00:05:935 (3,2) - just be aware of how close the tail of the reverse slider is to the head of 00:07:892 (2) - and think about how slider (2) will be visible before you reach the reverse arrow on 00:05:935 (3) - (albeit extremely slight) and just consider moving the tail of (3) away from (2) slightly to avoid any reasonable doubt of players justing to hit (2) after reaching the reverse arrow
00:11:984 (3) - this slider could be symmetrical with the first slider: 00:10:245 (1) - before. Sliderend Point would be coords: x:408 y:194 because you made smth like this here 00:28:723 (2,3) - and it's a bit more consistant.
00:13:979 - i know youre focusing on vocals in this part, but for an Easy this is just very confusing rythm overall, i would focus on the beats here and make the rythm simpler
dunno, i like more following vocal here, but changed this 00:23:109 (4) - to fit the snare drum sound there
00:33:071 (3,4) - i think rhythm like this should be consistent throughout the diff, here u use 3/2 slider + circle, next one 00:46:984 (3,4) - u use circle + 3/2 slider and here 01:42:636 (3,4,5) - u use 3 circles. i think a consistent rhythm makes things a lot cleaner than it is now
00:37:022 Hmms, that beat here is for sure more noticeable then the beat 00:37:239 (1) - is placed on. Would recommend to make the slider start at 00:37:022 so 1/2 beat earlier :)
Btw. you could emphasise those sliders, by changing the slider shape. If you'd work with a red anchor, which is (lets take this 01:25:935 (1) - slider here.) exactly on the 1/2 beat tick after my recommended start position, you do charm a lot more this beat. Let me show you a screenshot so you know what I am talking about. xD
https://gyazo.com/451b50ea06d32a25b9434c740cfa6d12 + https://gyazo.com/38656e5790b6f30b10ef9ee9a61ffcdd (because of the rhytmn, you can work with 2 red anchor points here c:)
as u can hear i'm focusing more on vocal + there's important kick sound which makes new vocal pattern start comparing to 01:27:457 (3) - which contains continuing of whole phrase "звезд в небесах"
00:41:767 (1,2) - i think rhythm used here is weak, a rhythm like this 00:27:854 (1,2) - is much better imo
00:54:848 (1) - no new combo needed here imo ~ nothing special happens right here that makes sense to add a new combo on those objects
actually something does happen here, f.e. u can see that i put nc here: 00:40:935 (1) - where i emphasized the transition of 4 beats: kick, kick, snare and kick, similar happens here: 01:36:587 (1) -
but i didn't put 01:50:500 (3) - here nc bcause i though it'd be too short for easy diff, so i can add it for consistency
00:55:718 (1) - until 01:20:065 I would highly recommend to map completely 1/1 beat here. Beat is way too good to map on vocals. It's also a lot easier for newer players to stick to this "easier" rhytmic pattern, then trying to focus on vocal rhytmn.
01:03:979 (2,1) - directional flow of 01:03:979 (2) - pointing straight to the head of 01:06:152 (1) - could lead players to move to play that object next instead of hitting 01:05:718 (3) - Consider tweaking 01:03:979 (2) - to aim towards (3) a little clearer
01:25:897 (3) - i think this would be fitting better: https://puu.sh/Ikixv/13388cd094.png. and if you want to keep the rotation i would say smth like this: https://puu.sh/IkizP/986ada37d9.png because the next 1st circle feels a little bit off for me.
01:27:022 Strong beat here again - Slider (01:27:457 (2) - ) should start here and should also have a red anchor here 01:28:109
snare is stronger for my opinion, i emphasized the rhythm for the same way as here: 00:31:370 (1,2) - but forgot to nc it
01:35:245 (3,1) - Could be symmetrical in a line together: https://puu.sh/IkiCk/dce913c772.png and looks better imo. After that you could blanket these bois: 01:36:984 (2,1) - https://puu.sh/IkiDH/d0a2a86f5d.png. (Visual Fix) because it would be a bit consistant again like you did here as a blanket 01:47:854 (1,2) -
01:35:245 (3,1) - i made this special to show build-up here: 01:36:549 (1,2) - and 01:37:419 (1) - isn't blanketed with 01:36:984 (2) - bcause it can help novice to understand what to tap here by spacing
01:59:196 (2) - ctrl + h and reposition it, so you blanket 01:58:326 (1) - this slidertail :)
02:06:114 (2) - Think you could overlap this circle with the slider before on the red slidertick 02:03:506 (1) - so it has then a straight line with 02:05:245 (1) -
it's not overlapping bcause 02:03:506 (1) - doesn't exist already when 02:06:114 (2) - this circle starts to exist
02:10:500 (3) - could be similar pattern likely you have picked here 02:04:848 (2,1) - - just make sure you hug the following hitcircle :)
i'm copying the rhythm from here: 01:51:370 - 02:05:283 - to here 02:05:283 - 02:19:196 - with very small changes f.e. here: 02:17:457 (1,2,3) - so, the pattern u mentioned isn't similar to 02:10:500 (3,4) - and 01:56:587 (3,4) - is.