00:05:335 (4,5,6) - Line the 2 circles up with the slider so it looks better. (just like 00:00:764 (3,4,5) - )
00:09:050 (6,7) - I would make the spacing between a bit easier, as the player might think it's snapped to a 1/2, while it's actually 1/4 through this pattern. Try making it more similar to the way that 5 and 6 are spaced.
00:09:050 (6) - technically this is overmapped since there is no sound on the blue tick. id understand if u wanna keep it but then please change 00:08:907 (5) - to circles so the actual drums are clickable and different from the overmapped one
00:10:478 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This looks a bit harder than it should be, try reducing the spacing a bit. More specifically, between 1and 200:10:478 (1,2) there is uncomftorable movement and combined with a large spacing may lead to some playability issues.
00:13:907 (1,4) - THe sliderhead of the 4 isnt directly inside the bump of the 1. It would look 10x better if you did this imo. You can still keep the sliderend stacked too, just shorten the 1 so the bump fits.
00:15:193 (2,4) - I would bring these two closer to the middle to make this a bit easier for the player and expand blanket between them so there is a bit more room.
00:16:478 (4,5,6) - Minor; This feels a bit too close to each other compared to 00:17:050 (9,10). I know it looks good because of the pattern, but try playing around with it for a bit, see if you can improve it a bit.
00:17:978 (2) - i think you wanted to increase the spacing because of this sound? its weird on blue tick but i think its cooler to increase the spacing fropm that point instead of white tick before
well basically those are kind of two streams, one is 00:17:335 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - the other one is 00:17:906 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - . 00:17:906 (1) - is the note that is shared by both streams, that's why I keep it.
00:20:478 (2) - i think the execution sound for that circle is better emphasized if its under the sliderend or closely overlapped. then it will also have better readability for the next 1/1 gap cuz these are more seperated
00:21:907 (8) - This sound is a bit different than 00:21:335 (6,7). Try rotating it a bit, or doing other modifications to indicate a change.
00:22:193 (1,2,3,4,5) - doesnt really make much sense to suddenly stop following vocals here, should be 1/2 sliders on 00:22:335 and 00:22:621 like 00:26:478 (1,2,3,4,5,6)
00:33:335 (6,7) - I understand that there is a sound here, so you should probably reduce the spacing again, players might read that as 1/2, while it's actually 1/4.
you seem to be kinda inconsistent with whether you map 1/4 or not at times, stuff like these are missing:
00:33:978 - 01:10:693 - 01:15:264 - 01:19:835 - 02:14:835 - 02:15:550 - 02:50:550 - 02:53:693 - 03:16:550 - 04:45:902 - 04:50:473 - 06:07:188 -
your arrangements are either hardfocusing vocals or guitar with these ones so im not sure if you'd actually wanna map the 1/4
[01:24:550 - 01:25:978 - 01:26:835 - 01:28:264 - , etc. (all its repeats)]
[02:01:121 - 02:10:264 - ]
im probably missing a bunch cuz i kinda skimmed the song a bit. sorry if so and sorry for wasting your time if there's some reason you dont wanna change them lmao
00:35:619 (1) - I think there's a bit to much jumps here and it kinda stops following the vocals for some reason. If you do sliders at 00:35:619 (1) - and 00:36:048 (4) - it would be more okay atm it seems pretty 'random' if u know what i mean
00:38:907 (9,10,1) - ctrl g this triple for better flow, its super awkward with how it is now
00:43:764 (2,3) - This seems a bit too close, try spacing it out a bit further. Alternatively, bring 1 and 4 closer.
00:47:048 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - If u reduce the spacing on this stream (maybe like 0.7 spacing) the following stream at 00:47:619 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - gets way more contrast. To emphesize the vocal sound here
00:59:621 (1,2) - This is stronger than this (as in vocalist screaming): 00:57:907 (1,2), yet they are spaced the same way. I suggest nerfing 00:57:907 (1,2) .
Though, 00:59:621 (1,2) - might work better as a continuation of this slider pattern 00:59:335 (9). As in it's a similar sound just amplified, a jump is a whole another thing. Just some thoughts.
