
Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me [Osu|Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on domingo, 10 de marzo de 2013 at 12:12:32 p.m.

Artist: Taylor Swift
Title: You Belong With Me
Tags: Verdisphena aabc271 DaxMasterix
BPM: 130,01
Filesize: 21243kb
Play Time: 03:38
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,69 stars, 210 notes)
  2. Hard (4,71 stars, 422 notes)
  3. Insane (4,83 stars, 499 notes)
  4. Normal (2,79 stars, 225 notes)
  5. Taiko Oni (4,78 stars, 786 notes)
Download: Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me
Download: Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Happy birthday Kenezz :>
Special thanks to Verdisphena for Normal diff,
DaxMasterix for the Hard diff and aabc271 for the taiko!
Thanks <3
You don't belong me
I thought so that erufen will submit a beatmap for kenezz XD
Oh you, guys~

Artist and title are wro... hey, wait, it's not a mod :D

Happy Birthday, Kenezz :3
Happy Birthday Kenzzy! (#2)
Basicamente soy un NaziModder.. So.. Mis mods acostumbran a ser largos xD Intentare no llenarlo con cosas un poco ''Innecesarias''... ya que dijiste que no te gustaban~


  1. .osb? For what.. x: and this submit have 2.. wth.. Delete and Full submit!
  2. AIBat Says: Unsnapped inherited (green) timing points!. Consigue el AIBat y Fixealo todo :c Se que no es necesario.. pero Piensalo. /me run
  1. 00:20:816 (x) - Insert a Mini-Break (?
  2. 01:10:887 (2) - I think.. Spacing error..
  3. 02:22:417 (1,2,3,4,5) - Make a Star :3
  4. 02:38:107 (2) - This slider look better with This form.. Imo
  5. 03:09:950 (2) - Move this to x:464|y:192 [Grid lvl: 3]
  6. 03:10:411 (3) - Move this to x:400|y:88 [Grid lvl: 3]
  1. AR + 1 :C
  2. 00:48:274 (4) - I think This slider.. are.. unsnapped? Has moved in the end.. Fix this.
  3. 01:39:037 (3) - The same with.. ^
  4. 03:29:302 (1) - The end of this Slider are Unsnapped.. For the Bom change e.e..
  1. 00:05:587 (1,2,3,4,5) - Fail Star ? xD Try remake the pattern without lost the Spacing..
  2. 03:25:058 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
Perdón por el Mod Corto.. :c Pero es lo único que pude encontrar además de los Spacing y Symmetry Errors que no quize poner.. XD Para no ser tan nazi.. claro está.. Creo que eso es todo ^^)/
Topic Starter

DaxMasterix wrote:

Basicamente soy un NaziModder.. So.. Mis mods acostumbran a ser largos xD Intentare no llenarlo con cosas un poco ''Innecesarias''... ya que dijiste que no te gustaban~


  1. .osb? For what.. x: and this submit have 2.. wth.. Delete and Full submit! Oops lo arreglare cuando tenga el nuevo fondo!
  2. AIBat Says: Unsnapped inherited (green) timing points!. Consigue el AIBat y Fixealo todo :c Se que no es necesario.. pero Piensalo. /me run
De verdad piensas que hare eso con los cientos de green sections que tengo? :(?
  1. 00:20:816 (x) - Insert a Mini-Break (? No, arruinaria la sincronizacion de breaks con los otros diffs
  2. 01:10:887 (2) - I think.. Spacing error.. Donde? El prev y next son x1.00 exactos
  3. 02:22:417 (1,2,3,4,5) - Make a Star :3 Nah, no quize porque ya tengo muchos estrellas... ;x
  4. 02:38:107 (2) - This slider look better with This form.. Imo Y ya de esas formas los tengo en otros lugares, lo hice asi para tener mas variedad
  5. 03:09:950 (2) - Move this to x:464|y:192 [Grid lvl: 3] Si ya estaban en esa posicion que mencionas...
  6. 03:10:411 (3) - Move this to x:400|y:88 [Grid lvl: 3] Okay
  1. 00:05:587 (1,2,3,4,5) - Fail Star ? xD Try remake the pattern without lost the Spacing.. Nope, es un espiral!
  2. 03:25:058 (5) - Unsnapped circle.

Perdón por el Mod Corto.. :c Pero es lo único que pude encontrar además de los Spacing y Symmetry Errors que no quize poner.. XD Para no ser tan nazi.. claro está.. Creo que eso es todo ^^)/
Topic Starter
Ya que verdis me dijo que lo arreglara por el...

DaxMasterix wrote:

  1. AR + 1 :C Hmm me parece muy rapido...
  2. 00:48:274 (4) - I think This slider.. are.. unsnapped? Has moved in the end.. Fix this. Oops cierto, arreglado
  3. 01:39:037 (3) - The same with.. ^
  4. 03:29:302 (1) - The end of this Slider are Unsnapped.. For the Bom change e.e..

