3) - spacing
●01:43:025 (5) - ^
●01:52:335 (2) - ^
●00:03:714 (1) - Add finish (start)
●00:14:749 (1) - Move (x:352 y:312)
●00:41:645 (4) - ^ (x:256 y:256)
●01:54:059 (1) - Add finish (start)
●02:46:473 (1) - whistle → finish change
●Placement a little more cleanly
●AR9...I think I do not fit. AR8 change?
●I think this is a good map
good luck~
• 00:03:714 (1,2) - (2) may be too hard to hit for beginners because the transition from white tick to red tick is rather sudden, move (2) so that it hits on 00:07:163 - instead.That's what I ask for
• 00:09:749 (2) - ^ Same here, please move it so that it hits on 00:09:921 -. And all over the map, some the transitions from 1/1 to 1/2 is rough and does not feel like it belongs in an Easy Difficulty. Go through the map and make sure everything runs smoothly.
Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi
Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi
Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi
Hoshizora he Kakaru Hashi
Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi
I will find some more taiko mods..Aleks719 wrote:
Inconsistency in LetterboxInBreaks: [meiikyuu's Hard] fixed
Inconsistency in Kiai Times in osu!diffs fixed
Audio Lead-In is too long, 1000-1500ms is pretty enough fixed
you can add "A Bridge to the Starry Skies" to the tags as Engish version of sourse fixed
Also, i didn't find this track as opening/eding of this anime. would be glad to see sources or links.
is this ok?
00:24:921 (2,3,4) - hard to read, really fixed
inaba's Taiko
Don't see any mustakes, but sometimes rhythm confused me. Suggest to ask one-two taiko mods for checking
not bad, but some sliders look kinda random.
00:20:266 (1) - whistle on the start sounds bad, cuz it should be 1/2 before (on red tick). But no notes there, so remove whistle or change pattern (i mean make slider longer or anything)
00:43:025 (2) - add slider body whistle + whistle to the end
01:52:508 (3) - whistle in the end instead of clap please
01:58:197 (3) - add clap to the end
03:07:680 (5,6) - add whistle to the 5, to the start and reverse of 6
all fixed
Sorry for being late, but here you go.Aleks719 wrote:
neko's Easy
00:32:508 (2) - add slider body whistle Fixed.
00:53:370 (1,2,3,1,2) - this part sounds empty, i mean hitsounds I wasn't exactly sure how to fix it but I tried something. So, fixed.
02:07:852 (1) - nc bug, add nc Fixed.
03:06:990 (2,3) - add whistles to the end of 2 and to 3 Fixed.
03:08:542 (1) - remove clap Fixed.
188,252,119577,6,0,B|244:264|288:320|288:320|316:248,1,200,4|0Or, if this doesn't fit your liking, you can also represent this part of the vocals with a slider like 02:00:783 (2) - .
nahsuzutsukikanade wrote:
eh...title maybe should "Let's GO*me"? ... re=related