01:04:048 (9,1) - increase the spacing here to emphesize the strong sound at 01:04:191 (1) -
01:04:621 (4,1) - This transition is really really hard to hit, It would have been more okay if it was a basic jump, but leading into a stream is more problematic. Just bringing the Sliders and the stream closer together should work!
01:07:907 (2) - Perhaps NC this so the players don't think it's 1/2. I see why you've done it, the way it's placed indicated that it's not part of the pattern anymore, but another implication of pattern stopping (like NC) might help.
01:15:191 (2,3) - I think you can undermap this and just ignore the kickslider here, this section in the song is relatively calm/chill. Could just do 2 circles or i think even better would be more sliders during this section to give other more intense parts of the song more contrast
01:15:622 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I understand that you were going for a bit of an easier section, but spacing is too low on this one. (am I doing this wrong? am I noting too many spacing stuff?)
01:20:478 (4,5) - The spacing has to be different between these compared to 01:20:335 (3,4)- 3-4 is 1/4, while 4-5 is 1/2, and the spacing looks identical. The players need more obvious cue.
01:21:333 (1,2) - since ur rythm here is very active and kinda intense you should def make this vocal sound clickable as it stands out from the rest of the section
01:23:238 (5,6) - I fucking love that u made this 1/6 clickable, not many maps of this song has done it
01:24:050 (4,1) - A bit too harsh again, especially since the movement is completely opposite after 01:24:193 (1).
01:27:619 (1,2,3,4) - These 4 notes should differ from the rest of the pattern so that the guitar riffs gets emphesized. Even something like https://puu.sh/E8j26/5bdfd2bf79.png makes the last 4 circles stand out way more since the movement is a bit different. Also it gets a bit more intresting, I can imagine that these types of patterns gets a bit repetitive after a while, especially since this chorus gets repeated later in the song too.
You should do this in all the other similar places aswell
01:32:193 (1), 01:33:335 (1) - the snare hitsound in the middle of the slider is a goofy.
I can see the intent with 01:31:050 (1). But even still, all 3 sliders feel much more natural with no snare in the middle.
Suggest removing hitsounds at 01:31:193, 01:32:335 and 01:33:478.
01:37:193 (4) - Try moving this circle more to the left the emphasise the vocals better. http://prntscr.com/nbk0j8
01:37:621 (3,1) - These two look exactly the same while representing a completely different sound. Consider adjusting one of them!
01:40:193 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - super personal: if you listen closely then you will hear that the first part is decreasing and the second increasing in volume, i think it would be cool to somehow represent that with spacing changes instead of having everything at the same spacing. imo its bit wasted potential
01:40:621 (7,8,1,2,3) - You might want to redo that curve, I can tell that the spacing is all jumbled up in there just from looking at it. https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13196010 the 1 should be following the curve like so. Same with the other curve too
01:42:478 (1) - cool keysounding
01:57:478 (3) - suggesting removing hitsound from slider tail at 01:57:550
03:35:049 to 03:59:049 - Suggesting lowering volume from current 50% ---> 30%, maybe even 20%
03:59:049 (1) - very cool volume idea
04:02:831 to 04:36:973 - amazing section.
04:37:116 (1) - slider rework maybe? shape does not conclude the previous section well in my opinion.
my shit idea
05:38:259 (1) - keysound here maybe.
Very fun map, love the mapping style :)
01:47:048 (1) - This kiai is way to arles at the moment and even tho it 'kinda' follows the vocals it's very, very vague since its just a bunch of circles and bursts placed in the editor.
Since the drums goes Triple>burst>2 jumps>triple>triple repeat over and over again you could undermap some of the drums and add a bit of sliders where the weak vocals are.
Example: https://puu.sh/E8jdy/87f1efb3bd.png
Right now it looks very 'filler' and it's the kiai/chorus and should be a bit more intresting.
