00:18:746 (2,3) - ctrl+g for these, they would better capture the rhythm just like you did in 00:16:961 (1,2,3) -
00:21:246 (1) - ここだけ右向きスライダーだと00:21:604 (1,1,1) - の流れは良いのに00:21:246 (1) - でもったいなくなってる感あるのでhttps://imgur.com/a/MVxxIw1みたいな感じだと00:21:068 (7) - からのカーソルの動きも全体的にスムーズになると思います。
00:21:246 (1,1,1) - these slider have the same intensity but 00:21:961 (1) - it is reduced the same, I suggest maintaining intensity coherence
00:21:604 (1,1) - increase the spacing a little bit, some people will point out that pixels of those 2 sliders our touching
00:23:657 - missing a drum, maybe try sth like this so you can make 00:23:925 - be active as well?
00:32:675 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - アイデアとしてはいいんだけど、このようなジャンプを配置するような音が無いのとサビやその直前でもないのにこの大きさのジャンプを置くのは避けたほうだ良いです。あと、00:32:675 - から00:33:211 - は今までと同じボーカルに合わせた音とりの方が無難です。ジャンプは00:33:389 - からの方がいいと思います。
00:33:032 (1,2,1,2,1) - I don't see NC actually contributing anything, the usual combo would look good
00:34:104 (1,2,3): This is subjective, but you could increase the sv as it progresses by 1! 2! 3! I think it is understood this way
00:42:496 (5,1) - this is kinda weird here because ur mainly following vocal in this section but 00:42:854 - is randomly passive,
change 00:42:496 (5) - to 1/2 slider and put a circle on 00:42:854 - will be a lot better imo
00:44:639 (1) - 00:44:818 (2) - maybe ctrl g these? sv are pretty high so it will be easier for players to ss if they are facing where the cursor go
00:48:746 (2) - assuming you're following vocal, then would be better to replace 00:48:746 (2) - with 2 circle like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15081105/8197
00:51:425 (2) - actually this slider is not at all fundamental, I suggest doing ctrl + g at 00:51:246 (1,2) - to make voice tracking more intuitive
00:52:496 (1,2) - 00:53:032 (4,5) - maybe change this to 1/2 slider to follow the vocal? jumps feel like following nothing here
also consinder nerfing the spacing here, it feel kinda overspaced because the music is pretty calm here xD, doing that can have better impact for 00:53:568 (1,2) - as well
00:59:461 (4,1) - I'd work around that angle to make it a bit wider, it stands out a bit too much here imo, I'd either move 00:59:818 (1) - higher or 00:58:389 (1,2,3,4) - lower
00:59:996 (2,3) - stacking dont seems to be a good option here because its pretty intense, can space them like 01:00:532 (1,2) - to be consistent
01:00:175 (3,4) - a bit too big since 01:00:354 (4) - doesn't have piano sound. Changing pattern might be hard so I suggest this: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15081144/cbe8
02:05:532 (5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - I'll rearrange it to be consistent with the rhythm here and improve it.
01:01:604 (2) - 01:01:961で連打が入ってるのに01:02:050まで引っ張ってるのはすごく違和感あるので青線まで狭めて 01:01:961で3連の方が音取り的にもしっくりきます。
01:01:604 (2) - to be honest I don't see that this has anything to support it in music unless you do it from 01:01:961 - other than that the above is overmap
01:03:389 (3) - the slider is a bit off center. Should not be a problem but 01:03:389 (3,4) - pattern make it quite clear to see
01:03:925 (1) - ここのnc不要だと思う。
ボーカルに合わせてるのかもだけど、01:04:104 (2) ここでなんかしらの音入ってるし
01:03:925 (1) こことって 01:04:104 (2) ここにつけるといいと思う
ボーカルに合わせてるなら01:03:925 - にNCでも構いません。むしろこの曲なら01:03:925 - にNC入れたほうが自然です。01:06:782 (1) - 01:15:354 (1) - みたいにボーカルに合わせて追加してるところがあるので、俺は01:03:925 - (ほかにも同じ箇所はあります)に入れる派です。
01:03:925 (1,2) - 01:04:639 (5,6) - maybe change to 1/2 slider? I think intense jumps is not fitting anything here when you can consistently follow the vocals here
01:25:532 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - is a good place for you to put pp jumps here, but spaming 1/2 when theres are vocal feel kinda awkward because its not mapping to the song at all
01:03:925 (1,2) - 01:04:639 (5,6) - and all parts similar to here Fixed by adding a slider, 01:08:568 (2,3) - 01:08:925 (4 ,5) - 01:09:996 (2,3) - 01:10:354 (4,5) - is an enlivening expression I think it's a good idea to keep it as well as to differentiate it from other difficulty levels.
