00:06:182 (3) - this so underwhelming bcs there is a loud and prominsent ound that happens on the tail 00:06:301 - would recommended to map this 00:06:301 - actively and then rearrange the pattern around it ,really underwhelming even you focused in patterning here and esp this is the top diff
Since this is the intro part, I want to make it consistent with the others. And not only that, I decided to ignore that rhythm and map it as 1/2 slider because to buildup/emphasize more on 00:06:539 (1,2,3,4) - this part.
00:06:777 (4,5,6,7) - Then I map this rhythm as a circle and not as 1/2 slider previously.
00:12:849 (4,1) - wish you could use more harsh spacing on here for transition into intense section,kinda weak atm cuz it just the same to entire intro section while i think this 00:12:849 (4,1) - more intense
00:18:206 (2,3,4,5) - could buff spacing on 00:18:206 (2,3) - for big snare then nerf 00:18:444 (4,5) - cuz it just tom drum doesnt really deserve same spacing as big snare at 00:18:206 (2,3) - smth like http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16436273/9b7e more satisfying and really coherent to what happening in the drum
I don't think that this really matters, while it's true that the emphasize may be better. I'm more focused on the movement, rhythm choice, and flow in here to emphasize. (I also don't want everything to be emphasized with spacing)
Also there's a synth sound in there, that's why I don't think sharp angle fits in your pattern suggestion.
Since the rhythm be looking like hold sound, I tried to use the same flow direction.
And the reason why it's different on this 00:29:635 (2,3,4,5) - also because this part I believe have smaller pitch?/sound?
1st part wide angle
2nd part triangle
00:19:635 - not make active on this sound while others active is noticeably inconsitent ,i'd just make this active through 3/4 slider at 00:19:397 (1) - and then a circle after it 00:19:635 - http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16436287/5d97
It's true that it has sound in there, but I want it to be consistent with 00:18:682 (1,2,3,4) - this part
And if I were to map it just like the way you did, 00:17:968 (1,2,3,4,5) - This part will make it less contrast since it will have the same rhythm choice as this (even if you lower the spacing)
00:22:968 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - it sounds like there is supposed to be stream here because of the drums, i get not mapping it for the sake of jumps but maybe you could turn 00:23:028 - into a triple to somewhat kindaaa map the stream but still keeping the jumps
00:26:182 (3) - fix the wave, it isn't perfect so it looks weird because of the blanket here 00:26:539 (1) -
00:29:397 (1) - the SV should increase at least a little bit for this slider + the spacing from the last object should be higher because of the pitch/intensity of the sound it is mapped to
00:39:159 (2) - maybe move to 00:38:682 (1) - slider end as what you did in 00:39:397 (3,4) -
It's hard to explain but, basically I want the movement to be continuous so it doesn't stop at 00:38:682 (1) - this sliderend
It really is tempting to do that xp
but yeah since this is 8*, I need to be consistent throughtout the whole map (I don't want to make this too farmable)
and also yeah the outside of kiai is a bit dense because of that reason. and also the vocal isn't that much different compared to kiai and non-kiai lol
00:55:468 (2,3,4) - i dont think this needs that big spacing considering the drum in the music is faint ,and as current this takes away the contrast with 00:52:254 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - where they have actualy strong sounds
I'm trying to emphasize the vocal too, not just the drum. That's why the spacing is like that
00:52:254 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - It's not a problem on this part because it's more denser and the nc both emphasize it
00:57:968 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - this jump pattern could go in decreasing spacing to represent the pitch of the drums decreasing as well in my opinion, though aesthetics wise this could work(?)
00:58:206 (1,2) - vocal pitch in here is higher, hence I didn't make it gradually smaller spacing
00:57:968 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - feels a bit random to me ,kinda wonder why not just use spacing from biggr to low when it really fits to the drum things , http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16436333/742c
01:00:229 (1,2,3) - tbh the angle of pattern doesnt work here ,currently just looks mess and not really appealing to watch maybe could rearrange to smth like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16436346/8428 works very well around it imo
01:00:824 (4,5,1) - this jump just too strain for really calm part esp it just weak drum,avoid strain jump on calm part would be very cool
should be fine because this is 8* xp
another reason would be 01:01:062 (1) - this one is a slider, so I think it's pretty doable to hit/fc/get 300 score based on scorev1
01:07:967 (5,6,7,8) - 1/4 kicksliders on this bpm is so hard to play imo and the current patterning makes it even harder to play cuz the direction not really clear and mess ,would try rearrange it to smth clear here mayb like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16436395/d05b think would plays a bunch smooth at this bpm and this outside kiai
already tested it with a lot of top players, no one misread this and they don't think it's a problem because it flows well.