If you don't like this idea I suggest maybe do some other jump patterns (maybe wide angles idk) or maybe make the bursts a bit more intresting to give the chorus more flavor
01:51:621 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - If your going to follow this same pattern/concept I highly recommend keeping it consistent all the way through. 01:52:764 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Do the same with this and 01:53:907 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - . 01:51:907 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - This is the main part im talking about, this one connects while the others dont. Either make them all like this or dont do it. I personally think its pretty cool and fits the mapping style really well, so I recommend keeping it consistent throughout all of these parts.
01:56:193 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 03:20:764 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 05:42:831 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - cool that you used the same idea in different patternings, i like that
01:56:692 (8,9) - Subjective, but, how about to do like that? https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/13167472 Better visuals imo
I want this 01:55:907 (8,9,10,8,9) - to be a line, so I'll keep it. Second I also like as it is.
01:58:478 (1,3) - The blanket between these two is a lot different than 02:04:478 (7,1). It might help to make the map more consistent.
Again, at 01:58:478 (1), the hitsounds in the slider at 01:58:621, 01:58:764 and 01:58:907 sound offputting. Suggest removing.
and again at 01:59:621 (1)
and 02:00:764 (1)
and 02:01:907 (1)
and 02:02:478 (3)
and 02:04:764 (1)
and 02:07:621 (1)
and 02:08:764 (4)
and 02:09:907 (1)
and 02:10:335 (2)
and 02:11:050 (1)
and 05:01:688 (1)
and 05:02:831 (1)
and 05:03:973 (1)
and 05:47:831 (2)
and 05:48:545 (4)
and 05:52:402 (2)
and 05:58:831 (1)
and 06:01:116 (1)
and 06:03:402 (1)
I feel bad that you had to spend the time and effort to make these hitsounds work, but I genuinely feel that they take away so much, and that removing them will benefit the map overall. I did try it myself and it sounds fine after removing the mid-slider hitsounds.
02:00:764 (1) - Minor; Might wanna make the head and tail on the same place (not sure if that's rankable tho haha)
Right now the tail of 02:00:764 (1) - , the head of 02:00:764 (1) - and the tail of 02:01:335 (3) - make a line and even though no1 ever is going to notice that I want to keep it :c
02:00:764 (1) - ctrl g this, currently the flow is super bad, ctrg fixes both flow into the slider and out to the next objects.
02:00:764 (1) - I think this burai's a little bit. Probably not too much, but it might be a problem. Wouldn't hurt to fix it a little especially since a few other people have pointed it out.
02:21:333 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - actually good pattern, ich mag das
02:24:764 (1,2) - id suggest changing these into 4 reverse sliders lasting 4 ticks each, currently it's a really massive drop in playing intensity that's kinda misrepresentative of the song, going from really long 210bpm streams into 2/1 clicking gaps with practically no movement involved.
02:33:048 (2,3,4) - Make this 1/3 as the guitar instead, you could just ignore the triple and map the guitar since you've followed it so far and its way louder.
02:35:048 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - strange that spacing at this moment is fixed, even when there's a 1/3 sliders, after which should be bigger spacing
02:35:050 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - this is all 1/3 if you're interested in snapping to the guitar. if you want to follow the 1/4 percussion instead, i'd still suggest changing the reverse sliders 02:35:050 (1,1) into 1/3 as there is no percussion during them.
02:37:907 (6,7,8) - Inconsistent spacing is bothersome to me, while probably intentional, at least consider spacing out 6 and 8 so it doesn't overlap.
02:38:907 (2,3) - this is very awkward with the red anchor thing on the slider. yes, we can abuse slider leniency here but i think this is way too harsh. might be better to go with a straight one instead. or rotate the exisitng slider somewhere but currenlty its very awkward
Perhaps 02:41:335 (9) - NC this, 02:41:907 (1) - unNC this and than start a new NC here 02:42:193 (3). ? Maybe hahaha
02:42:050 - just a circle would probably work here as there's no sound on the slidertail, but id suggest just turning 02:41:907 (5) into a 1/2 slider like you did here 02:48:764 (6)
02:49:335 (4) - Minor; This is okay, it's not perfectly readable but it is k i n d a. Why not use something more similar to 02:46:764 (1) that has a very clear and definite direction.
