02:04:050 (1) - i mean a spinner gets the job done, but for an insane diff. but the section fells empty playing it
everywhere officially they have the title as "traumerei" instead of "traeumerei" though
before you ask, the reason why it says "edit version" in tags is because I added the guitar strum at the end because drain time and it's memes better then it just ending
i tried to buff this diff and nerf the hard diff, but honestly the song itself is slow enough and the beats on the hard diff are simple enough now for it to be ok imo. there's other maps that do that too because of how slow the song is i.e. https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1106790#osu/2313184
00:16:931 (1,2,3,4,5) - are mapped on vocals and then 00:18:965 (1,2,3,4) - are mapped on the drum n bass / instrumental parts because mapping those as vocals would make this hard diff too hard imo. 00:20:490 (4) - is on a drum snare i believe