00:26:806 (6,1) - aswell as here;
if you wanted these to be emphasized as a hdashless movements, then you could increase the distance a little bit so you actually feel the impact from the dash
00:22:806 (3,4) - those standstills feels kinda inconsistent. Would rather stick to the left rights like you did for the rest parts in this section or making 00:24:584 (4,5) - this one standstill too
00:32:029 (6) - 00:39:140 (5) - 01:36:029 (6) - 01:43:140 (5) -
i think all of these could be moved back by 1/4, because the kick drum is on the red tick
00:39:584 (1) - this might be too hard as it's an antiflow after a higher-snapped hdash, i suggest making this slider vertical or at least c-shaped to avoid any rapid movements
00:49:918 (2) - didn't expect you to go to the other side of the screen while you maintained the same sound at the same place the previous time (00:13:029 (1,2) - ) so i think you can change that for consistency
00:57:473 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - what about editing those patterns a bit to something simillar like in the screenshot? (idk if everything is visible so):
Doing that i think this section would be a bit more interesting to play than currently
00:57:473 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Pattern is mostly on the right half maybe you could repeat the movement in the first four and go 00:58:362 (1,2) - left dash 00:58:584 (2,3) - Left dash 00:58:806 (3,4) - Right hyper
01:25:918 (1,2) - why did you add a hdash here yet it wasn't added anywhere else? perhaps this was a mistake?
01:46:695 (6,7) - this rhythm was quite confusing to me. why not go for 3/4 + 1/2 ? it's fine since it's the end of the map and you did it before (00:41:473 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - )