00:04:889 (3,4) - 00:06:139 (7,8) - These jumps are huge for no reason, probably a mistake.
00:07:389 to 00:12:746 - maybe consider mapping the piano
00:13:103 - add kiai to inherited point
00:35:961 (6) - add nc bc new section and toggle kiai off
00:57:746 (10) - ^
01:20:598 (7) - nc to break up the streams
02:24:352 (16) - could probably be replaced by a circle
00:14:442 (5) - 00:17:210 (1) - 00:18:639 (1) - These are some examples, where you added a triple rather than a double to your beatmap. These notes don't exist in the song, thus not making sense adding them to your beatmap.
There are some pretty quiet tones in this song, which you often seem to miss and instead add something else.
One thing you did really often was this:
00:14:174 (4,5,6,7) - you mapped like this in the timeline "1 - 1 2 3", although the actual rhythm is more like "1 2 - 1 2", if that makes sense.
Listening to it on 25% speed will probably make this more clear.
You should probably go through your beatmap checking your patterns, to see where you added a note too much or didn't add a note.
In regards to me adding triples instead of doubles, that was a conscious choice I made when considering the fact that I want this map to play comfortably; when playing the map I feel that doubles make the patterns far more awkward to play, especially considering the people playing this star range likely would be lower ranked than I am.
I ignored some of the quiet tones in the song by using sliders in order to keep the difficulty down.
About the 00:14:174 (4,5,6,7) "1 - 1 2 3" rhythm, could I get some more clarification on this? When I looked at the timestamp and played it in 25% speed, all the notes were mapped correctly, and the beats weren't timed in a way where "1-2 1-2" rhythm would fit. Did you mean 00:15:067 (1,2,3,4) - ?
00:14:353 (5) - well this note for example doesn't exist. i get you wanting to not have doubles that play weird but creating sounds that are not there isn't the solution. instead you could do something with a slider for example like that https://puu.sh/JM4wJ/523d40ebc9.png - the marked ones being the double in that case.
and to "keep the difficulty down" you shouldn't just ignore a lot of sounds, instead you could lower the spacing of jumps or reduce active streams for example
00:14:174 (4,5,6,7) - about this section, you added a note then a pause and then 2 notes plus a slider (essentially a triple). Although the rhythm is more like a double and another double like this
You could of course use a slider instead of a double.
To shane-sama, thanks for clarifying - I tried both two doubles and then a slider into a double and think I prefer the slider way however I see what you mean about the rhythm now. I've removed all of the triples from that section and replaced them with doubles+sliders. Have also gone through my map and tried to improve the rhythm as you mentioned.
To Emychi, again thanks for clarifying, I've changed 00:14:353 (5) to a slider like you mentioned. as for difficulty I'll be working on my maps spacing today.
Thanks both for the help - let me know if I've missed anything major.
00:15:960 (1,2,3) - i think the same rhythm as in 00:13:103 (3,4) and 00:18:817 (1,1) is more suitable for the song because it doesn't change
00:17:379 (2,3,4) - can make (3) is more close to (2) sliderend instead of making same spacing of 2 -> 3 -> 4.
it is because the whole part are following piano and make 00:17:742 (3) - no sound close to 00:17:379 (2) - can make 00:17:924 (4) - emphasis.
00:23:463 (1,2,3,4) - might just be me personally but i don't think this fits very well visually with the rest of the section
i.e. i would be expecting something a little more curvy here
00:24:532 (1) - i think it would fit the song much better if you made the rhythm here slightly more active (something like this maybe https://fackel.s-ul.eu/KM1XWyYC)
Again, I don't agree with making these parts more active. I mapped 1/1 sliders on the sounds at 00:24:534 (1) - and 00:27:381 (1) - because these are very unique sounds + very high pitched and I wanted to emphasise them by changing the rhythm. If I change either of these sliders to just two 1/2 sliders or even a reverse slider it completely goes against what I was going for here as it would be actively mapping the drums in the background like the rest of this section's 1/2 sliders are (basically removing the emphasis I was going for on the high pitched important sounds).
00:33:648 (2,3,4,5) - what about increasing the spacing of this pattern to emphasize the transition and to distinguish it from things like 00:28:103 (2,3,1,2) n 00:20:157 (1,2,3,4,5) ?