02:51:621 (6,7) - Perhaps bring them closer like this: http://prntscr.com/nbk8gg Also goes better with your gimmick thing going on where 02:51:050 (1,7) - are like... Parallel? lol I dunno haha
03:14:619 (1,2,3) - Since the drums are a bit different here it feels better if u stack 1 and 2 on top of 3 so that it goes from a stacked triple into the stream.
03:37:298 (6) - Strong sound lands on sliderend, remove the repeat part and add a circle on the white tick at 03:37:673
03:59:049 (1) - id make this clickable because it sticks out and by that point the player already understood that this is slower bpm so its fine to put 1/4 circles imo
03:59:423 (1,1) - I like that u made this gap between the spinner end and the circle really short to emphesize the big sound. Cool little detail
04:03:402 - why ignore the whole guitar? I mean is not bad as it is, but considering how overmapped the map is, and seeing this undermap feels kinda weird imo, also... should't the slider be here 04:03:259 - ? https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/12999297 that just an idea, the objects positions and shape of sliders up to you if you take this suggestion
04:04:260 (2,3) - These sliders are clicked on the weak guitar riff and ends on the strong one.
This rythm: https://puu.sh/E8jJx/5085b731a3.png works alot better, especially if u stack stack the second slider on the circle.
04:10:259 (3,4,5) - and 04:10:544 (7,8,9,10,11,12) - are seperated and i thinbk also different drums. 04:10:473 (6) - is no sound at all. so both parts shouldnt be connected to one stream at all
04:10:973 (1) - I would transform this into the stream continuation and make the repeats start at 04:11:259 (2) since the sound you mapped to actually starts there.
Kinda weird to change from circular flow to the straight line here: 04:29:116 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13). I don't see a noticeable change in music.
04:37:116 (1) - http://prntscr.com/nbkc9n The highlighted part might be a bit too tight, not really sure. Cool sliders, overall.
05:29:403 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - This stream looks a bit messy with the stream going back into itself immediately, I mean it's surely passable just pointing it out if u want to improve it.
05:29:973 (10,11,12,13,1) - you could maybe curve it more so it looks better, like this for example https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/12999098
05:44:688 (7,8,9) - try using lines for better aesthetics https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/12999119 seriously sometimes using the lines could bring better aesthetics since this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/12999128 looks a bit messy imo, and this is something I noticed through the whole map, no that is bad but it could make it look a lot cleaner. Here's another example original: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/12999157 , adjusted https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/12999151 .
05:45:974 (4) - Really strong vocal ends on sliderhead, maybe do 3/4 slider into 1/2 slider like this https://puu.sh/E8jTc/6128c699b5.png
05:53:116 (5,6) - I know what you're going for but, it's too big of a distance for the same snap compared to the 05:53:116 (4,5).
05:58:831 (1) - adjust this slider please looks a bit ugly, could look better like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/12999183
06:00:259 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - try this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/12999201 stacking 06:00:259 (2,3,4) - to 05:59:830 (8) - and adjusting 06:00:545 (5) - position and finally moving 06:00:831 (6,7,8) - to make it look better
I don't want to change it because stacking a triple on a single note looks ugly due to stack leniency being different. Also 05:59:973 (1,2,6) - form a line. I adjusted the slider a bit though
06:00:259 (2,3,4) - Consider making this go with the 05:59:545 (4,5,6,7,8) as you did in previous parts earlier. http://prntscr.com/nbkfjj
06:12:403 (7,1) - 06:14:546 (5,1) - 06:21:403 (6,1) - 06:23:832 (7,1) - 06:26:117 (7,1) -
With the spacing that you've done this whole section these should pretty much be almost cross-screen to really emphesize the strong sounds that lands here, some of these are kinda passable but try to space them out WAY more.
06:30:830 (9) - the finish sound is super delayed and super off, but there is the drum that is on beat. that sounds veeeeeeeery wrong currently. so i would do a slider instead up until 06:31:259 - that point. i think it sounds sooooooooo much better