
Sonitus Vir - Leave It

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on sexta-feira, 13 de julho de 2012 at 20:27:06

Artist: Sonitus Vir
Title: Leave It
Tags: renard lapfox mnemonic [luanny_phnyx] luanny phnyx niva nivalis
BPM: 105
Filesize: 3845kb
Play Time: 02:16
Difficulties Available:
  1. Difficult (4,49 stars, 245 notes)
  2. Niva's Normal (3,17 stars, 159 notes)
  3. PhNyx's Taiko Oni (4,83 stars, 534 notes)
  4. Relaxing (1,61 stars, 112 notes)
Download: Sonitus Vir - Leave It
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Real's [Normal] difficulty.
Sonitus Vir <3
My guest difficulty (^_^)~

Enjoy (:

Download: LeaveIt.rar
23:03 <Katsuri> : Primeiro, O offset da luanny ta diferente por algum motivo especial? Coisa de taiko que eu não sei? Acho que tem que ficar igual né?
23:04 <Katsuri> : Ah, e coloca o nick da Luanny e da Niva(e pense em colocar Nivalis) nas tags em todas as diffs
23:05 <Katsuri> : Feedback? Ta vivo?
23:05 <Blue Dragon> : to dormindo
23:05 <Blue Dragon> : e acordei
23:06 <Blue Dragon> : done
23:06 <Katsuri> : Quer que eu faça amanhã ou pode ser agora?
23:06 <Blue Dragon> : pode ser agora
23:06 <Katsuri> : Ok
23:06 <Blue Dragon> : só tava vendo jogo
23:07 <Katsuri> : 00:35:882 (6) - Não prefere dar um ctrl+r aqui? O movimento da mão no mouse é mais natural, fica mais legal de jogar.
23:07 <Katsuri> : Na minha opinião, óbviamente.
23:07 <Blue Dragon> : relaxing?
23:08 <Katsuri> : Difficult
23:08 <Blue Dragon> : e ok
23:09 <Katsuri> : Ah, acho que tick rate 2 é melhor né? Os sliders são meio longos, assim se alguém fugir do caminho do slider vai tomar um slide-break. Sem contar que
23:09 <Katsuri> : mantém o ritmo constante em 1/2.
23:10 <Katsuri> : 00:53:453 (3) - O stack parece estar meio fora, não custa nada arrumar né :)
23:10 <Blue Dragon> : não tá em 2?
23:10 <Blue Dragon> : eita
23:10 <Blue Dragon> : fixed
23:11 <Katsuri> : 00:53:167 (2) - Well, aqui acho que uma clap cai melhor, porque assim você tem claps mais constantes.
23:11 <Blue Dragon> : calmae
23:12 <Blue Dragon> : consertando q todos sliders quebraram com a tick rate
23:12 <Katsuri> : Submitta e me avisa.
23:13 <Katsuri> : Ah, e pode me chamar pra recheck quando quiser depois ;)
23:15 <Blue Dragon> : terminando
23:15 <Katsuri> : Ok.
23:16 <Blue Dragon> : done
23:16 <Blue Dragon> : tb dei update na relaxing
23:16 <Katsuri> : Ok
23:17 <Katsuri> : 01:57:167 (3) - De verdade, esse mini jump me deu o primeiro 100 no map. O mapa inteiro você segue o spacing mas só faz um jump agora, é meio
23:17 <Katsuri> : esquisito de hitar, sei lá..
23:18 <Katsuri> : Vou pensar..
23:18 <Blue Dragon> : hm
23:19 <Blue Dragon> : fiz um jump meio diferente
23:19 <Katsuri> : Well
23:20 <Katsuri> :
23:20 <Katsuri> : Tinha pensado nisso, mas ficou meio overlap desnecessário.
23:21 <Blue Dragon> :
23:21 <Katsuri> : Bem melhor..
23:21 <Katsuri> : Só isso pra essa diff..
23:21 <Blue Dragon> : kay
23:23 <Katsuri> : Hmm, O offset na diff da Luanny ainda tá diferente..
23:23 <Katsuri> : Ah, e o pessoal do taiko vai reclamar(talvez) que a diff não foi mapped desde o começo.
23:25 <Katsuri> : Relaxing..
23:25 <Blue Dragon> : hm
23:26 <Blue Dragon> : consertando tudo na diff da lu
23:27 <Katsuri> : 00:59:453 (1,2,1,2) - Olha: Uma coisa que ficaria legal é se você afastasse um pouquinho o 2 do eixo (assim)[] e então fazer o mesmo
23:27 <Katsuri> : com a outra pattern, só que invertido, mais ou menos (assim)[].
23:28 <Katsuri> : Entendeu?
23:28 <Blue Dragon> : calma
23:29 <Katsuri> : 02:05:167 (3) - Essa clap parece meio perdida no meio do nada.. Acho que pra manter o ritmo uma whistle fica melhor.
23:30 <Blue Dragon> : btw
23:30 <Blue Dragon> : @00:59:453
23:30 <Blue Dragon> : spacing ficaria ruim
23:30 <Katsuri> : Na outra pattern?
23:30 <Blue Dragon> : (1,2) do segundo combo
23:30 <Blue Dragon> : o spacing ficaria inconsistente com o da primeira pattern
23:30 <Blue Dragon> : (que é o certo)
23:30 <Katsuri> : Entendi..
23:31 <Katsuri> : Ok então, já está legal.
23:31 <Blue Dragon> : k
23:31 <Katsuri> : 02:07:167 (2) - No fim do slider uma finish ficaria linda pra finalizar meio que o fill-in da frase.
23:32 <Blue Dragon> : done