And if it's hard to fc, well it serves the purpose of the kickslider.
if it's hard to read/play, I don't think it's quite the problem and even if it does that, it's better because it emphasize that part
but either way, I don't see any players complaining on this part
01:14:632 (1,2,1) - similar issue i mentioned on an earlier diff #2265998
in this case i would just move 01:15:227 (2) - so its underneath the head of 01:14:632 (1) - instead of the end
considering this is 8* map, and with consistency from 01:13:204 (1,2,1,2) - stacked with sliderend. I believe many people will able to read this. (I haven't seen anyone misread this, so I think it's not a problem)
01:15:227 (2) - idk but smth like this would play better if not stacked imo ,also no idea why you should make the same as 01:13:918 (1,2) - while they different
It's not about that plays better or not, the reason why I stacked it with the same as the above is because both of them have the same rhythm choice, so to make it readable I made it the same
my 2nd reason is to buildup 01:15:346 (1) - This part.
And from 01:15:346 (1,2,3) - This part is also a buildup too for 01:16:061 - this part.
So it's like double buildup.
01:16:418 (1,2,3) - seems like these jumps could be at a slightly wider angle + shifted to the left slightly to make it more comfortable/consistent, and that might make it flow better into 01:16:775 (1) -
I'm aiming for emphasize here, I believe the jump angle is comfortable enough with others.
01:16:061 (1,2,3) - anti-clockwise
01:16:418 (1,2,3) - clockwise (more sharper than the first one well to give more emphasize)
01:18:680 (1,1) - personally felt the combination between these doesnt work to well , perhaps change it to smth like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16436526/c5bf ? more coherent each other ig and nicer ,its kinda minor and subjective so up to you
01:22:489 (1,2) - would nerf the spacing between this note so the actual sound on 01:22:965 (3) - got more impact as it should be
01:31:537 (3) - the two snares in the music at 01:31:537 (3) - and 01:31:656 - is really stand out and unique but you just map the second snare at 01:31:656 - as passive ,kinda weird to me when you map some filler rhythm for not standout sound and then you just ignore the actual sound with using a slider ,recommend replaced this to two circles to represent it and make sense your rhythm overral
01:36:061 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - the spacing shouldn't change between the 2 combos, they have similar intensity + the spacing between these 01:36:537 (3,1) - should be higher imo
While it's true that the song doesn't change. I want to emphasize more on the next section by lowering the spacing from previous section.
sometimes you will expect something when everything goes smooth, well, etc (usually in the movies). that's what I'm applying here.
I want to support the song and not get carried by the song only, and so I did that to give more intense vibes.
01:38:084 - could i get the reasons why you decided to ignore this sound ? this sound same as 01:38:322 (2) - to me leaving it felt incomplete, if you just wanna emphasize the vocal 01:38:203 (1) - you could just fill this 01:38:084 - and use small spacing on it
01:38:322 (2,2) - I don't hear any snares here, would remove and also would probably change the rhythm to 2 1/2 sliders so it's being mapped to the vocals
filler rhythm and also buildup so players are ready for 01:39:394 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - this part
02:13:680 (3,4) - would turn this into a 1/2 slider to map to the vocals and to be consistent with 02:14:394 (3) -
No, same part as 00:50:468 (2,3,4) - this.
the reason why I do that is because I want to contrast 02:13:918 (1,2,3) - this part so that 02:14:632 (1,2,3) - this got emphasized. by emphasizing this part, it also serves as a buildup. from high dense to low dense gradually. the buildup is used for 02:15:346 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - this part.