Perdón por el Mod Corto.. :c Pero es lo único que pude encontrar además de los Spacing y Symmetry Errors que no quize poner.. XD Para no ser tan nazi.. claro está.. Creo que eso es todo ^^)/
title of the map should be 'You Belong With Me', as artist's website says.
snap kiai times of Normal difficulty baka Erufen <3
i don't really think that soft-hitclap2 hitsound sounds good, it's much strong, and the song is really sweet. for each place with that hitsound i would rather hear an soft-hitwhistle instead of that.
AR8? it would be better to read jumps and stuff.
00:46:197 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3) - i don't really like these notenotenotenotenote sections, especially if they are placed at one circle like formation, because the mouse can't really hit one note per one, it just flows in a circle until the pattern end, and it makes easier to miss a note at these sections. well, maybe you can do something like this.
01:29:115 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - love these formations <3
01:53:228 - can you hear the stream here? the drummer plays a 1/4 rhythm here, maybe you can add a note here.
set tick rate to 2 would be better to keep the rhythm while sliders play. consider setting it to two.
00:48:274 (4) - <3
01:03:041 (5) - add finish to the last beat of this slider would fit better with the end of chorus.
02:45:722 (1) - this new combo looks to be a bit random lost in nowhere. maybe you want to remove it. :3
nothing to bother you with <3
Topic Starter

Katsuri wrote:

title of the map should be 'You Belong With Me', as artist's website says. Lol oops, done ;D
snap kiai times of Normal difficulty baka Erufen <3 Verdis already did that
i don't really think that soft-hitclap2 hitsound sounds good, it's much strong, and the song is really sweet. for each place with that hitsound i would rather hear an soft-hitwhistle instead of that. NOOOO, my hitsounds are perfect! :( (alright, maybe note, but Im actually very proud of them...)
AR8? it would be better to read jumps and stuff. Alright, also did OD+1 too
00:46:197 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3) - i don't really like these notenotenotenotenote sections, especially if they are placed at one circle like formation, because the mouse can't really hit one note per one, it just flows in a circle until the pattern end, and it makes easier to miss a note at these sections. well, maybe you can do something like this. It would mess my hitsounds... And I dont see any problems with them, I play them perfectly...
01:29:115 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - love these formations <3
01:53:228 - can you hear the stream here? the drummer plays a 1/4 rhythm here, maybe you can add a note here. Oops, knew there was something wrong in there when I did my last check, but Didn't care too much to check it, thanks for noticing it!

nothing to bother you with <3
And thanks for the mod! ;D
Yooo your beatmap upload is corrupted! please resubmit

Check unsnapped timing points


00:21:450- i think u didnt use this timing point, delete
02:35:339- ^
00:51:043- it sound weird for me can you reduce volume


00:00:972- it would better if you put whistle
00:04:664- ^
00:12:047- remove clap, put whistle
01:32:115- remove finish


02:35:339- remove
Topic Starter

HellDawn wrote:


Check unsnapped timing points


00:21:450- i think u didnt use this timing point, delete
02:35:339- ^
00:51:043- it sound weird for me can you reduce volume


00:00:972- it would better if you put whistle
00:04:664- ^
00:12:047- remove clap, put whistle
01:32:115- remove finish


02:35:339- remove
Sorry, but nothing changed
Holi, acá el mod :$


00:27:046 (5): Deberías agregar NC acá, como lo hiciste antes :P
00:27:969 (1): Borra NC.
00:30:276 (3): NC.
00:44:121 (3): Usa el mismo clap que usaste en 00:39:967 en esta nota, no queda muy bien ese cambio de sonido D:
00:54:735 (1): Borra NC.
00:55:658 (3): Un NC acá iría bien con el vocal imo.
00:58:427 (1): Borra NC.
00:59:350 (3): NC, y agrega Finish?
01:36:730 (5): NC D:, el combo se hace muy largo si no.
01:38:114 (1): Borra NC.
01:47:344 (1): Reemplaza el Finish del rebote, por un Clap, suena mejor.
03:25:149 (1): lol por que los 3 hitsounds?, remueve el Clap al menos, que es el que peor suena ahi xD.


00:07:663 (4): NC iría bien acá porque comienza la vocal.
00:08:586 (1): Borra NC.
00:38:121 (2): Ese Clap en el rebote suena mal D:
01:45:498 (4): Borra el Finish del final, suena mal imo.
03:21:487 (1): Podrías usar el mismo slider que usaste en 03:17:795 (1).