01:08:389 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - ここだけど、
01:14:104 (1,2) - and 01:02:675 (1,2) - are similar in terms of rhythm and intensity but 01:14:104 (1,2) - it has less intensity, try to do something such as 01:02:675 (1,2) - to maintain consistency
01:19:996 (2,3) - 01:20:354 (4,5) - change to 1-2 slider to follow vocal and space 01:20:711 (1,2) - out? the clap should be emphasized here imo
I can understand ur trying to make the map become harder but spaming 1/2 for no reason is not a good way to do that, u can try to put intense jumps in where the song support and not everywhere in the map imo, like 03:02:675 - is a great job because the music is supporting the intense jumps
01:23:032 (2,3) このスタック2個でいい感じに音にあった配置してるのに、01:23:389 (1,2,1,2) ここで一気にジャンプ来てるから音に合わせて間隔調節したほうが良いと思う
01:23:389 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - I don't feel that 1/2 spam was necessary, the usual combo would do well for this area
01:25:532 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - ここも全部whistle追加してください
01:31:604 (3) - could be 1/1 slider+ 01:32:139 - cirlce, to be consistent with 01:33:211 (3,4) - as well as to use some more 1/1 rhythm in this part
01:39:818 (1) - to make zone 01:40:711 (1) more intuitive - so it doesn't feel so empty, I suggest putting a circle on the trend of 01:39:818 (1) - Leaving it 1/3. try this.
01:42:586 (1) - 上の難易度なのに簡略化しちゃってるからExtraに合わせた方がいいと思う。プレイした感じひどかったらinsaneみたいにドラムに逃げるべきかもしれない
01:46:425 (4,5) - the flow is a bit abrupt since you mostly use smooth flow in this section (maybe except down beat). maybe try something like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15081232/5c02
01:53:032 (1,2) - maybe slider here instead? 01:53:211 (2) - is barely audiable as well as slider would make 01:53:389 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - more distinct
02:03:032 (3,4,5) - is a pattern similar to 00:34:104 (1,2,3) - regarding rhythm and intensity, but in 02:03:032 (3,4,5) - you left the same intensity for everything, I suggest increasing the spacing
02:25:354 (3,4,1) - ここも 02:24:639 (4) と不自然なスタックしてるからちょいスタックorスタックとかで変えたほうがいいかも こんな感じとか?:https://imgur.com/a/RRA0zbC
02:26:961 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - would do something like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15081264/81f0 so that objects are more in line
02:29:818 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - maybe something like this https://i.imgur.com/QQc0DXU.jpg here? they're different from all the others in terms of flow, and are really tricky compered to the rest
02:53:211 (4,2) - のスタックはおそらく指定ミスだと思われます。
02:53:389 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1) - の違和感の解消を自分なりにやります
03:07:318 (1,1,2) - 後半の二つのノーツは音取りできてるけど前半の1/8は音無い気がする…
それだったら画像みたいに1つのスライダーにして03:08:389 - まで引っ張ってもいいかもね https://yuiyui.s-ul.eu/e3tZsY1B
03:30:889 (1,2) - 今のような配置より03:31:068 (2) - を上に配置させたい気もする
こんな感じにしたらどうかな 03:29:461 (1,2) - にstackさせてるだけだけどw https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15093748/5911
03:33:925 (1,2,3,4) - 伸ばすリズム結構使ってるし、こうしたほうがなじみそう。overmapする理由も見当たらないし
03:53:032 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - ここ1,2の音、というかバックでそういう系の音が鳴ってないからovermapだと思う
俺はこんな感じの音取りにするけど何かしらのリズムに変えたほうがいい https://yuiyui.s-ul.eu/8qqPI8OY
03:53:389 (1,2,1,2) - にはドラムのドコドコが小さいながらなっていて、管楽器の音階が変わっているのを再現するためにもスライダーではもったいないので広がるジャンプを置きたいのでキープ。03:53:211 (2) - には音が無かったので消してリズムを整えました。01:23:032 でも同様のリズムだったので変えました。http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15094181/7f15