Section 1: 00:01:539 (1) - 00:07:016 (3) -
Section 2: 00:07:254 (1) - 00:11:301 (5) -
I feel like the flow of section 2 is too tame when you compare it to parts like 00:01:539 (1,2) - 00:02:968 (1,2) - etc. in section 1 which forces the player to snap to each point because of the timing. If anything, section 2's flow should equally be as snappy if not more because the music increases in intensity
this can be fixed by flipping sliders/ctrl+ging them so even though that there's a pause in the music, it still forces the player to have some kinda mouse movement
parts like 00:07:611 (2) - 00:09:039 (2) - 00:10:468 (2) -
00:02:611 (2) - I feel like you shouldn't skip the beat in the middle, the drum is way more predominant than 00:02:016 -. Basically do the same as 00:03:325 (3) - 00:04:040 (2)
00:06:420 (1) - tbh this sounds like its supposed to be a triple instead of what u have rn esp since there's nothing on the blue tick
ya looking at the overall rhythm of the map you have a good amount of triples and not that rhythm u had for it which doesn't rely show up again until like 03:58:558 (3) - which i'd argue a lil would also be a triple
00:21:539 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - the rhythm here is kinda random? it seems like you just put in 4 circles and a slider and just repeat it without any thoughts
there are sounds at 00:21:778 (3,3) - you should map and you should incorportate more movement
00:38:682 (1,2) - Don't really think these sliderends should be snapped that way, would be more natural if they were snapped to 1/1s to match vocals. ; at the moment feels like you're ignoring these vocals for the sake of nothing, because there are no sounds in these 1/2 beats
00:40:111 (3) - this looks a bit too much like a normal straight slider, i think it should flare out some more at the base so that it would be more easily distinguishable/not misread for a straight
I'd argue that 00:38:682 (1,2,3) - should just look cleaner in general 'cause it is really out of place compared to everything else and the song doesn't really warrant it all too much when you consider how 00:41:539 (1,2,1) - looks
00:40:111 (3) - fixed this slider to make it more readable.
00:38:682 (1,2,3) - eh... I think it's fine, I feel like it's not out of place. might need another confirmation on this one
00:40:587 (1) - i would actively map this with a short 1/2 slider instead of passively, as you were mapping the start of vocals actively on 00:38:682 (1,2,3) - 00:41:063 (2,3) -
00:56:063 (1) - changing this to 2 1/2 sliders would make more sense sicne you mapped the vocals in this section but ignored this sound 00:56:301 -
It has similar rhythm 00:55:111 (3) - as this tho. so I dont think I need to change this
I also personally like this rhythm, and the part on 00:56:301 - already got emphasize by the angle direcion of the slider, so I believe it's fine
00:58:682 (1) - 01:01:301 (2) - these slider feel really out of place in rhythm when u compare it to the overall section of
00:58:682 (1) - 01:13:204 (1) -
ok imo i really think this particular section of 00:58:682 (1) - 01:13:204 (1) - needs a rhythm rework,
my problem is that there are such prominent drums and guitar riffs in this section that following the vocals more often than not ignores it when it should be mapped because its more stronger than the vocals
this is especially on a problem on a part like 01:00:229 - because this could lead the player into misreading the timing of the hit circle, there's a strong drum right before it
some missed parts like 00:59:634 - 01:01:420 - too I feel like should rlly be mapped
just giving my two cents here - I'm not sure if this is enough to warrant as a problem, I think suggestions would fit nicely here. Considering this is an insane diff, undermapping here and giving the focus on vocals really fit nicely. Rhythm isn't too crazy here so other parts of the song such as kiai can really shine as the harddest part of the map with more comlex rhythm
I do agree with mikasa on 01:01:301 (2) - specifically because the vocal is being followed everywhere else in that section and the mapper just skips it there :3c (slider should just start on where the vocal starts)
I think 58:682 is fine tho, it's the end of a section, so the notes feel ok
same with 00:59:634 - , i don't think it warrants a vocal revamp 'cause the vocal is a longer note :3c
I also see that too ( #2259978 ) pointed that out
also ya suggestion stamp is fine
uh.. idk what this is all about but I feel like it has relation #2259978
so I rework the rhythm on 01:01:062 (1,2) - this part. if there's still a problem, please reopen.
