00:00:745 (3,4) - / 00:02:509 (3,4) - while i understand why youre dashing these but its really offputting for me for these to have the exact same dash strength as the following dashes when the snare kicks in
There isnt a guideline in platters anymore to keep dashes clear, so you can definitely lower this a bit to create like a softer dash, i think 1,85 or something is spot where no player would walk it even though its edge walkable
00:01:076 (4,1) - I would probably move this closer to the previous pattern cause it can throw people off when the other pattern starts in the other side of the playfield while on complete silence
00:06:811 (3,1,2,1) - If u wanna stack dashes here here i would at least suggest differentiating the movement to express the vocal buildup.
for example i would not stack antiflow dashes when the vocal is building up and use normal flow on 00:06:811 (3,1) - and then antiflow on 00:08:135 (2) - only to showcase this buildup in terms of movement intensity
00:09:017 (1,2) - Думаю стоит сократить расстояние между (1) и (2) до 1.00x ради консистенси: ранее использовался такой же спейсинг 00:07:252 (1,2) - здесь. Ну и большое обилие дешей на коротком отрывке слоу-парта - такое себе.
00:09:679 (2,3,4) - Предлагаю между этими малыми сделать ~1.2x спейсинга, джамп на 00:09:679 (2,3) - выглядит немного неясно.
Не особо понял предложения, но сделал спейсинг яснее увеличив спейсинг между 00:09:679 (2,3) - и 00:09:899 (3,4) -
00:09:679 (2,3) - this dash is spaced more than the other previous ones during the vocal buildup which feels like its misplaced as emphasis
00:11:333 (3) - Незначительная личная придирка - наличие дроплета на подобных триплах выглядит немного неэстетично. Думаю, можно заменить реверс-слайдер на трипл из таких же нот.
00:09:679 (2,3) - ^
00:31:517 (4) -
00:36:370 (3) -
00:45:193 (5) - визуально от подобного больше всего страдают стримы
01:00:855 (3) -
01:15:083 (3) -
01:26:664 (1) -
00:11:333 (3,4,5,6) - if you wanna play around with 1/4 rhythm layering in this section, at least dont mix it together
this rhythm progression maps 1 guitar 1/4 and 2 synth ones, and then follows vocal. You can tell from this that current execution is a bit too chaotic feedback wise and I would much prefer a more streamlined approach like https://i.imgur.com/znoeNIc.png if you wanna go for that extra vocal focus as well aftewards
00:12:326 (1) - youre completely disregarding the strong vocal on 00:12:546 - which goes against your structure. I understand that this was made because to fit the 5plet stream but i also think that the 1/4 is so faint right now that you might well undermap it
here are some options i had in mind
i really dont know which one i like best, maybe the first one
but i really really wanna see dedicated movement to 00:12:546 - this vocal
00:13:429 (5,6,7) - Стоп-флоу момент на (5,6) крайне некомфортный, предлагаю слайдер (5) сделать полностью вертикальным для сохранения и развития флоу. Эта идея особенно хорошо будет работать в контексте последующих вертикальных слайдеров 00:14:642 (2) и 00:15:524 (4).
00:18:502 (2,3) - I would still use 2,10-2,15x here because theres already a large horizontal movement afterwards
also u go back to using 2,00x afterwards so maybe htis is an oversight? or maybe u use a bit higher ds on some dashes
00:21:370 (1,2,3) - okay yea if u wanna introduce consecutive 1/2 dashing at least do it on 00:23:135 (1,2,3) - or 00:20:046 (2,3,4) - ( i think 00:23:135 (1,2,3) - is better) and not a middleman pattern where it wont be as intense
00:22:252 (3,4) - rhythm could definitely be improved as its currently really disconnected from your usual structure.