00:05:587 (1): Esta nota no esta exactamente stackeada D:
00:59:350 (1): Podrías hacerle un CTRL+R a este slider, el spacing se ve como muy extremo xD, y el pattern quedaría mejor.
01:12:733 (2): Lo mismo que en 00:05:587.
02:06:726 (3): CTRL+R?
02:37:877 (2): Lo mismo que en 00:05:587.
03:34:176 (4): Borra el Whistle del comienzo, no me gusta como suena D:
03:39:713 (1,2): Podrías ponerlas en el centro de la pantalla :o?, o al menos moverlas a y:232 para que sean lineales con 2 y 4 :P

Ok eso es todo lo que pude encontrar. Erufen pro mapper ;_;

Te dejo una estrella :D
Topic Starter

Darksonic wrote:

Holi, acá el mod :$


00:27:046 (5): Deberías agregar NC acá, como lo hiciste antes :P
00:27:969 (1): Borra NC.
00:30:276 (3): NC.
00:44:121 (3): Usa el mismo clap que usaste en 00:39:967 en esta nota, no queda muy bien ese cambio de sonido D:
00:54:735 (1): Borra NC.
00:55:658 (3): Un NC acá iría bien con el vocal imo.
00:58:427 (1): Borra NC.
00:59:350 (3): NC, y agrega Finish? No finish
01:36:730 (5): NC D:, el combo se hace muy largo si no.
01:38:114 (1): Borra NC.
01:47:344 (1): Reemplaza el Finish del rebote, por un Clap, suena mejor. No clap
03:25:149 (1): lol por que los 3 hitsounds?, remueve el Clap al menos, que es el que peor suena ahi xD.
Todo los demas, hecho


00:05:587 (1): Esta nota no esta exactamente stackeada D: No los puedo stackear por alguna razon, homo bug :(
00:59:350 (1): Podrías hacerle un CTRL+R a este slider, el spacing se ve como muy extremo xD, y el pattern quedaría mejor.
01:12:733 (2): Lo mismo que en 00:05:587.
02:06:726 (3): CTRL+R?
02:37:877 (2): Lo mismo que en 00:05:587.
03:34:176 (4): Borra el Whistle del comienzo, no me gusta como suena D: No :<
03:39:713 (1,2): Podrías ponerlas en el centro de la pantalla :o?, o al menos moverlas a y:232 para que sean lineales con 2 y 4 :P No... :<
Te lo juro, esas notas no se stackean, no se por que carajos...

Ok eso es todo lo que pude encontrar. Erufen pro mapper ;_;

Te dejo una estrella :D
Taiko diff is done > <
Please check. Thx :)
Diff link : Here

Edit 28/8 - Talked to XK and I decided to add one note.
Update link : Here

ps : I still need time to think what BG to include for this song Orz
random modding lol

[aabc's Taiko]

00:16:893 (3,1,1,1) - dkkd here? This follows the voice better. You can notice that on 00:17:124 - and 00:17:354 - the pitch is the same and the next note is a bit low pitched.
00:31:660 (2,1,1,1) - same
00:44:121 (1) - k here? This sounds better IMO
00:48:505 - to 00:51:274 - what about put some notes here? example:

01:00:734 (3) - k here to follow the pitch?
01:35:807 - d here? seems empty
01:46:883 (1) - same as 00:44:121 (1) hm
01:51:267 - to 01:52:420 - seems so empty.. you should consider adding more notes following the vocals or the drums. exemple with drums:

02:03:496 (3) - k? voice pitch again
02:45:722 - add k here to follow the drum
03:39:252 - d here?

That's all, Good luck \o\

[Luanny PhNyx] wrote:

random modding lol

[aabc's Taiko]

00:16:893 (3,1,1,1) - dkkd here? This follows the voice better. You can notice that on 00:17:124 - and 00:17:354 - the pitch is the same and the next note is a bit low pitched. Well, imo the two k in dkdk have the similar pitch ( The vocal is like dk k ), so I would like to use d for the 3rd note so that the pitch difference can be shown more clearly. I'll keep this unchanged for now ~
00:31:660 (2,1,1,1) - same ^
00:44:121 (1) - k here? This sounds better IMO Although it sounds ok, you can notice that I'm mapping by vocal at that section. So it's better to use d so as to keep the style ~
00:48:505 - to 00:51:274 - what about put some notes here? example: Seems good. Done ~

01:00:734 (3) - k here to follow the pitch? Um... OK ~
01:35:807 - d here? seems empty OK~
01:46:883 (1) - same as 00:44:121 (1) hm Same www
01:51:267 - to 01:52:420 - seems so empty.. you should consider adding more notes following the vocals or the drums. exemple with drums: Used my own patterns ( To fit the section at 00:48:505 )

02:03:496 (3) - k? voice pitch again OK ~
02:45:722 - add k here to follow the drum OK~
03:39:252 - d here? OK~

That's all, Good luck \o\
Thx for mod :)

Also added some notes in ~ 02:50 sections

Update : aabc's Taiko
A g u s s d g


00:07:663 (4) - ponlo mas simetrico del 3
00:10:432 (2) - quedaria mejor o derecho o en diagonal :B

onda que me gusta :B


00:03:048 (3) - y ese sonido? xD
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