00:05:915 (1) till 00:05:915 (1) - feels so hard and overmapped, the song is calm. there is too much movement
u put two of the same timestamp, idk where to u meant, but i made 00:05:915 (1) - til 00:11:747 (1) - less spaced
01:01:914 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - i don't really think the drastic increasing svs are fully justified considering what's going on in the song (slightly rising pitch). i'd either lower how much the slider velocity increases (eg. 1 → 1.25 → 1.5 → 2), or just an increase in spacing would be fine.
plus, this exact pattern shows up 4 times, it'd be more interesting if you were to change the patterning up
01:10:859 (1,2,3) - increase spacing to show its slower. the player could read these as fast triples
01:15:748 (2,3) - like these are fast, but 01:16:165 (1,2,3) is slower but they have almost similar distacing
01:30:581 (1,2,3,4) - i think you should apply new combo to every single one of these to indicate that this is 1/3
(right now it's not particularly clear that they are 1/3s)
01:51:831 (8,1) - you have to be aware of random unwanted spacing changes like this when creating a stream w/ distance snap on lol
(as distance snap actually behaves differently along with changes in slider velocity)
02:12:915 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 02:23:582 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - for patterns like these, I would use a different degree of rotation to fit the together nicely (currently a triangle and a odd one out) less harsh angles like 72* can work well.
00:05:915 (1) - I would reduce spacing (in both ending and beginning) and reuse the reverse slider in the beginning (like in the ending). As to decrease the difficulty strain of the very calm entry / exit in the map.
01:10:859 (4), 01:16:165 (5), - I would change this to a 1/4 beat slider on the 1/8 ticks right after slider previous because to its more important to follow the melody here, like what you did here 01:21:498 (1).
02:37:248 - the snares are very important in this song, should be mapped
02:12:915 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 02:23:582 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - moved and ctrl+g the sliders a bit so it maybe flows better
00:05:915 (1) - already changed but didn't update lol
01:10:915 (4) - 01:16:248 (5) - changed to 1/4
02:37:331 (6) - snare good, changed to 2 sliders instead of 1
02:14:581 (1) - it'd be a lot more interesting to vary the shapes of the heavy synth sounds here, as the curved sliders don't do it justice and blend too much with the general shapes in this map.
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19052413/57e3 is an example of what i mean, though you can pattern it how you want
02:44:248 (1) - this kick is heavily undermapped, you could probably use a 1/8 slider and pattern it with 02:44:415 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -
02:44:415 (2,1,1) - these objects sound like they should appear 1/12 earlier (on the pink tick)
made 02:44:359 (2) - and 03:03:026 (1) - 1/12 earlier, changed these 02:45:748 (1,2,3) - to better match where the buzz sound is
03:05:915 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - please pay attention for this pattern, maybe put 25%/50% speed to see what happens there
03:06:498 (7,11) - Maybe consider removing these two notes entirely? I don't really hear anything significant on those beats and the pattern plays just the same if not better without the notes imo
03:17:248 (7) - here as well
02:02:748 (7) - and here
02:13:165 (5) - and here
02:23:832 (5) - and here
02:34:499 (5) - and here
02:45:165 (7) - and here
if you plan on removing 03:06:498 (7,11) - too
03:10:748 (1,2,3,4,5) - change pattern here to something different, so that it differs from 02:40:581 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
03:13:748 (1) - kick on the slider end is a much stronger sound than the synth on the head, you could probably delete 03:14:248 (2) - and just add a reverse on 03:13:748 (1) -
04:42:498 (5) - you could argue keeping this note instead of removing it like my other suggestions at 03:06:498 (7,11) - etc to close out the final kiai with that extra intensity, but again I just don't hear any significant beat here