01:24:822 (1,2) - for jump pattern aes you could move these more to the left so it doesn't feel as cramped https://i.imgur.com/CkMu9ZA.jpeg
01:10:936 (3) - kinda weird but since the vocal sample is kinda delayed from whats being mapped rn I tried shortening & moving it to the blue tick and kinda vibed with it, but up to u if you agree https://i.imgur.com/W0ulMwT.png
01:16:850 (9) - maybe worth not mapping this note since it feels a little out of place in the pattern imo + the fact that there's 1/6 here makes the 1/4 a little weird as it doesn't line up to anything
03:28:250 (4) - 03:30:307 (3) - 03:33:564 (4,5) - 03:36:479 (5) - Would be cooler if all these were also linear/red anchor sliders since the rest of the section is, and would be more cohesive imo
didnt wanna do 03:20:726 (13) - or 03:20:639 (12) - since I like how its a held sound getting more intense rather than splitting it up