consiglierei di lasciare che si sentano gli hitnormal di default per motivi di feedback, almeno si sentono gli hitsound di base della skin con cui si gioca la mappa, anche se so che è un po' una rottura di coglioni cambiare tutto adesso che è bene o male finita
no ma vanno bene eh, è solo che se non si sentono gli hitnormal default sembra keysoundata ed è un po' awkward da giocare con i custom hs, poi chiaramente non devi cambiarli per forza
02:15:579 (1,1,1) -
02:16:524 (1,1,1) -
02:18:107 (1,1,1) -
02:19:052 (1,1,1) -
02:20:625 (1,1,1) -
02:21:600 (1,1,1) -
02:23:165 (1,1,1) -
02:24:108 (1,1,1) -
presumo che tu stessi cercando di fare dei pattern triangolari, fixa spacing
the difficulty in this map is inconsistent. the transition to a calmer section at 00:33:585 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - features a very difficult jump pattern meanwhile the first kiai is barely a 5* map. also the map starts to scale really strongly after 02:13:691 - which is weird as if you want to make a difficult map, it should be difficult since the start. there's noticeable difficulty inconsistency between each kiais that goes beyond intensity in my opinion.
I will point out specific ones on the timeline, but in general, I think after stuff past 02:13:691 - should be nerfed. while first kiai and second kiai buffed a bit more.
I don't like the fact that there are lots of drum beats that were ignored through all the map like 00:59:000 (3,4,5,1) - where a beat is missing at 00:59:237 or a kick drum missing at 02:18:895 or 00:48:895 (3,4,5,6) - where another beat is missing at 00:49:132 and so on, there are lots of them that makes the map rythm feel kinda off place and weird
this is just my opinion but i really recommend to follow the drums as they are in the song without ignoring some of them or trying to make some ovverkill filer rythms like 00:53:474 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3)
Hitsounds are very messed up right now, nothing contains hs except very few places like 00:22:217 (2) 00:26:953 (1,2,3) etc.. Consider re-copying hs
You should fix timing or resnap the circles of almost all bursts and some triplets because they don't actually fall where they are supposed to fall (maybe the song was quantized like this in purpose), they feel off beat and kind of annoying to hear that they are not in time with the song
no need for examples, just put .25x speed and pay atenttion to the bursts and you will notice it
ayooo good map
1 major problem for me is the start. the sliders are a bit too stiff and lifeless. that could be changed. they need this low start feel, not like the sliders at the choruses, which they assist the feel of the chorus.
00:13:843 (1) - -> 00:34:369 (7) - tutto troppo spaced, letteralmente è più spaced del kiai, dove la canzone è più intensa.
puoi abbassare lo spacing della sezione linkata per risolvere il problema tho. Inoltre, sarebbe più carino se seguissi qualcos'altro, il tutto sembra troppo simile e senza contrasto e fa sembrare la mappa veramente noiosa :(.
In general it seems your "filler" between kiais is of much higher quality. I would recommend figuring out some theme you can evolve over the 3.5 kiais, be is some kind of movement, tapping rhythm etc.
02:04:685 (1) - tutta questa sezione ha bisogno di essere hitsoundata per bene perchè tipo la chitarra è INESISTENTE nel layer degli hs