01:07:729 (1,2,3) - would change the look/flow of the sliders even more so its different from 00:22:968 (1,2) - 00:34:397 (1,2) - which has a different slider rhtyhnm
01:11:776 (4,5,6) - Space out to 0.5 ds for consistency with similar patterns maybe? Would help make sure it doesn't get read as a stack, which is used to portray 1/4 rhythm in this diff.
02:33:083 (1,2) - it's not like that everywhere, and it's an insane so people should be able to read it tbh
01:12:014 (6) - i feel like the pause here is unnecessary because you've been following along the singers vocals previously so might as well make it consistent with a slider instead
also with my suggestion, it makes it a lot easier to read when 01:12:371 (1) - starts because most of the sliders have been starting on white where as this starts on red
01:26:299 (2,3) - this could be nerfed a bit as you only really have the big circle->slider jumps on vocals in this chorus so would make more sense to keep doing that (examples: 01:24:394 (3,4,1) - 01:19:513 (3,1) - etc) something like this perhaps?
01:34:632 (1,2) - It's the climax of the kiai and vocals/drums are really intense, however your rhythms are way too underwhelming. I'd really suggest some kind of rearrangement here using more 1/2s rather than two 1/1 repeats
02:12:489 (4) - i dont get why there is a 2/1 gap when there is alot of things still happening in the music, would map the empty space
02:20:346 (1,2) - would make this rhythm similar to what u have on 00:57:254 (1,2,3,1) - instead as It better follows vocals + instruments
02:20:346 (1) - you mapped the finish actively here but mapped it passively at 02:20:823 (2) - .
would change the rhythm so the finish at 02:21:061 is clickable
I want to emphasize 02:21:299 (1,2,3,4,5) - this part, that's why I mapped it passively in 02:20:823 (3) - here
also to give contrast
02:21:299 (1) - i have like mixed feelings about this pattern, I feel like it makes sense where it's placed but I also think you should introduce some kinda easier variant of it earlier like on 00:57:968 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - so that the players are better prepared for it
it doesnt have to be the exact shape but just something where you have to somewhat stay in place not rlly to play it
ctrl + g this 02:31:774 (1) - to make 02:31:536 (3,1) - easier to read (it looks like a 1/4 because of the repeat sliders right before)
Love the break gimmick in this part 02:35:345 - but i feel like the gap is a bit too big here specifically 'cause you only do like 1,5 beat gaps elsewhere in the 2nd half of the section (namely 02:31:774 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1) - ) - a note on 02:35:345 - could add a bit more cohesiveness for your section :3c
03:19:154 (7) - it makes sense why u did this, but personally as this entire section is pretty flowy in movement I would not stack it to continue with that flowy movement cuz rn it causes a really sharp stop
03:20:582 (6) - could just do a really pretty long slider here as an alternative if you don't want to fix the flow or add more sliders due to the guitar :3c
03:31:058 (2,1) - this is like rly close to a 3.0x difference and I think you should also make the jump same distance on 03:31:773 (2,1) - as well if not more cuz its rising in music, rn it goes down in distance
imo it makes sense with vocals to be a bad boi with the spacing contrast, don't think it necessarily needs a change 'cause it's not that obvious in gameplay
I would've prob commented on it too if it was like a hard diff or something but since it's an insane I think doing this should be ok
03:43:439 (1,2,3) - Musical representation here can be improved, if you hear carefully, the music starts decreasing its intensity from 03:43:439 - but then upscales again at 03:44:154 -. In summary, 03:44:154 (3) - mapping this in nearly the same manner as the previous two sliders doesn't fit that well, so try using some more engaging rhythms with 1/2 instead
03:58:439 (1,2,3) - wouldnt stack this instead make it have some kinda movement for difficulty progression and to match how movement heavy 03:57:725 (1,2,3) - previously was
04:22:011 - Not gonna lie but the whole ending feels way too underwhelming taking into account it's an Insane and more interesting rhythms can be used. You can try using 1/1 sliders with circles in-between and some more variations there, but as now it's literally 22 seconds of just clicking 2/1 sliders