Irc mod
Have this bonus Normal difficulty I mapped a few months ago~

Download: Sonitus Vir - Leave It (Blue Dragon) [Real's Normal].osu


  1. Turn off letterboxing on all difficulties. There aren't any breaks.

  1. The SliderMultiplier in the .osu file is 0.999999999999999. Would you mind changing that to 1?
  2. 01:47:453 (1) - Remove NC for consistency.
  3. 02:12:596 (3) - Consider adding a NC here to shorten up the combo, as it is the longest one in the difficulty.
Niva's Normal

  1. I can't find anything.

  1. 01:58:310 (8) - I think that this note would flow better if you arranged it like this rather than a short jump.
  2. 02:16:882 (5) -
PhNyx's Taiko Oni

  1. 00:28:739 (54) - Kat here sounds nice.
  2. 01:40:683 (371) - Unsnapped circle.
I apologize if I can't find much wrong. Nice map and good luck!

Jacob wrote:

Turn off letterboxing on all difficulties. There aren't any breaks
That's why there's no need to do that.
  1. 00:25:167 (1,2) -
  2. 01:57:167 (4) - did you forget to add finish here?
Niva's Normal
  1. 00:35:453 (4) - make it straight?
  2. 00:39:453 (4) - place it farther from previous slider
  1. I can see lots of copypasta, and it makes me sad.
Can't say much, that's probably all.
[Relaxing & Difficult]
One thing I noticed that I felt weird is that after 01:13:167 - you just stop use constant claps even but the percussion it just as intense as before. Wouldn't it be better if you had claps until 02:08:024 - like in Normal.

Man I don't understand taiko mapping like this... But seriously.... WHY ARE YOU USING 1/6 :|

00:35:310 (5,6) - I don't know but for me... it just sounds and feels better if you move (6) 1/4 backwards on the timeline

Pretty damn solid set here. really worth a star.
Sounds like ParaDoX

  1. Disable the letterbox during breaks?
  • - 01:52:024 (4) - Much better if you move this slider in the center please
Niva's Normal
  • -- Looks nice
  • - 01:34:882 (6) - For being consistent with your pattern, add a new combo here
    - 01:39:453 (6) - ^
    - 01:42:310 (1) - Because i don't like this new combo, remove them
    - 01:46:882 (1) - ^
Good song BD. So good luck :)
oh wow, i have nothing to say, amm... let me see...

oops, look:

Niva's Normal

00:35:453 (4) - 00:36:024 (5) - look, i dont like the fact that thats sliders touch each other, juts move 00:36:024 (5) - out more in the center

01:13:167 (1) - 01:14:024 (2) - same thing

01:26:882 (1) - 01:27:739 (2) - again

02:14:882 (4) - 02:15:739 (5) - the same


02:12:596 (1) - 02:13:167 (2) - exactly! the same thing

is just to make it look nicer, everything else is super. seriously. why you asked for my help? hope i'd help you.
Request from L18's & Crystal's Modding Queue.

  • "re" is means "remove"
    Black is just suggestion ~OAO , if you don't like , you can skip it
    Blue is recommended to fix
    red is unrankable issue


  1. 01:11:453 (3) - re whistel and add finish at start?

