Sorry for late mod.
After playing the map a few times and after checking it through the editor I got to say is pretty bland, map felt like playing the same stuff over and over, rhythm is really kind of odd, there's some timing issues specially here 03:36:461 - , I'd like to help there but I really don't have much free time for it. Honestly there's just lack of emphasis through out the map, lots of missing beats as well notes where there's no sound that support them (I have pointed out some of them in my mods), but I can see that some effort was put into it. I recommend to check out ranked maps as well as other popular ones to get a better grasp at the basics and where to go from there, I'd like to help you out more but like I said I don't have much free time but if it's some small tips feel free to ask me anytime.
04:54:822 - there should be a stream ending at 04:55:881 (13) - with increasing spacing overtime > https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17903407/baa1 as an example.
04:45:293 (6,7,8,9) - spacing here is really bad the triple should be more separated, from 04:45:293 (6) -
00:14:309 (1,2,3,4) - what are you following here? vocals, melody, drums? honestly it feels kind of a random rhythm placed here since if it were following vocals it would go something like this > https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17903372/1248 that's an example and this goes for most of the map.
Sorry for late mod.
The map feels good to play, it has great aesthetics, fun patterns that flow well with the music (but there're some that are a bit weird honestly), interesting rhythm choices and nice hitsounds that go well with it. Overall amazing collab map and great song, looking forward to this being ranked!
05:16:545 (4,1) - isn't this spacing too small? I feel like it should be higher for better emphasis, I mean it seems off when the whole section is mostly jump streams.
adjusting it should do it like making it slightly faster should look like this: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17884076/90d3 or make it also like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/17884079/0112