00:37:032 (3,5) - 00:51:318 (5) - 00:52:746 (9) - Usually people only use reverses when there's a sound in the song to back them up, otherwise using them seems kinda random. Would suggest removing these and just making them normal half-beat (1/2) sliders like 00:36:675 (2) - 00:37:389 (4) - 00:38:103 (6) - 00:39:889 (3) - 00:43:103 (5,6,7,8) - etc.
the reason why you should do a 1/1 slider is to be consistent with 00:41:675 (1) - because it's the same sound there and you don't do a reverse
it is the same sound, however here 00:43:103 (1) - it is noticeably louder, which is why I mapped a reverse here and a couple times more in this section.
00:45:246 (3,4,5) - too much spacing for the slow part
would be cool to make it the same as in 00:48:103 (2,3,4) or 00:42:389 (3,4,5)
00:45:961 (1) - doin this while u usually treat vocals with 1/1s kinda feels off to me both "logically" and in how it feels to play
actually if u wanna spice things up and add 1/2s this timestamp 00:47:210 - i feel is a better place to do it cuz at that point it feels more like the song is entering a new phrase to me.
00:49:889 (3,1) - if ya want to use this pair of 1/2 sliders here i feel its a bit more epicsauce if u introduce some direcrtion changee cuz if u ~feel~ the vocals here its kinda snappy (kit-TO)...u feel me?
00:53:460 (2,3,4,5) - There isn't really anything in the song to support this, also the song is rather calm right now so streams/bursts don't really fit. Would just move it.
00:56:496 - there's some sound here, suggest this to have a triple here like this
instead of having only 00:56:675 (4) single slider sitting here alone
disagree, im following the piano mainly here and passively mapping the small sounds with slider ends. adding more sliders aka having more clickable objects ruins the rhythm i made here, as I already make it more active here 00:57:746 (1) - as the song gets more intense.
00:57:389 (1,2,3,1,2) - Vocals are on and there are drums on
it would be best to make only one of the two types of instruments clickable and map the other with sliderends.
Rhythm like the following would imply drums > vocals
Rhythm like the following would imply drums < vocals
00:57:389 (4,1,2,3) HS pattern is overkill imo. Just the same sound on the ends of 4, 1 and 2 would be sufficient
00:57:746 (1,1,1) - unfortunate vocals and percussion rhythmic difference makes it kinda Extremely Funny if u mapped this phrase (tooku too..) like this. suggest cookin up anoother slightly more elaborate rhythm choice
01:01:142 (4,5) - 01:04:518 (1,2) - etc since this section is so calm i don't think these should have such active rhythm, 1/1 slider would be fine here
01:02:210 (3,4) - this pattern feels weird due to spacing/rhythm
you can increase the spacing between them to highlight 1/1 gap
or you can put 1/2 slider instead of 01:02:210 (3)
I personally don't think having a clickable object here is good, only solution I can think of is extending the slider here 01:05:068 (5) - but the vocal isn't drawn out enough to extend this.
01:09:511 (1,2,1,2) - #3910984 same as here, but for a different reason
IMO the 1/3 isn't properly hinted at with your current stacking, the target playerbase probably can't decipher rhythm like that yet so unstacking would help ease reading here
01:09:511 (1,1) - the music is 1/3 here, so these should be snapped accordingly. Something like this would emphasise the vocal whilst still being properly snapped:
Nonetheless, active objects must be snapped to the correct time signature.
01:09:532 (9,1) - This is too spaced for this kind of rhythm. Spacing should be less than half or maybe even stack (9) and (1) like you did with 01:09:889 (1,1) -.
I ain't sure nc makes sense on this two sliders 01:09:651 (1), 01:10:008 (1); such patterns usually doing without nc's. It looks more aesthetically
01:10:598 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - Vary the flow here a bit more, you maintain a clockwise jump flow for >3 seconds, there is some opportunity to better emphasize vocals through some flow changes at 01:12:026 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1)
02:19:531 (1) - To some extent same issue with the ending starting from here to 02:24:352.