[Niva's Normal]

  1. 02:07:453 (5) - get it on x:136 y:112 and 2nd point on x:164 y:164? (i think look much pretty)


  1. 01:11:739 (3) - get 3rd point on x:280 y:20 ?

so beautiful map!!! good song & good luck & star~~
and sorry to my poor English

TicClick wrote:

Niva's Normal
  1. 00:35:453 (4) - make it straight? Ah, this is intentional :3
  2. 00:39:453 (4) - place it farther from previous slider Yep~

l1106188 wrote:

[Niva's Normal]

  1. 02:07:453 (5) - get it on x:136 y:112 and 2nd point on x:164 y:164? (i think look much pretty) It will make this slider too close to (3)... Fixed something on this slider, though~
@Rock Forever : I don't see any problem with pattern like that, it's not unrankable and flows good imo~ Thanks for the check, though (:

Download: Sonitus Vir - Leave It (Blue Dragon) [Niva's Normal].osu
Modding this. Why don't you mod something, too?

How about you lower the volume by 10% starting at 02:08:024 - ?

00:35:310 (5) - would be better imo if you move this back to 00:35:167 - and add a repeat to it.

I notice a bunch of missing claps, but I believe you did this on purpose, right?

Nothing that deserves any special attention.

Yeah, nothing to say.

Hmm kinda useless mod. I'm no nazi modder so everything seems fine to me.
Sounds sexy.

:idea: general

  • Settings
    (For the setting/general issue.)
  1. none


  • mapping (suggest)
    (These are about your pattern. Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:20:310 (10) - d? just a suggest for my feel. no reason.
  2. 00:25:453 (35,36,37) - ddk? because (36) is low pitch in the background.
  3. 00:30:024 (59,60,61) - ddk? ^ same as pitch issue.
  4. 00:30:596 (62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72) - dkkkdkkddkd?
  5. 00:35:167 (85,86,87,88) - dkd k? follow background rhythm and pitch. so I suggest you to change it. and 00:39:739 (107,108,109,110) - etc.
  6. 00:44:025 (127) - k? is fit the background about high pitch.
  7. 00:51:739 (163,164,165,166,167) - dkkdk/ddkdk since (165) and (167) is the high pitch. I suggest to change this pattern IMO.
  8. 01:09:453 (248,249,250,251,252) - kkdkd? same as pitch issue.
  9. 01:25:739 (319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,327) - kddkkdkkd? just a suggest for my feel. no reason.
  10. 01:38:025 (375) - k? same as pitch issue.
  11. 01:41:167 (389) - k ^
  12. 02:03:739 (484,485) - d k?
  13. 02:10:882 (512) - d?

gratz mapset and good song :P
star and good luck~^^
Shohei Ohtani
I always feel bad modding maps from experienced mappers because I can generally never say anything about it

00:29:739 (1) - Add clap on end of slider
01:11:453 (2) - Add clap
01:09:167 (2) - Add clap on beginning and end of slider
01:12:596 (4) - Add clap
01:13:167 (1) - Add clap on end of slider
01:14:882 (3) - Add clap on beginning of slider
01:17:739 (1) - Add clap on end of slider
01:19:453 (3) - Add clap on beginning of slider
01:22:310 (1) - Add clap on end of slider
01:24:025 (3) - Add clap
01:26:882 (1) - Add clap on end of slider
01:28:596 (3) - Add clap
01:31:453 (1) - Add clap on end of slider
01:33:167 (3) - Add clap on beginning of slider
01:36:025 (1) - Add clap on end of slider
01:37:739 (3) - Add clap on beginning of slider
01:41:167 (3) - Add clap
01:42:310 (1) - ^
01:45:739 (3) - ^
01:46:882 (1) - ^
01:52:596 (1) - ^
01:53:739 (5) - ^


01:52:025 (4) - The slightest of not moes~

kawaii general
Taiko diff is pretty fine as your diff almost completely refer to the background drum and it has enough variation so the overall effect is good.

spboxer3 wrote:

:idea: general

  • Settings
    (For the setting/general issue.)
  1. none


  • mapping (suggest)
    (These are about your pattern. Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:20:310 (10) - d? just a suggest for my feel. no reason. hm, I really prefer k here.
  2. 00:25:453 (35,36,37) - ddk? because (36) is low pitch in the background. Done.
  3. 00:30:024 (59,60,61) - ddk? ^ same as pitch issue. Done.
  4. 00:30:596 (62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72) - dkkkdkkddkd? Hm. Changed to dkkkkdkddkd. I really don't like how (66,67) sounds with dk.
  5. 00:35:167 (85,86,87,88) - dkd k? follow background rhythm and pitch. so I suggest you to change it. and 00:39:739 (107,108,109,110) - etc. Interesting variation. Didn't noticed that. Both done.
  6. 00:44:025 (127) - k? is fit the background about high pitch. I prefer d here, hm.
  7. 00:51:739 (163,164,165,166,167) - dkkdk/ddkdk since (165) and (167) is the high pitch. I suggest to change this pattern IMO. Changed to dkkdk.
  8. 01:09:453 (248,249,250,251,252) - kkdkd? same as pitch issue. Done.
  9. 01:25:739 (319,320,321,322,323,324,325,326,327) - kddkkdkkd? just a suggest for my feel. no reason. I prefer (326) with d
  10. 01:38:025 (375) - k? same as pitch issue. Done.
  11. 01:41:167 (389) - k ^ Still d here.
  12. 02:03:739 (484,485) - d k? Done.
  13. 02:10:882 (512) - d? Still k here.

gratz mapset and good song :P
star and good luck~^^
Thanks for your mod. c: and anyways thanks for checking, wmfchris.

edit: Attachment failed so I puushed it.
Hey BD. As per my modding queue.

