00:03:723 (1,2,3) - Since you already introduced 3/4 rhythm it would be great to present it here also since its supported by both the vocals and the instruments, current rhythm doesnt really convey this because the 1/2 ticks dont have something really notable on their own
I Would recommend soemthing like https://i.imgur.com/ryuDAZS.png to better reflect this
00:08:135 (2) - this is more of a subjective thing but I tried ctrl-g and placing this on x:104 and it felt really natural to play with how the song develops, because you get rid of the direction change between these 2 00:07:252 (1,2) - and you end up direction changing only the vocals inside the objects.
By cutting one direction change you effectively kinda balance this pattern in terms of movement
00:24:458 (3,4,1) - you can get more impact out of this pattern if you delete 00:24:679 (4) - so you have a nice 1/1 gap to cover a lot of movement.
Increasing density in this section is a good idea and I think you had a nice development going but I think that it would be the best to introduce density increase in the end of this measure where the vocals are the strongest like here 00:30:855 (2,3) - . (more on this on #3016598 )
00:30:855 (2,3) - Feels really barren during mapping to go for a rhythm gap when the vocals are the strongest on the whole measure
Would recommend a rhythm like https://i.imgur.com/4CMuQEQ.png (1) is on 00:30:193 -
What this rhythm does is:
00:32:841 - If #3016598 is applied which I would strongly suggest for it to be applied, this remains unmapped with the new rhythm, since it was a slider end before. So how should this be mapped now?
00:33:061 (5) - / 00:33:502 (7) - these try to map the red tick vocals here, however i feel like the vocals are really really fluid in this section, and the drums are a bit more important, so how about we layer them in a drum rhythm instead of just mapping them as a main focus?
https://i.imgur.com/QZt6NLt.png Consider this rhythm
00:39:017 (1,2) - Vocal layering can still happen well here even if you use a rhythm like https://i.imgur.com/LdBAraD.png but on this instance you also get some focus on the melody after without being too dense on the pattern
00:49:605 (1,2) - Feels too cluttered as a pattern imo and while I understand the drop of movement is due to the calmer vocal, the flow created by this pattern almost implies a standstill.
I would suggest spreading the pattern a bit like https://i.imgur.com/puzW6AJ.png. This would also set up a good movement to the next pattern with some spacing adjustments (probably)
00:55:120 (2,3,4) - Not a fan of the rhythm here because there's not highlight on the cymbal on 00:56:664 - which is the centerpiece of your emphasis in every section.
I have 2 suggestions:
https://i.imgur.com/kXS5O3K.png If you want to add more density beforehand on the vocals and have a 1/1 gap.
https://i.imgur.com/QHS4VTO.png if you want to continue the same rhythm as the previous kiai patterns with some patterning variation
these 2 options have the strong cymbal on a sliderhead which leans closer to your usual patterning
01:15:413 (3) - I think equalizing the spacing here with somethign like 1,10x 1,20x would add a clearer patterning here forcing a walk that covers both sounds in a nice way instead of a really tame walk that is almost a standstill and then a normal walk
If you wanted to emphasize the vocal with this left-right movement then an equalization here would give this effect really well
01:19:605 (1) - after the first reverse can get a bit too oversaturated due to how more active the instrumental but the movement remains repetitive, Would suggest something like https://i.imgur.com/fMgkIKB.png if you dont want too much movement
01:25:341 (1) - It's a bit odd to start a spinner and keep it through 2 completely different melody progressions since spinners generally want to group a certain ambient sound and not mesh two different sections together.
if anything, if you want a spinner here, I would suggest ending on 01:26:223 - and then mapping the last part which instrumentally is as strong as the kiai so It would beneficial to the map if it was mapped properly to give this sort of climax before the end of the diff