I see no problem in here and I probably wont change
02:27:489 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - personally would reverse the spacing on these. having lower spacing first and higher spacing after, cus it goes up in pitch. and do the same for these 02:22:727 (1,2,3,1,2,3). they dont have any spacing change rn even tho its the same thing in the music
no, there's a beat in there (piano sound), similar type as 02:30:822 (1) - this 02:31:060 (1) - and this
I suggest try to read/understand the lyrics in here first. that's also another reason why the mapping style changes in second kiai.
most song is like moving forward
while this song is like moving backwards (plot flashback)
that's why on non-kiai part
I tried to make it less denser
everytime song goes on
03:22:011 (1) - like starting from this part, it's more simpler than the first structure
04:22:011 (1) - and when you reach this part, it's well. very dull
just like an old doll
02:40:582 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - sounds like it Could be emphesised with 1/4 / 1/8 sliders to differentiate it from drums, also there's almost no audiable sound on the first 1
02:43:439 (1) - extreeemely minor, but i cant help but feel like this looks deformed, also sliderbody could blanket the sliderhead here to make it look more aesthetically pleasing given that the rest of the map is done in a symmetrical+clean style :pepeangry:
this is gonna be an xX_ExtremelyMinorAestheticsMods_Xx reply thread PogU,
02:45:582 (1) - same here
03:04:154 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - These 1-2s feel very out of place since there isn't much rhythm to support and since out of the three similar kiai's this is the only one that mapped this part (01:41:120 - 03:04:154 - 04:08:558 -
03:04:273 - there isn't any discernable sound here and 03:04:749 - here, the drums go like this in the background https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16434632/a1c5 if jumps are fine as you say, you could also put a triple in there
Filler rhythm is a thing
If I were to put a triple, it'll be too strainy since it could be harder than the last kiai
by strainy is because there's stream before
03:12:725 (5) - could map this 1/3 actively (as you've done before: 00:06:539 (1,2,3,4) - )
03:44:154 (1,2) - As I said on stream, I still think this is really underemphasized for the most intense part of this section of the song, would fit better within the maps difficulty, spread (cause the other diffs map this respectively more intense than the previous measure), and emphasize better if this was circles, with a similar, probably more spacing than that of 03:43:439 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - cause the decrease in intensity starts from 03:44:868 (1) - (btw you should probably lower spacing of 03:44:868 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - altogether) and this pattern makes it seem like it starts before that, at the most prominent sounds. This post is meant to gather more opinions in respect to this as you already rejected my suggestion.
I completely understand what you said here and agree until a certain point of the mod.
But as you can see here on 03:44:154 (1,2) - from what you mentioned earlier, there is a reason why it's mapped as 1/2 sliders.
03:44:630 - In this part, it's definitely different compared to 03:44:154 - and 03:44:392
what I want to say is that I want to emphasize 03:44:630 - this by not only using spacing since that's not enough.
03:44:868 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - for this part spacing, it's because I want the player to still have the feeling from the past. 01:17:251 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - and 02:40:582 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - you'll notice that every kiai starts with this. and so I made it like that.
For difficulty and intensity, even if this is 8*, and even if other diff doesn't follow the same as top diff. It's because top diff already has its own concept
and on top all of it, 03:42:011 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3) - this is REALLY dense, and I don't want to add more density as it will make it much harder than kiai (which are supposed to be the hardest part) because of the consistency you need to pull off in 3 seconds full of 252 bpm jumps.
If I were to undermap the previous one (03:42:011 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3) - the emphasize is basically non-existent for close 9* map since part before it is already full of 1/1 - 1/2 sliders (03:22:011).
And that is why 1/2 sliders are there.
Please do re-open if it's still an issue and if you have a question on why I did this, I'll try to answer them
04:03:439 (1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,2) - this is a cool section but i feel like guitar parts like 04:03:916 (1) - 04:04:868 (1) - could be spaced out from their blanketed parts a bit more just for better emphasis, the 3/4th rhythm is repeated over and over again for this section so i dont think readability is gonna be an issue
04:09:193 (1,2) - This snapping seems real weird to me honestly. Would recommend just not mapping them, like you did with the vocals that are 04:08:722 - 04:08:975 - ish :3