00:35:586 (1,1) - ok, this type of spacing isn't playing ok since u don't emphasize any of patterns this way, u do it with different rhythm here: 00:37:350 (1,2) - or with 1/4 kick-slider 00:33:292 (1,2) - which plays good and doesn't conflict with general idea structure of emphasizing rhythm size here 00:37:350 (1,2) - , but 00:35:586 (1,1) - conflicts with both of these variants and there's no special sounds to do it like this, so i'd recommend to overlap 00:35:586 (1,1) - or just to make 00:35:586 (1) - 1/2, not 3/4 which plays very weird and without lower sv
00:26:585 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - i think u could do better visual with making it not so symmetric, like u don't do it previously and there's no reason to change the visual concept completely, especially with overlapping patterns like this 00:27:997 (1) - 00:28:527 (2) - so i'd... rework it a bit to fix that visual inconsistency with deleting these awkward overlaps which ruins overall structure of visual here
Secondly, the visual: 00:12:642 (1,2,3) - this 00:12:642 (1) - seems different from 00:13:092 (2,3) - which is bad bcause i can't see it like the one pattern u emphasize the chord here, so making 00:13:992 (4) - different seems logical bcause of chord changing but 00:12:642 (1) - this is unlogical, when u use much bigger visual spacing https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19239498/c668
00:19:392 (1,2,3,4) - here i see u tried to make smth like a triangle-centered pattern which seems very dirty bcause has different visual spacing between 00:19:542 (2,4) - and 00:19:392 (1,4) - so the (1) sliders seems too far from (4)
However, u have some cool visual ideas like 00:22:842 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - despite this doesn't emphasize these drum pattern sounds, bcause 00:23:142 (1,2,3) - here u put 3 tom hitsounds which is cool but ignore other 00:23:367 (4,5) - active sounds which seems unfitty to the song and hitsounding u do here, so it seems like u like to experiment with visual but can't understand properly how u can emphasize the song with these kind of patterns u put there, perfect examples of fitting the song with the visual is this 00:35:592 (1,1,2) - and this 00:36:267 (3,4,5,6,7,1) - since here 00:36:192 - starts the drum pattern and then 00:36:342 - here u emphasize guitar beginning which is cool
Also about overlapping: i'd recommend to avoid this type of overlapping 00:42:192 (2) - 00:42:792 (2) - since there're different pattern and this looks ugly, while u looking at this map and sees this kind of overlaps and can't understand what is the reason to do this. 00:45:792 (1,3) - this kind of overlapping can be reasonable if u did 00:46:992 (6) - there https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19239525/5315 so u can see how this kind of overlapping continues the straight shape of this slider: 00:46:242 (3) - which seems harmonical to the entire object placement like u do it here: 00:48:492 (3,4,5) - f.e., and i'd avoid this type of overlapping 00:55:242 (1,6) - since u use here the spaced objects 00:55:242 (1,2,5) - and put 00:56:142 (6) - which makes a bit fine visual with 00:55:542 (2,5) - but ruins it for 00:55:242 (1) -
Also try to make some consistent visual spacing f.e. here: 00:56:442 (1,2,3,4) - u can make it more logical like http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19239537/e8d5 with making triangle or u can just make 00:56:592 (2,4) - with the same visual spacing like 00:56:442 (1,3) - so i'll be better looking jump than it is now
Also, try to avoid this kind of blanketing 03:14:842 (5,6) - while u don't almost use much of note overlapping with sliderbodies to do this, also the ring doesn't like the perfect one
Firstly, i would talk about the rhythm emphasis... 00:27:042 - 00:35:442 - i don't understand what r u trying to emphasize here, it seems like u try to emphasize everything here but instead u lose entire emphasis at all. 00:27:042 (1) - here i could understand u try to emphasize this finish drum sound but then u switch to guitar suddenly here: 00:27:342 (2,3) - and then map this kick drum: 00:27:642 (4) - despite u emphasized guitar before instead of snare drum here: 00:27:342 (2) - which seems logical if u try to make map harder, but instead of continuing this logic i see just random thing like 00:27:642 (4) - and the problem is that the part seems random to understand what r u trying to emphasize here: guitar preferably or drums... Patterns aren't fitting any of those types of sounding and this looks bad for the map which is supposed to be playable like u play the entire music, not just random sounds u hear here
00:28:242 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - here's just random jumps without any logic: the spacing seems the same, flow is the same except of reversing it on 00:28:692 (4,1,2) - which emphasizes low pitching of guitar and that's all... This part can be mapped better f.e. 00:28:242 (1) - by making slider-reverse https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19239468/eff9 (i'm not talking about visual yet) and that applies to every moment like this: 00:33:042 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - 00:30:642 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - etc.
00:43:842 - this part starts from emphasizing... Vocals maybe? 00:43:842 (1,2,3) - here i hear vocal, so 00:44:142 (2,3) - emphasizes vocals "mar-rou" and then u mapped 00:44:292 (3,4,5) - the same way despite of one vocal sound just here: 00:44:742 (5) - so it seems like u should put 00:44:592 (4) - much closer to 00:44:292 (3) - to reduce the spacing 00:44:292 (3,4) - and to differ it from 00:43:842 (1,2,3) - jumps bcause doing it the same way seems unlogical completely... And that applies to other moments like this: 00:45:042 (6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - it seems like u do almost the same spacing without any ideas to try to emphasize the song for a bit like doing here 00:47:142 (7,1) - smaller spacing than it is now
00:24:342 (1,2,3,4,5) - sounds like there're missing some drum sounds, f.e. kicks u use on every beat like before or tom drum pattern sounds
i didn't think it's not rankable bcause the site doesn't count last spinner time drain, so with that it would be 4:18, which is rankable with lowest diff as Insane
There's the set with ranked 30 secs, which has 6 secs of spinner, i don't remember this map, but i remember it exists
if so, i'd recommend to increase the spacing here 04:23:727 (2,3,4,5,1) - or make it kick-sliders or triple with kick-slider... well it's about to differ it from these parts: 04:13:909 (1,2,3,4) - 04:22:636 (3,4,5,6,1) -
02:11:402 (2,3,4) - the blanket still seems too dirty for me https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19215178/b7f4 better to unstack 02:11:402 (2,3,4) - to make it seem like this: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19215183/0ac7 with making 02:11:030 (1) - a bit straighter
u don't need to buff it, u can at least nerf this spacing 04:34:591 (3,4) - or/and how i just said: put your note a bit away from 04:34:791 (5) - it won't get harder to catch this stream, since it's already has "snake" stream flow so u can make the flow just more consistent and easier for playing https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19206263/cf0b
Consistency of what? Of shapes, huh? There're a lot of ranked maps which use the same variety of shapes etc., f.e. https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/358350#osu/787957
I said... For this concrete moment i won't change anything. Reason is very decent to me, there're loud hat drum sounds which i use to map the build-up pattern here. It's not like "there're no reason" no, there's decent reason. Saying one more time: i... won't... change... anything here!!!