Adding some variation will keep it a bit more interesting for players
Makes sense, but i mean 01:10:776 (2) it looks like a new pattern where the slider isn't involved, and it would be logical to start with nc, don't you think?
the volume of music a increasing so making 01:14:524 (1,2) - as two slider may make the buliding up feeling are weak. you can change it as four circle or at least change one of the slider as two circle is a good idea.
Some of your streams/bursts seem handplaced, making them uneven
01:18:812 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - 01:46:232 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) -
Try converting sliders to streams to make them better shaped and spaced
Little heads-up on this, streams made using slider to stream can actually also look deformed when using really low spacing after reloading a map since slider to stream places notes without regard for the actually grid notes are limited to. After reloading a map notes will basically be snapped to the next closest point on that grid.
Example of a slider to stream before reloading a map:
And after reloading a map:
Generally the best thing about slider to stream is that it can be used to make the spacing and curvature of streams more consistent, which in most cases looks the best.
01:18:812 (1,2,3,4,5) - maybe overlap the start of this burst with 01:17:026 (4) for more consistent visual spacing
I sort of second this. I though it could be better mapped like such https://imgur.com/a/eVjs4zm
Listening to the song, there is so much going on here that as a listener or player, you instinctively know that all this music comes to a breakpoint. Especially after this big buildup with the streams, I think mapping it with sliders to distinguish the cymbals, also accurately slows the player down into the following, more relaxing vocal heavy, section.
sry for the paragraph lol >.<
01:26:678 (1,2) I recommend x508 y130 so that its location looks like its own little thing, rather than a continuation of the previous jump spam pattern. If that makes sense... basically I'm just stopping the gameplay for emphasis
https://prnt.sc/c8xnPh8wP31F - the 1,2 were placed while considering the placement of previous objects as you can see here. I think both the time gap and visual spacing between 01:25:786 (8) - and 01:26:678 (1) - make it very clear to the player that it's not a continuation of the previous jump pattern.
01:28:643 - Start from here in my option this rhytm looks better https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/769987432648146985/1137466679283163166/image.png
01:31:500 - Start from here in my option this rhytm looks better https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/769987432648146985/1137467050936242296/image.png
01:34:536 - same
01:37:571 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - I think it's spacing so high for start jumps, maybe you can do smth like that? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/769987432648146985/1137467651585749163/image.png?width=1200&height=675
01:38:821 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - I think this part looks too dirty, maybe you can do something better here?
01:46:387 (1) - making a slider here a quite questionable. because the vocal change is 01:46:298 - instead of 01:46:387 - .
can make 01:46:298 (5) - as reverse slider instead of 01:46:387 (1) -
making 01:47:369 (1,2,3,4,5) - as high spacing may not a good idea. since the music stop at 01:47:369 - (with out instument, drum etc. only have vocal even the vocal are strong).
it will make the contrast of spacing are weak (kiai part have instument+ drum + strong vocal, but the spacing are same with 01:47:369 (1,2,3,4,5) -.)
so decrease the spacing of 01:47:369 (1,2,3,4,5) - would be nice to make contrast of kiai part.
01:51:853 (1,2) 2 should overlap with 1 because other circles' positioning after sliders in this section make the player think it will also be a 1/2 rhythm
It is currently spaced the same as 01:50:781 (1,2,3,4), which are 1/2 rhythms. This one is has a 3/4 slider instead of 1/2. It should be spaced like 01:57:567 (1,2) is
nerfed spacing here 01:55:603 (1) - to emphasise the jump to the slider here 01:55:960 (1) - (also it was a mod from log off now so I'd rather not change this.
02:13:092 (1,2,1,2) a little lazy imo. even though they're all the same intensity in the song, reducing the sv of the (2) sliders would make it look cool
02:18:108 (6,7) - thoughts on changing flow here? like this
(also i think it should be nc'd)
02:18:817 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Try making more sense of what which object is supposed to represent, you have especially the drums and piano in this section, but your sliders don't seem to represent specifically either of the two.
You could try for example using a slider whenever there is a note played by the piano and just a circle when only the drum is played.
02:18:817 You don't need to keep circular flow when starting a completely new pattern in the music. I recommend https://imgur.com/a/aNUprML The sharp change of gameplay direction corresponds to the change in the song