I would recommend something like this https://i.imgur.com/sYst3d2.png
00:24:899 (1,2,3) - I would remove this double dash in the same logic as #3118290 cause this is more of a filler, less intense pattern so it does not fit to be as intense with the movemnt, especially on this intro section of the map
00:29:091 (2,3,4) - Density could be lowered to reflect the vocal hold here in preparation for the hyperdash heavy pattern afterwards. https://i.imgur.com/WPhHhZR.png something like this works nicely with what u have
00:30:193 (1,2) - this beat/vocal structure is not 2-2. It's 3-1, rhythm should be https://i.imgur.com/luy2Blv.png with the same hyperdash density.
also while we are here i would suggest 00:31:296 (3,4) - normal dashing this for a cooldown in intensity, so you can have an opening to hyperdash again without much strain at 00:31:738 (6,1) - on the stanza switch
00:31:958 (1,2) - Not that fitting to hyperdash when the previous section had so many condensed hyperdashes, the section right now is definitely calmer and normal dashing would be better
in the same sense, if u make this a dash, maybe u can walk 00:32:399 (2,3) - this instead to not make too dense of a dash pattern
00:35:046 (5,6,7) - i get the idea to map the entire 1/4 here but youre missing out on much possible emphasis here since there isnt much you can do on platter at this bpm with full 1/4 rhythm
What about something like, hmm, https://i.imgur.com/noC0aca.png this
i was gonna put a blue tick note as well but i wasnt sure if 1/4 dash fitting on this intensity, and you dont use 1/4 dashes at all so it would be structurally inconsistent
00:35:488 (1,2) - if you hyperdash 00:35:046 (7,1) - (which u should ) i would prefer if this wasnt a double dash, since the movement does not stop at all and this might be a difficulty spike that the section does not ask for
00:37:914 (3,4) - personal preference but consider walk here to have a walk -> dash -> hyperdash buildup here 00:37:914 (3,4,5,6,1) - (pairs with #3138165 )
00:38:576 (6,1) - Huge missed opportunity to 1/2 hyperdash here, 1/4 walk is severely underexpressing the song
00:42:546 (1,2,3) - Both antiflow hyperdashes here break a guideline. I think its a tasteful break, but I also think you should only use it once to get an isolated intense effect on the transition vocal that you think is the strongest
00:44:532 (1,2,3,4) - this is 1/6 + 1/4 note. And I disagree that it should be undermapped to 1/4 since wrongly snapping a note should not be a compromise when something is too dense rhytmically for a diff
A good alternative would be to just ignore the 1/6 to set up a dash from 00:44:532 - -> 00:44:752 - since the melody is strong
00:45:193 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - I have a cool idea you can try here
https://i.imgur.com/EP1A0ry.png (ticker starts at 00:45:083 - )
7->8 becomes a 1/4 dash and then that leaves good space to a dash for the triple and then hyperdash. 3 different gameplay mechanics in a single pattern truly showcase a nice buildup and I recommend trying it out and see how it works for you
mapping every 1/4 here severely limited you and u also didnt map the strong melody on 00:45:083 - which would have been a cool addition
00:50:598 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - предлагаю немного сократить расстояние между (5) и (6,7,8,9), чтобы стрим выглядел более целостным. На шейпе 00:50:929 (6,7,8,9) - можно немного увеличить расстояние между нотами, чтобы сохранить гипердеш.
00:51:370 (1,2) - двусмысленно, стоит сократить спейсинг для более комфортного волка. Без использования деша второй слайдер ощущается как пиксель.
01:08:795 (7,1) - could add hdash here for consistency with 00:54:678 (7,1) since u added a finish hs on both (1)
01:15:083 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Для подобных зиг-заг шейпов стоит использовать одинаковый спейсинг, движение на 01:15:745 (7,8,9) - может быть немного не комфортным для начинающих игроков: непонятно, стоит на него использовать деш или волк.
Помимо этого, 01:27:436 (4,5,6) - неранкабельно, как и 01:27:988 (7,8,9,1).
Hyperdashes that are higher-snapped should not be followed by antiflow patterns.
С паттерном согласен, перегнул. Уменьшил спейсинг.
А вот по поводу неранкабельности ты не прав. Это положение из рк находится в списке гайдлайнов, а не правил. То есть это лишь рекомендация, выполнять которую не обязательно. В данном случае имеет смысл нарушить её - этот парт сонга я выделял на всех сложностях диффспайком, ведь интенсивность музыки это позволяет