Disable countdown.
I'm going to continue my tradition of being anal with combo colors and say that combo colors 1 and 2 are too bright in contrast to the background.

No problems. Pretty nice for an Easy difficulty.

Niva's Normal
01:01:739 (5, 6, 7) - Flip horizontally? For pattern. Make sure to move the next combo closer if you do so.
No problems.

No problems.

Pretty solid mapset, really couldn't find much. Very nice job. Have a star.

No kudosu, please.
na moral isso aqui me confunde as vez 00:35:310 (5) - tenta dar um ctrl-r

add banana to tag of all diffs
Topic Starter
thanks for mod!!!
cusao me da kudosu
ohaider BD, newb mawd here


Pretty soothing song and map, looks good so I cant do much here :v
Suggestion : about the BG, maybe you should consider alligning the sun (if its a sun) to the center of the image?

Relaxing indeed, didnt find any problems
So these are suggestions
01:22:310 (1) - maybe curve it? its just my prefference really I dont think a non-curved slider fits there
something like this perhaps? and same for 01:26:882 (1) - just mirror
01:32:310 (2) - maybe this? and also 01:36:025 (1) - just mirror
its a box!


[Niva's Normal]
so sexy :I
00:21:453 (5) - fix the red sliderpoint so its vertical to the end sliderpoint (x:120 y:264)

01:44:025 (2) - why not turn around :v
01:48:596 (2) - ^

Dark Fang
from Fang Team's queue
Let's mod

Red : must fix(Unrankable)
Bold : should fix


Uncheck Letterbox during breaks? cuz you have not break times


'SliderMultiplier:0.999999999999999' what is it? check .osu file
01:55:453 (2) - This slider note touch HP / life bar. is not?
why don't use clap sound from 00:50:310 - here?

[Niva's Normal]

00:18:882 (2) - Remove Whistle at head, and add Whistle at arrow?
00:26:882 (6) - Remove Whistle?
00:28:024 (2) - same as 00:18:882
00:37:167 (2) - ^
00:39:453 (4) - Remove Whistle at head, and add Whistle at tail?
00:42:310 (3) - add Whistle at head?
00:44:024 (6) - same as 00:18:882
00:46:310 (3) - same as 00:39:453
00:48:596 (6) - Remove Whistle?
00:55:167 (1) - Remove Whistle at tail?
00:56:024 (2) - add Whistle at head?
00:57:739 (5) - same as 00:39:453
01:00:024 (3) - ^
01:02:310 (7) - same as 00:18:882
01:04:024 (1) - Remove Whistle at tail?
01:05:167 (2) - add Whistle?
01:06:882 (5) - same as 00:39:453
01:40:596 (1) - Remove Whistle at tail?
01:41:453 (2) - add Whistle?


00:35:310 (5,6,7) - some players confusion this notes. can you fix it?
00:50:310 (1) - This slider note touch HP / life not?
I like this pattern

[PhNyx's Taiko]

00:20:310 (10) - d?
00:32:596 (74,75) - k d?
00:38:596 (102,103) - d k?
00:44:025 (127) - k?
very good map~ :3
I can't find problem ;_;

Have a good time :D
Dark Fang : Actually using both whistle and clap on the same time is not prohibited as long as it's following a good rhythm (in this case, the claps are placed in consistent 2/1 and the whistles are placed everytime the song hits high notes) - applied some, though :3

Thanks also for Doodley and Lolicore Flandre for mod (^_^)~

Download: Sonitus Vir - Leave It (Blue Dragon) [Niva's Normal].osu
Only 00:20:310 (10) and 00:44:025 (127) changed
Thanks for the suggestions o3o
SliderMultiplier is 0.999999999999999 in .osu file. change to 1 and resnap all notes please

[Niva's Normal]
02:16:596 (6,7) - move to x:404 y:277

00:34:310 (4,5,6) - hmm, I think hard to understand these spacing. add new combo to (5) or change to reverce (5) ?
00:54:882 (1,2) - this spacing only a bit small. (1) move to a bit left?
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